Peerless Blood

Chapter 220 Xia Xin

The vulture kingdom can have today's strength. The real strength is not that it has cultivated an infinite army of beasts, but the double cultivation of animal trainers and beasts, from special double cultivation elixir to the strength of the blood of the beast.

The people of the vulture kingdom can be said to have to decide their future life from birth, choosing a trainer as their main profession, or just a pure hunter.

If you are a major trainer, you need to use the double cultivation elixir of man and beast to directly change the bloodline from an early age, so that the bloodline can resonate with the beast and stimulate the power of the bloodline, which can double the combat effectiveness of the beast and improve the mind and ability of the beast in all aspects.

Naturally, all the beasts cultivated in the vulture kingdom have the same bloodline and are almost born for the battlefield!

At this moment, with the order of the people in the sky, the already hungry army of trainers began to march towards the battlefield.

In war, no one is right or wrong, only the strong are respected.

Until today, the vulture Kingdom does not hate Xia Guo. They have just accumulated in the silence of endless years and finally reached the moment when they can show their strength to the outside world, and Xia Guo is the first object they want to try!

At this moment, these people in the sky are several outstanding generals of the Vulture Kingdom who are doing their best to supervise the battle.

"I didn't expect that Xia Guo still had hidden strength. Now we underestimated them!" The man in a wild animal fur coat looked down.

There are two men and a woman beside him, both of whom are generals of the vulture kingdom, staring at the battlefield below.

At this moment, in the east and other regions, three or five people are looking down at the sky to fully supervise the battle of the beast.

Hearing the man say, the woman on his side said, "Your Excellency, the powerful boy just now, I don't know where he has gone now. It seems that he may be the heir of Xia!"

"Well, I didn't expect that King Xia would still make some achievements, stronger than their predecessors of several generations. He actually cultivated such an excellent heir and was about to become a spiritual practitioner in his teens. It's incredible!"

"Your Excellency, in contrast, I don't think the young city owner of Yanqiu City is a climate at all. Compared with this son, it is dwarfed..."

"This is not bad, but we have to rely on the prestige of the young city owner now, so that we will not be harassed by the surrounding areas when we attack the Xia Kingdom!"

"Your Excellency, I heard that when we attack Xia, the young city lord will unite with several other countries to take the opportunity to give Xia a fatal blow. Isn't this too despicable?"

"Well, this is the king's decision. Are you doubting the king's decision?"

"This subordinate dares not, but he just hopes to compete with Xia alone to prove that our vulture kingdom has surpassed Xia!"

At this moment, just as these governors were talking, the trainers below and rushed to the battlefield.

When the trainer arrived, several people also turned their attention to the battlefield.

The soldiers of Xia were excited by the strong field control of this second wave of reinforcements, but it was also at this moment that they suddenly saw huge figures in the still tided beast army.

These huge figures are five or six meters high. At a glance, I thought they were a new beast, but when I took a closer look, I knew that they were human beings.

These giants rode on the giant beast, and saw not only the giant beasts on which they were shining brightly and agile, but also the beasts around them seemed to have been encouraged and communicated by some kind. Unexpectedly, they were no longer affected by the thick fog, at least they would never attack their peers again.

"No, it's a trainer!"

Some of them were obviously captains of trainers in the vulture kingdom, and they were shocked to see the figure of the trainer giant.

The purple fog released by the destruction army is still continuous, but at this moment, it can only cause corrosive damage to the beasts in it, but it can't disturb the mind and make it manic.

Suddenly, the effect of this whole strange soldier was greatly weakened, and it was simply not as good as the heavy crossbow soldiers.

With the trainer's loud roar, almost all the beasts suddenly changed dramatically. Not only did their power speed increase, but their targets were completely unified, and they all rushed towards the Xia army!

Seeing this scene, 100,000 destruction legions were immediately defeated, and heavy crossbowmen and defensive armored soldiers immediately replaced them and cooperated with the battle.

But it is obvious that at this moment, these two originally strong teams have no effect at all. They are almost one-sided, with mountains of casualties.

At this moment, in the eastern part of Xia, the 500,000 army led by Xia Xin has only been more than 100,000, and it is completely decadent and has no way to go, because if it retreats further, it will be separated from the border and enter the territory of Xia's city, and then it will endanger the country.

"What should I do? My father entrusted me with such a heavy task, but I want to disappoint him, and not to mention the loss of soldiers. Now he is not even protected. If it goes on like this, it will endanger the civilians in the city, and even my Xia King's Palace..."

Xia Xin clenched his fist, and his fingers fell into the flesh, dripping with blood.

A general around him saw this and quickly comforted him, "Commander, let's retreat, so that we can only stick to the city and wait for reinforcements, otherwise I'm afraid..." This man omitted the following words and showed great sadness in his eyes.

Cultivate a group of elite soldiers. Almost every soldier is their heart. Now they all die here. As generals, they are not heartbroken, but as generals, they should have this awareness. Even if they are sad, they should consider the follow-up.

Now if you retreat from the city, you can still rely on the solid city to support for a day or two and wait for reinforcements. Otherwise, if it continues like this, you will be afraid that the whole army will be destroyed in less than an hour.

Several surrounding generals were also willing to see this situation, hoping that the commander could announce their retreat.

But no matter how willing the general was, the commander did not retreat. Instead, his eyes became firm and shouted, "Now the rear is the important city of our Xia Kingdom, which is related to the safety of the palace and countless Pingming. Listen to me. We have no way out!" Today! Even if all of them die in battle, they must not retreat half a step!"

It hardly surprised these generals. In their eyes, the thirteen prince, the smallest army commander in the country of Xia, was still so tenacious and stubborn at this moment that he refused to listen to them.

Don't retreat!

But even so, none of these generals have any objection. The commander issued instructions. All they can do now is obey their orders, gamble their lives, and explode all their power, at least they can't die too cowardly.

"Kill! As the supreme human army, we must not let these beasts trample on their dignity! Vow to defend to the death!"

The generals shouted in unison, roared and took the lead in charging, setting an example of heroic death!

In the roar of these generals, all the soldiers were infected and immediately burst out. They no longer had any reservations and did not leave any power to escape for themselves. They all waved out!


The crossbow shot out, and the sound became sharp and harsh at this moment.

Stepping out shakes the earth step by step.

The heavy sword is cut out, and at this moment, the sword spirit is like a ghost crying and howling.

The huge net is cast out, and at this moment, every rope is like the will of a soldier, firmly trapping the enemy and exerting the residual heat with his life.

And the blood splashing does not represent death at this moment, but the beginning of the battle to death!

This is the battlefield and their real destination as warriors!

Kill it!



"Father, I let you down! Brother Jiu, thirteen... still let you down..."

One hour, two hours, three hours...

I can't remember how long it has been and how long it has been fighting to the death, but it must have been a long time longer than the original general expected. In Xia Xin's eyes, he saw the more powerful 100-meter beast appear and saw that there were few soldiers left, and the bones were like mountains. At this moment, it was confirmed that it was about to be destroyed. .

hou hou——

Countless beasts are still coming, and those trainers burst into wild roars at this moment, because in their eyes, the enemy has been completely destroyed.

Then, countless wild beasts began to have a stronger impact and charge into the depths of Xia. Then they can finally officially attack the territory of Xia and the cities of Xia to further show their fierceness and power.

But in this impact, I don't know why this army of beasts inexplicably had a lot of beasts splashed blood, their limbs flew, and fell halfway.

After a while, a trainer noticed the abnormality and immediately looked at somewhere and found that a blood-red enemy had not fallen.

The man's whole body was stained with blood, and there was a continuous stream of blood dripping down his body. There were countless scars of bones on his body, but he did not fall down. He only saw countless beast corpses piled up around the man.

"Good boy, is life so tenacious?" The found trainer immediately urged the beasts and stopped charging with the army.

It was also at this moment when the trainer changed its action, and this place immediately vaved an area, making other beasts make a natural detour.

In an instant, the army of wild beasts, which seemed to be a little crazy, actually circled together, leaving only this trainer and a bloody enemy in this field.

Naturally, this bloody man is not someone else, but Xia Xin, the commander of the army that has finally been destroyed by the whole army.

Now he is the only one left in the whole army. He is still fighting to the death. He relies on a pair of huge hammers in his hand to sweep the army of beasts. No beasts can approach him. All those close to him are hammered to death, and he has no power to fight again.

It was also in this battle that his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds to the middle of the master, and naturally gave birth to a power boundary around him, causing his power to explode at this moment. Even the turtle's shell was smashed by its hammer.

However, even so, he had to face the fact that the local army was not blocked by him at all, and all rushed to the territory of Xia, allowing him to kill here alone.

No matter how strong a person is, it won't help. It can't control the war at all.

It was also at this moment of enlightenment. At this moment, Xia Xin suddenly found that the army of beasts around him began to disperse and began to walk around him, not even giving him the opportunity to kill? However, when he looked up again, he suddenly found that it was a trainer with a 100-meter beast staring at him and immediately changed the action of the beast in the charge.

"This boy, you have killed enough, and it's time to bury him with them!"
