Peerless Blood

Chapter 430 Distance from the Elderly

Xia Jiang couldn't help but be excited, but soon found it a little strange. His current situation actually existed in his own body with an extra mental consciousness. That is to say, now he seems to have become an old man.

And as soon as he realized this, he immediately felt that his body was working normally!

"What's going on, is it..." Xia Jiang was shocked by what was found in front of him. He suddenly realized something and suddenly felt a little unbelievable.

Yes, he has found that the breath of the old man in his body actually appeared in his body in the opposite form!

The old man is in tune with his spirit!

This was really surprising. Xia Jiang couldn't believe this moment. He couldn't figure out what his mood was for a moment. The old man now controls his body, that is to say, he has now become the " parasitic consciousness" of the body and is no longer the owner of the body!

As Xia Jiang continues to focus his mind on all parts of his body and the situation outside, he is more and more sure that this is correct.

"Where did the little bug come from? Do you also want the boy's body?" Xia Jiang said to the strong man who had been resurrected as a demigod, and his tone seemed extremely disdainful, as if the dragon was talking to the ant.

Although Xia Jiang himself is powerful and a little arrogant most of the time, how can he compare with the current "he"? Now Xia Jiang's tone can no longer be described as arrogant. It is like a supreme god, and even strong.

It can be imagined that at this moment, the demigod suspended in the sky and faced Xia Jiang face to face. Hearing Xia Jiang suddenly say this to him, his whole body trembled and was scared to retreat repeatedly.

This arrogant demigod seems to be scared, because Xia Jiang's tone is not only strong, but also the breath shown when he speaks gives him great pressure, which makes his body instinctively feel afraid and retreat.

"What? What are you that dare to talk to me like this?" The demigod messenger was shocked by Xia Jiang's words, but quickly reacted, as if it was the body that had just been captured and the instinct to fear the strong. It happened to be photographed by Xia Jiang's momentum, so he instinctively retreated, but now his strength is many times stronger than the original owner. Naturally, he should not be afraid.

Xia Jiang did not respond at all to the questioning of the demigod messenger, but gently raised one hand and stretched out to the other party.

At this moment, Xia Jiang's action was very light, as if he were touching the air, as if the time of the whole universe had suddenly slowed down countless times.

But Xia Jiang's action is so terrible in the eyes of the other party, as if the blade of death is approaching him. No matter how fast he is, he can never avoid this move.

"What! How dare you take action against me?" The demigod messenger was shocked, but immediately forced himself to eliminate his instinctive fear and roared.

After roaring, the demigod messenger also took out a dark machete. The knife was engraved with countless strange runes, which looked mysterious and unusual. Carefully, it looked like the mystery of the Milky Way, closely connected, and the breath appeared from time to time, as if a god was dormant in it.

"Kiss of Death - Roar!" The demigod messenger flashed with a serious white light and suddenly waved the long knife in his hand to Xia Jiang.

This move was originally used to deal with the strong man at the peak of the spiritual emperor, even the existence of the demigod, but at this moment he used it on an inconspicuous little ghost in front of him, which is already a great shame, but at this moment, he has no shame, but incomparable hatred. He wants to tear up the blasphemous little ghost in front of him. Break, imprison his soul in this semi-magic artifact!

Half artifact! Yes, this is a semi-magic artifact! It was the reward he received for completing many tasks, and his own cultivation was just the peak of the spiritual emperor. With this semi-magic artifact, his breath was comparable to that of the demigod at the moment of release.

The kiss of death, the black light bloomed, really like the arrival of death. A burst of black fog exploded in an instant, completely covering this area, and then the knife gas that corrode everything went to Xiajiang!

This rapid attack, at such a close distance, it is impossible for the opponent to avoid it, and Xia Jiang is naturally impossible.

However, at the moment of this attack, something strange happened. In the huge and vast breath of death mixed with the unparalleled knife roar, Xia Jiang's soft and slow hand suddenly changed countless phantoms, as if it had created a world out of thin air, forming a space to completely transform the space attacked by the other party into his boundary, making any strong attack He was swallowed up during the attack.

That hand has changed thousands of times, transforming thousands of shadows and illusory scenes, tolerant and encroaching all the forces of the knife of the kiss of death.

Xia Jiang, who was in his body, couldn't help staring at this scene with his own eyes and couldn't believe it. Because he finally saw the power of the moves performed at the highest level of demon-eating swordsmanship.

Yes, he understood this move in an instant. This is the effect of the third-order ultimate demon-eating effect of the second stage. He can control everything, devour everything, turn everything into my things, and let me be nothing.

The peak of demon-eating! But...

"I can feel the principle of this move, but if I do it, I will never achieve this effect, and... it doesn't seem to be a matter of cultivation!" Xia Jiang was shocked and began to feel the huge gap between himself and the old man.

Although it is normal for the apprentice to follow the master, it is not that his efforts are not enough, but that there is a gap in his mood. This gap made Xia Jiang feel a great frustration at this moment, and he felt that he would never reach the old man's state.

"From the beginning, I practiced the magic swordsmanship completely in accordance with the old man's way, and I was able to get to this point without crossing the thunder pool at a glance, but then because of the learner, I will never be able to achieve self-transcendence, and it is impossible to reach such a state as the old man!" Xia Jiang suddenly realized that he must have reached a bottleneck by practicing the magic sword, unless he breaks through the old man's concept and creates a new set of skills of his own.

I have to say that if Xia Jiang hadn't had his own understanding ability, he might have gone crazy and fallen into the doom of demon-eating swordsmanship at this moment because of observing the old man's moves. Yes, Xia Jiang touched the threshold of the third realm of demon-eating swordsmanship.

The third realm of demon-eating swordsmanship, but whenever you touch this realm, your mood will suddenly change greatly. If it is impossible to control it in time, countless forces of demon-eating swordsmanship will instantly become enemies and devour themselves.

This is also what Xia Jiang later told by the old man how dangerous he was at this moment. Fortunately, he did not have control of his body now. Only the parasite of his body was able to escape from danger. It was also a blessing because of misfortune and successfully avoided the crisis of touching the third realm.

However, although Xia Jiang has now touched the realm of the third realm of demons, in fact this is only an accident, and his actual realm is only at the peak of the second stage of demon-free third-level demon-eating, and has not even reached the bottleneck.

But anyway, Xia Jiang has always gained something now.

In other words, everything in front of him is still slowly progressing in Xia Jiang's eyes. "His" hand is so slow and has no sense of power, but it swallows the other party's deadly kiss with divine power and guides it into his own world and becomes his power resource, which is as if he is playing with his opponent.

The old man is so strong! But how strong is he?

Xia Jiang had to admire the old man. Although it was the first time to control his body, the strength shown by this hand made him feel endless, like a bottomless hole.

The demigod messenger's move was only felt extremely powerful. Even the demigod-level strong man would be bombarded by him. And then everything he saw was not unexpected. Xia Jiang's body was directly killed by his move, and his body was blown into countless pieces.

"Die!" With the explosion of Xia Jiang's body, the half-god messenger roared and vented his anger.

But immediately after his roar, the situation felt by his spiritual consciousness is very different from the scene in front of him, and it should even be said... completely opposite!

He saw that Xia Jiang would be killed by him, but his soul felt a throbbling, as if he was unable to resist in the face of a bloodthirsty demon when he was still very weak, which made him shudder all over.

"What! What's the matter?" The demigod messenger was completely stunned and didn't know what was going on. Even his powerful spirit couldn't tell the reason.

And when he asked this question, a voice followed: "Rest in peace, little bug, let you see the wonderful moment in the world, which is already the greatest comfort to your spirit."

Yes, this is Xia Jiang's voice. This voice seems to be emotionless, but extremely kind, like a doctor appeasing a helpless patient.

When he heard Xia Jiang's voice, everything in front of him suddenly changed 360 degrees. Xia Jiang, who should have been killed by him, unexpectedly appeared in front of him intact. All the scenes returned to the previous situation, and Xia Jiang's hand was still slowly stretching out, now On his forehead, which is about to touch.


When the demigod messenger saw this scene, he was shocked and his eyes widened and retreated repeatedly! At this moment, he began to feel a huge crisis, a crisis approaching that he didn't understand at all. At this moment, he could not explain this sense of crisis from the depths of his soul at all, and could only retreat, although... no matter how he retreated, he felt that the hand was approaching him at a very fast speed, leaving only the last trace of distance.

"No! No! Don't come here!"