Decisive Battle

Chapter 32 The Way to Survive

The noisy sound in the hall soon attracted a lot of disciples of black water. They all held magic weapons and looked angrily at the river of blood in the hall and roared.

"Bunthing." Zhang Bad sneered, and the mountain and river fan in his hand offered sacrifice and pressed towards the disciples. The mountain and river fan pressed on the heads of those people like a big mountain, making them breathless.

"Who the hell are you? We have no grudges. Why do you treat us like this? The suppressed disciples of the black water gritted their teeth and said to Zhang Bad.

"You still don't kneel down when you see the doorkeeper, which is hatred." Zhang Bad shouted loudly, and the mountain and river fans continued to press down.

Those disciples all knelt on the ground with a bang, and their faces surged blood and turned red.

Who is the master? Doesn't the owner of my door know yet?" At this time, a towering old man came out of the passage at the other end of the hall and said with a sneer, "I think you are here to cause trouble."

"If you want to get something here, just say it. You don't have to fight and kill like this." The old man smiled and said.

Zhang Bad sneered in his heart. He didn't expect that after the death of the ancestor of Black Water, Black Water's vein turned into such a masterpiece. He knew that peace was the most precious thing, but he didn't know that peace as the most important meant that he had no courage in his heart.

In the world, there is no reason for the weak to be reasonable. Today, the strong took one thing from you, and tomorrow he will take two things, and finally take all your things.

This is human nature.

"Who are you?" Zhang Bad looked at the old man and asked.

"I am the deputy master here, Ouyang Feng." Ouyang Feng arched his hand and smiled, and his face was almost wrinkled. He looked very funny and speechless.

It's really difficult for such an old man to make such an obscene expression.

"So that's it." Zhang said faintly.

Suddenly, the voice was full of majesty and said to Ouyang Feng, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know. I hope you can explain." Ouyang Feng said hurriedly.

"I am the new master here." Zhang Bad sneered and stretched out his finger to Ouyang Feng and said, "Why don't you kneel down when you see the door owner?"

Ouyang Feng's face changed instantly, and his expression immediately became cold.

If you take anything here, it's okay, as long as you don't move your own rights and old nest, but now Zhang Bad is simply to take his own life and everything.

Originally, the ancestor of Black Water died, and now I finally found a little feeling of being a master. I didn't expect that it hasn't been long before. The days have been moist enough, and now someone is coming to grab the hard-won things.

This is impossible.

Ouyang Feng lost a long breath and calmed down. The strength of the opposite side was too strong. Although he was now a strong man in the realm of having a baby, he also felt helpless in the face of the two people in the abyss like the sea.

There is a feeling of powerlessness.

If you were stronger than them, you would have killed them all long ago, and would you still be here to work with them?

"I've seen the door master" Ouyang Feng knelt down with a smile, but he scolded Zhang's 18 ancestors in his heart.

When Zhang Bad saw Ouyang Feng kneeling down and knew that people like him were just unconvinced, he thought that sooner or later he would be unfaithful to him.

"Ouyang Feng, you can continue to be your deputy master," Zhang said with a bad smile,

"This is true, doorman." Ouyang Feng looked at the bad smile with surprise.

"But I want to see if you are qualified. You can find someone among my attendants to challenge." Zhang Bad said casually.

"Whatever you want?" Ouyang Feng said in surprise, and he noticed that his gaffe quickly restrained.

"Um, you can choose whatever you want." The expressionless expression on the bad face,

Ouyang Feng quickly calculated the strength of Zhang Bad and his party in his heart, and pointed to Xiaobai with a complacency and said, "I choose this lady."

Xiaobai came out in public and gave her a look when he passed Zhang Bad. Xiaobai walked to Ouyang Feng and stopped.

"The owner of Ouyang Gate has mercy." Xiaobai said with a charming smile.

"Please," Ouyang Feng said, thinking that he would kill you for a while and then argued that he did not keep his hand to kill by mistake. Breathe for yourself,

Ouyang Feng looked at Xiaobai with an unbelievable face. He didn't expect that Xiaobai, who he thought was the weakest, would die without seeing how she made a move. He originally wanted to kill Xiaobai and didn't expect his mistake. With a face of unwillingness.

When Zhang Bad passed by Zhang just now, his eyes were to kill Ouyang Feng. Xiaobai asked puzzledly, "Why did you let me kill him?"

"People like him are unreliable. If he is strong enough, he will kill you in turn. He can't stay." Zhang Bad touched his nose.

"I know." Xiaobai pouted. Today, he counted the number of people he killed, and he was really uncomfortable.

There are ten elders in the black water vein, one with two door owners, and below is a group of gatekeepers. The shape is not reliable, but it is also simple.

When those sects saw a woman simply kill their deputy door owner, their faces suddenly faded and dared not say anything else, but they were looking forward to ten elders coming out to kill Zhang Bad.

But waiting left and right, ten elders just didn't come out. I don't know what's going on.

Zhang Bad was a little upset. The bloody smell here was so strong that it made people unable to breathe. He frowned and asked coldly at the gatekeepers suppressed under the mountains and rivers, "Do you recognize me as the master or do you want to continue to resist?"

After saying that, he continued to press down the mountain and river fan, and suddenly pressed all the gatemen to the ground and could not move.

"We are convinced, convinced." Those gatekeepers hurriedly begged for mercy.

He curled his lips, reached out to take back the mountain and river fan, walked into the passage when Ouyang Feng came, and let the gatekeepers clean up the hall, otherwise they would be severely punished. It was really not good to leave so many corpses there.

When Zilan and other female disciples passed by those disciples, they all glanced at those disciples and looked at them in panic. They were really shocked that their new door owners had so many women. It would be great if they were all their own women.

But think about it and do it. What you let these people do now really embarrass them. What should be cleaned is to clean up. The original heart has long gone away. Now when you clean up those dead, you can't help but feel guilty. If you don't think about it't These people begged for mercy at that time, and this time they were really going to be pressed into meat sauce.

And those women who were played with hurriedly followed Xiaobai and others. Although they still had scars, they may go crazy if they stay here now.

Zhang Bad took everyone into the passage, which is more beautiful and beautiful than outside. Corals are placed on both sides of the road, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"It's so beautiful here." Violet said sly.

"Well, it's so beautiful." Xiaobai couldn't help saying.

Goblins actually love cleanliness more than humans and love beautiful things more.

"We will live here in the future." Zhang said with a smug smile.

I am underwater. I don't know how much natural resources and treasures were consumed when building this underwater building, but it is really beautiful after it is built.

Now Zhang Bad has this place, and he is even more happy.

"Although this place is good, it is not our original home." Bi Xue couldn't help sighing.

"We will come back, but it's not the right time. After you get here, you have to practice your mana and become stronger and stronger so that you can survive in future battles." Zhang Bad said to the female disciples.

The female disciples nodded with solemnity on their faces. After this incident, they have changed their original ideas and no longer think that cultivation is to be kind to others and clean themselves.

Only then did I know that a lot of bloody killing was needed on the way to cultivate immortals.

This is the way to survive.

At the end of the passage, a fresh mountain wind suddenly blew in, which made people feel happy. It turned out that there was a valley at the end of the passageway, and now the valley is blooming, which is extremely beautiful.

Big and small are staggered in the valley. The streams are gurgling and the birds are intoxicated, but under this beautiful scenery, there is some incongruity.

There are countless messy garbage scattered on the ground, and there are many stains, which really destroys this great place.

"We must have people remediate this place." Violet said angrily.

"We must rectify it." Zhang Bad nodded hurriedly and said.

"You still need to raise a lot of small animals." Xiaobai continued.

"You must raise it." Zhang Bad nodded hurriedly and said.

"That still needs..." Bi Xue continued, but she didn't know what she wanted.

Do you really know nothing about everything?

Thinking of this, Bixue couldn't help feeling a heartache in her heart, and tears couldn't help but stay.

Zhang Bad hurriedly took Bixue into his arms and said, "I know what I want. I'm here to make a snow peak for you."

Bi Xue buried her head in Zhang's broken arms and nodded.

Zhang Bad showed a triumphant expression at the crowd, which made those female disciples giggle.

I thought about how good it would be if I could find such a good man.

Huang Xiang wrinkled her small nose and said angrily, "We still want something."

"say." Zhang said with a bad laugh.

"I haven't figured out what I want yet." Huang Xiang sucked her little nose and said, "When I think about what I want in the future, I will ask you again."

"What do you want?" Zhang Bad was stunned for a moment and asked with a dry smile.

Now Zhang Bad doesn't want to leave any truth. The consequences of full consent are unimaginable, and he may lose himself.

But even if you match yourself in, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

"A big man, will I still eat you?" Huang Xiang said with a bad glance.

Zhang Bad said with a dry smile, "Okay, let's talk about what you want when you think of something in the future."

The rest of the female disciples suddenly turned around and shouted for what they wanted.

I sweat on my bad forehead. He nodded and agreed in a hurry, which calmed down the arrogance of those female disciples.

The screams of the women aroused the suspicion of the elders who were not leaving home all day long on the mountain. They came to the valley one after another, but they saw Zhang Badzheng smiling and apologized to those female disciples.

"Who are you?" The oldest elder asked loudly, sounding like a bell, with a bright voice, but he was really a practicing person.

Zhang Bad laughed hurriedly and said, "I'm the new master."

The elder looked at Zhang Bad and nodded faintly and said, "You have a spiritual root, and have also practiced the black dragon swallowing heaven of this door, which is also the master."

"Thank you very much." Zhang said with a bad smile.

"Since you are now the owner of this door, we won't bother you any more." The elder nodded and returned to his secret room.

Zhang smiled and said to himself, "I didn't expect the elders here to be quite reliable."

"These elders should only have expectations for immortality to become immortals." Violet smiled and said.

"It's also good to have a wish in your heart." Zhang said with a bad smile.

There is something in people's hearts. This is the real life, which makes people sigh.

"Master, master, the outside has been cleaned up." At this time, a gatekeeper ran in and fell to the ground and said to Zhang Bad.

I'm afraid that if I say something wrong and do something wrong, I will anger this cruel man.

I just came here and washed so many people with blood, which made people tremble.

"How many of you have done that?" Zhang Bad snorted coldly.

"The villain hasn't done it. There is a young man in my family, and he hasn't done that kind of unreasonable thing. They are all subordinates of the deputy door owner." The man spoke in a hurry.

"Really, do you know what will happen if you cheat me?" Zhang Bad sneered and stretched out his finger at the group. The group in his twenties quickly became old, which scared the group to kowtow.

"Have you ever done it?" Zhang Bad shouted with a sneer.

"No, I really don't. I just want to practice." The doorkeeper cried.

Zhang smiled and waved his hand, and the man's face returned to its original appearance.

"In the future, those sects will be under your jurisdiction and kill all those sects who have been unreasonable." Zhang Bad said and took out a top-quality magic weapon from the mountain and river fan, handed it to the crowd and said, "This is for you."

"Thank you, master." The public hurriedly took it and said in surprise.

"What's your name?" Zhang asked with a faint smile.

"My name is Shooting." The shooting said hurriedly.

"Ye, shoot and hunt. After cleaning up the debris outside, I will also clean up here." After saying that, Zhang Bad asked again, "Where do you live here?"

The hunting hurriedly pointed to the houses in the valley and said, "That's it, but since there are so many doorkeepers and ladies, we have to repair it, and it should be ready soon."

Zhang Bad smiled awkwardly and said, "Those are all my senior sisters. Don't say anything wrong."

"Well." The hunting face immediately turned pale. The door owner turned out to be the younger brother of those women, so what kind of existence will these women be here?

Taishang, this is not a joke.

"Then go to work well." Huang Xiang raised her head and looked at the sky and said invinciblely.

"Yes, boy, I'm going." The shooting immediately ran out.

Zhang Bad smiled awkwardly and said, "It seems that they are wrong."

"Hmm, as long as you don't want to be wrong." Huang Xiang said with a bad glance.

The rest of the female disciples lowered their heads shyly and did not dare to look bad.

Be careful of the pounding of the liver. I don't know what Zhang Bad is thinking now.

Taoist monks are originally pure-minded people. In fact, there is no problem even if they are married to Zhang Bad. At most, one person a day can't help thinking about these female disciples.

Zhang Bad smiled awkwardly and said hurriedly, "I'll practice first. You can watch and clean it up."

Zhang said bad words, controlled the wind masses, and flew to the elder's cave, wanting to borrow a place to practice.

After Zhang Bad left, Zilan said, "You guys, why don't you clean up here quickly?"

Huang Xiang pouted and said, "I know how to protect him."

"I don't know what's on your mind yet?" Violet giggled at Huang Xiang.

"What am I thinking?" Huang Xiang blushed and said with her head down.

"If you really want to, we will help." Violet giggled.

"What about us?" The rest of the female disciples also gathered around and said.

The two people suddenly felt that it was not appropriate to stay here and left in a hurry, leaving only the women here to discuss things.

Zhang Bad came to the cave where the elders practiced. He saw that there was only one futon in the cave, so he sat on the ground without it.

The elder opened his eyes and took a bad look, and then continued to meditate and practice.

Zhang Bad didn't care about him. His five hearts turned to the sky and began to practice time leakage. Just now, he used the power of time to make Zhang Bad have a feeling of controlling the world as an immortal, which made Zhang Bad very excited.

"The power of heaven and earth, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, but the power of time and space can control everything."

A faint voice sounded in Zhang Bad's mind, and a pure power appeared in Zhang Bad's perception, making Zhang Bad one of the moves.

Yes, that's the power of time.

It is as ethereal as smoke and has nowhere to follow, but it can really be felt.

"I was able to inadvertently use the power of time just now, and now the main thing is to recall the feeling at that time." Zhang Bad thought in his heart.

The power of time is not as usable as the cultivation of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Time is too elusive. You are spending time all the time, but it is even more difficult to grasp it.

And what the time hourglass needs to do is to allow you to change the time within a small range and produce lethality.

Countless worlds, countless times, flow rapidly in Zhang Bad's mind.

Together, Zhang Bad seems to have entered reincarnation.

Infinite reincarnation makes Zhang Bad's head dizzy.

And what is bad now is to let this space-time fantasy stop and let yourself quietly feel the power of quiet time.

Zhang Bad focused on the scene in front of him. Now Zhang Bad is standing on Xuelian Peak, and the ice fairy is looking at herself with a serious face and saying that she can carry Xuelian Peak's words.

This is what happened when Zhang Bad first entered Xuelian Peak.

Zhang Bad smiled and didn't think about anything else. He actually went straight up, held the ice fairy in his arms and kissed him deeply.

No matter how the ice fairy shakes, Zhang Bad does not let go.

"Don't worry, I will come back to save you." Zhang Bad stretched out his hand and wiped it on the ice fairy's chest, laughed, and woke up in the cave.

And on the snow lotus peak thousands of miles away, the ice fairy suddenly blushed and her heartbeat, and her eyes were blurred. In a blink of an eye, she looked to the northwest, with a complex expression in her eyes, and she was a little at a loss.