Peerless Blood

Chapter 345 More ambitious goals

"Shaun, the task of defending the city will be handed over to you!" Sea King's territory is located, and Xia Jiang's body has collected information everywhere. At the first time, it is known that major border defense cities have been captured by them and have gradually grasped the overall situation.

"No problem." Sean nodded when he heard this, immediately withdrew his puppet, and then boarded a mount for the other five cities.

The other five cities are naturally the territories that have returned from the north. At this moment, all the reinforcements there have been supported and are colliding with their major kingdoms. At this time, Sean's super puppets need to block and further occupy the city.

Yes, Xia Jiang's purpose is not only to harass, but to occupy. Even if it is not easy to completely occupy these cities next, he will occupy for a period of time to make the people here deeply remember this moment!

When night fell, Sean's figure appeared in the nearest territory of King Qin. At this moment, the city has supported hundreds of thousands of reinforcements from within and has fought with their kingdom's army.

"After all, it is a kingdom, and the resources in all aspects are not as good as this lonely empire, and the overall quality of the army is very low..." When Sean saw the battlefield, he realized the reason why Xia Jiang asked him to come to support.

Immediately, Sean immediately began to summon the super puppet.


Three or four super puppets with thousands of meters were immediately summoned to the stage by Sean.

Yes, every person who can enter the dark mercenary regiment is simple. Sean is typical, and even more extreme. He is devouring a fruit that consumes the potential of life to improve his cultivation, all in order to become a puppet master beyond his teacher.

At this moment, when he saw himself summoning these thousands of meters of puppets again, Sean couldn't help recalling his experience in the college when he was ten years old.


Shaun was looking at a girl in the college from afar. Looking at the touching and lovely girl, he couldn't help but be moved, but he knew that his identity was low, so he could only look at it from such a distance all the time. He didn't even dare to answer when the other party sometimes said hello to him.

But at this time, several male students came towards him.

A man came to him without saying anything, but stretched out his hand to push him to the ground and pretended to be careless.

Sean, who fell to the ground, couldn't help but say angrily, "What are you doing? Do you walk without looking at the road?" Last time he was hit by these people, and this time they came again.

What's the name? What's wrong with hitting you?" Among several male students, the man who hit him heard him shout and shouted coldly.

One side seemed to be provoked and kicked him: "Let you scream!" The expression is even more arrogant.

Shaun was almost his darkest days in the college. He only remembered that he could not suppress himself at that time and finally used puppetry to fight back against the other party, but because he violated the rules of the college, he was almost beaten by several people.

The college stipulates that in non-duel situations, students are not allowed to use each other's blood power, and if either party uses it, the other party can use it to resist, and even killing each other is not illegal.

With this rule, Sean was destined to be impulsive at that time. In addition to being disabled, even the college teacher would oppose him.

In Sean's college, the teacher's attitude almost determined his future, and it was because of his incident that the teacher announced that Sean would be released from participating in all the activities of the college.

This news is simply fatal to Sean, because once he can't participate in various activities of the college, he will never see that lovely girl again.

Thinking of this, he took the initiative to explain to the teacher, indicating that he was bullied by several people at that time, but the teacher did not listen to his explanation at all and humiliated him with some words: "How dare a low-class clan dare to attack the nobles? You should always stay at the level of a monk, or not, this is the fate of your humble clan..."

The four words "lower clan" made Sean feel a great humiliation, that is, from that moment on, he began to pursue power crazily. In order to improve himself quickly, he began to retreat and went everywhere to look for all possibilities that could make him stronger!

Finally, he found the fruit of the magic flower that was rumored to be rare in ten years in the jungle of wild beasts. He picked up the fruit without looking for anyone's help. Relying on his own continuous research, he finally learned to refine the fruit, extract the poison from the magic flower fruit, and then swallowed it.

The magic flower fruit is rumored to improve people's potential, which is true. Even he felt that he found the best in the magic flower fruit, which made him jump from the peak of the practitioner to the peak of the master, and then his potential became stronger and stronger, and his cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds.

However, it is also soon known that this magic flower fruit originally has a hidden danger, that is, contrary to its great improvement effect, it will consume the user's life potential correspondingly, causing a sudden decay of human life! Rumor has it that some people were still 20 years old that day and became 70 or 80 white-haired old people the next day.

Although he learned the secret, Sean did not regret it at all, because he had done at least a few things he wanted to do first.

The first one is to avenge several people's bullying him at that time; the second is to make the teacher who scolded his clan lowly kneel down and apologize to him; the third is to catch up with the girl he likes; the fourth one is to make everyone look at him with new eyes and no longer be coldly and discriminated against.

First of all, he clearly remembered that it was the last few days when he was about to leave the college.

"Shaun, didn't I tell you to get out of here? Haven't seen you for a few months, have you forgotten?" A male student saw Sean appear in front of him, and even when he came to him, his face was almost close to his face.

At this time, Sean said, "You bastards, you'd better disappear in front of me immediately! Otherwise..."

It was also the next moment when Sean said this, several people immediately rushed up to beat him. At that time, many students saw this scene and saw that several people had the power to exert their blood.

"Do you dare to use the power of blood?" Sean was ready to cripple several people, but he still pretended not to be an opponent and shouted out. His purpose was to let everyone know that the other party used the power of blood first.

But the other man still snorted coldly, "This is the aristocratic college. Your lowly clan still deserves the rules of the college?"

As soon as this sentence came out, many people were secretly angry, but they dared not say anything. At this moment, Sean began to explode. The peak cultivation and strength of the great repairer made it easy for him to abolish these students.

The second thing followed, one day a year later, he came to the teacher's house of the college.

"Teacher, didn't you say that the fate of our lower clan is a monk? Now I'll give you a chance to apologize to me in College Square tomorrow, or I will definitely kill you!"

And the next night, Sean killed the teacher because he did not kneel down and left his name on the body.

However, the third thing is not going so smoothly. Although he defeated all his competitors, the girl's family still discriminates against his clan and feels that he is not worthy of partnering with girls or even just double cultivation. At this point, he had to forcibly take the girl away and leave the college. Until now, the girl is still in his hands. Because he can't give up his family, even if he loved him, he is now only half obedient to him.

It can be said that he hasn't completely completed the third thing yet, but he has completed the fourth thing, because in their kingdom, there is almost no one who doesn't know his name of Sean.

But these don't seem to be so important to him now, because the world is too big. That small kingdom is like a grass in the jungle, no matter how bright it is. Now, he has a more ambitious goal, and he wants to become an existence that can be remembered by the whole continent!

When his thoughts returned to his eyes, Sean jumped and immediately jumped on the mount and marched towards the next city again.

The four-kilometer huge puppet began to show its power here, almost reflecting the scene of every town next.

Soon, with Sean's rapid support, every expeditionary force blocked by the reinforcements received the support of his super puppet, and morale suddenly rose. Under the terrible combat power of his super puppet, major cities began to be controlled one after another and began to insert the banner of the coalition army led by Xia.

It was the next day after completing all this that Sean quickly returned to Xia Jiang.

"Xiajiang, the city has been under our control for the time being, but the Dugu Empire has been continuouslyyuan troops, and those kingdoms have been weak." Sean immediately reported the situation of each city.

Naturally, Xia Jiang knew that he could not rely on those kingdoms to do anything about this lonely empire. The thin camel was bigger than a horse. After all, this lonely empire only suffered a little setback. The actual national strength and force have been stored and have not yet been used.

"It doesn't matter. What I want them to use stronger power to resist us, and I want the empires of the whole continent to hear this news one after another: the Dugu Empire is in a fully guarded war!" Xia Jiang looked in the direction of Dugudu City.

Shaun followed Xia Jiang's eyes. He vaguely saw that in Xia Jiang's sight, there was still a closed existence. He may have been unable to stand it. At some point, he would leave the customs in advance and then go straight here!

Thinking of this, Sean felt a surge of blood! Yes, what he wants is that moment, and he can really show his skills and fight against the super existence of the spirit king level!

Xia Jiang naturally noticed Sean's reaction at the first time, and that was not his other purpose? However, at this moment, they still have several key figures on hand that have not been taken down, which is also the task they must complete before that!

"Shawn, I'll leave the remaining two kings to you. I'll go to the south to have a look..."