Peerless Blood

Chapter 183 There is only one way!

The thing has arrived, and Xia Jiang is feeling extremely comfortable. The man rushed in and sealed his exit.

"Ky! Are you really bold enough to go to the Marlboro Pavilion to grab things? Do you still want to leave alive? The man shouted loudly, and the two metal puppets immediately launched.

Xia Jiang has seen the strength of these two metal puppets, and their attack power is almost equivalent to that of the master in the middle of the major repairman. With two-to-one, even if the strong in the middle of the real master in the middle stage, it is terrible.

But at this moment, he has been reborn. In the demon state, he can block the attack of these two puppets with his body alone, indicating that his real strength has reached the late stage of the master!

"Is it metal? It suits my appetite!"

There are metal attributes in the demon-eating sword, which have been continuously strengthened to this day, but it cannot be greatly developed because of its fundamental problems. At present, the other party's metal structure is absolutely the existence of eight grades, just to strengthen its attributes!

With a secret shout, Xiajiang's boundary and sword array broke out again. His hands were imprinted. Between a breath, his body suddenly expanded several times and turned into a huge giant of five or six meters.

When the two puppets collided, he waved his arms again, and the huge palms were directly congested and soared, becoming several times larger than the two huge puppets. One left and one right, he directly grabbed the two puppets in his hand, as if he had grabbed two little dolls!

"If you give it to me, then I won't be polite!" Xia Jiang's voice was like a thunder at this moment, making the underground space tremble.

Two huge palms grabbed the two supermetal puppets, and then they penetrated blood directly from their palms and wrapped them. Then he held them vigorously and flattened the puppet, and then the blood surged again, directly including and assimilated the puppet. It became a part of his body!

This part of the torso is like two huge tumors growing out of the palm, but with the rapid absorption, it is quickly sucked into the body, but the palm becomes twice as wide.

At this moment, Xia Jiang's whole body looks even more terrible. His body is five or six meters, and his two arms are huge incompatible with his body, but his palms are even more horrible. It can no longer be described by human form.

This is the state of the demon body!

The whole person has completely entered the state of demon-eating and has reached the abandonment form, reaching the final form of the performance of demon-eating power!

There is a demon! Demon body!

This final form completely reflects the characteristics of [demon]. Once it breaks out, it will be a complete demon-eating state, extremely violent!

Xia Jiang is a little scared by his current form, but he can still accept it. At least it's not that he really can't control it, but that he can change his body in order to explode the power of demons.

The puppet master was extremely confident just now. He used two super puppets to deal with a big master's early boy, thinking that he could be killed at will, but the scene in front of him completely tore up his confidence.

Xia Jiang's six-meter huge body stepped out in one step, as fast as lightning. It was not affected by the size at all. Instead, it seemed to be faster. When he stepped out, his palm had already roared over. Under the boundary, he directly grabbed the puppet master!

Although the other party is also a major repairer in the middle of the period, which is similar to the cultivation he has now improved, or even a little higher than him, in the face of his state explosion, there is no opponent at all. Coupled with the instant heart blow, Xia Jiang won in an instant.

"say! Who attacked the king? I won't kill you!" Xia Jiang grabbed the puppet master and asked coldly.

The power of his palm is huge, and the power of the boundary is also displayed at this moment, so that the palm has a certain blocking power, so that the other party can no longer have a chance to escape.

It's so strong!

The man's eyes widened and looked at the person in front of him were completely unbelievable. In a short time, he didn't react at all. He should have succeeded in the sneak attack, but he didn't expect that he didn't directly kill the thief who was not afraid of death in a moment. Not only was he not able to kill him, but now he was caught by the other party!

He has always been the only one to kill opponents of the same level, but today he actually fell here?

The man's eyes widened, with a completely untrustworthy look, and looked a little dull at the bloody giant in front of him.

Seeing that the person in his hand had completely fallen into self-mistaken thinking, Xia Jiang no longer waited for his answer. He immediately exerted his strength and directly crushed the man under the palm of his hand.

But under his sudden force, he was stunned because of the feeling in his hand. The person in his hand turned into a pile of metal fragments under his pinch!

Is it also a puppet?

Seeing this scene, Xia Jiang was a little surprised. The man was really cautious and did not use his real body to ambush him here, but only used a puppet as his own stand-in.

"No wonder the other party is so calm when he is caught, and he is just a puppet?"

Xia Jiang couldn't help admiring this man's caution, but at the same time, he finally knew that the puppet master, like the summoner, was not a simple role to deal with.

Crushed the puppet, and Xia Jiang immediately did not stay at all. His whole body was like a gust of wind, and quickly flickered away from the space, and his eyes immediately locked into the real last residential house in the distance.

All the clues show that the house is where Xia Xiao is!

"Father, I will avenge you today, kill you, an inhuman brother, and stabilize my King Xia's room from now on!"

Xia Jiang's eyes widened and held an extremely firm heart.

At this moment, Xia Jiang's figure is as fast as teleportation. Before his whole body entered the combat state, it has expanded to three meters!


Just when he was only dozens of meters away from the target, he suddenly saw a figure quietly lurking on the roof of a restaurant not far away.

Is it at this time?

Xia Jiang tightened secretly and pressed his hands on the ground, and his whole body was really like a gust of power, blowing towards the roof of the building.


The target became bigger in Xia Jiang's eyes, and soon arrived less than ten meters ahead, and he could see it clearly.

But when he saw the other party's face clearly, he was shocked. This person turned out to be the eldest prince Summer!

"Big brother..."

Xia Jiang's figure also quietly came to the roof of the restaurant, faintly transmitting a voice smaller than a text hum.

The ability of magic sound has also been greatly improved so far, and now it comes in handy. Even if it does not seem to make a sound, it is extremely clearly transmitted to the ears of summer.


When Xia heard someone approaching, he was stunned and immediately turned his head. He had already put on a posture to perform his skills, but he immediately stopped.

"Xiao Jiu, why did you come here?"

I was surprised to find that the visitor was Xia Jiang, but I immediately asked.

"Where's the big brother?" Xia Jiang said, but his eyes shot directly at a residential house not far away.

Listening to Xia Jiang's rhetorical question, Xia suddenly understood what the other party meant and couldn't help but look at Xia Jiang and said, "Have you found out who attacked your father?" When he saw Xia Jiang's eyes, this intuition appeared in an instant.

Hearing Xia's question and looking at the other party's surprised eyes, Xia Jiang immediately understood that the other party did not get here earlier than him.

"If I guess correctly, that person is here!" Xia Jiang said, but his tone was particularly solemn.

In fact, Wanbao Pavilion had also been found this summer, but there was no clue about anything else. He has been secretly searched around the city these nights. Today, he accidentally found that there were other residential houses here, which seemed to be a strong master, which aroused his idea, but because of his weak strength, he could only temporarily hide and wait and see.

And now, when he heard Xia Jiang's words, how could he not be surprised this summer? His eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Xia Jiang.

"Brother, you are here, and I will join hands to kill you!" Xia Jiang continued to say coldly.

At this moment, he only paid attention to Xia Jiang's size this summer and had to feel a pressure. He didn't know what adventure happened to Xia Jiang. In just a few days, he had broken through from the early stage of the master to the middle stage, and even faintly surpassed him.

Seeing this clearly, he suddenly felt a little frustrated this summer, and he didn't understand why, but at least he felt that things were too unexpected.

"Now?" Hearing Xia Jiang's eager words, Xia's thoughts immediately returned to the matter in front of him, but immediately shook his head and said, "Xiaojiu, don't be impulsive! If there was a real chance, I wouldn't have paid attention to this place for so long and dare not make any action!"

Immediately, he said his intuition this summer. Unexpectedly, he suspected that there were super people at the level of spiritual practitioners.

"How is that possible?" Xia Jiang didn't believe that a person at the level of spiritual practitioners would appear in a small country like Xia Jiang. With the cultivation of the other party, he was also a big man in the big empire. Why should he play tricks in this inconspicuous Xia country?

"I'm not sure, but my intuition has always been very accurate. Even if this person is not a spiritual practitioner, he also has the strength of a spiritual practitioner. If so, you can only die, which is meaningless!

Xia Jiang knows that what he said this summer is right. Even if he only has the strength of spiritual practitioners, it is not difficult for the other party to kill them!

Spiritual practitioners is a brand-new field. This is no longer a simple gap in bloodline fit between simple monks and practitioners. What they pay attention to is no longer the strength of bloodline, but the soul. In short, spiritual practitioners cultivate, that is, soul fit!

Perhaps there may be a big accident of leap-level war between the practitioner and the master, but the master and the spiritual practitioner are different. The gap between the two is not a level, but exactly like multiple levels!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is like the gap between ordinary people and major repairers!

When his father Wang Xiaxiong took action to help him, he showed extremely strong power. At that time, he slightly touched the threshold of spiritual practitioners.

At that time, the old man once told him that spiritual practitioners were a brand-new field.

Now, although his cultivation has been greatly broken through, after all, the time in this realm is too short to have the shadow of spiritual practitioners at all. Naturally, this state cannot be compared with spiritual practitioners.

But even so, he has no fear at all - as long as there is atmospheric luck, even if he knows that his opponent is invincible, what is he afraid of?

"Brother, even my father can't afford to be seriously injured now. Obviously, we have no way out! There is only one way in front of us, preemptive!" Xia Jiang's eyes flashed, showing absolute firmness!

This summer, as the eldest prince of Xia, he is unique and talented. Although he is humble on the surface, he has always been extremely confident in cultivation. He is confident that among many princes, no one will ever surpass him...

But at this moment, Xia Jiang's look once again made him feel incredible. I'm afraid that he, the ninth brother, is about to surpass him!