Peerless Blood

Chapter 141 Mount Test Site

Thinking of this, Xia Jiang can also understand, but if his intuition is correct, these people may have been used. Today, the biggest beneficiaries here should be one of the two people who accused him.

Xia Jiang's eyes fell on the man the next moment, and his tone was still plain, but his sharpness was not hidden in his words: "Yes, it sounds convincing to defeat a business group as a new student, but this should not be a problem. You just need to find someone who is honest with that dragon. People with comparable strength came to test me, and soon the water came out?

As soon as the words fell, Xia Jiang answered again: "At that time, I, Xia Jiang, would like to ask. This senior, you said that I am the culprit of summoning the bloodthirsty wolf, as if you have seen it with your own eyes. What is your intention?"

Xia Jiang did not hide anything at all, and still had a strong fighting spirit in his words, and deliberately wanted to provoke the other party.

"You!" Sure enough, the man was angered by Xia Jiang's still indifferent reply, and his expression changed greatly. He almost rushed out to test directly.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared between the two.

"In that case, let me have a try!" With this figure, a calm voice sounded.

Many of them are new students this year. They have never seen the senior in charge of this task, but many old students recognized them at a glance and immediately found that it was the senior.


Suddenly, many people shouted out in a low voice for a moment.

Although the voice was not loud, it immediately let everyone know that this person was the senior in charge of this task. Suddenly, they couldn't help thinking about the mount task. They came this time for the mount task, so in the end, it was up to the senior to decide who could be promoted.

However, with the situation on the scene, these people who care about the mount task have to pay attention to the current strength test.

"You are Xia Jiang, smaller than I thought," the senior who came looked at Xia Jiang in a peaceful tone and said, "So, are you ready for me to test you?"

Xia Jiang didn't expect the senior to suddenly come, and he was also slightly stunned. Seeing that the senior was dressed in a very ordinary dress, he didn't seem to care about the equipment on the outside and showed his strength at all. He was a person who knew how to hide.

"No problem, just senior, do we need to change places?" Xia Jiang is refreshing.

In the eyes of everyone, Xia Jiang was as plain as ever. He did not feel guilty because of the arrival of the senior and directly accepted it, which made many people start to doubt.

"No need." As if to surprise everyone, the senior had to test Xia Jiang directly here, which seemed to violate the regulations of the college.

I didn't hear the senior's explanation. With a wave of his hand, he threw a metal magic weapon like a nail at Xia Jiang, and then his left and right hands unfolded at the same time. Suddenly, half of the unknown metal objects of the same nature suddenly appeared in his hand, and then suddenly * one place.

"Diamond seal!" With this series of actions of the senior, the name of a trick was shouted out.

As the sound came out, a looming barrier suddenly appeared around the space where Xia Jiang was located, showing an extremely regular diamond distribution, as if the space in front of it was blocked by countless diamond horns.

This sealing technique is the most common seal at the level of the practitioner level, and it is also the most basic ability of the practitioner. It uses the scope control magic weapon and uses the power of the aura field to achieve the effect of blocking a space. In the blocked space, people with low level can't move directly. Play.

If this senior suddenly appeared here, he could still be regarded as a member of the Star Alliance, but now as soon as the other party took action, he knew that this person did not have any malice to him, and even had the intention to defend him and maintain the relationship between all the students here.

"The senior's cultivation is really profound, and Xia Jiang is deeply gratified to have a senior as the judge of this task!" In the face of the senior's test, Xia Jiang opened his mouth, but he had already turned the topic directly to the mount task, and then he walked out of the "diamond seal" step by step.

After coming out, Xia Jiang nodded to the senior and said, "Thank you for your mercy!" Xia Jiang's words are not a compliment. The other party did give him convenience and did not use his real strength, otherwise he would not have been so relaxed.


It seems that Xia Jiang's words are light, but his performance shocked most of the people in the audience, all of whom were shocked!

Are you kidding? The senior practitioner level used the skill of sealing the aura. Even if he is a strong man at the practitioner level, it will take a little effort to get out. This Xia Jiang didn't do anything and completely ignored it?

At this moment, especially the female prospective senior, she was completely stunned when she saw Xia Jiang at this moment, because Xia Jiang's strength has shown that he may indeed defeat the three dragons and four tigers alone!

"What's going on?"

"Why is he so strong as a newcomer?"

"When did the business school have such a high level of freshmen? Isn't it a pity not to go to the Martial Arts College with such potential?

At this time, everyone present couldn't hide their inner shock one by one, and also showed their views separately.

In fact, some people are right about this. Because the martial arts college pays more attention to personal cultivation and practical ability, the students in it are generally stronger than business schools. In this way, business schools have become more and more choices for people with insufficient potential and actual combat.

But from Xia Jiang's point of view, these views are actually different. People with real brains and potential will not care which college to choose.

At this moment, in the face of Xia Jiang's strong strength, the man's face was even more pale, but he did not have any attack, but looked at the person who echoed, shook his head slightly, and then retreated to an inconspicuous place.

Xia Jiang's eyes are sharp, and the remaining light from the corners of his eyes directly saw the small movements of the two people, but he didn't care, and his eyes were still mainly on the seniors.

"Very good. With your strength, Xia Jiang can indeed deal with that business group. In fact, before that, seniors have investigated you. I already know that the bloodthirsty wolf is not your call." Speaking of this, the senior smiled.


Everyone was dumbfounded this time, wasn't it him? How could he have been wronged?

Indeed, this senior's calm sentence immediately shocked everyone present. After all, just now they all thought that Xia Jiang must be a sinister, cunning and despicable person. Now the truth has come out, how can they deal with themselves?

But before these people pointed the finger at two people, the senior immediately said, "Well, the college has actually begun to investigate this matter for a long time, and now it is clear that everyone should not talk more. So, let's start today's business. Right!"

Hearing the senior's majestic announcement, the people who had to look for two people all cared about their futures and turned their thoughts to the mount task.

"You guys, come with me!"

The senior glanced at the crowd, seemed to count the number of people, and then turned around and walked out of the room.

The prospective senior who had an experience immediately kept up with the pace of the senior without any hesitation.

They are going to follow their seniors to a huge grassland, which is extremely open, like a wild jungle with a variety of wild ecological environments.

Next, Xia Jiang followed the people and the seniors to a wild environment, but with the broadening of his vision, he soon found that this was indeed a suitable mount ability test square.

When he came to the center of this super square, Xia Jiang looked up at the sky and glanced around the empty space. He felt that he was in a new world. His mind was already full of the sound of countless giant beasts howling and running, and the atmosphere was full.

"What you see is the only mount test site in the second district of our college, but originally this is a square for buyers to test, but now there are some things in the surrounding empire, and there is a shortage of mounts. As the second mount training center in Yanqiu City, this place has temporarily become a test ground for everyone. Come back, although everyone came to promote seniors this time, don't underestimate this mount test, because once a mount is selected, even if there is only one, everyone can also make a very high contribution..."

With the introduction of the senior, when it comes to the degree of contribution, some people who did not report any confidence suddenly shined their eyes and knew that this mount task was back. Jing, that is to say, they are extremely lucky to come here.

Some people hear some extrasounds from the seniors' words. For example, the surrounding empires may be in turmoil or even war!

"I didn't expect that there would be such a big thing behind this mount mission, and the empire was in turmoil..." Xia Jiang also thought of this, because he knew that the wars of some small countries on their side of Xia were actually just small fights, which was not worth mentioning compared with the big empire.

is exactly the same. This mount task is equivalent to a big benefit. Even if there is a little contribution, the benefits are much better than usual. In this way, everyone is in high spirits.

Of course, for some people, they don't think so. In their eyes, they came here today for the only senior.

Although Xia Jiang did not pay attention to some people, he could feel that some people's eyes were on him, as if he had regarded him as today's competitor.

"...Then, I will sign up one by one according to the list of participants in this mission, and bring the prepared mounts to your corresponding position immediately." After all the relevant rewards and rules about the mount task have been introduced, the senior finally began to prepare for registration.

At this time, when everyone sweeps around, it is obvious that a huge space has been allocated around this extremely open square, which is for the participants to temporarily release mounts.

Just between everyone's glances, and then they saw a huge flying dragon flying here at afar. The dragon had two heads and a famous two-headed flying dragon mount. This time, it flew straight in the sky where the senior was, showing its belongings.