Peerless Blood

Chapter 217 Both sides are not a level

Xia Jiang, who went to the northeast with Xia Yuner to explore, now knows that the * of this war is because he offended the two young city lords when he was at the Yanqiu City Martial Arts College. The other party actually united with his surrounding countries to launch a war against the State of Xia. It seems that he wants to be full of energy to completely eliminate their Xia!

But even if he knew this, Xia Jiang did not regret at all and was not fear at all. Instead, he wanted to see which neighboring country dared to hit his Xia's idea, because from the front and back actions, the other party was obviously ready for many years, so the existence of the two young city lords was really acceptable. No, because sooner or later he will go to war with his Xia Kingdom!

"Now that our Xia country is strong and internally stable, although this war is sudden, it is not terrible!" Looking at countless beasts in the northeast, Xia Jiang thought secretly.

Xia Yuner on one side seemed to feel Xia Jiang's heart, but glanced at Xia Jiang and said, "Xia Jiang, I don't know if I'm a little more careful. I feel that your second brother is a little different..." There seemed to be a lot of words, but it was deliberately unexplained to make the other party feel it.

Xia Jiang naturally heard Xia Yuner's hint and said, "No, you are not too careful. He is indeed not Xia Lei as I thought at the beginning. He is now determined to win the throne and is already greedy. We really have to guard against him. I don't know if he may take this opportunity to do something..."

I didn't expect that Xia Jiang had already thought of this. Xia Yuner was relieved. It seemed that Xia Jiang was not as relaxed as his words, but there was still the big stone of Xia Lei in his heart.

At this moment, the two have come over the northeast forest and look into the extremely secret interior. Suddenly, they only see countless beasts shuttled among them.

Xia Jiang stared at the deeper part of the forest and found that there was no obvious movement of beasts in the extremely distant area, that is to say, these beasts all came from a certain area of the forest!

"This forest is so big that it is several times bigger than our Xia country. I'm afraid it's not easy to find the starting point of the beast!" Seeing this scene, Xia Jiang couldn't help saying.

Xia Yuner on one side was also frowned. She blew her more than ten-grade flute. Through the spread of sound, it was a little difficult to find the beast barracks in the forest.

Seeing this situation, Xia Jiang immediately motioned the giant bird to approach downward.

When the giant bird flew down, Xia Jiang began to use the gyro worm.

Every time Xia Jiang used this skill, he felt that this ability was constantly improving, especially since he had slowly begun to control the direction of insects, even the subtle state, so that they would not be suspected or detected by the strong.


A huge fluctuation emanated from Xia Jiang, and Xia Yuner on one side couldn't help but feel countless subtle fluctuations all over Xia Jiang's body, which were indescribably strange.

Under its close observation, he suddenly found that these extremely small things were actually small bugs!

"What is this?" She didn't pay attention before. How can Xia Yuner resist her doubts when she sees it so intuitively this time?

"A kind of sensing bug that can feed me back all the information found along the way..." Xia Jiang responded immediately.

Also after the gyro worm was released, Xia Jiang's "vision" immediately broadened, and began to clearly watch countless spiders and coyotes sprinting towards their Xia, and this torrent-like team was endless!

As the gyro worm continues to extend, a new creature will soon enter the sense of Xiajiang again!

"What is that? Black bear?" Xia Jiang said, and his eyes immediately looked east-northeast.

What Xia Jiang saw was a huge black bear with a size of about 20 meters. Its movements were extremely sensitive, which was simply a super beast level!

Xia Yuner was also guided by Xia Jiang's sight and looked in that direction. After a while, she also saw the figure exposed through the cracks in the forest from time to time, and was immediately shocked.

Obviously, she has seen this kind of big black bear for a long time and knows its horror at a glance.

"This big black bear only existed during the war between empires. How could it be..." Xia Yuner didn't believe what she saw.

In this regard, Xia Jiang's knowledge is a little shallow, and he doesn't know the origin of this black bear.

However, with his careful observation of the black bear, he began to keep tracking and gradually began to notice a trace of the source of the sea of black bears.


Arrival of a sign, Xia Jiang immediately motioned Xia Yuner to fly there.

With the lightning flight of the giant bird, Xia Jiang quickly came to the place where induction could be. Suddenly, he finally found the source of the black bear. It turned out to be an extremely huge black bear training ground. In addition to countless black bears, there were tens of thousands of human figures everywhere, all of whom were undoubtedly trainers.

"This is..."

Seeing this scene, Xia Jiang's eyes immediately glanced at the eastern region, because in it, he vaguely remembered that there seemed to be an extremely primitive barbarian country. It is said that all the men in the country lived by hunting, and almost all of them were first-class trainers!

Xia Yuner on one side followed Xia Jiang's eyes and couldn't help wondering, "Xia Jiang, do you mean that this is a war launched by the savage tribe hiding in the deep mountains and forests?"

"What do you think? Who else can have such a large army of beasts and hide in this forest in the barracks? ..." Xia Jiang became more and more convinced of the tunnel, but he was also vaguely suspicious. Rumor has it that they are all barbaric savages, and I'm afraid it's false!

The more he thought about this, the more Xia Jiang felt cheated, even when he signaled Xia Yuner to return to the camp.

Returning quickly on the mount, Xia Jiang immediately sent a spy to report the matter to his father immediately to identify their enemies as soon as possible.

As long as the enemy is determined who is, the next battle can be fought happily, at least to improve the morale of the army.

Also with the surge of the coyote ocean, Xia Jiang's 300,000 army began to shrink rapidly, losing tens of thousands, and the formation began to loosen.

Xia Jiang also experienced a war for the first time, and it was also found through killing. This coyote is simply a fierce beast of a war killer. It is simply born on the battlefield. With these human soldiers who are not even a monk, no matter how they are united, they are at a great disadvantage.

Then, as the captains became more and more aware of the characteristics of these coyotes, they began to gradually stabilize their positions, but at this time, a large number of larger beasts began to attack in the distant black pressure.

That's right, the big black bears that Xia Jiang has seen.


The huge size of the big black bear hit and made that frightening roar. Just listening to the sound made people scared and felt what horrible power was hidden in the huge monster.

Xia Jiang also rushed to the first big black bear and slapped a soldier for a moment. He saw the strength that could scare Xia Yuner.

This palm slapped over, and the soldier, as the elite of the strongest defense group, was directly lined up into meat cakes with a large shield wall like a huge shield!

No! This is completely different from one level!

Seeing this scene, Xia Jiang took a deep breath. This big black bear was second only to the level of wild beasts. These soldiers were no different from tofu in front of them.

Then under the release of countless magic weapons between Xia Jiang, such as fireballs, ice arrows, swords, hidden weapons, ropes, fog, sound attacks, puppets, summoning beasts, all the magic weapons that can be seen in the college, there are special teams or groups here, with extremely tacit cooperation, but those big black bears ignore them at all, rough skin The degree of meat thickness is simply more than King Kong. Not to mention that the sword spirit can't be hurt at all, but the flame close to the real fire can ignite the hair on its body at most, but it is soon extinguished by the strange fluctuations like black fog around it.

"No! Xia Jiang, I'm afraid we will retreat!" Xia Yuner on one side also saw this scene and couldn't help worrying.

"The gap is indeed too big. The elite among these soldiers are only the peak of monks, and there are very few monks. In the face of these combat effectiveness, they are equivalent to beasts in the middle of the monks..." Xia Jiang said, and the situation he saw in his eyes became more and more not optimistic.


Even if he was reluctant, Xia Jiang still shouted decisively and issued a retreat order!

At the same time, he suddenly rushed forward, opened the boundary, and forcibly condensed a huge force field to cushion the soldiers.

Suddenly, those big black bears all launched an impact on the force field arranged by Xia Jiang, roaring, and slapped with the giant palm of death, and a huge shock broke out.

It is also through this equivalent shield field that feels the power of those huge black bears. It is really horrible. I don't know how these black bears grew up. They are all born with great power!

After Commander Xia Jiang cushioned these soldiers, they retreated quickly, which was no different from running for their lives. They were obviously scared by the great power of the big black bear.

If you want to say that those captains have long had the intention to retreat, but under the pressure of Xia Jiang aside, every dare to squeak can only make his soldiers die, so how can they not retreat quickly at this moment?

Although it is a retreat, it is not blind. Xia Jiang has just observed the terrain. As long as they retreat to a mountain and defend on the mountain, they can support it and wait for more suitable reinforcements.

At this moment, some people who were also hiding somewhere in the sky and secretly observed the battlefield laughed when they saw that Xia's team began to retreat, because this scene would indicate that they had achieved great results in the war they were well prepared for, which would make him From then on, they walked out of the mountains and let all the surrounding countries know that there was still their vulture kingdom in the world.

Yes, they have reached an alliance with the two young city owners, the vulture kingdom.

As early as thousands of years ago, the vulture kingdom was originally an ally with the State of Xia. They have always had a friendly relationship with the State of Xia and assisted each other. Even the trainers of the State of Xia were introduced from their country, so that the State of Xia also had its own beast army.

However, the relationship did not last long. They gradually found that the State of Xia only regarded them as a subordinate small country and did not treat them seriously at all, which made them feel dissatisfied with the more and more powerful development. Gradually, they began to divide internally, and finally reached an agreement to completely break with the State of Xia.

Originally, merchants and civilians of the State of Xia often saw people in the Vulture Kingdom, but since then, they have never seen the State of Xia, which they didn't care too much about, began to almost forget in the depths of the forest mountains, and there was such a country.

At this moment, with these people hiding in the sky observing the battlefield, these strong men began to see as the battlefield began to shift, gradually sweeping to the Xia King's Palace, as if they were already peeping at the power center of the whole kingdom.

And also at this moment, Xia Xiong, who had been retreating in the Xia King's Palace for the past few days, finally opened his eyes.

"Steel, what's going on outside these days?" The moment he opened his eyes, Xia Xiong immediately asked.

In fact, all the instructions issued by the king in the Heavenly Palace have been arranged by him for a long time, so in fact, he, the king of Xia, has been retreating and making the final sprint, and has no time to care about what has happened these days.

also heard Xia Xiong's voice. In this dark space, a voice immediately sounded and responded.