Peerless Blood

Chapter 322 Encounter with fellow people

Three spiritual weapons, that is, the king's weapon. As a king weapon, its most basic effect is to cooperate with the basic ability of the holder when it is unfolded. For example, the spiritual world of Zhuge Shadow must have used an extremely powerful space magic weapon to create such a huge and real space.

Xia Jiang came to a desolate area.

Closing his eyes, he began to prepare, immersed himself in an absolutely peaceful atmosphere, and gave full play to his imagination. For a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and waved the demon-eating sword in his hand and cut forward.

As soon as the sword was cut out, the extremely pure sword spirit rushed forward, but among them, the pure sword spirit began to mutate. On the way, it seemed to open up a different-dimensional space and absorb all kinds of forces in it, making the sword spirit instantly become hot and manic, and only a slight aftershock wave affected the surrounding giant trees. Those giant trees burned violently and then exploded.

It's so strong!

Xia Jiang felt the change of this sword. The sword just now absorbed the power of a flame field, that is, a fire area of the flame empire where he absorbed the mark of the magic square ball last time. After he absorbed it, he got the mark of that field and refined it into the sword. Now it seems that under the guidance of his demon-eating sword, the power of the flame exerted has been strengthened, and it also contains a stronger spiritual fire, so that the giant tree is destroyed in an instant by the spiritual fire and causes an internal explosion, rather than being gradually burned into ashes.

In addition, naturally, there are many marks in other fields in the Rubik's Cube ball he absorbed last time, which must be stronger than the power summoned by the Rubik's Cube Ball! However, Xia Jiang doesn't want to try one by one. Now he has to rush to the Black Crystal Island of the royal family of the Dugu Empire immediately.

Riding on the frog king, Xia Jiang immediately jumped towards the Dugu Empire.


Suddenly, when he came to the main residence of Yanqiu City of the Dugu Empire, he saw a fierce battle was taking place here. It was an army fighting against a huge puppet giant of thousands of meters! Although the giant looks like a real human, Xia Jiang will not be stupid enough to really think so. Under his little investigation, he knew that it was just a puppet.

But even so, he was shocked to see such a huge puppet giant for the first time.

"What's going on here? Who dares to openly attack the territory of the owner's mansion in Yanqiu City? Xia Jiang couldn't help but be shocked. He has always felt that he is arrogant and bold enough to take this Dugu Empire, but the current situation is obviously stronger than him, and he is blatantly plundering the city owner's mansion? And the key is that now the disputes between the princes are fierce, and if something happens, it should be the closest thing to the princes, so that they will be mistaken for a fight between the princes, and this is obviously not the case!

"Is it an imperial war?"

Xia Jiang couldn't help thinking of this possibility. Maybe it was a harbinger of the imperial war.

But with his thoughts, he soon saw a figure from the huge puppet!


This surprised Xia Jiang, even when he was close to the battlefield.

When he came nearby, Xia Jiang found that there was a person standing on the puppet, and it was obviously that he was manipulating the huge puppet and attacking thousands of guards of the other party.

The huge puppet, roared, bowed violently and bombarded the earth. Suddenly, the mountain roared. In front of him, the earth cracked a long and huge crack. Some guards couldn't avoid it and fell directly into the abyss.

This power...

Xia Jiang had to be shocked by this power. The giant's power can only be described as horror. It is definitely not something that can be exerted by a huge giant of only a few kilometers. Obviously, this giant is not only huge, but also has unique abilities.

Then, Xia Jiang saw seven or eight people suddenly flying out of the thousands of people, flying into the sky and shouting at the controller above the puppet's head.

"Where did the madman come from? Dare to attack the border city of my lonely empire and don't want to live?" These seven or eight people are all spiritual practitioners, which surprised Xia Jiang. I don't know when the spiritual practitioners became so worthless?

But then he remembered, and he searched and found that in a secret room under the degree, there was the peak of the forefather, and it was not surprising that several of them were promoted to spiritual practitioners. In addition, now it is very difficult for him to make the masters who are usually hidden are unwilling to be lonely at this time.

But in the face of these seven or eight spiritual practitioners, the man on the body of the huge puppet, looked disdainfully, "The little bugs from there are also shouting in front of me?"

As soon as he fell, he saw two thick beams of light burst out of the eyes of the huge puppet, and two of them were shot in an instant.

The two were attacked, and the others were like frightened birds, trembling and were about to retreat, but late, the two people who were shot suddenly launched an all-out attack on their companions, and the two were killed directly on the spot after running slowly.

The pillar of light is not a destructive attack at all, but mental control, which instantly makes the two completely become temporary puppets of the puppet master!

"Fight away, the two of them are controlled by each other!" The first one to escape and immediately shouted to remind other companions.

However, the next scene made Xia Jiang have to admire the puppet master. Just as the man shouted to remind his teammates, two pillars of light were shot out of the giant puppet's eyes again, one of which happened to concentrate on this person!

Next, the scene turned one sideways. At first, four people intercepted and killed the remaining two people. Under several flashing confrontations, the four people finally killed them. At the same time, the four people began to completely unconsciously pounce on the escort brigade that should have been their own.

"It's so strong. It seems that this person can step on the whole mansion to the ground!"

Xia Jiang has never admired people very much. This time he is deeply admired. This puppet master must have reached a very high level in the application and refining of puppets. Not only that, this person dares to openly attack Yanqiu mansion, but also shows that he is not afraid of the potential threat to the empire.

Even if Xia Jiang is in a hurry now, why doesn't he want to know such a person? Immediately, he came forward to convey an idea to the other party: "In Xiajiang, I admire this eldest brother's courage, but this lonely emperor has been promoted to the realm of the spiritual king, and the eldest brother should also be careful."

The puppet master was on the giant and did not care about the strong spiritual master. He would not pay attention to Xia Jiang, but when he heard Xia Jiang's idea, he turned his head and looked at Xia Jiang and actually thanked him.

However, this is similar to Xia Jiang's expectation, because the spiritual level he showed just now is absolutely at the level of quasi-king, and his tone shows that he is in the same way as the other party, and his enemies and friends are clear, so the other party will naturally treat him differently.

Moreover, Xia Jiang also knew the motives of the other party through the simple contact between the two sides. It was very simple. He deliberately came to flatten the Yecheng main mansion.

After greeting the other party, Xia Jiang immediately said goodbye, indicating that he was going to the palace to do something. If the other party is free, he can go to him next.

After leaving, Xia Jiang also rushed to the Imperial Palace Black Crystal Island more quickly.

At this moment, in the underground space of the small building where Xia Jiang's incarnation is located, the fifth prince is practicing with the assistance of the prospective king, but after assisting the fifth prince to enter the state, the fifth prince will immediately set out to attack dozens of kingdoms controlled by Xia Jiang again.

With the passage of time, Xia Jiang's body soon came here, but almost at the same time, the prospective king also assisted him and wanted to leave the palace and go southeast.

How could Xia Jiang let go of this opportunity? He should intercept the king-to-be halfway. In contrast, he thought that the fifth prince could harvest the meat on the board at any time, but now he must not let it go.

"Hmm! It's you!" The prospective king was intercepted halfway, immediately alerted and prepared, and immediately found out who was the person who intercepted him.

"Of course, it's me. At that time, you said that I absolutely couldn't escape, and I also thought so, but as a result, your body was here, so..." Xia Jiang said arrogantly, with his arms behind him conceit, a presumptuous posture.

However, the current environment and the situation between the enemy and us are obviously unfavorable to him. First of all, this is the imperial palace, which itself is a forbidden place for outsiders. There is no doubt that the intruder will die. Now he openly intercepts the quasi-king again, not to mention that he can kill the other party, at least it will alarm the whole palace, and then he will never escape. In addition, his cultivation is just a leader near the peak, and the opponent is the quasi-king, and there is a gap between the cultivation between the two sides. , lose first if you don't fight; in the end, he said that he couldn't escape, which is even more a joke, because the strong man at the quasi-king level, even in the face of the real spirit king, has a way to escape!

Therefore, Xia Jiang is really arrogant and arrogant at this moment.

"Hmm! I have been crossing the territory of the Dugu Empire for decades, and today is the first time I have seen such an ignorant boy. However, it is enough for you to be arrogant in front of me before you die..." The prospective king was intercepted and finally signed up for the number, but his tone was not timid at all because of Xia Jiang's words. On the contrary Still extremely calm.

"Oh, it sounds really good." Xia Jiang's eyes narrowed slightly, and while talking, his hands opened and rotated in the air, and the big gyro fist was already in place.

At the same time, the surrounding space is also within his boundary range. The 500-meter spirit beast also stepped into the air and suspended into the sky. The spiritual power instantly united with the Xiajiang boundary, making this boundary immediately surpass the quasi-king level and approaching the spirit king!

Before Xia Jiang fought against the other party, he was preempted by the other party, and he was not familiar with the other party's ability, so that a puppet split of the other party could support for so long. This time, he will naturally not give the other party so many opportunities.

With the consolidation of the boundary, he also immediately saw a surprise flashing in the other party's eyes, which was obvious, because at this moment, the spiritual power that broke out by him, a person who could not reach the peak of spiritual practice, has far exceeded that of his quasi-king!