Peerless Blood

Chapter 270 The release of the Xia royal family [the end of this volume]

While Xia Xiong directly let Xia Jiang know about Xia Lei's trace, he also let Xia Jiang know that after his body was destroyed, Xia Xiong, who was still the king of Xia, secretly did something in addition to stabilizing his soul and knew something.

On the day the royal family was slaughtered, Xia Xiong's soul did not hide, but directly lurk and followed Xia Lei, who was rescued. He immediately locked Xia Lei's whereabouts and saw him enter Yanqiu City with his own eyes.

Following that, while stabilizing himself, he secretly found that King Yin joined hands with the lord of a certain country in the northeast and the agreement with the lord of Yanqiu. Of course, the most important thing was the beginning of Xia Lei's betrayal.

On the condition of half of the territory of the State of Xia, Xia Lei reached an agreement with the young city owner of Yanqiu. As long as the other party could help him take the State of Xia and become the king of Xia, he would transfer the general land to the other party and let him dispose of it.

However, there was an accident. Originally, he thought that Xia Guo could easily capture it, but he persuaded the vulture to capture it. Even the unexpected helper Yin Guo was defeated, and then his many attacks with the Star City Lord also ended in failure.

In this way, the two reached an agreement again to divide half of the territory of Xia to others, and the remaining half will be divided equally between the young city owner and Xia Lei. That is to say, even if Xia Lei finally gets the throne of Xia, he actually has to pay most of the territory.

And the others here are naturally the seventh prince, and under such **, the seventh prince immediately promised to send troops, but he never expected that this time he would fail again, but obviously compared with before, this failure angered the young city lord, but the seventh prince! I don't know how the seven princes persuaded the Dugu Emperor, but Xia Xiong can be sure that after the Xia Kingdom is captured, Xia Lei will never get any substantial territory. At most, he is the city owner in the name of the Dugu Empire.

Through his father's complaint, Xia Jiang immediately understood that his father was not completely hiding these days, but was constantly monitoring Xia Lei, and thus learning these things he did not know, but Xia Jiang couldn't help but worry about the situation when Xia Xiong mentioned Xia Lei entering the imperial palace, He could only guess and did not dare to continue to monitor, because in the land of the imperial palace, even if his spiritual practitioner sneaked into it, he would definitely be detected at the first time, which was extremely dangerous!

But even if it is a guess, Xia Jiang also knows that it will inevitably end. For Xia Lei, this is equivalent to putting the whole Xia Kingdom in for the throne of Xia, but he does not get any substantial benefits.

Become the owner of Summer City of the Dugu Empire?

Xia Jiang will never believe that Emperor Dugu will be assured that such an ambitious person will stay in the position of city lord, otherwise the Dugu Emperor will be tantamount to raising tigers. With Xia Lei's ambition, how can he be willing to be a city lord?

However, it is obvious that this is not important to Xia Jiang now, but he can't help worrying about the people of Xia. At least for a long time, the Dugu Emperor will still let Xia Lei manage the land of Xia, but during this period, he does not know how Xia Lei will manage Xia.

After thinking, Xia Jiang finally abandoned this distracting idea and said, "Where is the father going after that?" He knew that with his father's mood, he would never stay in this country again.

Xia Jiang was also sensitive to the stability of the spiritual practitioner during this period. He immediately felt that Xia Jiang's heart had been completely put down, and no longer mentioned anything about Xia Lei. He said, "My father will leave here. As for where to go for the time being, you don't have to care about Xiaojiu. Although you and I are father and son, But with the end of the Xia royal family, the relationship between you and me has also ended. In the future, you and I will go each other. If it is predestined, maybe there is still a chance in the future, otherwise there is no need to mention..."

At this moment, Xia Xiong's thoughts completely showed his determination, which moved Xia Jiang.

The royal family was destroyed, the father and son were cut off, and they really had no worries and embarked on the road of practicing alone?

At this moment, Xia Jiang suddenly thought of the questions he wondered when he was a child. Why did the spiritual practitioners leave their hometown and disappear? Is it because of some restrictions and feelings that I have to leave in order to practice?

And now, these questions come back to his mind, and at this moment, he is already a spiritual practitioner.

was also hearing his father's decisive words. Xia Jiang could no longer find a topic to continue talking with him for a while, but through the hint of the other party, he learned that he would leave next and would not bring anyone except his partner steel.

In this way, his mother, Qinfei, as well as the surviving queen and love concubine, all three of them will really face loneliness from then on.

Xia Jiang has no choice about this. The practitioners in this world have their own aspirations, so he can only hope that his mother and the other two can also forget this man and start their own new practice path.

When Xia Xiong's soul left, Xia Jiang began to meditate again. At least this night, he will spend this night calmly.

That night, everyone did not hear any news from Xia Jiang from his father, but faintly felt that a change was coming quietly.

The next day, in the territory of Xia, the army** of the Dugu Empire, from the west to the capital of Xia, the palace, was no longer resisted. They easily occupied this small kingdom that had been rumored to be able to create miracles.

Of course, the reason for this is that the king of Xia himself announced that the Xia royal family of Xia will be lifted from now on, and the whole Xia will directly belong to the Dugu Empire and have nothing to do with the Xia royal family.

Although it seemed so sad, the civilians were somewhat gratified after the news spread, which was also a more acceptable result in their hearts. In contrast, they did not want the Xia royal family to be hit by the Dugu Empire. Anyway, under the governance of the Xia royal family, the people of Xia They live with great peace of mind and have never suffered from the war. When disaster comes, they cherish the lives of every people, rescue them with all their strength, and support them with all their strength...

However, Xia people thought so, but they didn't expect that it would be Xia Lei, the second prince of the State of Xia, not Xia Jiang, the ninth prince!

"What's going on? Didn't the Xia royal family announce the lifting? Why did the second prince Xia Lei become the master here?

"Don't you even know this? Isn't the demise of our Xia Kingdom all because of his rebellion?

"Yes, wasn't he imprisoned before? ......”

"Well, this son is unfaithful, unfilial and unkind, which is simply worse than a beast. How dare he return to this land?"

"Cough, keep your voice low. If you are heard, he will definitely make you worse..."

Xia Guoping had a lot of folk discussions, but soon after the Dugu Empire's confirmation of Xia Lei's fate, almost no one dared to say more. And these people also know that no matter what they say, the Xia royal family has become the past. No matter what they say, this Xia Lei will not be killed by them. On the contrary, if they are not very good, they may die without a whole body.

For Xia Lei, the people of Xia today are secretly afraid while they are disgusted.

Of course, since Xia Xiong's announcement the next day and the Dugu Empire's approval of Xia Lei in the afternoon, these people are no longer the people of Xia, but the people of the Dugu Empire.

Because of this, almost that evening, in a garden in the Xia King's Palace.

At this moment, a figure came here with seven or eight people in black.

If there is anyone in the original royal family of Xia Guo, he will definitely recognize the person led by these figures. Yes, it is undoubtedly Xia Lei.

At this moment, he stopped and glanced around coldly: "Listen, you are now conducting a comprehensive search inside and outside this palace, including the underground. As long as you can find a suspicious person of the original royal family, immediately kill him and bring him to see me!"

Seventy-eight people in black knelt on one knee and didn't say a word, as if waiting for instructions.

These people in black, as loyal subordinates of Xia Lei, who have been lurking in the State of Xia, have done a lot of things for him. After that, because of Xia Lei's accident, they have been secretly waiting for the opportunity. This time Xia Lei returned again, they naturally came to be loyal immediately.

Xia Lei also secretly felt a great hope after seeing his former profits under his subordinates! Of course, he is not willing to be a puppet city lord. He has seen from the eyes of the seven princes that one day, the other party will definitely attack him and take away all the things that should belong to him, so before that, he must be ready for everything!

However, it is imperative that he must first eradicate all the royal officials of Xia. He must not let anyone go!

"Listen, as far as the city owner knows, there are still several princesses and concubines in the former royal family of Xia who have not been killed. Most of these people will hide here. Even if they dig three feet, they will have to find them. Everyone will be killed, but there is only one person, that is the concubine. If you find her, you will definitely bring her here!" Speaking of this, Xia Lei's eyes showed an evil look and said darkly, "Well, Xia Yan, how dare you betray Xia Huo and join Xia Jiang to deal with me? Second brother, I know you are not dead. Now I will let you know the consequences of knowing what will happen..."

The eight people in black still knelt on one knee without saying a word, as if they continued to wait for his instructions.

After saying that, Xia Lei thought about it and seemed to have nothing else to do. Even if he shouted, "Go. When this is done, each of you must have a lot of rewards!"

However, with Xia Lei's order, the eight people in black who should have responded immediately and left, but there was still no movement.

However, Xia Lei has turned his thoughts elsewhere and looked at some places from afar. He no longer cares about the actions of these people, as if he thought that these people would naturally start to act immediately.

But will these people really carry out his orders? Or are these people really his loyal subordinates?

Almost under Xia Lei's unbridness, eight dark shadows, led by one of them, suddenly attacked Xia Lei directly together in the speed cave.

All eight people were at the peak of the great repairman. Under such a joint attack, when Xia Lei felt something was wrong, his heart had been pierced by a metal weapon, and the power of his blood was completely imprisoned and could not work at all.


His eyes widened and fell to the ground. Xia Lei couldn't believe all this.

Seeing that the target was about to die, the first one of the eight people slowly swallowed a pill. As the elixir went down, the man's face suddenly began to change, showing another face that was more like a life-threatening charm for him.



Thank you for the reward of "Zhang's waste material"! Then, the first big chapter is finally over, and then we will enter the second journey! ( Please understand that the recent update is a little late, and we are trying to adjust it...)