Peerless Blood

Chapter 84 Shadowless (Second Update)

The huge monk, who swelled to six or seven meters, rushed to Xia Jiang and wanted to press down with a palm and smash the weak monk in his eyes, but then he saw another sword move from his opponent waved out. Seeing this situation, the practitioner was no longer obsessed with absorbing the sword spirit, but snorted coldly, "The monk is a monk. In front of this practitioner, he still thought about the third move?"

With that, I only saw its palm patted with a person and a sword. Just a huge palm, there was the size of a person in an instant.

But the following scene was unexpected. The sword spirit, which should have been quickly absorbed by the huge palm again, did not enter the palm and began to maintain the established trajectory of the sword, like a meteor crossing, leaving a dazzling gray and dark light in mid-air, as if the earth had collapsed and flying sand. The degree of strangeness is indescribable.

Naturally, Xia Jiang encountered this kind of attack for the first time. After the combination of the demon-eating sword and the golden sword, he was not sure whether the power would be enhanced.

But then he could see that the dark gray light passed by, and the magic weapons of the practitioner's clothes were all broken and the energy leaked out, as if a balloon had been punctured, and the whole six or seven meters of huge body was quickly returned to the prototype.

Seeing this scene, Xia Jiang's heart immediately went all out again to urge the power of blood and enter this brand-new demon-eating sword!

"This is..."

Feeling the brand-new demon-eating sword, Xia Jiang couldn't help but be shocked. He found that the demon-eating sword seemed to have become a huge world! The original magic-eating sword can only store its power by relying on the sword body of the magic-eating sword area, less than a cubic space, but now it is worthy of the essence of the five-grade sword. Its unique ten-metal nature makes the sword body full of countless tiny metals. When the demon-eating sword is filled with the power of blood, the power of blood enters at the same time. Among those tiny metals, it is like a tiny demon-eating sword, which seems to have countless demon-eating swords in the sword body, making the stored power almost infinite!

Wanjin devours... This is my new demon-devour sword!

Seeing that the other party was beaten back to its original shape, Xia Jiang did not hesitate, and the power of blood immediately broke out. All the breath around him entered the demon-eating sword at an unknown speed many times faster than before, and the size and even the appearance of the sword body did not change. Outsiders could not see what the power this sword contained.

zi zi——

Some people are not used to eating the magic sword becoming lighter. Under the influence of Xia Jiang's blood, he cut out with a sword with all his strength. The animal is as fast as lightning, and ordinary people can't see the specific movements of his moves with the naked eye.

This feeling made Xia Jiang suddenly understand deeply, and he couldn't help but understand the deeper mystery from the demon-eating method. The old man's sword moves also appeared in his mind again with completely different concepts.

"Every time I make progress, I realize something new from the sword moves demonstrated by the old man. This is... the real infinite change!"

In the face of Xia Jiang's sword and became a little embarrassed, at this moment, Xia Jiang faced another attack and no longer dared to hold on. Unexpectedly, he took out a blue cloth belt from his body. Under a slight dance, it turned into infinitely long continuous cloth strips, wrapped all over the sky, like the same whole sky, by strips of white clouds. The atmosphere is embellished, which is even more endless.

Xia Jiang's sword was cut out, extremely sharp, but it was constantly resolved by this piece of blue cloth, and in the end, not even a piece of cloth was cut.

"That's right, it's worthy of being a practitioner!"

Seeing such a situation, Xia Jiang was still not oppressed. At this moment, he felt extremely confident in his strength. Even though he still knew that there was a huge gap between monks and practitioners, he was even more excited!


With a secret shout, Xia Jiang took the initiative to rush into the blue ocean. His body rotated, his sword rotated, and the power of blood was urged with all his strength. The magic addiction broke out in an unprecedented state. Everything around him became traceable. Originally, it was just a world of particles, but now it seems that even left traces of time. , more clearly visible.

The blue cloth strips are waterfall-like flowing water in his eyes. Water is flowing, not in a fixed form. It does recover as before. The more rapid the water flow, the more unable it is to change its shape. Finally, it continues to flood the earth.

Seeing the mystery of the blue cloth belt, Xia Jiang's rotating figure stood up, landed with one foot, the sword jumped, and then a carp straightened up. His body jumped up like the monkey fish, and then he suddenly rotated, and the sword in his hand rotated with his body. The real sharp cutting power of the new demon-eating sword instantly During the outbreak, the blue cloth was gradually rotated by him to form countless layers of a whole. And as it rotated faster and faster, the blue cloth that seemed to get to know more and thicker suddenly exploded, and then began to break apart and was crushed by this sword!

"Let's take this move! There is no shadow in the universe!"

Tore up the blue cloth, Xia Jiang shouted in a low voice, tore up the cloth, and finally stored enough power to kill the demon-eating sword towards the target.

I saw a dazzling light flashing from mid-air, as if it was just an illusion. I suspected that I was dazzling. Looking at it again, I found that nothing seemed to have happened.

The practitioner's eyes widened and saw his opponent tearing the cloth in mid-air and immediately put his left hand on his left shoulder. He seemed to do the next move, but before he finished this action, his body stopped abruptly.

When Xia Jiang only felt that this move was displayed, he felt unprecedented pleasure and fell to the ground, but he saw the practitioner who was still preparing to fight back at the moment before. His body was actually divided into two and fell to the ground.


Xia Jiang looked at the body of the practitioner who fell in half in disbelief. It was completely unexpected that a practitioner was killed by him!

But at this time, Xia Jiang could not allow him to think more. His eyes immediately fell on the second practitioner, but at this moment, he saw Xia Yuner playing the flute and walking step by step to another who should have been a strong practitioner, but stood there like a motionless puppet.

Xia Yuner's footsteps were very slow and light. If he hadn't paid attention to his feet, he would have thought he was floating. When he came to his opponent, the practitioner's facial features began to ooze blood, and his whole face changed rapidly, as if it reflected the earth-shaking changes were taking place in his body.


Like Xia Jiang, in the slight sound of Xia Yuner's flute, a practitioner turned into a corpse in an instant! Unlike him, the body is almost intact, and there is not even a trace of scar on the surface of the body.

Two practitioners died here!

Xia Jiang looked at Xia Yuner and really felt Xia Yuner's strength. Originally, he felt that he had many powerful abilities, but he never thought that her magic weapon was more powerful than his demon-eating sword. The little bamboo flute looked easy to break the weak and wind, but it was more powerful than his strange and horrible demon-eating sword. Interrence.

The two practitioners died, and the pressure was light, and Xia Jiang's eyes immediately turned to the mount.

And the man on the mount was like seeing a ghost. He was no longer arrogant before, urging the mount to turn around in an instant and leave.

"Hight!" Xia Jiang shouted and immediately caught up with him. He stepped on his body and jumped into the air. However, he heard a call from behind him, but Xia Yuner asked him not to chase him again.

"Nine brother! Don't chase him, let him go."

Originally, with the speed of the wind ball and the breakthrough of cultivation, he was able to catch up with the mount between his two breaths and take it down in one fell swoop, but when he heard Xia Yuner's voice, he had to stop.

"Well, I just want to tell him that he has time to teach him more about how to be a man with his tail!" Xia Jiang looked at the fast-moving mount and said.

Xia Yuner listened to Xia Jiang's words and reluctantly squeezed out a smile and said, "Brother Jiu, you are really confident. It seems that you are really not afraid to disturb the hatred of the people behind him."

Xia Jiang knew that Xia Yuner was not in a good mood. Obviously, it was not her intention to kill people at the moment, but in the face of such an opponent, if she did not go all out, she would die in the end.

"Let's go, it's not appropriate to stay here anymore, it seems..." Xia Jiang said. Originally, he wanted to continue to practice in the training ground, but in the first battle just now, he not only accidentally refined into a new demon-eating sword, but also greatly increased his cultivation, which was more effective than he had originally expected in the training place.

After all, after this battle, he killed a strong man at the level of cultivation with his own hands. Of course, although he also knows that he has certain luck and luck, it can also show that even if he is higher than his level, he is not completely invincible.

Hearing Xia Jiang's words, Xia Yuner immediately paid attention to the meaning. Without saying more, she immediately played the bamboo flute. With a completely different flute sound, she remembered the call of the giant bird in the sky.

Sitting on the giant bird mount and soaring with the giant bird, the two were silent in this swimming for a moment.

"Can you show me your sword?"

I don't know how long it has been flying aimlessly with the giant bird. Xia Yuner couldn't calm down and said, then she also glanced at Xia Jiang, and then her eyes fell on his demon-eating sword.

Listening to the other party's request, Xia Jiang thought of the snowy mountains again. He thought that the last time the other party asked him for a sword, he was discredited by the man in white. This time, his demon-eating sword had been reborn and had just gone through an abnormal war.

"Can I see your bamboo flute?" Xia Jiang handed the demon-eating sword to the other party, but also put forward his own request.

However, this time he did not ask to see the right aspect. I don't know why, the more he wanted to see it, the more he felt that it was best not to see it. He suddenly became more obsessed with this hazy but clearer feeling.

Xia Yuner no longer seemed to have such a keen intuition at this moment, but took the demon-eating sword with some expectation, and then handed her bamboo flute to the other party. Unexpectedly, she began to immerse herself in the demon-eating sword with some dementia.

And at the moment when the other party took over the demon-eating sword, Xia Jiang couldn't help moving. He found that this time the demon-eating sword did not absorb the power of the other party's blood? This discovery made him suddenly react.