Peerless Blood

Chapter 406 Antiphagy

Sean and Lila suffered such a shock. Fortunately, they made precautions in advance to barely resist most of the spiritual power. However, under the broken shield, their thinking still fell into a state of chaos, as if they had entered a completely strange world and were robbed in it.

It's not good for Xia Jiang to achieve his goal in this impact, which shattered the other party's orange shield and instantly swallowed it into his body.

"Is that... the spiritual king weapon?" Absorbing the energy of the orange mask, Xia Jiang couldn't help but feel that this energy contains a strong will, and the strength is almost devouring the human soul. If you are an ordinary person, even if you break the defense of the other party's spirit king weapon, you will die by the will.

Immediately, look at the young man's body, which had just lost the orange mask, and a new mask came out again!

Seeing this scene, Xia Jiang could only be speechless. The power of the spirit king weapon is really like a nightmare for the spirit king-level practitioners. This is the real spirit weapon, not that kind of mutilated counterfeit.

Although Xia Jiang's demon-eating sword is now at the level of spirit king, it is not a real spirit king weapon, but only has the explosive power of this level. The real spirit king weapon, which contains the whole spirit of a strong man at the spirit king level, is combined with the magic weapon.

"Unfortunately, my demon-eating sword has not been refined yet, so I have to find some spiritual materials..." Xia Jiang thought to himself.

Soon Sean and Lila recovered from the spiritual impact, even if they distanced themselves from him. Facts have proved that they can't help the battle between Xia Jiang and this man at all. They can only hide as far away to avoid being affected.

The mysterious teenager who reappeared with the shield still had no expression, and his eyes were plain. Looking at Xia Jiang as if he was spying on the other party's ability, he could not notice the changes at all.

"This spirit king weapon is specially designed to absorb spiritual attacks, unless my explosive power reaches its critical point, but even so, it will recover again..."

Xia Jiang thought so, but his action did not stop at all. He immediately communicated with Yixiao and cooperated with the second wave of spiritual impact again! Although he was a little itchy against the defense of the other party's magic weapon, he himself was not at a loss. The moment he broke the other party's shield, he also absorbed the strong will of the other party's spiritual weapon! Although it has a huge counterattack, since it can resolve it, it has both advantages and disadvantages.


The liquid spiritual weapon spewed out of the ant's mouth again, which was mixed with more complex spiritual attributes. Immediately, Xia Jiang also drilled into it perfectly and turned into a pure and violent spiritual power. The whole person rotated and bombarded like a bloody translucent sun.

The teenager was locked by Xia Jiang's attack, and his whole body could not move like a dull wood in an instant, but the orange light around him immediately became dazzling, and became stronger and stronger as the impact got closer and closer!


Another huge impact exploded in front of the teenager, and the space shook violently, as if to cause tearing and trigger something terrible. But as the fluctuations spread away, everything returned to normal, and an orange mask appeared again around the teenager.

"Sure enough! This magic weapon is simply as powerful as the spiritual emperor, specializing in restraining the impact of spiritual power!" Xia Jiang reconfirmed that the effect of this magic weapon had been fully determined this time.

silently in his heart, he still kept waving the demon-eating sword in his hand, and directly cut at the target with a sword.

This sword is a complete physical attack. The manic demon-eating power continues to rotate, cut, devour and transform on the way, representing Xia Jiang's strongest attack effect today.

ci ci——

The harsh sound of sword spirit penetrates everything and hit the teenager in the blink of an eye.

However, an unexpected scene reappeared, and a light blue barrier suddenly appeared in front of him, completely absorbing all Xia Jiang's attacks!


This time directly stunned Xia Jiang! This is his strongest blow, the complete explosion of the demon-eating sword, and it also contains a strong soul power, which was completely resolved by the other party!?

is different from just now, and this time it is a blue barrier, which is flat and seems to be stronger than orange light. It can be resolved together with the power of the soul in it!

Sean, standing aside, saw this scene and stared even more: "How many magic weapons are hidden in this guy, so strong?"

"This person..." Lila, on one side, was also shocked, but her face was still flat and said, "It's not normal... I can't feel any of his mental fluctuation."

Don't feel the fluctuation?

Sean was stunned and also carefully observed the serious person. He also saw the other party's emotionless face, like a walking corpse. But from the overall perspective, this person is no different from normal people.

Xia Jiang attacked three times in a row, all of which were completely invalid. He suddenly felt that his opponent was strong and became tricky. In other words, this is the first time that he has felt so much pressure in the face of opponents of the same level.

If Xia Jiang's guess is good, the young man in front of him, who doesn't seem to be 20 years old, has not only many spiritual weapons hidden, but also a real invincible state!

"Xia Jiang, I think this man is a little weird. Why don't we leave for the time being and don't continue to conflict with him..." Suddenly, Sean reminded him seriously. Although he knew that Xia Jiang never gave up, at present, under the balance of pros and cons, he felt that fighting with this stranger again would not get any benefit at all. Moreover, this is a once-in-a-century sky and fog environment, and we should be silent to look for treasures.

"No!" When Xia Jiang heard this, he even responded: "I feel that this so-called fog may be related to this guy. If we want to find the treasure, I'm afraid we have to start from him first!"

Xia Jiang said with incomparably firmness, moving his body and disappearing in place.

In a demon-free state, although the effect will be weakened by the change of fog, it can still be hidden, so that your breath and energy fluctuations are completely undetected.

In this state, Sean and Lila suddenly didn't know the location of Xia Jiang.

In the same way, the young man immediately shifted his gaze and began to turn his eyes to Sean Lila.

Being watched by this monster-like existence, Sean only felt a chill on his back and quickly stepped back a few steps. It's not that Sean is afraid of death, but that he knows that his opponent has a super magic weapon that he can't die. He will never be stupid enough to fight with the other party.

while Lila is slightly better, but she also looks at the other party with great vigilance, emitting countless spiritual tentacles all over her body and starting to keep looking.

Lilla's spiritual power has reached the point of being fascinated, which can spread out like a spider silk. Once the opponent is locked, it will be launched in an instant to completely block the opponent and completely control it. Even opponents of the same level can forcibly control their opponents under her outbreak.

If ordinary people face such an enemy, they may not even know how to die, and may sink into an unknown world or sleep time at the time of death.

However, now, Li Ramen has nothing to do with this person. She knows that Xia Jiang's two spiritual shocks are so powerful that they can't shake this person. This magic weapon on this person is absolutely extraordinary.

It is also that the two of them are somewhat uncertain, and Xia Jiang's impact comes out again. Xia Jiang's disappeared figure suddenly appeared above the back of the teenager, and then the whole person turned into a thousand-meter demon-eating sword, with bright red and dark green dazzling alternate light.

This time, his explosion was mixed with two extremes of energy properties!


The powerful energy impact hit the teenager more quickly this time, but the vision reappeared!

Behind the teenager, a blue barrier automatically appeared, and orange light flowed in the blue barrier. At the moment when the double energy bombardment of Xiajiang entered, it kept flashing, absorbing and swallowing this blow again.


Almost at the moment when Xia Jiang was bombarded, he only felt an invisible force suddenly burst out from the depths of his mind, like a demon in the abyss of hell, roaring and swallowing at him!

Xia Jiang, who had been on guard for a long time, suddenly closed his eyes, concentrated all his mental strength, and collided with this force head-on! Compared with just now, this is more prepared. He just wants to see how strong the spirit king's will in the blue barrier is!


A mountain-like thing suddenly appeared in his mind like an earthquake, as if mountains rumbled up in the earth, like evil to destroy the world. The scene was strange and horrible.

Xia Jiang has never seen such a scene, but only feels that there is a breath of destruction, the will to destroy all resistance and destroy everything!

The power to destroy everything! Come on! Will I be afraid of you?!" Xia Jiang roared in this strange world scene, and his spiritual power completely exploded, bursting out all his immortal thoughts. At the same time, it contained the strong belief given to him by the old man and the belief that he would never be changed by any spiritual will!

Booming, the spiritual energy of his incarnation collided directly with this almost pervasive spiritual power...

Time seems to have begun to pass tens of millions of times at this moment. At this moment, I don't know how many terrible scenes of destruction appeared in Xia Jiang's mind, full of blood and death, and even made him feel that his facial features had been infected, and there was a bloody smell in his eyes, ears, nose, and even his throat.

But even these can't destroy Xia Jiang's will. At this moment, he not only fights with this evil force, but also expects this force to burst out a more horrible will. He will do it all together!

Evil will only kill people who believe in evil. If you can always see good things from evil, it will be helpless for you...