Peerless Blood

Chapter 465 Run-in, Practice

Faced with the encirclement of eight people around, the dark ball known as "black" was still indifferent, until a breath finally flew rapidly on the distant side. At this time, the dark ball made a sound, "Just because you guys want to take it away from me, hum..." It sounded like an old man's voice.

"Is it?" The leader immediately glanced over and saw that there was a breath coming.

However, when the breath gradually approached, it became clear that it was a man and a woman, which looked very face-to-face. It just makes people vaguely feel that these two people are dark helpers and prepared.

"It turned out to be two little ghosts, haha, it's really frustrating that the dark venerable man has fallen into this field now..."

When the ball heard the other party's words, the ball body trembled slightly, and then it seemed to see the comer, but it fell into silence.

Needless to say, it was naturally Xia Jiang and Xia Yuner. They came to this star domain and came to this most dazzling place. Although they found that there was indeed a huge planet here, it seemed that there was not a starlight in front of them, but someone fighting here.

Xia Jiang came close and no longer moved forward. He wanted to see what was going on from afar.

"Hey, two young people, are you here to help this old antique?" The leader had sharp eyes and immediately questioned when he saw Xia Jiang and the two coming from afar.

Xia Jiang was stunned and couldn't figure out the situation. He just saw eight people besieging a person, but he didn't know how the other party talked to him. But listening to the tone, it seems to misunderstand who he has something to do with in this matter?

Xia Yuner pointed to a dark ball that was surrounded.

"What is it? So many people besieged a magic weapon? Is there any supreme artifact born? Xia Jiang couldn't help thinking so.

Just when Xia Jiang was puzzled, he heard the ball actually make a sound: "Little brother from afar, if I'm not wrong, you should have been entrusted, right?" The voice is not an old man or someone else.

Originally, I mistakenly thought it was a magic weapon, but I didn't expect it to be an old man's voice. Xia Jiang was stunned and immediately thought of the old man's instructions. This time, it seemed reasonable to go up and couldn't help but say, "We do...but I don't know who you are?"

"That's right, but didn't the people entrusted to you come together?" The old man reacted quickly and immediately replied.

Xia Yuner on one side was still a little confused, but after all, Xia Jiang had a secret communication with the old man, so at this time, he also mistakenly thought that everything was as calculated by the old man in his body. This is the person he was looking for. It seems that there is a reason for him to come here quickly.

Thinking of this, Xia Jiang immediately came forward and motioned, "The old man still has something to do but can't come over. I don't know what do you have? Um..." Xia Jiang said, and his eyes immediately turned to those people.

"Oh, that's it..." The old man was obviously disappointed to hear that the person entrusted by Xia Jiang did not come, and it was gone halfway.

Xia Jiang realized what it meant and immediately said, "But the master ordered me to come to find the seniors. I don't know if it is..." With that, Xia Jiang turned his eyes to the leader, "Do you want me to deal with these people?"

Speaking of this, Xia Jiang paid attention to those people. He only saw that those people's breath was strong, and the pillars of light that broke out were pure divine power, obviously stronger than him. It seems that they are all real gods. But vaguely, he felt that these people did not seem to be as powerful as the real gods. I don't know why.

Thinking that the old man asked him to come here, if it is so dangerous and everyone is a god, then he can't do anything when he comes here? Thinking of this, Xia Jiang also risked his life.

"Who are you and why do so many people besiege one?" Xia Jiang came forward quickly and approached several people.

Several people close to Xia Jiang saw him coming and immediately asked the leader for instructions one by one, but before they could ask for instructions, Xia Jiang had already approached them. In a hurry, these people immediately gave up attacking the round ball old man and turned to attack Xia Jiang.

The actions of these people turned out to be so sharp that Xia Jiang was a little caught off guard. Fortunately, he has been vigilant and immediately swept away thousands of troops, the demigotic power transformed by the power of demons, coupled with the sword array, to cut off several attacks.

The power of the beam of light that broke out of those people was far beyond Xia Jiang's expectation. Under the collision with his demon-eating power, only less than two layers of power were swallowed by him, and the rest exploded. He couldn't help destroying the core of his sword array and carrying the aftershocks rushed towards him, but the light was no longer so much. Strong.

"Yun'er joins hands!" Xia Jiang immediately signaled.

Xia Yuner had been ready for a long time. With a um, the blood in her body immediately ran towards Xia Jiang, and suddenly the two spirits united.

The two practitioners work together, which is the spiritual integration of the two people. In this state, the potential of the two people will blend with each other. In this way, their strength will double, but there will be a running-in period in a short time.

"Yun'er, leave everything to me. You just need to relax completely and help guide and cooperate with me!" Xia Jiang immediately emphasized the key to their cooperation.

Xia Yuner has also entered the spiritual world silently for a long time. After all, she has also had previous experience.

Seeing that the aftershocks were about to come, Xia Jiang's body in a fused state immediately flashed, giving full play to the highest level of the magic shadow step. The space passed through drove a ripple of demon-eating power, like a black hole tentacles swallowing along the way.

The highest level of the magic shadow step is, of course, combined with the power of demons and the highest level of demons. In this state, the space of the way will become his devouring food, and he can also extract all the power from the world of virtual imagination, virtual reality, reality, and omnipotent.

But it's just that Xia Jiang hasn't reached that level yet. His current heart demon is only in the middle and late stage, and he hasn't reached the late stage, but he always feels that it's a little worse.

In his heart, he is also extremely looking forward to the arrival of that moment, and he is working harder to walk the shadow of nothingness.

"While we are in the running-in period, I will try my best to dodge the attack, which is better..." With an idea in his mind, he immediately made up his mind.

After a rapid flash, Xia Jiang came to another direction coordinate. At this time, he finally saw clearly the face of the leader - it turned out to be a human like him! He also thought that human beings in this rune star domain were all gods' world, and people would evolve into more extreme appearances, but he didn't expect to be the same as ordinary people. It seems that he misunderstood.

The rune star domain seems to be just a name, not a star domain full of divine power.

While thinking about this, his spiritual world is also brewing a great world. His boundary relies on the world in the space of reality, and then his nihilistic shadow continues to devour power from that world in the process, and then evolves into reality.

This is the strongest level he wants, but now the proportion of the actual effect he has achieved is less than 1%.

At this time, Xia Jiang looked like the leader of his second brother Xia Lei and was watching Xia Jiang come above his head. This situation made the leader look extremely ferocious. It seemed that Xia Jiang's behavior completely angered him.

"Where did the puppy come from? How dare you provoke me?" With a shout, a red light suddenly rushed out of his body and rushed over his head.


Xia Jiang didn't have time to check at all. He suddenly felt the light hitting him, and the speed was seven or eight times faster by those people!

But even so, Xia Jiang is still confident that he can avoid it, because he deliberately rushed here to attract more people to attack him. Although this is very dangerous, it can more and more stimulate his shadow steps and heart demons.


Xia Jiangjian shouted, and the bones of his whole body creaked, using the strongest transformation of the divine body.

As the body of the demigod, this body is the divine body. Although he pays attention to the power of the soul, the divine body can still burst out the power of terror by the potential of the blood.

Under the outbreak, Xia Jiang's speed increased several times again, and on the basis of the original speed of light, it was almost three-quarters of the speed of light.

It's fast!

This time, Xia Jiang himself was scared, but he didn't expect that the speed could be increased to such a level with his full explosion.

But he dodged the other party's attack, but Xia Jiang's crazy heart did not die, but immediately dodged behind the other party and groaned, "I thought it was my second brother. It turned out that he just looked like it."

Xia Jiang's words are just a very ordinary sentence, but when they fall into the other party's ears, it becomes another taste, which is simply mocking the other party's incompetence to face.

The leader who looked like Xia Jiang's second brother was ridiculed in front of his men. Sure enough, he broke out again and completely stopped attacking the dark ball old man, but flashed his body, and one hand turned into a world-shattering shadow and grabbed Xia Jiang.

This hand is as big as a planet. In an instant, it blocks all the space around it, and Xiajiang can't avoid it.

Xia Jiang only felt suffocation in an instant. Unexpectedly, he really blocked the space and even imprisoned all the materials in it, and everything he got seemed to disappear.

"Time and space are prohibited?"

When Xia Jiang thought of this word, he couldn't help but be stunned. The original heart of teasing his opponent immediately restrained a little. The alliance exploded all his strength and used the power of his semi-divine world to burst out the whole divine world he formed.

The spiritual divine world he built is tens of millions of times larger than their world, and its power level is tens of millions of times higher. If he can swallow the power of that world into reality, he will definitely deal with this god. But the problem is that now he can only do 1% at most.

Blood-winged Dragon Armor of the Divine World!

Blocked by the other party's space, Xia Jiang can only burst out his strongest defense, that is, the strongest creature in his divine world, the blood-winged dragon god, invited out, and incarnate to display the strongest defense skill [Zu Longjia] to defend.