Peerless Blood

Chapter 267 Being teased?

A biological form suddenly appeared in Xia Jiang's mind, ants!

Yes, he suddenly found that this creature is more like an ant than a bee, and the whole body structure is more like a typical forest hegemon of the world, a bloody ant.

There are blood-colored ants in most of the world's forests. Although this creature is small, they go hunting in groups. Once they meet large and small beasts, they are almost empty and are eaten cleanly. It's just because they can release a paralytic hormone, and the stronger ones can spray intangible hormones from a long distance, paralyzing the target instantly.

In front of Xia Jiang, this creature is exactly like an ant, and its internal organ characteristics are even more divine.

"It turned out to be an ant. Shouldn't it be called a spirit beast? Should it be called a spirit insect?" Xia Jiang couldn't help but be ashamed. He never thought that the huge spirit beast hatched would be an ant.

At this moment, it was also at the time of Xia Jiang's observation that eight people were supposed to continue to kill at the same time, but at this time there were only seven people left, and the frequency also slowed down.

Suddenly, many generals below began to talk about it one after another, which was nothing more than to conclude that Xia Jiang was indeed at the end of the road, and finally the power of blood was almost consumed.

Almost immediately, a relatively radical general went directly to the table and suggested that the deputy commander of his brigade take action to kill the little king with clean blood, and then the army immediately went on his way.

On the contrary, the deputy commander seemed to have been unable to wait for a long time. When he heard a request from his subordinates, he immediately pretended to be a little embarrassed and said, "Well, the prince of Xia is so huge that only this commander can solve it!"

With that, he immediately rushed straight out into the shield.

The shield of this million army will naturally not be hindered from going out from the inside. In its exit, the shield will not even be affected by any fluctuations.

So at this moment, millions of troops in the shield watched the deputy commander leave the shield defense and rush towards the prince who was still attacking, and watching him sprint out, so easily dodged the opponent's attack.

As for Xia Jiang, who has now strengthened the characteristics of the spirit beast, he immediately sealed it again and continued to store it in the storage ring. After all, it is still the larval period, which will naturally not help him now.

Under the spirit beast that should be called "spirit worm", Xia Jiang's eyes also turned downward, and he immediately saw the spiritual practitioner who hit him.

Xia Jiang has been prepared for a long time. Naturally, it is impossible for the other party to attack. At this moment, when he saw the attack, it made him feel that it was just right!

Almost in an instant, Xia Jiang immediately separated four incarnations again and directly used the sword array.

"Four-dimensional sword array!"

Xia Jiang shouted softly, and the spiritual sword array became familiar. With the tacit understanding of the four incarnations, it was suddenly centered on it, and hundreds of meters of space were locked under his sword array.

Originally, he was worried that if an enemy attacked him, he would not be able to use the sword array immediately because he was in a hurry, but he never expected that the spiritual practitioner who attacked him was actually opposite, just like taking the initiative to drill into his spiritual sword array.

"Big gyro explosion!"

As the spiritual sword array easily locked the target, Xia Jiang immediately drank again. The gyro blood instantly compressed and gathered, and then suddenly burst out, forming a perfect cooperation with the unparalleled sword spirit of the sword array, making the whole space full of demon-eating power.

The sword array is responsible for blocking the opponent's action, the sword qi is responsible for disturbing the opponent's magic weapons and defense, and the blood gyro is responsible for absorbing all energy and turning it into its own. In addition, the explosion of his boundary and spiritual power directly offsets the spiritual impact on him from the opponent's confident eyes.


These moves broke out perfectly and seamlessly at the same time, and then Xia Jiang's figure disappeared in an instant, and also performed a magic shadow step, so that his opponent lost his goal in an instant. While facing huge attacks, he could not even capture the opponent's figure.

Almost in less than three seconds in total, Xia Jiang's disappeared figure, and when his blood top was like a big hand grabbing the other party and tearing it, his figure also appeared below it most unexpected. From the bottom up, Xia Jiang punched out with a fist.

This punch seems ordinary, but it is his strongest understanding. He calls it [gyro fist], which is a punch that contains a thousand times the power of the top!

With a punch, it is absolutely unpreventable, like the spiral black hole pulling force of a thousand times the blood gyro.


In addition to the three consecutive moves and the gyro on the back, the spiritual practitioner who hit him was smashed by his fist and exploded into a blood mist. At the same time, he was absorbed into his fist and transformed into the energy of his body.

Yes, killing a spiritual practitioner is so simple. As long as everything follows his way of thinking, from the sword array to the outbreak of this punch, he has absolute confidence in this result!

What Xia Jiang didn't expect was that the spiritual practitioner actually rushed directly at him, which also saved him a lot of trouble and let him directly lock an explosive sword array. Once locked, the following consecutive moves could be smoothly and gradually.

In Xia Jiang's view at this moment, it is so natural that it is so natural to kill a spiritual practitioner, but this is completely unacceptable to the million troops below.

Originally, after seeing the deputy commander sprint out, those generals were already secretly excited to see Xia Jiang, a huge body in the air. In fact, the desperate boy was crushed by him. It was indescribable to think of that picture.

But what they never thought of was that the next picture was the boy who should have exhausted his bloodline. Suddenly, he seemed to have changed. Not only did the whole person become flexible in an instant, but he was also sensitive to an indescribable extent. They didn't know what he had done. In the blink of an eye, wait to see. When he arrived, he saw that the deputy commander who went out exploded directly, and then he didn't even leave the scum!

Horrible! Silent horror!

At the moment when the deputy commander was punched and killed by Xia Jiang, the middle and high generals who were still talking and laughing below stood still and stared at this completely unexpected scene.

"Where's our deputy commander? Why is he missing?"

"Is it dead? This is absolutely impossible! How can a spiritual practitioner be killed so easily?

"What the hell is going on? How could this happen? Has it been plotted?"

"Can't anyone see where the deputy leader is? He is a spiritual practitioner and has two spiritual weapons on his body. How can he be killed?

At this moment, the million troops exclaimed, but there is no doubt that their voices are very weak. They will all not believe what they see in front of them, and maintain a skeptical attitude. They must believe that their deputy commanders have not been killed, or even pretending to disappear, and then brew a big move to kill their opponents.

But after waiting for a long time, the figure of the deputy leader who had just rushed out did not appear again.

At the same time, they couldn't help but find that the other seven splits of the teenager who killed them are still constantly slashing at the shields of millions of troops. At this time, its frequency has returned to the same as at the beginning.


Although these people kept questioning and denying at the beginning, they could not avoid it, because there was no trace of the deputy leader and the other party's calm and natural look, they soon fell into silence.


Are you mentally retarded?

Low energy?

Or is the thought of a small country backward?

So many insults and sarcasm against Xia Jiang just now, but now these words no longer appear among these people, but it is a little strange, because the brainless little king in their eyes is now beginning to be brainless again and begins to constantly attack their invincible shields.

"What the hell is that... doing?"

"What the fuck is that doing? No! Kill him now! Be sure to kill him!"

After being silent for a long time, I saw that the man above my head was still so calmly chopping. This originally brainless behavior is now more like a reverse mockery, completely ignoring the existence of their millions of people and teasing them!!

These radical maniacs became even more irritable at this moment, and immediately shouted and turned to attack, so that the soldiers immediately joined forces to launch the strongest attack.


Almost immediately, in an area of millions of troops, a huge lightning bombarded the sky with a huge figure believed to be the target body.

This huge lightning was jointly exerted by tens of thousands of people, and the instantaneous explosion was even more fierce than the momentum of thunder.

Xia Jiang saw the thunder and lightning hitting him at a glance, and instantly knew how great the threat this thing was to him - it was not afraid of how lethal this joint blow was, but its speed! The so-called lightning speed, this attack completely shows the power and terrible speed, giving the opponent no chance to avoid or even open the shield.

Therefore, Xia Jiang had to avoid its sharpness, and immediately stepped out of the magic shadow step by step and dodged the blow without danger.

Are you dead? He is absolutely dead! This is 'Wan Lei'. Even the commander can't avoid this blow perfectly. Can this boy still avoid it?

"You must die!"

Several people couldn't see the target and immediately roared, conclude that the target had been bombarded into powder by them.

But they were soon awakened by the incarnations of the seven princes. These seven incarnations still bombarded their shields without slowness, and there was no sign of change at all. Doesn't this absolutely mean that the target they bombarded was still intact?

But how can they accept this result?

Immediately, some senior generals roared and ordered all the teams to immediately bombard those splits, all with 100,000-level joint detonation!

A total of one million troops shook at this moment, and all the senior generals ordered their 100,000 brigades to jointly launch a lightning strike, making the attack completely reach the strongest explosive state.

100,000 thunderstorms, even the strong man at the peak of the spiritual practitioner will be blown into powder. What's more, there is no doubt that its speed will never give the opponent any chance. As long as the target is locked and bombarded out, anyone will die.

Now, all ten brigades have exploded 100,000 thunderstorms, including three blind formations, bombarding the sky.


The whole area burst into a cracking earth, cracking the sky-like thunderbolt, directly discoloring the heaven and earth, absolutely comparable to the thunder roar of nature's celestial phenomena, and the target of ten thousand thunder at this moment is only seven in the sky, no, it should be said to be eight giant shadows.

Xia Jiang's body quickly reappeared under the first thunderstorm. It was also at this moment that three blind shots aimed at him in an instant.

"Will you die?"

"Go to hell!"

"Blast it into powder!!"


This moment was almost hysterical. All these generals burst into their anger. They should have played with each other. How could they let each other play in the end? Does this allow them to tolerate? In their opinion, the other party is really dying! There is no doubt that he will die!