Peerless Blood

Chapter 242 Shameless Request

"Dear son-in-law, the king said that he had received a secret letter from the king of Xia and knew that the son-in-law would come soon and had prepared a banquet for the son-in-law!" The female guard who arrived immediately replied that she obviously knew Xia Jiang's identity and immediately changed her attitude.

Xia Jiang didn't know that his father sent a message to the vulture king in advance. Now it looks good. When he comes here, he can immediately get to the point and save time.

With that, Xia Jiang passed through the heavy guards and passed by the tents of countless gorgeous vulture princesses. Thinking about it, he came to the super tents in the treasure forest with some shame.

As soon as he entered it, Xia Jiang did not see any big banquets, but he saw many charming girls, which was simply dazzling.

"Haha, welcome! Son-in-law, it's a good time for you to come here!"

In a blink of an eye, Xia Jiang saw the vulture king get up from a seat and greet him with a big smile.

At the same time, those girls also gathered around, holding Xia Jiang back and forth, and walking towards the huge banquet table on one side.

"Your Majesty, what are you?"

Faced with this inexplicable way of welcoming the other party, Xia Jiang couldn't help but wonder.

"Hey, my son-in-law doesn't have to look outside. Today, when my son-in-law came, I specially prepared aristocratic students from the highest school in our vulture country," he said, but his eyes swept over more than a dozen girls present and said, "My son-in-law, they are the girls who are the most suitable for your Xia men in the college, and they are all the highest. How about it's expensive and beautiful?"

With that, he also looked at Xia Jiang with incomparably confidence. In his opinion, any man would be moved and be excited when he saw these charming girls.

Listening to the vulture king's words, Xia Jiang instinctively couldn't help sweeping at these girls. Because he deeply understood the intention of the vulture king, when he swept through these girls, he saw only two deep meanings in his eyes, the first is beauty and body, and the second is attitude.

Undoubtedly, almost under the glance of Xia Jiang, he found that these girls were all extremely beautiful, and their figures were simply speechless. As for their attitude, needless to say, most of them faced him with great luck, and they were vaguely prepared. Very few of them did not seem to come here voluntarily, but they were forced to dedicate themselves to a strange man.

For good, Xia Jiang had a sharp vision and keen perception. He could see the general thoughts of these girls, and he was immediately more dissatisfied with the behavior of this vulture king. He said, "Why should the king be so polite? It makes the little son-in-law flattered, but..."

With that, he also paused for a moment. He thought about whether he should turn against the vulture king again and said, "My son-in-law is newly married and has two beautiful wives at home. It is difficult to have a new love for the time being. Besides, he is busy now, how can he think more!"

Who knew that Xia Jiang's euphemistic refusal made the vulture king misunderstand. He actually smiled and said, "My son-in-law's words are true, but don't misunderstand my son-in-law. I asked these girls to come here just to accompany them. They will never have any wrong with them. This little son-in-law can rest assured!"

Faced with such a confident smile, Xia Jiang just wants to step on his face, but only continues to pretend to be busy and said, "The king's kind son-in-law really understands it. Now come..."

Before Xia Jiang finished speaking, the vulture king suddenly changed slightly, so he directly interrupted Xia Jiang's words and said, "Don't say it too early, okay. Since the son-in-law's time is so tight, I will talk about something first..."

With that, he immediately waved his hand and dismissed the girls.

When there was no one else in this camp, the vulture king said again, "My son-in-law, I know that you came here this time to help me send troops to help you resist the army of the sound country..."

Then the vulture king directly said himself and thought that it was the will of his vulture warriors, but he was not willing to send troops to help them unless they could give enough benefits.

Hearing this, Xia Jiang immediately couldn't help contempt and said, "Is it really appropriate for the king to say this? Is it that you plan to tear up the covenant once you get out? Humph, don't forget that the son-in-law can catch the king of Xia once, but he may not be able to catch him twice?

"You!" Listening to Xia Jiang's words, the vulture king suddenly changed his color, but soon smiled and said, "My little son-in-law is angry. Can you listen to me finish what I said?"

"Say it!" Xia Jiang still secretly despised.

"In fact, my real intention today is to ask for something. I hope my son-in-law can agree. As long as my son-in-law agrees, the king can immediately send troops to help you destroy those thieves of the Yin Kingdom in one fell swoop?" With that, the vulture king's eyes were bright.

Xia Jiang also saw that there was another reason, and immediately said cheerfully, "As long as you don't violate the principle of being a son-in-law, it's no problem to help the king!"

"Good! Then the king only said..." Then the vulture king said the real purpose in his heart.

After listening to the request of the vulture king, Xia Jiang also despised the person in front of him more and more.

"Let me compare with your third son and then lose to him?"

Xia Jiang looked at the person in front of him with that kind of idiot-like look. The other party was really shameless and wanted to take advantage of his opportunity to borrow soldiers so that his favorite third prince now stepped on him, the first man in the State of Xia, to get the worship of the people and win the hearts of the people.

How about it? As long as the son-in-law agrees to this matter, it's not a problem to borrow soldiers!" The vulture king continued to say shamelessly.

Shake his head almost immediately, and Xia Jiang said with great certainty, "This matter is absolutely impossible. Either the son-in-law will have a fair fight with the three princes, and the son-in-law can agree to this request." Although he has never seen the third prince, Xia Jiang is extremely confident in himself, because just looking at the vulture king knows that his son will never have any outstanding role.

Obviously, he also knew that the three princes were not as good as Xia Jiang. After listening to Xia Jiang's words, he suddenly became embarrassed. After thinking for a while, he changed his words and said, "In that case, you can always share the autumn equally, right? Well, to be honest, I can't even get this request, so it's a matter of borrowing soldiers..."

Xia Jiang also heard that the vulture king had been determined, but he also saw that he had changed his mind and imagined the same thing. He could think about it a little and said, "That son-in-law will try his best!"

"So, did the son-in-law agree?" Hearing that Xia Jiang also changed his words, the vulture king suddenly showed a trace of joy, but soon questioned, "My son-in-law, don't regret it!"

"Humph," Xia Jiang was too lazy to talk nonsense and said, "Say it, when will the test start?"

Seeing Xia Jiang's disdain, he also knew that the young man was full of blood and could not be suspected, so he immediately said, "Three days later, the trial ground in the capital!"

At this moment, Xia Jiang didn't know where the trial ground of the capital was, but as soon as he heard "three days later", he felt that the king was procrastinating and said, "What are you going to do for so long in three days? Just tomorrow!"

But when the vulture king heard that Xia Jiang was unhappy, he immediately shook his head and said helplessly, "I didn't expect my son-in-law to come so soon. It's really that my third son has been in poor health recently, and it will take three days to exert his strength!"

Hearing this, Xia Jiang just couldn't help guessing that the three princes were probably a waste. He would temporarily hold the Buddha's feet, practice for three days, and then fight with him.

From this, Xia Jiang reluctantly agreed.

Hearing Xia Jiang's promise, the vulture king immediately said, "My son-in-law doesn't have to rush to go back and forth. I have lived on my grassland for the past three days. I will treat my son-in-law well and let my son-in-law see all kinds of customs of my vulture country."

However, listening to the words of the vulture king, Xia Jiang naturally couldn't help but despise it and secretly said, "You are a madman with more than 80 daughters, isn't your so-called style and humanity the endless sex?"

However, in addition to serious contempt, Xia Jiang did not act so uninciable, but said lightly: "My son-in-law will obey the king's arrangement." Despite this, he naturally has his own countermeasures.

After the conversation, the vulture king also did not break his promise and immediately asked his royal chef to prepare a large table of feast for him, accompanied by more than a dozen girls to drink.

When Xia Jiang was about to eat and drink enough to rest, these girls all bathed and changed their clothes and waited for them to be ready in his special camp.

Almost everything was carried out according to the wishes of the vulture king. Xia Jiang could not help but suspect that he had found so many attractive girls to confuse him. At the same time, he also closed his exclusive camp and shared a room with more than a dozen girls.

But to the surprise of more than a dozen girls, his king's son-in-law was not ready to do that shameful thing with them, but to check their cultivation, magic weapons and skills.

Yes, even if Xia Jiang did not find that a few of the girls did not come voluntarily, he would never agree to their company. At night, it is also a kind of fate that they can meet. In this case, he might as well take this opportunity to point them out. In this way, they will not reduce their value in the eyes of others because they can't get his favor, but also make progress in their cultivation. In the future, they may not rely on this way to make profits. Yi, be that pure girl like jade.

However, these girls don't know Xia Jiang's intention, and some secretly think that this son-in-law may be a change. There is any special hobby, so I have to reluctantly begin to show the magic weapon in front of him.

Xia Jiang lay so peacefully in **, half-resting state, watching these girls show their magic weapons, and then casually saying a few words without showing traces. These words may sound like nothing to them now, but later they will definitely know that it will definitely benefit them and can make They have to make great progress.

Also after all the girls were shown, Xia Jiang asked them to line up to sit and practice.

These girls naturally can't resist and silently follow Xia Jiang's requirements.

And at the moment when they all began to enter the meditation retreat, Xia Jiang was finally no longer so lazy, but immediately turned over and started. The boundary immediately broke out and opened, wrapping them all in it and began to regulate their bloodline with the power of demons and improving their blood potential.