Peerless Blood

Chapter 111 is already a prospective senior

Several people saw someone coming in, and their movements were slightly restrained. Looking at this person, they saw that he was just a teenager.

"Ky, it's closed here today. Let's go somewhere else!" One of the people who smashed on that side said.

Naturally, the person who comes is not someone else, but Xia Jiang who came here to meet Juefeng. Naturally, it is Juefeng standing behind the counter at this moment.

Xia Jiang came into his store and saw that the things were smashed at a glance, and he immediately locked a few people present.

"Kidn't you hear me talking to you?" Seeing that the teenager completely ignored him, the man shouted again.

Xia Jiang stepped forward and asked Juefeng cleanly, "What do these people do?"

Juefeng recognized Xia Jiang at a glance when he entered the door, so he stopped, but now as soon as he heard Xia Jiang's inquiry, the hand moved to his forehead again and untied the cloak. Suddenly, a white skull appeared from inside.

This situation is extremely strange and horrible. A living person suddenly found that it was a skeleton. How could it not be surprising?

And at this moment, the skeleton continued to make a sound: "They are going to forcibly rent this shop and let us get out!" Compared with just now, this voice has become illusory and extremely strange.

At this time, the original shops closed and made a loud noise.

almost exploded with this loud noise. Those people's scalp suddenly tingled. Looking at the skeleton shopkeeper, they all stood up straight and couldn't help saying, "You...what the hell are you?" Obviously, it has never seen such a human form as Juefeng.

Several subordinates looked uneasy and scared at this time, but the one who smashed the counter seemed to be bold. Suddenly, he turned around, waved his huge palm, and attacked the arrogant teenager, moving rapidly! This action alone can judge that long after the teenager said his first sentence, he was prepared, but he couldn't help doing it for a while.

However, Xia Jiang is naturally not a fuel-efficient lamp. He has long noticed that this person has locked him and is ready to kill him as soon as he takes action. After all, it is only in the city. It is common to kill people and sell goods or something. As long as you do a little investigation of the target in advance, it is foolproof.

Xia Jiang's movements were extremely fast, just in the second when the other party punched. His head was tilted, and his whole body twisted like a snake. His five fingers bent into claws, using the same trick he had used not long ago, and grabbed the opponent's armpit as soon as he grabbed it!

Gacha, when Xia Jiang's five fingers were about to touch the other party's armpit, his fingers stretched strangely. In an instant, he felt that the palm was not a human palm, but the eagle's claw of a real giant eagle. He completely grasped the junction of the arm and shoulder, with a crisp sound, and the whole arm instantly lost contact with the body!


The leader man screamed, his face turned white in an instant, and he looked at Xia Jiang in horror! Yes, he absolutely can't believe that a teenager has such a terrible power that he can't imagine and can't explain it at all.

Yes, in the world of monks, the ability shown by any practitioner cannot be explained. It is too strong, but if you know the other party's cultivation, it is not difficult to explain, but the current situation is that Xia Jiang's cultivation shows that he is definitely just a low-level monk.

is exactly the same. When those people saw that the leader was seriously injured in one move, they dared to take out their magic weapons and attack Xiajiang.

Feeling that four people were attacking, Xia Jiang did not look at it. After unloading the man's arm, he directly grabbed the man's arm as a demon-eating sword, waved a "sword" at the four people, and pounced. The four swords surged out and burst into dazzling brilliance. The four people almost stared at the same time and fell to the ground before they could shout.

Four people are not dead. Xia Jiang has shown mercy, but he can't get up without a month.

"Get out!"

As Xia Jiang spit out this word, the leader singled out four fainted people and left the store.

Waving someone leave, Xia Jiang's expression immediately eased and cleaned up his irritable mood.

"Nine Kings, I heard that you entered the student prison. I don't know how you feel in it?" Juefeng looked at Xia Jiang's changes and secretly admired him, knowing that the other party had made a great breakthrough, and it was very likely that he had reached the cultivation of the practitioner!

At a young age, he is only a teenager, and he has actually reached the cultivation of a teacher. This speed of progress is amazing!

"Nothing, but it's much more ferocious than outside..." With that, Xia Jiang looked at his hands and suddenly felt that he had been affected by the brutality of the prison and became a little colder.

"Is that so?" Juefeng said, moved his finger and slid in front of the damaged counter. Suddenly, the originally sunken and damaged counter part immediately began to repair and become stronger. He said, "I didn't expect the prison of the business school to be so real. It sounds like a good place to practice."

I don't know if I can see the change of Xia Jiang. This wind even admires the environment in the prison.

Xia Jiang shook his head and turned the topic around and said, "Are they all right in the internship area now? I heard that with your protection, no one dares to harass them?"

Then listening to Juefeng's description, he fought with the two dragons, seriously injured them, and also injured a team leader who seemed to be the leader of the leader. Since then, the other party has never harassed Xianzhu Huaxue and disappeared.

Xia Jiang does not doubt this. The team of the two dragons and their so-called three dragons and four tigers is just a second-rate team. It is just a little famous among the students. When he meets a strong man with the strength of a master level like Jue Feng, he is definitely not an opponent.

With that, Xia Jiang came to various gardens to check and found that everything had improved well. Obviously, Xianzhu and Zhu had taken some conditioning here before nodding.

"Next, we will let Huaxue come to cultivate regularly and supplement the grade of the material. I believe that it will be of great use here soon..." Xia Jiang said, groping from the storage ring.

When I solved the four people, I just took their rings at will and did not check them. Now when I check them, I find that there is still a lot of wealth in them, which adds up to about 20 six grades.

He handed all these to Jue Feng, which was the first money to rebuild and expand the garden.

After doing this, Xia Jiang immediately returned to the college, because now his identity should be an eighth-level student, and I believe he will soon become a prospective senior!

came to his own space. Xia Jiang looked at it and, as he had predicted, his eighth-level students had been shown in the jade card, and because his seven-level students performed excellent and fast tasks, now someone is promoting him to run for prospective seniors.

Seeing these corresponding information, Xia Jiang also knew Hu Jin, or Yuqiu's ability.

Next, Xia Jiang immediately began to carry out the eight-level task. Compared with the seven-level task, the eight-level task no longer needs to wait. All eight tasks are directly displayed in the jade card, and he only needs to complete them one by one in order.

In addition to the general task of selling and acquiring materials, there are only two special tasks left for transforming the quality of magic weapons. It is to team up with students to buy a batch of high-level mounts in the city. The price is very low, and the low-level magic weapon of the college should be exchanged.

To put it simply, it is to exchange low-level magic weapons for advanced mounts.

Looking at these two tasks, Xia Jiang did not plan to do it for the time being, but bought a large number of Shuangxiu Dan. He wanted to start refining Shuangxiu Dan in batches as the second commodity supply of the material store to prepare for the next expansion.

At one time, Xia Jiang bought 100,000 pieces of double repair elixir materials and spent all his savings, including some magic weapons that were originally practical for him.

In the state of magic blood, now he no longer needs to swallow the material into his stomach. As long as he puts it aside, the whole person sits there quietly, and his left and right hands touch a hill-like double cultivation elixir material. In this way, the whole person enters an absolute refining state, refining double cultivation elixir with all his heart without distractions.

When he entered this state, he found that those materials began to dissolve and merge rapidly. All materials were allocated to each branch of the double cultivation fruit evenly, and the split insects also consciously moved in his magic blood state, choosing the double cultivation fruit in the fusion to fully merge...

The difference between monks and practitioners is undoubtedly shown at this moment. Originally, he still needed to swallow the materials into his stomach and cooperate with the demon-eating sword for refining. Now he can't help but need to be so troublesome, and the refining is dozens of times faster. The whole person is simply a super refining machine!

In less than two days, 100,000 pieces of double cultivation elixir have been refined, and each one is super excellent!

Store it in a storage ring. Xia Jiang stood up, his body moved slightly, and his breath fluctuated around him. Obviously, his cultivation has been improved. Now his realm of cultivation has been completely stable, and he is a veritable strong practitioner!


At this time, when he turned his thoughts to the food around him, he suddenly found that his proposal to participate in the election as an associate senior had been approved, and now he is going to the "Second-Class Hall of Honor" to receive a prospective senior medal.

Xia Jiang, who walked out of the space, trembled slightly. His whole body was as clean as jade, his breath was surging, and all kinds of attributes in the air became a source of strength. This time, he did not bring a mount, but then jumped down from more than 20 floors and walked in the air against the wind.

"The feeling at the level of a monk is really good. This is a real practitioner and has the feeling of an ethereal immortal. I also have a little sense of coolness in this world. Although I used to rely on the demon-eating sword to exert great power, it is still in the concept of powerful martial arts. Now I really have an immortal. The feeling of doing whatever you want can be called a repairer! ......”