Peerless Blood

Chapter 432 Emerging Inratic

When they came to the islands near the sea, Xia Jiang and the others immediately began to search around.

Xia Jiang summoned Ant Xiaoye to search together. He wanted to search this island group comprehensively and turn it upside down.

Before Sean could ask what Xia Jiang was looking for, he had already entered the search operation, relying on his intuition to look around like a headless fly. He couldn't help feeling a little depressed and wondered what Xia Jiang was looking for without saying anything.

Although Lila also did not have Xia Jiang's clear instructions, she guessed with extraordinary intuition that as long as she searched here, once she found anything, it might be what Xia Jiang was looking for.

As for the reason for all this, Xia Jiang naturally has his reasons, because he is not sure what the alien ability is, so he feels that he can not tell the two of them what he is looking for for for the time being, just search so randomly, and perhaps he can also do it without surprise when he finds out.

The island group belonging to the three super empires gradually became clear under the search of the three people, and a three-dimensional image appeared in Xia Jiang's mind. In the next few days, the three kept searching and basically found nothing, except that Sean's puppet seemed to have found something.

Xia Jiang sensed the abnormality and immediately came to Sean.

"How's it going? What did you find?" Xia Jiang looked at Sean and said.

Shaun saw that Xia Jiang's intuition was so keen that he couldn't help sighing and shaking his head and said, "Xia Jiang, no, big brother! Can you make it clear? I still don't know what you're looking for!" With that, he also seemed helpless.

Xia Jiang looked at Sean's helplessness, but he didn't care. His heart had entered Sean's eyes.


Just yesterday, after drilling into a huge tree hole, Sean's puppet lost contact for no reason. As the puppet's cooperation, the other "members" of the group of puppets immediately entered the investigation. As a result, they disappeared without a trace and could no longer be contacted. Today, Sean came to this area to look for the huge tree hole, but he hasn't found it yet.

Seeing this, Xia Jiang naturally didn't need Sean to say anything more, so he quickly passed the message to Lila: "Come here quickly. I found it!"

After conveying his ideas, Xia Jiang immediately released many splits and began to conduct a comprehensive search of this area, especially underground. As for the tree hole, he felt that it was just a temporary key entrance. Maybe it had changed overnight, so Sean was difficult to find it.

The search target had just been recustomized, and Xia Jiang's sockptive body soon gained something. He only felt that when a split approached a large pile of leaves, he suddenly lost contact with him, which was strange.


Xia Jiang shouted softly, and the spiritual boundary expanded, and his whole body shot out like an arrow.

Both of them naturally started back and forth, and the speed was also mentioned to the highest, sprinting in the direction locked by Xia Jiang.

It only took Xia Jiang almost three minutes to come to this reaction area.

At this moment, Xia Jiang suddenly felt a huge suction suddenly appear from under the ground, as if a thud grabbed his back and was about to drag him down. A weed leaf under his feet all disappeared at this moment.

"Here!" Xia Jiang's heart suddenly concentrated on his feet and cut out a sword towards the center below like a bottomless hole.


Under the excitement of the sword spirit, a huge energy collision and explosion suddenly broke out below, and the huge aftershocks counterattacked directly to the ground, which was simply surprising.

Sean and Lila were shocked at the same time and immediately turned their heads to look at Xia Jiang.

The three also looked at the foot of Xia Jiang at the same time.

At the foot of Xia Jiang, a huge black hole is clearly seen, which is incompatible with this environment. It is really as strange as the wormhole in Xia Jiang's heart.

However, he naturally could not be scared by this. He almost immediately released his 100% spiritual impact and completely attacked the black hole.


The vast spiritual energy hits out, and the bearer eats the demon and kills. This blow is powerful enough to be at the peak of the leader and completely cut into the black hole. With two fierce shocks. The sound exploded, and Xia Jiang suddenly felt as if there were many threats to him in this hell.


Lila felt keen, but was the first to find it. She suddenly saw a dark blue thing suddenly coming out of the ground in a distant area, on the path between forests, and immediately turned her eyes to them.

"Xia Jiang, there is someone over there!" Lila immediately shouted.

Although Xia Jiang was attacking the "black hole", his nerves were also tightly observing around. When he heard it, he almost swept away like a reflex.

Sure enough, Xia Jiang glanced at it and immediately saw the blue shadow, which was approaching them.

Seeing that the cyan figure looked very slim from afar, Xia Jiang was a little relieved, but as Xia Jiang's eyes were sharp and saw the figure, he suddenly froze.

What kind of human is that thing? There are several mouths on the whole head, there are some strange holes in the head, and the body is half-packed, which is not normal at all!

It's really here! The legendary thing I saw last time is really not groundless. It seems that the rumors of monster aliens are not false!

Realizing that the eighth floor is alien, Xia Jiang moved at his feet and came directly to less than 100 meters away from the other party.


The two also followed at a high speed, but the speed was far from that of Xia Jiang.

When he came nearby, Xia Jiang immediately saw this thing clearly. It was like a mutant kangaroo. The limbs were similar to human beings, and they also seriously shot out a sharp bloodthirsty light.

"What the hell, I saw it for the first time on this island!" Xia Jiang came to the monster and immediately questioned.

Xia Jiang's tone was extremely cold at this moment and had no humanity at all.

Unexpectedly, the "kangaroo" was spitting out, staring at Xia Jiang and the two people behind him and said, "The three little ghosts seem to be tired of living, but they came here to die!" Sound is human at all.

The two people behind Xia Jiang were stunned and seemed incredible. Yes, even if Sean is well-informed, he has never seen such a race, which is really indescribable. Normally, although human beings may also be transformed into other forms, he has never seen anyone turn himself into this.

Xia Jiang is simple. He directly decided that this cyan guy is not a human. Although he can speak, he can at most absorb human genes, which proves that his guess is correct. There are not only aliens here, but also it is likely to be one or two!

"The kid is a kid, but I didn't come here to die..." Just before he finished speaking, Xia Jiang had come to this person and almost face to the other party.

The big kangaroo was suddenly approached by Xia Jiang and was stunned. He took two steps back in a row, seriously bursting out a fierce light. He raised his hand and grabbed Xia Jiang with one palm.

Although the kangaroo is in a terrible shape, it is now unarmed and always gives people no threat. However, at this moment, his fierce light was exposed, and he immediately waved a palm, which turned out to be a capture technique, which was to capture Xia Jiang alive.

Shaun watched Xia Jiang being caught by the other party from afar and was caught by the other party almost instantly.

But then Xia Jiang's figure suddenly flashed, easily breaking through the opponent's attack and grabbing the other party's neck.

Being caught by Xia Jiang, the other party's kangaroo exploded in an instant, and the energy fluctuation broke out in an instant, and pieces of trees and plants broke out all over his body.

What's the situation?

While attacking, Xia Jiang was stunned by the opponent's move. He couldn't help but feel surprised that the other party did not avoid his attack.

Almost in Xia Jiang's expectation, the opponent completely ignored Xia Jiang's attack, and then Xia Jiang felt that the two attacks completely hit the target, and the countless information of the other party gradually entered his blood and was absorbed by him.


Xia Jiang grabbed the other party's neck, and the other party's hands slapped Xia Jiang fiercely to open Xia Jiang's arm, but this was undoubtedly a waste of effort.


He was caught by Xia Jiang and couldn't move, but the big kangaroo suddenly made a strange sound from his throat, and his voice was extremely strong.

Xia Jiang knew that it was not good when he heard the sound. As a result, in a blink of an eye, he saw strange human beings emerging from all over this area, and there was no doubt that they were all alien creatures.

These alien creatures are not all kangaroos, but many kinds of animals and beasts, but all of them have many similarities with humans!

"Xia Jiang, what the hell are these?" After all, it was the first time he saw Sean, but when he saw Xia Jiang so calm, he couldn't help asking.

"Well, these are alien species that do not belong to our continent, and even these islands near the sea." Xia Jiang told Sean very clearly.

When he heard Xia Jiang's words, he immediately understood that Xia Jiang came here to search for these aliens!


All kinds of roars came one after another, presenting a huge ellipse in an instant, surrounding the three people.

"Three poor little ghosts..."

The big kangaroo saw his success in summoning. Although it was caught by Xia Jiang's throat, it was extremely bold and still spoke lightly. But at this moment, Xia Jiang couldn't stand it. His right hand suddenly clicked and directly pinched the kangaroo's head.

"There's so much nonsense!" Xia Jiang said lightly.

Xia Jiang's words had a thorough and urgent murderous intention against the alien race, which seemed extremely pure, which instantly drove the two of them and immediately burst out.

"What a strong power!"

had just collided with a bear-like alien form behind him, and the whole person was directly knocked out. Fortunately, he was caught by the puppet.

Shawn personally experienced the power of any alien outbreak. At this moment, he was not only hit and flew, but also stimulated this time and began to realize why Xia Jiang was so urgent.

"Is this alien coming to our mainland..." Sean thought of this, immediately turned his spirit to the surroundings, and immediately felt the continuous flow of aliens around him.

"...How many of these aliens are lurking in this island group?!!"

Listening to Sean's words, Xia Jiang naturally felt the strong worry of the other party. He ended the life of the kangaroo in his hand, and his spirit immediately spread around and opened the boundary.

But even if Xia Jiang opened the demon-eating boundary, these aliens around him still surrounded them.

"It seems that there is going to be a river of blood here today..." Xia Jiang's eyes were like a knife, sweeping around without any feelings.

Xia Jiang has long had some terrible hunch. He foresaw that these aliens were ready to occupy this continent. Under some circumstances, they could completely exterminate their human beings and wash away hundreds of thousands of years of humiliation. So he is naturally cold-blooded and ruthless at this moment, and he absolutely can't show mercy to these aliens. He must kill one by one.

"Xia Jiang!"

I also saw Xia Jiang's cold-blooded expression, but Sean hesitated a little and said, "... I don't know how many there are. What should we do?" He didn't think that the three of them could slaughter the aliens here, and he always felt that Xia Jiang had another purpose.

Lila on one side was very keen. While she was surrounded, she kept scanning the distance and immediately searched for something.