Peerless Blood

Chapter 90 Threat (Second Update.!)

Seeing that the other party completely ignores himself, it seems that he is not worthy of the other party's greeting at all. This feeling makes Xia Jiang feel a little interesting. Then he continued to go to the last neighbor, but found that the man had not come yet, so he simply returned to his living space for the time being.

On the first day of school, there seemed to be no movement except after receiving a magic weapon gift, which made Xia Jiang a little confused. It had been rumored that the hierarchy in higher colleges was very strict, and low-level students could not get along well or even do nothing all day, while higher students were completely the opposite.

I don't know if those rumors are true. Xia Jiang has been meditate for a long time. Just as he was ready to wait like this for the time being, the only belated neighbor who did not greet took the initiative to come to the door.

"Hello, what level of student are you?" The neighbor who came to greet him asked Xia Jiang's grade.

Xia Jiang was slightly stunned and looked at the man, finding that this person seemed to be a little familiar, a little like one of the thousands of super rich people that day.

"That's right," the man saw that Xia Jiang refused to answer the level and smiled, "I want to change places with you. You can make a price!"

"Change the place, what do you mean?" Xia Jiang was a little puzzled, but his intuition was that the other party had bad intentions.

Sure enough, under Xia Jiang's unhappy performance, the other party immediately became direct and said, "Seeing that you can appear here, it means that your level is not too low. You should not know that there is no residence regulation in this imperial courtyard. It's very simple. I like the structure of your space and want to exchange it with you, as long as you offer a price. , tell me, how much?"

Through this period of boredom, Xia Jiang also learned about his "shell" space. As the other party said, it is indeed an independent space, but this space is not fixed. It can leave this floor and move it to other places, such as those shops floating outside, which are the original unique Stand up space.

"How much is the price? Sorry, why should I exchange it with you?" Xia Jiang listened to the other party urge himself as if he had privileges and smiled faintly.

"Well, I'll tell you more directly, your neighbor," the man said, pointing to the space where the owner of the red dragon is located and said, "Red Master, he is the second young master of the 'Blood Crystal Hall' in Yanqiu. Do you think he deserves his neighbor based on your identity?"

"The second young master of the Blood Crystal Hall? ..." Although Xia Jiang and Xia are nominally subordinate to the Dugu Empire, they are actually not people of the Dugu Empire at all, and they don't go home all year round. They don't know that many things are not strange, including this "blood crystal hall", which he has never heard of so far.

"What? Don't you even know 'Blood Crystal Hall'? The man looked at Xia Jiang as if he were looking at a local steamed bun and said, "It's really a local steamed bun. I have nothing to say to you. I'll just say it directly. Even if you don't want to change it for me, sooner or later someone will want to exchange it with you. Don't come to me when you regret it!"

Xia Jiang listened to the words of contempt and threats, as if it were true. He couldn't help but feel ridiculous and said, "Really, I have to thank you for telling me these things, but it's a pity that I'm not interested in what you said..."

After saying that, Xia Jiang ignored it and closed the space door.

Outside the door, the man was closed by Xia Jiang, and the smile on his face suddenly stiffened, but he sneered repeatedly: "Good boy, you are so faceless. Wait and see!"

A total of three hours passed quickly. At six o'clock, it was time for the old students to start school. At this time, Xiajiang's jade card finally began to receive a large amount of information.

"... According to the student level, the tax and space maintenance fees to be paid are respectively: first-level students, commodity transaction taxes and fees are 50%, that is, 100 crystal transactions need to be paid to the college, and the second level is 10 per cent, and the tax needs to be increased by 50% for each higher level, and according to the amount of taxes and fees paid, students will continue to accumulate. The second is the space maintenance fee. Students at different levels will enjoy better space, but they also have to pay the corresponding maintenance fee, one five-grade crystal/monthly, two, four, and the cost will be doubled for each higher level of the student level... According to the student level, the corresponding number of tasks, CET-6 students will be obtained. There will be six tasks a month, and each failure of a task will be punished by an additional monthly space fee..."

This... is the beginning of school?!!

Finally, after reading all the information, Xia Jiang knew that he was an official student and had officially started school!

The colleges of the world, especially the Imperial College with an extremely strict hierarchy, are completely different from the schools in his previous life. There are no teachers in this college, only seniors. Seniors are divided into prospective seniors, seniors, university presidents and general seniors. However, students are absolutely not qualified to see seniors when they have just arrived at the college. Unless they have made a lot of contributions, it is taxes and fees in this business school. The more taxes and fees are paid, the higher the level of students will be, and according to the comprehensive performance Achievements can qualify for the senior, and this is only the qualification for seeing the senior. Next, it still needs to work hard to get the leadership of the senior.

Now, as a new student, what Xia Jiang needs to do is to do business. He uses the capital in his jade card to trade in this college to make money and ensure that he can survive. If the money in the jade card is used up, he will either wait for the downgrade or use his own money to force to buy jade. The currency in the card, and if you buy this academic currency, you still have to pay the corresponding taxes and fees.

In each student's independent space, there is a special area, where there is a small photosphere. Xia Jiang can directly use crystals to exchange jade currency, which is like a big photosphere on a giant mountain.

After Xia Jiang learned more and more about the common sense of this college, his first task began to appear in the jade card.

"Xiajiang, a CET-6 student, task 1: Go to the college's magic weapon warehouse to collect 600 pieces of super first-class treasures and sell them. The price of each piece is calculated based on ten three-grade crystals. After the task is sold out, the jade brand will automatically deduct the cost price and taxes, and the task will be completed."

"This is my first task. Why does it look like a lot of money? Originally, I remember that the price of the super first-class treasure I sold was dozens of three-grade crystals, and the cost price was only ten..." Xia Jiang only used his brain to feel that his task should make a lot of money.

But of course, he is not really stupid enough to sell it directly. Isn't he a refiner?

"Very good! There is only one task now. I'm not in a hurry..."

Xia Jiang thought about it and immediately went out. According to the instructions on the jade plate, the warehouse of the college was in the center of all the super buildings.

However, when Xia Jiang was about to go out, he found several tall figures standing at the door, obviously waiting for him for a long time.

"Don't go, boy. We have something to tell you!" A total of three people, a big man with a body of more than three meters, looked down at him.

Almost in an instant, Xia Jiang remembered the strange super rich neighbor who had warned him.

"Say it, what's the matter?" After a little thought, Xia Jiang immediately calmed down and glanced at the three people.

One of the three men looked at Xia Jiang with completely contempt and said lightly, "We have rarely taken a fancy to your space. We ask you to move out of here immediately, and he will arrange another space for you."


Xia Jiang frowned and found that this tone and words were so similar to the threat of the strange rich young man. Unexpectedly, he didn't even need money and let him move out directly!

"Don't you hear clearly? I'll say it again..." The big man's eyes in the middle became more terrible and began to repeat.

Looking at these people, Xia Jiang's eyes are indeed very deterrent, especially their age, which is 30 or 40 years old. Most of the students in this age are pseudo-students. They do not want to graduate from here, but live in it. Originally, the older they are, the more unreasonable their existence will be, but as long as there are high-level students behind them to support them, they are not limited by certain rules of the college and can stay in the college forever.

"Stop it, I heard it clearly, but if you find the wrong person, I will never move out." Xia Jiang said word by word.

Originally, he only listened to some rumors and knew that the business school prohibits random martial arts, but now he has become a formal student and knows the rules here better, so he is not afraid of what will happen to these people.

Hearing Xia Jiang's direct refusal, the big man suddenly became angry and said fiercely, "Kid, I advise you to get to know each other. Don't think that the college has rules for banning martial arts, and we can't touch you! You will definitely regret it if you offend us!"

"Less? Regret?" Xia Jiang smiled and was not moved at all. He knew that now he was just a freshman, unknown and strange. These people did not know themselves at all. No matter how much they were, they were just scared. He acted stronger, and the other party did not dare to act rashly. Once he showed weakness, the other party would have no fear.

Sure enough, when Xia Jiang saw the threat of the three of them, he not only did not show fear, but even laughed. His expression changed slightly and he did not escape from Xia Jiang's keen eyes.

"It's good to dare to do it openly and rarely. Then listen, I'll challenge you now!" The big man said, suddenly stepped out and pointed to Xia Jiang with one hand.

Martial arts are not allowed, but the challenge can be justified. On the duel stage, the two are life-and-death battles. Unless someone takes the initiative to apply for the protection of the college, the college will not come forward to protect them.

How could Xia Jiang not know that the other party would have this move, but he looked at the other party and said with no disdain, "What level is your student level?"

"Level 5!" The big man did not hesitate, and the power of his blood stimulated the jade card to show the effect of the jade card. He only saw a college pattern on his body, and a level number appeared in the center of the pattern, which was the fifth-level student.

Looking at this college level, Xia Jiang also urged the jade card, showing a brighter pattern and a six-level logo on him. He said disdainly, "You are only at level five, and you are not qualified to challenge me." Generally speaking, low-level students are not qualified to challenge high-level students, which is also one of the rules.