Peerless Blood

Chapter 81 The outrageous formal student

Seeing this money shopkeeper that Xia Jiang also knew, Xia Yuner's eyes lit up and said, "Are you that Hu Jin?"

Xia Jiang only knew that the money shopkeeper said his surname Qian when he introduced himself to him, but he had never asked the other party's full name. This time he felt wrong.

However, when Xia Jiang was still puzzled, the money shopkeeper turned around and prepared to leave as soon as he heard Xia Yuner calling him that, with a thief-like reaction.

"Hu Jin, I heard that you were suppressed because you offended someone, so that your business went bankrupt and your home was occupied... It seems that you have arrived in Xia." Irre to the other party leave, Xia Yuner said what she knew.

Seeing this, the person who intended to leave stood up, turned around and said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect the princess to remember me, Hu Jin. I'm ashamed..." Now he actually admitted Hu Jin's identity.

Xia Jiang didn't know what the story was about. When he thought of doing business, he was also a little interested, so he wanted to ask. However, Hu Jin saw Xia Jiang and Xia Yuner together and couldn't help looking at him suspiciously.

"Before... Um, Hu Jin, what are you doing looking at me like this?" When Xia Jiang saw that the other party looked at him suspiciously, he was a little puzzled and simply said half jokingly, "Let's talk about it. Why did you come to my Xia country under a disguised name? Is there any intention?"

Hu Jin really deserves to be a very famous person in the business world. He knew at a glance that Xia Jiang was just joking, so he had to smile bitterly. On the contrary, he was a little suspicious of the identity of the other party, but at this time, he was not in the mood to ask these questions again.

"by the way, several of my subordinates also came to this college for assessment. When they all come over, I hope you two..." Hu Jin said his real intention to wait here.

Of course, Xia Jiang can't see what kind of person Hu Jin is. Now he doesn't joke anymore. He said, "It seems that Brother Hu Jin wants to rise again. You really have courage. Naturally, this little busyness is not a problem."

While waiting, the next few people said something to each other. Xia Jiang also knew that Hu Jin had been brilliant in the Yin Kingdom. Xia Yuner knew how Xia Jiang and Hu Jin knew each other, and Hu Jin also knew that Xia Jiang was the ninth prince of Xia and the reason why Xia Yuner met him.

After a while, when the few subordinates mentioned by Hu Jin arrived, they were unable to obtain the candidate assessment qualification without exception, and immediately several people took them to complete the task.

For Xia Jiang, who has been a man for two generations, it is natural to complete several tasks that have been completed, but Hu Jin seems to be more professional than him and has his own set of plans. He is worthy of being a person in the business world for a long time.

In less than an hour, all the tasks of several people were completed.

"Hu Jin, your four apprentices are really well qualified. I don't know where you plan to fight the world after starting from this college?" Xia Jiang was curious to see that Hu Jin was by no means a person who lived under people for a long time. He didn't know what he planned to do in the future.

When asked by Xia Jiang, Hu Jin looked at Xia Jiang sharply and said, "Mr. Jiang, if you read it correctly, your so-called refiner friend should be you, right?"

It turned out that Hu Jin had seen through Xia Jiang's identity for a long time, but he had his own mind, but no one had revealed it.

Xia Jiang wanted to say something as soon as he saw that the other party was so shrewd. He only listened to continue to say, "On the one hand, I came to the students this time to cultivate a few bones, and on the other hand, I plan to ask you for help. If you have your refining ability, I believe it is just around the corner to open up a territory in Yanqiu City."

"Oh? Brother Hu, you are really easy to calculate. Even a little refining means have become part of your future blueprint. Now God's will is on your side..." Xia Jiang looked at Hu Jin, calm on the surface, but secretly happy inside. In the future, if there is this Hu Jin helper, Xia Jiang can indeed open up a world here.

"Where is it? Compared with Mr. Jiang's concealment of identity and good refining methods, Hu Jin's ability is nothing..."

Xia Yuner on one side is not interested in flattering each other. He said directly to the theme, "Don't be polite to each other. Why don't you talk about it directly? How do you plan to cooperate? Starting in Yanqiu City? After all, this business school is full of children of rich families. They all have their backs. The competition must be very fierce."

"Of course..." Hu Jin nodded and simply looked at Xia Jiang and said, "Well, 'Mr. Jiang', you might as well help refine the refiner. I promise that your results will be a hundred times and a thousand times the value!"

"Cough..." Xia Jiang thought he heard it wrong and immediately stressed, "Sorry, do you think I came to this college to practice? Is it to help people refine?" With that, he smiled, but it didn't mean that he felt that if he heard his ideals, he might be regarded as an idiot.

On the contrary, Xia Yuner faintly saw Xia Jiang's dark intention. She couldn't help but be slightly moved, and she couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Hearing the two mention the refinery several times, it seems that Xia Jiang is really talented in refining. The sword he gave her a few months ago should have been made by himself.

Although Hu Jin had the ambition to never succumb to others, he couldn't help but be slightly moved by Xia Jiang's firmness. Seeing that he couldn't convince the other party, he immediately waved his hand and said, "Then I won't talk more with a few people today. Let's go to do the task first. See you then at our college."

After saying that, Hu Jin left with several of his subordinates.

Looking at Hu Jin's departure back, Xia Jiang has only one idea in his heart. Sooner or later, he will let Hu Jin be willing to take care of himself and take root in this Yanqiu City.

"You and I have completed the first task, and the next second task..." Xia Yuner immediately motioned.

The second task is to improve the management ability of repair partners.

After thinking about it, Xia Jiang wants to say what he thinks. As long as both of them grasp the cultivation and both have breakthroughs, their perception and refining ability are equivalent to mutual improvement of business ability, and there is no basic way.

But Xia Jiang was interrupted by the movement of the crowd before he could speak.

"Go away! Don't stand in the way here!"

"...What the hell are you doing standing here? Get out!!"

"Didn't I hear you get out of here?"

Several examiners around their arrogant torso quickly came to Xia Jiang and the other two.

"This beautiful freshman, our son is an official two-star student of this college. Now he has ten consecutive shops in the college's magic weapon market. He sees your extraordinary temperament and invites you to be his partner!" One of the strongest people said extremely attentively to Xia Yuner.

"This will be the most dream opportunity for freshmen. Our son is the representative of the college's largest joint store..."

"There are tens of thousands of female students who want to practice with the prince every day. Now the prince can take a fancy to you at a glance, which means... you are the luckiest one in this enrollment!"

Several people told Xia Yuner in extremely ** words, eager to express how noble their son was and how happy he was to be selected as his companion!

But their round of invitations had not been finished yet, but Xia Yuner lightly refused: "Sorry, you have the wrong person. I already have a partner." Xia Yuner said retreat and also signaled to make Xia Jiang's figure more conspicuous.

In his previous life, Xia Jiang felt that men should always protect the people around him, especially their own women, but in this life, when Xia Jiang and Xia Yuner were together, his concept changed. He felt that he should always let women come forward and make more brilliant, this is the real man!

However, at present, Xia Yuner does not cooperate with his ideas, but encourages his figure to face him, which makes him embarrassed. That is to say, the other party, like his idea, hopes that his partner can have more opportunities to shine.

Yes, neither of them pays attention to these people and those princes at this moment, even if the other party is a formal student!

"What, are you still ignorant? Our son value her. You can obediently release the blood deed with him now. Maybe our son will be happy and compensate for the loss of your bloodline.

As this person said, if a person and his partner release the blood contract, it will cause great damage to the bloodline, and the least is to reduce the potential of the bloodline a lot.

"You, go and tell your son that we still have something to do and don't have time to play with him here. I advise him not to hinder other assessment students here!" Xia Jiang said calmly.

"What are you talking about? Do you know who you are talking to? I don't think you're going to hang out in this college, do you? One of the big man, who was taller than Xia Jiang, said condescendingly.

"I'll give you a chance. We'll take it as if we didn't hear what we said just now. Can you say it again and solve it?" A person is more fierce than the former, and his voice is cold, with a faint meaning of threatening the other party's life.

Listening, Xia Jiang couldn't help looking up and glance at the so-called prince. He saw that the other party's eyes were still constantly scanning around, with a completely charming look. Obviously, the so-called search for a partner was just a cover. In fact, Xia Jiang doesn't have to go to know that as long as he has been assessed in this college, I'm afraid no one pays attention to the importance of his partner, not to mention how can a formal student change casually?

However, Xia Jiang doesn't care. It doesn't change because of the actual intention of the other party. Whether the other party is really looking for a partner or not, it is definitely not feasible for him.

"I also give you one last chance. If your son is willing to stop now, it's okay. If he continues to be so rude and unreasonable, hum!" Xia Jiang's tone was calm, but he was smart enough to hear the cold.

When several people heard Xia Jiang's words, they couldn't help but think about it secretly and were slightly moved, but under the attention of the prince behind them, they became tough again. One of them stared at Xia Jiang and said, "Well, I'm watching him here. Go and report his words to the prince truthfully!" After saying that, one hand was still groping on his body, as if he was going to do something.