Peerless Blood

Chapter 455 Going to atmospheric space

Xia Yan listened to Xia Jiang's practice theory and was still puzzled by the nine layers. He saw his familiar relatives coming here one by one.

Yes, Xia Jiang will naturally not forget his mother and concubine in the desperate valley. However, to everyone's surprise, Xia Jiang's mother and concubine did not pay so much attention to this matter. When they came to the most gorgeous inner room of the palace, they did not have any expression, and they really seemed to be affected by the illusion of the Valley of Desperation.

However, Xia Jiang didn't care about these. He was relieved to see that they were fine.

Next, everyone gathered at a table and began a rare feast cooked by a beautiful apprentice of Tian Qing. Of course, the most important thing is that everyone can finally comfort each other and understand everyone's recent situation.

While everyone speaks, they can't help but recall the past, and every mention is heartfelt. When their country was glorious and rich, who would have thought that there would be a day when they would be destroyed? So many relatives and brothers and sisters suffered such a disaster before they could get to know each other for various reasons. Just talking about this, everyone can't help but think of the recent situation of King Xia. After King Xia lost his body, Yingling didn't know where to drift, not even Xia Jiang.

Originally, Xia Jiang had the ability to find Xia Xiong's soul, but when he left, he said ruthless words. So far, he doesn't know where he has gone, and there is no trace of him at all.

After a meal, it was such a whole day of heart-to-heart talk and two private exchanges, saying all the words buried in their hearts without concealing them from each other. This atmosphere made everyone feel extremely happy.

From the past to the present, all the joys and sorrows have been repeated here, but they have made these people the closest friends. Everyone met frankly and fell into endless joy and joy. Of course, if this party can have this effect, it naturally depends on Xia Jiang. If Xia Jiang's cultivation had not reached the level that everyone could be proud of, everyone would not have been so open at this moment.

One day passed, but at night, everyone was not tired at all. After all, they also knew that after this day, as soon as Xia Jiang left, everyone had to go back to their respective place.

"Hey..." Xia Jiang looked at everyone happy and almost completely forgot the disaster and pain. He was also very gratified, but with this concern in his heart, he couldn't help thinking about his previous life. Although he had been in the world for several years, as his mind continued to improve, his memories of his previous life began to become clear. He actually wanted to go back to the original world.

"Well, that's right, Xia Jiang..." Hu Jin saw that Xia Jiang seemed to be a little depressed and knew that it was not early, so he proposed, "Xia Jiang, if you are worried about everyone, can you take the opportunity to help you improve your cultivation a little?"

Compared with Xia Jiang, he, who used to be no less talented than him, is now incomparable, so Hu Jin is also worried that Xia Jiang's leaving, without him, the leading human leader, the world will certainly begin to be in great turmoil, and at that time, everyone's safety will be difficult to protect.

Naturally, Xia Jiang has this thought, but everyone is in his boundary, and everyone's thoughts and recent situation have emerged in his mind, letting him know and hunch that not everyone is suitable for improving his cultivation. For example, like his sister Xia Ziqi, if he feels that her cultivation is too high, he will not treat her future. Li.

Here, the next morning, after everyone finally became sleepy, Xia Jiang began to secretly assist everyone in practice. Based on the semi-divine world he evolved, he assisted everyone to varying degrees until noon.

Everyone didn't know what had happened, but it seemed that they had had a long dream, dreamed of many things that they could not normally see, and experienced various wars. When they woke up, they all felt that they had made great progress and enlightened thinking.

When everyone turned back to look for Xia Jiang and Xia Yun, they had disappeared.


In the sky, Xia Jiang looked at the Xiacheng palace on the earth, as if he saw everyone looking for him and calling him, but he just watched so quietly. Yes, now he has fulfilled his last wish and seen everyone's current situation with his own eyes. After his assistance, he has been able to foresee that everyone's personal fortune will gradually improve in the future and will become smoother and smoother, so that he can leave safely.

Xia Yuner, who was on one side, was also gratified to see this, but deep in her heart, she also missed something similar to Xia Jiang, and she also missed the royal family that used to be a sound country. When she was in Yinguo, she was still a little princess loved by thousands of people. She never thought that her family would be destroyed and run away in a hurry. Although many years have passed, it is still difficult to let go in her heart.

"Yun'er, let's go..." After meditating quietly for another half day, Xia Jiang finally said in the night.

At this moment, it is almost dusk, and it is time for Xia Jiang to get ready to go to the sky.

Xia Yuner nodded and swept up to the endless sky.

In the past, Xia Jiang always heard that "heaven" was a demon who gathered hundreds of millions of dead spirits, resentment and other energy. If mortals want to soar, they must pass his test, otherwise they will die. Now when they face such a sky, Xia Jiang easily finds that there is no such existence at all. Indeed, as recently, the so-called "heaven" is just the atmosphere of the planet, which is full of strange energy aggregations, forming various terrible barriers for creatures and Space.

"Xiajiang, I don't know how far the atmosphere you mentioned is. I haven't felt it yet..."

The two flew for more than ten minutes. Xia Yuner thought they could almost reach the zenith and meet the atmosphere, but she didn't have a premonition.

At this moment, with Xia Jiang's sensing range and the premonition of the future, he has not yet felt that he has entered the peripheral field of the atmosphere.

"Normally, the height of the atmosphere should be at least five times the diameter of the planet..." Xia Jiang said thoughtfully.

"Diameter?" Xia Yuner was stunned.

When Xia Jiang saw that Xia Yuner was so stunned, he immediately knew that he didn't understand what he meant, but he couldn't help looking at Xia Yuner and was stunned - he suddenly thought of a question. If he had a great ability one day and could return to the world of his previous life again, would he take her? Go?

I couldn't help thinking about this, and Xia Jiang became more and more fascinated. But this situation fell into Xia Yuner's eyes, but she couldn't help but have some doubts. She actually couldn't see what Xia Jiang was thinking. It seemed that Xia Jiang deliberately blocked her at this moment. Even if the two were partners, they could not feel what the other party was thinking.

In the face of this situation, Xia Yuner suddenly felt a little uneasy, but she couldn't tell what it was.

Next, Xia Jiang also came out of this thought and began to turn to the sky. So did Xia Yuner, and then the premonition of the unknown danger began to calculate the possible dangers in the atmosphere.

Almost two hours later, Xia Jiang vaguely felt something strange. He only felt as if the space above his head seemed to be protected by aura. If he didn't fly up to a kilometer, he felt that the top of his head was oppressed by a force.

"It's almost there!" Xia Jiang glanced at Xia Yuner, and at the same time, the divine power was fully unfolded at this moment.

The spiritual shield created by the power of the demigod is extremely powerful. If the external force wants to invade, it has to pass through many barriers, and there is also an endless demon-eating power, which makes the shield he exerts as invincible.

When Xia Yuner was in Xia Jiang's aura shield, she suddenly felt that the pressure disappeared and was replaced by incomparable stability, as if there were hundreds of millions of boundaries around her body protecting her.

As the two continued to fly high in the sky, Xia Jiang looked back and looked down, and he could only see a huge planet.

"Yun'er, look!" Xia Jiang has never had such an experience. At this moment, he can't help reminding Xia Yuner to look back.

Looking back, Xia Yuner suddenly saw the same scene, and her whole body suddenly became dull.

As if surrounded by the sea, this huge blue planet is perfectly displayed in front of her, and that is where they once lived. Such beauty seems to have a huge touch that has an impact on the heart. Looking at it, it is really hard to extricate from the heart.

"Too..." Xia Yuner felt the depths of her heart and wanted to say the shock in her heart, but she could no longer say a second word. She really couldn't find any words to describe such a scene.

Xia Jiang was also immersed in this shocking scene, but at the same time, he also began to explore the increasingly powerful spiritual pressure behind him. He has been extremely proficient in the cohesion of divine power. Through the process of condensation, he began to feel countless marks of gods, from these tiny particles. Among them, search for various related marks and the breath of gods, and then calculate the changes they have undergone when they pass through the atmosphere, so as to deduce the situation in the atmosphere.

I don't know how long it took, Xia Jiang finally recovered from the "intoxicated" look of the King's Planet, and his eyes suddenly burst into a burst of light.

At this moment, Xia Yuner suddenly felt Xia Jiang's mind and came to her senses after being disturbed: "Ah, I just lost my mind... Xia Jiang, do you... know the secret of the atmosphere?"

Xia Jiang nodded and saw that Xia Yuner had also recovered, even if he signaled to continue moving forward.

Yes, Xia Jiang, the secret of the atmosphere, finally has an idea and is not as chaotic as before. Now he at least knows that everyone will suffer completely different situations. Once they enter it, they will be surrounded by the strange space of instability and uncertainty, which may be at any time. Taken to an unknown world of nothingness.