Decisive Battle

Chapter 13 Seven Star Steps, Hammer Star Fist

Hearing Bi Xue say that the two secrets he chose were not bad, Zhang Bad breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, when he saw Bi Xue's cold and indifferent expression, he thought that the two secrets he chose casually were such rubbish, but now it seems that his luck is quite good.

"Seven-star steps are the ultimate secret of running for life in the physical realm. After cultivation, there is a wonderful thing that can shrink the ground into an inch." Bi Xue opened the seven-star secret book and said faintly.

"Oh, so, this is really a good secret." Zhang Bad laughed proudly when he heard Bi Xue's explanation.

Bi Xue looked at Zhang Bad helplessly. Is Zhang Bad a fool? Can't you hear good words or bad words?

"So what does Hammer Star Fist do?" Zhang Bad asked excitedly.

Seven-star step, in Bi Xue's view, is just a low-ranking secret book, which is nothing more than a use for escape. The beauty of shrinking into an inch is just that it can't escape faster when escaping.

However, in Zhang Bad's eyes, this can be said to be an excellent secret skill. In Zhang Bad's eyes, life is the most important thing. Without life, there is nothing. What's the use of death?

"Hammer Star Fist, this is the most powerful boxing method, which contains eight layers of magic and close combat skills. If you practice great success, you can attack the hidden eight-fold attack dark force, which is very powerful and can even kill the practitioners of the divine realm." Bi Xue's cold face was slightly relieved, thinking that Zhang Bad was still a man and could find out this secret of cultivation.

Zhang Bad swallowed a mouthful of saliva and turned it into a product in the divine realm? That's the person who can use magic weapons. In Zhang Bad's eyes, it is a fairy-like existence. I didn't expect that this hammer star fist could kill the practitioners in the realm of the divine realm with one blow, which was simply beyond my imagination.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I was so lucky to be able to transfer two such good secrets, haha." Zhang Bad swallowed his saliva with difficulty, looked up and laughed.

"Don't be happy too early. These two secrets are the highest cultivation skills in the physical world. Although you have got them, you need to work hard to cultivate to the realm of great success." A basin of cold water splashed over and said.

Zhang Bad lowered his head and laughed and said, "I'm reckless. Please give me some advice."

"This seven-star step contains the momentum of the seven stars in the sky. The power of gossip is not too much to say that it is a practice in the realm of gods. It can be seen that the person who creates such skills must be a genius, so even if there are only seven steps, it will be very difficult for you to practice." Bi Xue said coldly.

"Yes, I will work hard." Zhang Bad said with a dry smile.

"Although this hammer star fist does not have high requirements for true qi, it has high requirements for human physical strength. If you look at your white and tender skin, if you exercise it strongly, you will inevitably break your arms and legs." Bi Xue's faint words, like a flash of lightning, hit a broken head.

When Zhang Bad heard Bi Xue's words, he couldn't help shivering.

It must be humiliating and speechless to attack others, but their legs and feet are broken by the power they use.

"How can I improve my physical strength? Now that I have cultivated the Yisui Sutra, I have been cultivated to the realm of muscle training. It should be all right. Zhang Bad said with a dry smile.

"Try my sword." Bi Xue looked at Zhang Bad coldly, turned back and took out the ice and snow sword on his back, and reached out and handed it to Zhang Bad.

Zhang Bad looked at the ice and snow handing the slender ice and snow sword to himself. He was unhappy. No matter how bad he was, he would not even hold this slender ice and snow sword.

He rolled his eyes and put his hand under Bi Xue and said, "Just let go."

A trace of cunning flashed in Bixue's eyes that made Zhang Bad panic, but it was too late to let go, and a heavy feeling fell into Zhang Bad's hands.

"Ah." Zhang Bad didn't expect that the slender ice and snow sword had such a weight. He didn't realize it for a while. He stulted and fell to the ground, but his right hand was blurred because he didn't have time to take back the ice and snow sword.

Bi Xue reached out and grabbed the void, and the mountain-heavy ice and snow sword flew back to Bi Xue's hand.

"You know now that your strength is still very small." Bi Xue suppressed the smile in her heart, took out a bottle of raw blood elixir in her arms and threw it to Zhang Bad and said, "It's okay to take it down."

Zhang's sore forehead sweated coldly, and he hurriedly poured out a blood elixir and put it into his mouth.

"Wow." A cool feeling spread all over the body. The right hand, which had just been pressed, healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the pain disappeared.

"You know now that your strength is still far away." Bi Xue said lightly.

"I know." Zhang Bad doesn't dare to say anything else now. He has no idea of self-abuse.

"If you want to become strong, go back and practice well." After saying lightly, Bi Xue turned around and stepped on the sword and flew away.

Zhang Bad looked at Bixue's back helplessly and smiled bitterly, "Do you have to keep a cold face?"

"However, what she said is true. I didn't expect that I couldn't even hold the ice and snow sword on her back. What a shame." Zhang Bad sighed, squatted on the ground, reached out and picked up the seven-star secret book and opened it.

There are no words, no explanation, only seven pictures.

"Tut, I like this kind of secret the most." Zhang Bad can't help laughing when he sees the pictures in the seven-star secret book. If it is really those stubborn decisions, Zhang Bad will really feel a big head.

"Hm, let's see how Hammer Star Fist is." Zhang Bad hurriedly opened the Hammer Star Fist secret book and wanted to see if the Hammer Star Fist secret book was the same as Seven Star Steps. There were only some pictures in it. In that case, Zhang Bad really felt so good.

"Well, it's all words." Zhang Bad screamed.

"All words need to be practiced." Zhang Bad gritted his teeth and said that whether it was for himself or the expectation of the ice fairy, it was only realistic for him to become strong, otherwise everything would be a fantasy.

Zhang Bad returned to his cave, thought about it, put down the hammer star fist first, and picked up the seven-star step secret book.

The most important thing is to improve your strength to the greatest extent. Since the seven-star step is the best to understand, it is right for Zhang Bad to choose the seven-star step now.

"What does this mean? Just let me practice according to the pace of the picture? Zhang Bad looked at the seven pictures on the picture and tried to take seven steps by himself, but he just walked to the stream at the door of the house.

Even if you walk straight, it is much farther than this journey without seven-star steps.

"Is it possible that Sister Bixue lied to me?" Zhang thought of it depressedly.

"It's impossible. Even if Sister Bixue has a preconception for me, she won't lie to me on such things." Zhang Bad shook his head directly and got rid of this idea.

"It's not a secret picture, it must be my own business." Zhang Bad finally concluded reluctantly.

"Is it my own business? I think so. Maybe it's because I'm not skilled yet. Zhang Bad thought for a pause.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bad took a deep breath, held the picture of seven-star steps in his hand, followed the steps above, and repeated seven movements over and over again.

Until the bright moon was in the sky, Zhang was sweating and went out in seven steps, but it was still the same as the beginning, and there was no progress at all.

This makes Zhang Bad, who thinks he is a genius, very annoyed and doesn't even bother to eat.

"Wow." Zhang Bad squatted on the ground breathlessly, and his mind was full of pictures of seven-star footwork.

"Yes, I didn't take the wrong step. Why is it still the same as before? Seven steps have no effect at all. At the juncture of life and death, it's not as fast as me. Zhang said angrily.

"Try again, just once. If it doesn't work, I won't practice this." Zhang Bad roared, struggled to get up, and took seven steps according to the footsteps in the picture again.

"Grass, it's still the same." Zhang Bad roared.

"Try again, for the last time. If it doesn't work, I really won't practice this broken secret book." Zhang Bad wiped the sweat from his forehead and cursed.

Failure again and again, scolding again and again, but continue to practice again and again.

"Sister, it seems that he is not a bad guy in your eyes." On a hidden tree branch above the cave, Violet said thoughtfully.

Bixue snorted coldly and did not reply. It seemed that Zhang Bad and Bixue ate her tofu at the first meeting, which made her have a deep understanding of Zhang Bad.

"Wow, he succeeded." Violet didn't mind Bixue's indifference. She still looked at the hard-working Zhang Bad below with great interest and suddenly laughed excitedly.

"Haha, I succeeded." Zhang Bad laughed wildly below. This time, Zhang Bad came out seven steps and stepped out of seven long distances in an instant. Looking back at the place where he had just stood, the joy in his heart made Zhang Huai couldn't help laughing.

Bixue's indifferent face couldn't help changing. She thought that Zhang Bad would not hold on and would give up, or she would not succeed so quickly at all.

"It's simply a genius to learn the seven-star steps so quickly." Violet laughed.

"It's just a mistake." Bi Xue said indifferently.

"Haha, I succeeded." Zhang Bad laughed wildly below, repeating the seven-star footwork over and over again, and each time he was seven feet away.

"Hmm." Bi Xue snorted coldly and turned around and walked away.

Zilan smiled and looked at Bi Xue's distant back and said softly, "I don't know how Zhang fell to the ground and offended Sister Bi Xue. I really want to know."

Zhang Bad looked up at the sky and wondered. He had just seen a white sword light. Now he is looking at it. Why is there nothing left?