Peerless Blood

Chapter 403 Far Away [Happy New Year!]

"Such a war is no longer challenging for me..."

At this moment, Xia Jiang felt more and more the terrible strength of the Spirit King. Originally, after the original Dugumo reached the cultivation of the Spirit King, he should be able to quickly expand the empire and soar to the sky, but he was unlucky to meet a freak like him and break his plan. Now, he has reached the cultivation of the spirit king, and has come into contact with the last level of demon-eating swordsmanship theory. His strength is equivalent to the middle stage of the spirit king, which can be said to be one of the few in this continent.

Yes, there are indeed some spiritual emperor-level existences on this continent, but there are very few, which can be counted with your fingers, and they are basically hidden and have not participated in these sesame disputes in the mainland for a long time.

Also watching the enemy retreat on a large scale, Xia Jiang began to feel a little bored at this moment. He felt that even if he took one or two more steps to rule the whole continent and become the first empire of the mainland, it was the same.

Thinking of this, even if Xia Jiang used his external incarnation, he began to completely explode his spiritual king's cultivation. Yes, he is going to quickly end the war and directly rule the four empires with absolute force.

The road to war is so cruel that it is so domineering. Once it starts, there is no reason to stop. Even if he is tired of it now, what he still has to do has to be done. Otherwise, the four empires without leaders will fall into their own possible civil wars, fighting for power and profits, which will harm the country and the people.

"If the war is guilty, let Xia Jiang bear it alone..."

Ten minutes rushed in all directions, and the power of the boundary also expanded in all directions. Wherever it went, the energy swept, devoured and transformed, and the bloody light drifted in the sky like a storm. At this moment, Xia Jiang looked extremely enchanting without concealment, and even a little evil.


First of all, in this battlefield where Sean was located, more than a dozen Xia Jiang's incarnations held demon-eating swords and constantly launched slashing and sword arrays against the remaining enemy, making the enemy desperately resist. For a moment, they were in trouble. In addition to retreating and fleeing desperately, there was almost no choice.

Yes, Xia Jiang's purpose is to force them back, not slaughter them.

The army, which had been demoralized long ago, has no fighting spirit now. Small and medium-sized generals began to give orders to die and retreat the whole army! In this way, at least it is much more glorious than surrender.

At the same time, more incarnations in the west also caused a huge blow to the enemy in the same way. In order to win the favor of Xia Jiang, the generals on that side also worked hard at this moment, which made the morale of the army of the alliance empire rise, and the whole army broke out with extraordinary combat power for several days. In the past few days, the army has been huddled in the city and absolutely pretending to be a grandson, but at this moment, they all sprinted desperately under the order of Xia Jiang's attack, and they all endured to the limit.

As for the north and the east, with the instructions and assistance of Xia Jiang's counterattack, Xia Jin and Lila also commanded the army to counterattack and launched various tacit cooperation to catch the low enemy off guard.

The Jaguar soon won a comprehensive victory in all directions, and the generals were all excited. The people concerned about the war in the whole alliance empire were also gradually cheered up and felt that it was a great honor to be the people of the empire.

Imagine that a newly established empire can defeat the siege of the four empires instructed by the three super empires, which is simply a miracle. How can you not be excited? Of course, this naturally cannot bury the comprehensive assistance of the Kaiser Empire.

Although the Kaiser Empire is not as famous as the three super empires, it should not be underestimated when compared with the huge power alone. Originally, the three empires were just pinching soft persimmons, but now with this big empire against them, they naturally have to weigh it. After all, the big empire is different from the small empire. Once the big empire really conflicts, it is not a small fight, that is, I don't know how many interests conflict with each other. First of all, the business community will not support it.

With the strong morale of the alliance empire, coupled with Xia Jiang's arrogant strength sweeping everywhere, the four empires were basically defeated, and the news of backup was never heard again. By the fifth day, the war finally came to an end.

The logistics generals looked at their respective battlefields and saw that the bones were like mountains, and they couldn't help feeling sad.

"Listen, generals, when the battlefield is finished, our alliance empire is ready to go to the four empires!" Xia Jiang's instructions shocked the generals of the alliance empire. They only heard him say, "Of course, our goal is not only to repel the enemy, but to... occupy the four empires, expand the territory of our alliance empire, and complete this hegemony! Now, it will be a historic moment on the mainland, and each of you will become a hero, but it may be much easier to complete this step... than you think!"

Xia Jiang said that Prime Minister Cao Kuang unfolded the regional maps including the four empires and began to deploy them in detail. With the existence of this super military division, there is naturally no need for Xia Jiang to work hard. He only needs to exert his strong strength to fight against the morale of the enemy.

Under Cao Kuang's emergency plan, all the troops of the entire alliance empire were deployed in less than three hours, and then they began to launch surprise attacks that night and capture the four major empires at the same time.

At this moment, it is the lowest morale of the four empires. Each empire is in chaos. Even if there are warlords in all places, they are just a mob in the face of Xia Jiang's own army. After all, this is a world where strength is respected. The four emperors died in battle. The whole country can't find an existence that can compete with Xia Jiang in terms of cultivation and identity. Even if it is strong, it can only delay the decadent at this time. Who is willing to take this risk?

"Listen, our alliance empire and the Kaiser Empire have been under the city. Now you are limited to disarm and surrender within one hour, otherwise the city will be broken and the blood will be flowing into a river. All your generals and royal families will not want to live tonight!"

"God Empire..."


At the border defense of each empire, the army of the alliance empire gave the final declaration one after another. Tens of millions of troops were vast, with the strong army of the Kaiser Empire, the dazzling spirit beast mounts, and the more than ten-meter-high split of Xiajiang, which made these once glorious empires dim.

Just in case, Xia Jiang began to sneak into the Zhuoluo Sword Holy Empire. As the only empire that most fought against their alliance empire, he naturally had to give priority to it. After sneaking into the Zhuoluo Empire, Xia Jiang focused on those high-ranking royal families of Zhuoluo and would directly eliminate the stubborn elements who tried to continue to call on the army to resist.

Such a means is also used in other empires, but it is much lighter in comparison.

Now, the fighting spirit of the Zhuoluo Empire is slightly stronger.

It was also that with Xia Jiang's cleaning, the senior royal family of Zhuoluo Jiansheng Empire began to be in danger and dared not resist again. Moreover, these people are also clearly aware of Xia Jiang's strength and know that if it hadn't been for his mercy, I'm afraid that the army that can escape this time will no longer exist.



Under the stalemate and intimidation of nearly midnight, the four empires finally surrendered one after another, and the imperial capitals hung white flags. White is also a symbol of peace, but the meaning of this moment is self-evident.

Finally got this result, Xia Jiang was relieved, but he was not happy at all. After all, he also consumed a lot of his energy and was extremely tired. After the next day, Xia Jiang did not immediately talk to King Kaiser about the distribution, but announced a retreat.

At the same time, he exerted several ten points, and each split has the strength of a quasi-king. I'm afraid that Xia Jiang can do this kind of consumption. His hand has been comparable to the general spiritual emperor level.

And at the time of Xia Jiang's retreat, under Cao Kuang's plan, major special officials and generals launched control actions to comprehensively compile the major imperial regimes, and upgrade and reuse trustworthy talents. On the contrary, all of them should be abolished or demoted. In short, it is necessary to quickly control the major empires and completely combine the four empires. And go to the territory of the alliance empire.

In this storm, Xia Jin, as the king of Xia, began to expand the Wanbao Pavilion, fully renovated the Yibao Pavilion of the original four empires, reopened with the signboard of the Wanbao Pavilion, and also occupied a place in the major cities.

Also under his excellent vision and affinity, he took advantage of the needs of all practitioners for magic weapons and double elixirs to implement various ** transactions, so that the people of various empires quickly turned their attention to his Marlboro Pavilion and began to fully enter the period of practice theory.

A few days later, Xia Jin stood on the top floor of the Marlboro Pavilion and glanced at the major cities and couldn't help sighing: "Maybe the concept of empire has never been as big as we thought..."

Yes, after Xia Jiang's strategic publicity in the past few days, the double magic weapon series of magic weapons alone has improved the national mood affected by the war, making everyone enter the cultivation frenzy. At the same time, because countless poor people who are unable to practice have also been given the opportunity to practice. In this way, all aspects of the whole empire Development has become rapid.

After all, this world is a world dominated by practice. The behavior of all walks of life is related to cultivation. If everyone's cultivation is higher, the benefits will naturally increase day by day. In the long run, how can the empire not flourish?

Next, Xia Jin made great efforts and took out all the countless magic weapons refined by Xia Jiang. At the same time, he also let a large number of refiners led by Xia Jiang refine double magic weapons day and night, vowing to complete the era of national cultivation expected by Xia Jiang.


Almost a month later, with the early dilution of the war, cultivation has become a hot topic and main topic. Unconsciously, the four empires have completely become part of the alliance empire, and people rarely mention the names of their former empires again.

"Look, now our alliance empire has expanded its territory tenfold and has entered the seventh place in the mainland empire! Now, the name of our alliance empire has been known by the whole continental empire..." Facing Xia Jiang, who was out of the customs, Xia Jin smiled proudly.

Xia Jiang also saw all the achievements made by Xia Jin in the past month. Naturally, he knew how powerful it was. Hearing this, he also nodded slightly and agreed.

"Brother Xia Jin, your talent is naturally excellent. Xia Jiang, I have always admired this point..."

"Ha ha, isn't it? Xia Jiang, you also have times to admire people!" Xia Jin was so praised by Xia Jiang, and he laughed happily.

Xia Jiang shook his head with a slight smile, and then said with a straight face, "Of course, that's why I think it's time for you to fully host the affairs of the empire! I don't know..."

Before Xia Jiang finished speaking, Xia Jin suddenly became dull: "Xia Jiang, don't say that. I'm just kidding." He thought that Xia Jiang was testing his loyalty.

But obviously, he misunderstood Xia Jiang and only heard him say lightly, "I'm not kidding. I've been thinking about this for a long time, and now it's time to tell you... Almost a few days later, I will travel to other places first, and then maybe return once..." With that, Xia Jiang's thoughts couldn't help floating out of the sky.

Xia Jin is also a six-way person. As soon as he saw Xia Jiang's eyes, he knew that he was talking about this matter. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed: "Xia Jiang, it seems that you really want to transfer all your rights to me, but you know that you are only suitable to be a businessman. If you want me to lead such a huge empire, I'm afraid that I'm not strong enough..." Xia Jin Obviously, I don't want to be an emperor.

But after one word came out, how could Xia Jiang take it back? Moreover, Xia Jin is the only one who is most suitable to be the lord of the alliance empire. After all, as the king of the imperial capital, his status and status are the highest, and his recent achievements are obvious to all.

"There's nothing we can do. At present, except you, Xia Jin, there is no one worthy of Xia Jiang's trust and our alliance empire. You can make it difficult!" Xia Jiang said, with the corners of his mouth fluctuating slightly, showing a trace of helplessness and guilt. Then he said, "Then, Sean Lila will leave with me. At that time, you can talk more with Lord Cao Kuang. He should be able to help you solve many problems. In addition, if you are really difficult to take responsibility, you can quickly cultivate some talents. Come on, you can inherit this 'trouble' a few years ago!"

Listening to Xia Jiang speak so patiently, Xia Jin also felt warm in his heart. He no longer continued to focus on this topic, but said curiously, "Brother Xia Jiang, what are you going to do? Are you going to leave this continent completely?" With that, his eyes flashed and seemed to be extremely expectant.

"Well, maybe..." Xia Jiang turned his eyes to the endless distance and said secretly, "Presumably, those predecessors on this continent have had a similar mood to me. When the cultivation has reached this stage, the more I look forward to seeing further."

As soon as Xia Jin heard it, coupled with the infection of Xia Jiang's breath, he couldn't help but look at Xia Jiang carefully and became more curious: "Bright, Xia Jiang, what level have you cultivated now? I feel that after a month of retreat, you have made a big breakthrough in your cultivation!" When the words fell, Xia Jin secretly felt that Xia Jiang was terrible. Although he was only a businessman, he was still very concerned about practice. He knew that even with the assistance of endless materials, a person's potential was limited. It was impossible to achieve such a cultivation as Xia Jiang in decades.

When it comes to cultivation, Xia Jiang couldn't help looking at himself, looking at the palm, through the palm, to see the internal bloodline, and more subtle things.

"It should be slightly higher than the ordinary spirit king..." After thinking about it, Xia Jiang said casually.

When Xia Jin heard Xia Jiang say this, the meaning is very clear, that is to say, he is now smarter than the ordinary spirit king, but according to Xia Jiang's consistent performance, Xia Jin secretly feels that Xia Jiang's real strength may have reached the peak of the spirit king, and he can even compare with the spirit emperor! You should know that when he was only at the peak of spiritual cultivation, he competed with the existence of the spiritual king level, and then broke through in the crisis and completed the overtaking in strength. Such a existence will always be much stronger than the surface.

When Xia Jiang said this, he couldn't help thinking of the old man. In fact, since the last time the old man helped him refine his bloodline, his cultivation has progressed more rapidly. He not only broke through to the spirit king, but also understood a little of the true meaning of demon-eating, which made him finally achieve demon-eating swordsmanship! Now, he has really stepped into the third stage of demon-free demon-eating, so Xia Jin guessed that he is indeed smarter than before the retreat.

Next, Xia Jiang and Xia Jin talked for half a day and talked about many topics. In addition to the future construction and development of practice, they also gave some assistance on practice. In short, they finished everything Xia Jiang thought of before leaving.

Xia Jiang's next stop is naturally Yinguo, because before he leaves, the person who needs the most company and help is Xia Yuner.

In retroscent, if it hadn't been for Xia Yuner, maybe he didn't know what was going on now. It was Xia Yuner who gave him a lot of courage and a lot of motivation to practice! And all the time, Xia Yuner's help and tolerance for him have given him full confidence in the common practice of the world, which also prompted him to work together to refine double magic weapons, and so on.

Quietly came to the Yinguo Palace, and Xia Yuner suddenly saw Xia Jiang's visit, which was also extremely surprised.

"...Do you want me to call everyone over?" Jingjing looked at Xia Jiang. After meditating for a long time, Xia Yuner finally spoke from the bottom of her mind.

"Everyone in the Kaiser Empire? Yes..." Xia Jiang couldn't help showing a smile of relief, and then nodded slightly.

Xia Yuner, who was still wearing the veil, nodded, showed a trace of pleasure in her eyes, and immediately urged a magic weapon on her body.



The five-word chapter has finally ended this volume, and it is also another chapter!