Decisive Battle

Chapter 23 Craftsman Luban

Chapter 23 The Craftsman Luban

A craftsman's biggest hobby is nothing more than to improve his craft and make his craft recognized by everyone, which is the greatest pleasure.

And even if a strong man in the heavenly realm deliberately hides among mortals, he will keep this point, because they all have a dream to make their things the best and the things that everyone likes to talk about the most, which is their greatest satisfaction.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Luban likes to be invisible among mortals. After all, there are still too few practitioners for human beings.

Strong satisfaction cannot get the most satisfaction from practitioners.

Since Zhang Bad knows Lu Ban's intention, what he has to do now is very simple. He wants to know who is the best craftsman in the Han Empire, and this best craftsman may be the character he is looking for, Lu Ban.

With the help of the vein of the Han Empire of the Longmen School, the whole Han Empire was searched and collected a list of the best craftsmen in various places, including their life deeds and patterns of things created by them, so that Zhang Bad knew which one was most likely to be a mortal by Luban.

However, after reading all these things, Zhang Bad did not think that any craftsman would be the person he was looking for.

Most of these craftsmen are the best craftsmen gathered from all over the country who work for the royal family.

However, you can know with your mind how Luban, as a craftsman, can contribute to the royal family?

This is simply impossible.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bad issued an order to let the people of the Han Empire of the Longmen School look for it again. They wanted those stubborn craftsmen who were stubborn and built very novel things, and then gave this list to themselves.

It took nearly a month before the list was sent to Zhang Bad. Zhang Bad looked at the list and suddenly found a name in the last inconspicuous place, Wang Yu.

There is nothing new about Wang Yu, but the sentence indicated in the back attracted Zhang's bad attention.

Wang Yu's father, Wang Bai, built a wooden bird last year, claiming to be able to fly with people. He doesn't need any mana, just wind power.

However, the locals thought that Wang Bai was crazy. Wang Bai was so angry that he sat on the wooden bird in front of everyone. Unexpectedly, the wooden bird really flew like this, but the wind blew for seven days and seven nights. The wooden bird had been flying in the air and could not fall. When the wind heard the wooden bird fell. On the ground, Wang Bai, who was sitting on it, had starved to death, and the wooden bird had fallen and scattered.

However, Wang Yu was not at home until Wang Bai died that he came back and took over his father Wang Bai's craftsmanship, but the wooden bird couldn't do it.

When Zhang Bad saw this, he couldn't help smiling. It was not impossible for birds to fly, but it was also a little difficult for a mortal to think of such a thing.

Why does a mortal have this idea and want to fly with a wooden bird?

Or do you want to fly directly to the sky?

This is indeed an interesting carpenter, and with the above, locals do not know that Wang Bai has a descendant, which also interests Zhang Bad.

A descendant who didn't even know the locals returned to Wang Bai's home after his death, saying that he was Wang Bai's son, which was very happy.

After thinking about it, Zhang Bad decided that Wang Yu was the craftsman Luban he was looking for.

It's just how to make sure that this is Luban, which is very challenging, and looking at Luban's situation, he doesn't want to reveal his identity, he doesn't want to be with these practitioners, and wants to stay alone in a place where mortals gather and live his leisurely life.

After thinking about it, Zhang Bad found Xiaoyao and reluctantly asked Xiaoyao to agree to go with him to find the man named Wang Yu to determine whether the man was Luban or not.

The two said a word to everyone and went down the mountain to a small mountain village in the easternmost part of the Han Empire. This is the place where Wang Bai died, and of course, it is also the place where Wang Yu wants to live in the future.

It is surrounded by water on three sides, facing the mountains, and the scenery is beautiful. People look very simple. After seeing the arrival of Zhang Bad and Xiaoyao, they are very kind and ask them what they are doing here.

Zhang smiled and said, "We heard that Wang Bai made a flying wooden bird, so let's take a look."

"Oh, you came late. It's a pity that Wang Bai is dead." A villager said with a sigh.

"There is such a thing." Zhang Bad asked with a surprised face.

"But his son is back. I don't know if his son will make woodbirds." The villagers said.

"His son, why didn't I know he still has a son?" Zhang Bad asked doubtfully.

The villagers also smiled and said, "We don't know that Wang Bai has a son, but Wang Bai was 30 years old when he came here, and it is also possible to have a son before."

"I don't know where Wang Bai's house is now. Can we go and have a look?" Zhang said with a bad smile.

"It's in the small courtyard near the hill, where his family is alone." The villager said, "He doesn't farm, so he is close to the hills, but his craftsmanship is really good. Everything is easy to use after he does."

"Ha ha, let's go and have a look." Zhang smiled badly and then walked towards the hill with Xiaoyao.

When they came to the bottom of the hill, it was indeed the same as the villager said. There was only one small courtyard here, standing alone and sparsely populated. Zhang Bad and Xiaoyao took a look at each other, and then opened the fence door and walked in.

"Who is it?" As soon as I pushed open the fence, I heard someone inside asking loudly.

"We are people who come here." Zhang said with a bad smile.

Xiaoyao was stunned when he heard this sound and immediately disappeared into the room and laughed loudly, "Little old man, I didn't expect you to be here."

"Who are you? I don't know you." The people inside shouted.

"Don't install it, okay? You stole my mother soil, and I can know you even if you turn to ashes. Xiaoyao said angrily.

"I really don't know you. You go. If you don't leave, I'll call someone." Wang Yu inside shouted loudly.

"You still don't admit it." Xiaoyao sneered.

Then there was a crackling sound from inside, and finally Wang Yu finally begged for mercy, "Am I wrong? How did you find me?"

Zhang Bad smiled outside and knew that he had not found the wrong person. Wang Yu was really the craftsman Luban.

"I found you." Zhang smiled and walked in.

Lu Ban stood there naked** with a bitter face. When he saw Zhang Bad coming in, he looked at Zhang Bad fiercely and said, "What are you looking for me for? I haven't been a realist for many years now.

"But you are still a true person, and your cultivation is not low." Zhang smiled and said, "I'm looking for you to help me do nothing."

"There are more people looking for me to do things." Luban sneered and said, "I'm tired of that kind of thing, so you found the wrong person."

"Do you know the spiritual pagoda?" Zhang Bad suddenly said, looking at Lu Ban with an evil smile.

Luban trembling all over and nodded and said, "Of course I know the spiritual pagoda."

"Do you want to build such an object like a spiritual pagoda? Even beyond the spiritual pagoda. Zhang asked with a bad smile.


Luban couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva and was deeply shocked by Zhang's bad words. You should know that even the demons in those years suffered losses there.

Even in the later fairy and demon war, more than 10,000 monsters wanted to capture the spiritual pagoda, but they were all trapped in it, and the spiritual pagoda also preserved the foundation of the whole truth, making the whole truth path develop better later.

In the hearts of Luban and others, the spiritual pagoda is simply a divine object, which has surpassed everything, and is simply not something that can be achieved by manpower.

"Do you want to build a spiritual pagoda? What a delusion." Luban resisted the shock and said to Zhang Bad, "Do you know how many treasures it cost to build the spiritual pagoda in those years? It almost dragged down the Quanzhen Road and finally built it successfully. The prohibitions inside alone are countless, and most of the prohibitions are linked, and they want to break the prohibitions. It's all very difficult."

"That's why we thought of you." Zhang smiled and said, "I think you have the ability to build a comparable and even beyond the spiritual pagoda."

Luban shook his head and said, "You are so whimsic. I don't think you have anything used in the spiritual pagoda. There are countless treasures needed for this thing. Even if you pour out all the things of a sect, you may not be able to build it."

"Why?" Zhang Bad asked doubtfully.

"Because even if we build the same objects as the spiritual pagoda, how to ban it? Have you ever thought about it? Lu Ban asked.

Zhang Bad nodded and said, "This is a problem."

"The prohibition in the spiritual pagoda is ever-changing, and most of them are from famous people, so they are extremely powerful, but we have nothing now." Luban said.

"You don't have to worry about these things. Since I want to build, I will definitely prepare everything. Now there is only one thing to be clear about whether you want to go with us and build a powerful artifact that transcends the spiritual pagoda with us." Zhang asked with a bad smile.

Lu Ban looked at Zhang Bad with a puzzled face. He didn't know where Zhang Bad had such great confidence and wanted to build an object stronger than the spiritual pagoda.

What puzzles Lu Ban most is why Xiaoyao is with Zhang Bad. Who is Zhang Bad and can have so much energy.

"Who are you? Can you tell me?" Luban asked doubtfully.

"I am the son of fate, and my destiny is called Zhang Bad." Zhang said with a bad smile.

After listening to Zhang Bad's words, Lu Ban's face immediately turned pale and pointed to Xiaoyao and said, "You are simply going to persecute me. How can I be with him?"

"Why not?" Xiaoyao asked with a smile.

"I don't want to die yet." Luban curled his lips and said.

"How do you know that you have to die with him?" Xiaoyao asked.

"I don't think anyone knows the strength of Tianmo better than you. Tianmo has been in heaven for ten thousand years, and his strength has increased. Now this son of fate, well, Zhang Bad, is the realm of baby-reasure. The gap between the two is too big." Luban said excitedly, "Don't you think you're looking for death? I advise you to hide like me."

"Your son, do you still take revenge?" Xiaoyao paused and finally said, "If your son is still in reincarnation and knows that you have done this, do you think he will forgive you?"

Xiaoyao's words were like a sharp sword, deeply inserted into Luban's heart, and then brought out blood and deeply stung Luban.

Luban's face became as red as pig blood, which was frightening.

I didn't expect that a person's face could be so red, which really opened Zhang Bad's eyes.

However, what Zhang Bad wants to know most is whether Lu Ban will fall back with him. He is fully prepared to create an artifact comparable to the spiritual pagoda and even beyond the spiritual pagoda.

This is also to have enough ability to survive in the future decisive battle.

In order to survive, Zhang Bad will do everything he can.

Such efforts are what Zhang Huai must do, so for his own future, Zhang Bad has to take Luban away this time.

Even if it is forcibly taken away, it will not hesitate.

"What's the use of these? Who let that boy not listen to me and insisted on helping the Longmen School. Luban was like a crazy duck, stretching his neck and saying to Xiaoyao.

"He dares to resist, but you dare not." Xiaoyao shook his head and said, "It's your fault."

"It's not my fault. I didn't hurt him. I persuaded him many times, but he always didn't listen to me. What can I do?" Luban shouted.

"We had no intention to talk about what happened at that time. Now I just want to ask you whether you help or not. If the demon wins this time, then you can't avoid it. Do you choose to live secretly, and then see your son ashamed, or choose to fight, and save your son after victory, you Let's choose." Xiaoyao snorted coldly.

"I hope you don't be a coward again." Xiaoyao said.

Luban is now like a dazzling eggplant, looking spiritless. The excitement just now has not known where it has gone, but he just looked at Zhang Bad and thought about something in his heart.

"Are you sure you can win?" Lu Ban thought for a long time before asking Zhang Bad.

Zhang Bad shook his head and said, "I can't guarantee it, but I will promise that I will do my best to win, so no matter what the possibility of winning, I will not give up."

"I'll go with you." Luban finally sighed and said, as if he had put down a huge burden.

"Dress well." Xiaoyao smiled and said, "Old friend, I'm very happy with your choice."

"Of course you are happy, but I'm in pain." Lu Ban looked at Xiaoyao angrily and said.

Xiaoyao laughed and said, "You will be proud of your choice."

"I hope so." Luban said with a wry smile.