Peerless Blood

Chapter 463 The New King of Spirit!

The divine fire rushed into the space formed by the throne. Xia Jiang so "seemed" through his mind that the semi-divine idea that existed in it was immediately impacted and corroded. The powerful explosive power of the divine fire was not afraid of threatening him today, but he was a big killer to the spiritual king in it. He was washed away and couldn't extricate himself from the inner mind of the divine fire.

This divine fire is the evolution form of God's consciousness. If its own spirit cannot defend itself or is accidentally seriously affected, it will naturally end up like this. The reason why Xia Jiang can stick to it is that he will not resist all the time, and he has always been test himself. And the spirit king thought he was invincible by relying on the power of the throne. At this moment, he was suddenly shocked by the divine fire and was naturally caught off guard.

Seeing that the idea was corroded by the divine fire, how could Xia Jiang show mercy at this moment? He immediately burst out his remaining last strength again, hit it with all his strength, and even guided more divine fires to aim at the target.


The sound of the stewardess bursting around the protection layer of the throne and defeated the last layer of the throne, completely exposing the spirit king to the chaotic impact of the divine fire, including the assassination of Xia Jiang's divine thoughts.


Suddenly, a sound like a voice from hell was transmitted from this hall, making the spiritual king's hall tremble, as if it were about to collapse.

At this moment, many spiritual creatures have just been surrounded and are separated by major forces. They are preparing to ask people familiar with the matter to reveal the situation.

"Cough... What's going on? What's that sound? A short old man with white hair coughed and his eyes were cloudy.

The people of the Xia royal family on one side were not in the mood to see the old man, but muttered to themselves, hoping that Xia Jiang would be fine. Everyone also prayed that Xia Jiang could defeat the Lingwang.

Yes, the people of the Xia royal family think that Xia Jiang has started a war at this moment, and they don't have time to explain more to everyone.

But soon everyone gradually realized what was going on and couldn't help staring.

"What, have they started fighting? But isn't this in the Spirit King's Hall? The figure who seemed to be the second-in-command of one side was shocked.

Xia Xiong knew this person, but he did not go to see him, but inadvertently glanced at the old man with white beard. At this glance, he couldn't help but be shocked and confused. He saw that the appearance of the old man with white beard was completely inconsistent with the breath of his body, which was very strange. Judging from his experience, the old man must have some secrets of unreliable people, but he is disguising himself in an extremely smart way.

When the old man heard that Xia Jiang and the Lingwang had fought, he also looked very scared: "That's not good! If the little brother Xia Jiang fights with Lord Lingwang in it, he will definitely die! Because..."

You don't need to listen to the following words, because everyone knows that the spirit king can perfectly enjoy the power blessing of the throne, so that the strength of the spirit king is simply ten times and a hundred times the explosion.

There is no doubt that all the people of the Xia royal family are panicked, and Xia Yuner's Zhiyin family is also very worried. People keep asking Zhiyin if there is any way for her to help Xia Jiang as a partner.

And at this time, Xia Yuner's eyes suddenly flashed and looked extremely eye-catching.

"What's wrong with the princess?"

"Xia Jiang..."

Xia Yuner was extremely excited. Yes, at this moment, she suddenly noticed that Xia Jiang's breath had become extremely strong, and the strong breath just now had passed, and the sense of crisis had disappeared, which showed that Xia Jiang had won!

It was also in Xia Yuner's heart to confirm this matter. When she showed a touching look from her face, Xia Jiang's figure actually appeared in the sky.

"Look! Who is that?"

At this moment, several people happened to see the huge figure and immediately exclaimed.

Yes, that's Xia Jiang. From the beginning, it was just a divine idea, but as his divine thoughts condensed, his perfect new body became Star City.

Xia Jiang doesn't seem to have changed much in appearance, but the change in temperament makes him look like a different person, or he is no longer the previous him.

When Xia Yuner saw Xia Jiang's current appearance, an invisible inner feeling seemed to make her body and mind begin to transform again. Although it was slow, it was constantly going on.

"Sure enough, his cultivation has made a huge breakthrough. This time he..." Xia Yuner has always been cold and can't help but be secretly excited at this moment.

Xia Jiang's appearance was immediately admired by everyone present, because this would mean that he had defeated the Spirit King.

However, what Xia Jiang is going to say next is a little depressed: "I believe everyone here already knows that as the king of the spirit king of the world, he is jealous of his ability, and actually wants to persecute the night demon king and want to steal the power of the throne. He wants to swallow and betray the spiritual world alone. Even as a human being, He must not be able to go on like this. Today, I came to confront him head-on. Who knew that he actually plotted against me and planned to kill me here. I didn't know it, but unfortunately, I didn't know what was protecting me. I finally defeated him who used the throne crazily. I won this duel!!"

Xia Jiang shouted in a high voice, with the divine power he had just formed in his words, which made the tone and atmosphere of the scene invisibly reach a high point, so that all the people here entered the state of his guidance.

Sure enough, almost everyone present made a sound of admiration and began to crawl down one by one.

"Congratulations on your victory over the spiritual king. Now you are our new king - spiritual mission, the spiritual king is immortal!"

"Our King--

The voices came one after another and gradually became complete. They all shouted loudly to see Xia Jiang, the new spiritual king.

Although he is not from this spiritual world, Xia Yuner can also understand that this is infected by the powerful divine breath of Xia Jiang, which makes some people who have doubts about Xia Jiang and are tolerant of the crimes of the spiritual king silently agree with this result at this moment and directly follow Xia Jiang's new spiritual world. Wang.

Next, when the tide of everyone cooled down, Xia Jiang slowly rose from the sky and rose higher and higher.

When he came to a higher sky, he suddenly released the power of demons, making his surroundings bloody, like a new sun rising at the same moment. Then, the power of the spirit began to sprinkle downwards, and in the process, it continued to absorb the spiritual energy and transform it into divine thoughts. This is a blessing, and anyone who is touched by his mind will get more or less blessing and progress in practice.

Spirit King...ah!

Lord Spirit King!

Lord Lingwang is immortal!

Lord Spirit King is immortal!!

As they all felt the breath of God pouring down from the sky to take care of them, they all felt that their bodies and spirit had undergone great changes. Obviously, they were infused by God and got great benefits. And this made them understand that the new spirit king was already the legendary god!

Knowing this, these people have no more doubts in their hearts. They have completely praised Xia Jiang as a god, and they are extremely grateful that he can eradicate the scourge for the spiritual world. Now the spiritual world seems to rise and become the strongest world that overwhelms other walks of life.

Xia Yuner is also in this countless figure. In this, she also feels Xia Jiang's inner excitement and the continuous transformation of body and mind at this moment. This feeling is really wonderful.

At this time, Xia Yuner felt that Xia Jiang began to call her and asked her to show her existence as a spiritual companion.

Although she was a little embarrassed, Xia Yuner still followed Xia Jiang's intention. With a flash, she came to the sky and flew towards Xia Jiang at high speed. The speed of flight is so fast that it is absolutely invisible to the naked eye, so I only see a beautiful and dazzling thing flashing in the sky below, and then appears beside Lord Lingwang.

When Xia Yuner came to Xia Jiang's side, she was a little puzzled, but she immediately realized Xia Jiang's meaning at such a close distance, and she was ready to find an interface with him to leave here directly through the throne.

"We can't delay any longer..." Xia Jiang said to Xia Yuner.

Xia Yuner nodded silently and continued to rise with the guidance of Xia Jiang's breath.

Countless people below are immersed in the improvement and perception of cultivation. They just regard Xia Jiang as the new king of the spiritual world, but they don't care about his actions, so they think it's right for Xia Jiang to do anything now.

The people of the Xia royal family, especially Xia Xiong, were moved beyond words when they saw Xia Jiang's current image. They could only silently look at Xia Jiang's impending figure and silently bless him.

"Jiang'er, you are worthy of being my son Xiong. I regretted not to abandon you at the beginning, but the gold will not be buried, but the result is too unexpected..."

When the old ministers around saw this scene and Xia Xiong's expression, they all shed tears and were very moved.

"King, the nine kings are immortal and have become gods!"

And those old ministers and royal families of Yinguo saw that the princess of their family was actually the companion of the new spirit king and closely followed them, which also made them feel supreme glory. At this moment, they were immersed in their inner trembling and could not extricate themselves.

"Enough! Everything is enough!"

In the continuous atmosphere of everyone, Xia Jiang and Xia Yuner also came to the palace again and came to his doubtful throne.

Standing in front of the throne, Xia Jiang was extremely pious at this moment, without any disrespect, let alone hostility. Naturally, he understood that this throne is the treasure of the spiritual world. Without it, the spiritual world would not be stable for a day.

And just now, it also burst out its strongest power and did everything to protect the spirit king, which shows that it is definitely a best artifact.

"We are going to..." Xia Yuner looked at Xia Jiang's sincere eyes and didn't know what he was going to do.

With Xia Yuner's question, Xia Jiang's expression also changed slightly, restoring the expression when he just came in. Then, he swept to Xia Yuner aside with a smile.