Peerless Blood

Chapter 361 Finally--

"You can go to the spiritual world to find him..."

Almost as Xia Jiang just said this, one of the city lords roared almost hysterically and suddenly hit a long stick, surrounded by violent energy fluctuations, extending infinitely and stabbing Xia Jiang.

Xia Jiang was also a little surprised when he saw this attack. The energy fluctuation of this person's instantaneous explosion actually had the level of a quasi-king. However, it is useless. After the long stick bursts out all its strength, it only breaks through to a distance of 100 meters from him, which is not a threat to him at all.

At this moment, the female city owner knew that the righteous city owner was dead, but her momentum was instantly exhausted and her eyes were dull.

Seeing this situation, Xia Jiang immediately secretly stimulated the power of blood, maximized the suppression of the gyro fist, and immediately blocked everyone in the sword array with Sean's sword array.

"It's good to destroy their bodies, don't kill their souls." Xia Jiang then said, which was also to solve Sean's puzzle.

"What? No wonder you didn't cooperate with me just now?" Sean heard Xia Jiang's prompt and immediately understood the reason why the other party had just cooperated with him.

"It's hard to say. Let's talk about it later." Xia Jiang said lightly, and suddenly burst out a wave of power again, so that the power of the sword array was unreservedly released. In the whole space, more than 20 city owners were pierced by ten thousand arrows in the sword array.

Because it is in such a hidden space, the outside world is not clear about what is happening here.

At this moment, the person who had been watching Xia Jiang in the sky has come to the sword emperor of Zhuoluo.

"Emperor, according to the investigation under the tree, Xia Jiang is really not a simple role. He not only has a magic weapon almost a spiritual weapon, but also has extremely domineering skills! ......”

Hearing the report, Emperor Zhuoluo's eyes suddenly flashed, turned his head and glanced at him and said, "Are you sure to bring his magic weapon?" His tone is extremely firm.

Generally, this person is comparable to the strength of the soul-eating. He was originally extremely confident, but with the lesson of the past, he could not guarantee it at this moment.

When Emperor Zhuoluo saw that the people around him were silent, his eyes flashed immediately: "Then it seems that only I will do it myself."

Hearing the emperor's words, the people around him immediately lowered their heads to show his incompetence as subordinates, but he still whispered, "Then Xia Jiang is extremely alert. I see if the emperor should be cautious and not give him a chance to escape!"

"Well, of course..." Emperor Zhuo Luo stood up and immediately walked down.

At this moment, I am in an underground space in a cultivation ground in the palace of the Dugu Empire.

The originally extremely calm underground space suddenly seemed to increase its spiritual power tenfold, making the whole space seem to be roaring loudly.

Somewhere at the entrance and exit, the two guards sensed something strange and suddenly became shocked and began to look at each other.

"This is a sign that the emperor is going out of the customs!" The two looked at each other and exchanged feelings in an instant.

At the same time, on Black Crystal Island, several princes also received information one after another, and their eyebrows suddenly flew.

"It's out! My father is about to go out!"

This information really relieved these princes. In an instant, they were full of evil spirits and looked directly in a certain direction.

At this moment, there is no doubt that a figure appears in the eyes of these princes, which is undoubtedly Xia Jiang! Xia Jiang, the low-level identity of a small kingdom, actually incited all the surrounding kingdoms to attack their lonely empire. This account can finally be calculated!

"Let's go to the practice room now to welcome my father out of the customs!" Several princes are extremely united at this moment.

I believe this news is absolutely explosive. Now that there is only one line of defense left in the Dugu Empire, and at this time, Dugu Emperor will definitely launch Dugu's last strongest force to attack Xiajiang directly. This will be the most fierce war of the empire!

At this moment, an emperor in colored armor in the extreme southwest was also shocked and turned to the think tank around him, "The Dugu Emperor is about to leave the customs. It seems that I should also congratulate him in person!"

This is an empire far away from the Dugu Empire. The king of this empire has some friendship with Dugu. This time, Dugu is facing a situation, and he has been watching coldly.

When the people on his side heard the emperor's mouth, they also immediately said, "At this time, you really want to help this lonely empire. You can't let Zhuo Luo Jiansheng and others take advantage of it!"

"Hmm." Listening to the reminder of his subordinates, the emperor nodded slightly.

In contrast, other neighboring empires around the Dugu Empire are farther away. In addition, they rarely intersect with each other. At this time, they know nothing about the situation of the Dugu Empire.

And also at this moment, Xia Jiang faintly felt a strangeness, almost like an uncertain prophet, saying, "The Dugu Emperor is about to leave the customs!"

Sean on one side was stunned when he heard Xia Jiang's words.

"I left a mark there before. Just now, I suddenly noticed a huge spiritual fluctuation near here, which is very strange. If I guess correctly, it should be that Emperor Dugu is sending a message to his son, which is a signal to the outside world!"

Hearing Xia Jiang's words, Sean couldn't help turning around and looking in the direction of the Dugu Empire.

"Never mind him, now it is imperative to take down these 27 cities in the shortest time!" Xia Jiang was not moved at all and immediately said his original plan.

Shaun's eyes flashed and he immediately turned around.

Xia Jiang's army immediately launched an attack on the nearest city.

With thousands of siege experience, Xia Jiang is no longer familiar with it and has a complete grasp of the defense system of the Dugu Empire. No matter what kind of city it is, the defensive force of the boundary can't resist the joint attack of him and Sean, and under their morale, the other party's army is not a problem.

Of course, the most important thing is the almost invincible strength of him and Sean, as well as the existence of the hegemony of the swallowing beast, which makes the elite of the Dugu Empire vulnerable.

What about the three immortal worlds?

In less than half a day, seven or eight cities fell. Suddenly, many people began to question that the immortal three realms of the Dugu Empire did not appear at this moment, and the 27 cities were at most a little stronger than ordinary cities.

"What an indestructible defense of the three worlds, the legendary magical skills, but the result is all fucking fake!" Some people, who had worshipped the defense power of the Dugu Empire, are now completely disappointed in them.

These people watched the earth-shaking energy fluctuations of Xiajiang's kingdom army, as well as super puppets and 10,000 meters of blood-colored swords, which simply slaughtered their lonely empire, and the cities fell one by one, and they were completely vulnerable.



Twenty-seven cities will soon have only a fraction left, and at this moment, none of these cities have seen their owners!

Yes, since Xia Jiang launched a fierce attack, these cities seemed to be very powerless, undoubtedly because their most critical characters were not present, and with the capture of cities by him, none of them appeared. How can these armies of the Dugu Empire not waver?

Once Xia Jiang opened his mouth, he would never be soft. How could he give these cities time to breathe? It was almost a series of slams with all his strength. Under the outbreak of powerful forces, these low-level practitioners were completely shocked by him, and the self-confidence of the Dugu Empire also completely disappeared.

Next, there was basically no suspense. The cities that appeared in front of Xia Jiang one by one could resist in less than 20 minutes. Xia Jiang's army was like thunder and lightning, crackling, like a sweep.

Nearly a day after the Dugu Emperor revealed the signal to go out, Xia Jiang came to the last city of the 27th city.

At this moment, it is already late at night.

"There is only one city left, brothers, the whole Dugu Empire is about to be destroyed by you. You should double your strength at this moment, because I'm afraid it will be difficult to have such a second opportunity!" Xia Jiang's deep and big magic sound echoed among hundreds of thousands of troops.

These soldiers are extremely excited at this moment! Yes, they completed the seemingly impossible task and pushed down the once invincible giant Dugu Empire with the army of the kingdom. Now, this is the most arrogant moment in their lives!


Hundreds of thousands of soldiers roared, and this momentum alone almost cracked the last city in front of them.


With an order, Xia Jiang took the lead and cut off the 10,000-meter demon-eating sword directly. At the same time, in the eyes of those Dugu Empire, another figure exactly the same as Xia Jiang appeared on the other end and punched down their powerful boundary.


The boundary that made the whole city as brilliant as a thousand years, so that countless cracks were hit by the two consecutive blows of Xiajiang, and every inch was cracked. Following the joint energy impact of the turbulent army, the boundary was broken in response.

It's over...

At this moment, almost all the generals and soldiers of the Dugu Empire felt a whirlwind, as if a world had collapsed - all the cities of the Dugu Empire had fallen.

This is not only a hunch, but a fact that is completely visible to the naked eye. Under the outbreak of countless Xiajiang armies, these lonely imperial soldiers who are usually proud of can't exert half of their strength at all. Even some generals fight against Xiajiang's soldiers alone are not opponents.


At this moment, these lonely imperial soldiers finally know what shame is, the aura of the invincible empire has no effect at this moment, but only makes them feel extremely humiliated.


When the army arrived, it collapsed and became decadent. In less than ten minutes, this last city was finally occupied by Xia Jiang.

"Finally, is it going to end..." Xia Jiang looked at the last lonely city of the Dugu Empire and couldn't help but feel it.

Sean on one side was also a little unbelievable. Looking at the capital of the Dugu Empire in front of him, he woke up like a dream: "We are about to destroy an empire!"