Peerless Blood

Chapter 139 Gathering of prospective seniors

looked around and deeply remembered this field. Xia Jiang was still worried. He quickly climbed to the top of the tree, glanced at the field condescendingly, and wrote down this place three-dimensionally before returning to the ground.

Now, Xia Jiang no longer wants to continue to catch any special flying mounts. Now he just wants to focus more on the creatures in the rock.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at the girl beside him.

The girl didn't know if she was aware of it. She suddenly turned her head and saw Xia Jiang's eyes looking at her. It was warm and natural. The spring breeze made people feel very warm, but at this moment, she was extremely sad. Yes, she could feel the meaning of parting.

"Bright, I don't know your name..." Xia Jiang looked at the girl in front of him with a smile and said, although he couldn't laugh at this moment.

In the face of Xia Jiang's warm smile and inquiry, the girl suddenly felt cold all over her body and felt that the world was far away from her, extremely lonely and helpless.


Originally, the girl secretly reminded herself to be strong and calm, but there was still some unstoppable sadness filling her heart, which made her feel extremely sad at this moment. If she could, she didn't want to say anything more, just wanted to cry.

Xia Jiang didn't expect the girl to be so** at this moment, but when he thought that the other party seemed to be interested in him, he understood that this moment might be a little uncomfortable for him. Even if he turned the atmosphere and said, "I heard that you are doing something for the neighbor's senior sister. Do you mind going back to the college with me now?"

I didn't expect Xia Jiang to say so. The girl suddenly felt extremely happy, as if the warmth of not long ago returned to her heart. She was moved and nodded quickly.


Xia Jiang seemed to hear the other party's response immediately, and he was even more sure what the other party was feeling just now.

The two of them passed through the huge jungle quietly, and in a short time, they finally came to the vicinity of the college.

Because the two are in different districts, they can only be separated here.

What comforted Xia Jiang a little was that the girl seemed to be in a much better mood at this time, but she said goodbye to him calmly and said "goodbye".

Then the two separated, and the two left in the opposite direction at the same time.

But just after both of them came out far away, the girl stopped and her eyes were a little wet. She turned her head and looked at the direction of Xia Jiang's disappearance. She wanted to look at the back in the end so that she could know that everything before was not a dream.

But how can Xia Jiang be a ruthless person? After these days of getting along, the girl has unconsciously left a mark in his heart. At this moment, he couldn't help turning around and looking into the distance uneasily. And speaking of it, when he left just now, he forgot to ask the other party's name repeatedly, which was also embarrassing. After all, it was an acquaintance. Xia Jiang didn't even know the other party's name. .

"Well, after this time, I hope this little sister can spend more time on practice. It's not that I, Xia Jiang, is ruthless, but that even if I am a practitioner, I can't control it, and I can only follow the fate..."

After looking blankly for a while and silently closing his eyes for a while, Xia Jiang calmed down and continued to turn around and return to his area.

Returning to the college, Xia Jiang immediately returned to his space residence and immediately began to release the huge rocks in the storage ring.

Fortunately, there is a wide special practice site in this space, which is very large, but it can accommodate this huge rock. After it is released, he immediately blocked the space just in case to prevent any strange breath from spreading out of his space.

was extremely careful, and then he began to enter the endless exploration of huge rocks.


A few days later, several seniors have gathered here in the second district of the college.

These people gathered here are prospective seniors who come here to exchange their respective tasks. Generally, some are for the next tasks to consult each other, and some are to share their own tasks. Of course, today, people here are more about sharing, and it is about mount tasks.

"Well, hello, everyone! It seems that everyone is a newly promoted prospective senior in the past two years? Seeing that five or six people had gathered, everyone was doing something, and one of them looked bored, so he said.

Several people were either meditating or thinking about something. When they heard the man talking, they looked up.

One person was familiar and recognized the student at once and said, "It should be about the same. What, I heard that many people took the mount task this time. Are you too?"

When it came to the four words "mount mission", I didn't expect that almost all the people present looked at him, and then most of them nodded.

"Yes, it's a little difficult for the college to accidentally release this task. It was only then that I didn't know until I searched in the city that the mount shops have been very nervous recently. Not to mention supplying to us, even if they take action, they seem to raise the price!" The man looked serious and talked about it very seriously, but the wise man could see that he had at least completed the task, which was not simple.

"Really, I said that this task must be difficult to complete, but I didn't expect it to be like this. Humph, although I prepared again, fortunately I have changed the task..." A beautiful female senior in her twenties was lucky.

"Have you changed the task? Haha, in this way, everyone's competitor will be one less!" Another prospective senior listened to the female senior's words and immediately laughed.

He is right, but anyone who replaces this special quasi-sor task will lose special qualifications, and completing the task is only an ordinary task, and will naturally lose the opportunity to compete for the same senior.

The female senior was disapproving when she heard about it and said, "It doesn't matter. There will be more opportunities in the future. Besides, although this task has not been completed, I have completed another task and also received a lot of contributions and wealth..."

One person turned the topic to the mount task again and said, "I don't know what kind of mounts you have acquired. I heard that the college requires the mounts to be at least 25 blood fit. I don't know how many you have acquired?"

"Twenty-five?!" One person couldn't help but be stunned and said, "When did you stipulate such a high degree of fit? Isn't it okay to have pure blood and noble blood?"

The normal evaluation of a mount is generally based on bloodline. For example, the descendants of the Black Dragon King, even if it is only in childhood, the bloodline fit is very low, but it is also an advanced mount with unlimited potential.

On the contrary, although it has a high degree of fit, it is a very low-level bloodline, that is, a mount without potential. Basically, it is difficult to make great progress for decades. For human beings, decades are half of life.

In this world, the average life expectancy of ordinary people is close to 150 years, and the average life expectancy of practitioners is 200 years. Decades are indeed half a lifetime.

And the average life expectancy of wild animals, ordinary beasts is even higher than that of human beings, not to mention the high bloodline fit, and it is possible to live for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

And all this is undoubtedly related to the beast crystals in its body, which is also the reason why the beast crystals of beasts are valuable no matter how noble or low they are.

"Yes, didn't you follow this standard? Twenty-five is already the lowest. If you want to compete for seniors, it is impossible to have more than 30. As the senior replied, he looked very calm, and it was almost obvious that his task was completed very smoothly at a glance!

"It seems that your task should be well completed, brother. It seems that you are the only one this time!" A senior looked at the senior carefully, and regretted that he was a little envious.

"Where, I heard that there are more than 20 people in this competition. There are so many people. Except for a few replacement tasks, there are also more than ten. It's hard to say!" The man waved his hand quickly, but he still felt confident.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it. There are still three days left. At that time, everyone will gather here. At that time, it will be interesting for everyone to compare the length of their own mounts!" One person seemed to be a little excited, and his eyebrows seemed to remain confident in his mount and were not scared by the man's calmness.

"Hmm!" When the man heard this, he nodded and said, "At that time, there will be an honorary senior who will personally give you a comment on the mount. Even if you can't be promoted to a senior, it is rare to see the honorary senior!"

People know that the so-called "honorary seniors" are the best among the seniors. To some extent, these people, like them, are alternate candidates for promotion to university presidents and are extremely excellent among many seniors.

In the next two days, new seniors will arrive, and everyone will still talk about it like this. From the mount task, they will gradually talk about honorary seniors, and then they will start to talk about some recent things in the college.

"...Have you heard? It is said that the Star Alliance doesn't know what forces have a secret war with. Now there is a big internal shock, and it is estimated that something big will happen next!" A senior followed the discussion about the power of the college and talked about the Star Alliance.

On the contrary, one of the seniors seemed to be from the Star Alliance. When he looked at the man, his eyes were suddenly a little unkind and said, "Who did you hear? Don't talk nonsense with your own eyes? The Star League has always been very stable. Recently, only an ignorant boy arrogantly provoked the Star Alliance and harmed the interests of our Star Alliance for no reason. Humph, now He may have received the punishment he deserves!"

A dozen people looked at it, and several people saw this person at a glance, who was the one who was the most confident in the mount task before.

Listening to what he said, everyone knows that he is a member of the Star Alliance, and at the same time, another senior who seems to be a member of the Star Alliance also spoke out to affirm this person's words: "That's right. That person claims to destroy our Star Alliance alone. Now I'm afraid he has been eaten by the bloodthirsty wolf in the jungle of giant beasts and eat his own consequences! ......”

Compared with that person, this person seems to be more direct, actually telling the place where the Star Alliance is fighting with that person, and mentions the bloodthirsty wolf.

Two or three people suddenly changed their color when they heard the bloodthirsty phantom wolf. They couldn't help but believe the man's words and said, "Bloodthirsty phantom wolf, yes, recently there have been bloodthirsty phantom wolf in the giant beast jungle! We were going to try our luck in it, but we almost got stuck in it and couldn't get out!" With that, the man glanced at what seemed to be a companion around him, as if he was still afraid.

Talking about the appearance of bloodthirsty phantom wolves in the jungle of giant beasts, not only those people changed their color for a moment, but it seemed that the atmosphere of the whole spacious room seemed heavy.