Decisive Battle

Chapter 35 Dragon Tiger School

Deya and others listened to Zhang Bad's words and moved closer to the Dragon and Tiger Sect, but kept a certain distance from the Dragon and Tiger Sect, but Bangli did not know these things.

Zhang Bad and Erica also had a personnel that night, but because Zhang Bad had been holding back for five years, it made Erica a little too happy. It was a little difficult to go to the ground the next day. After Zhang Bad and guided it with true qi, she was able to act freely.

"Did you do the same to those sisters?" Erica pouted and said to the bad.

Although Zhang Bad began to be very gentle last night, when Erica became familiar with that kind of thing, Zhang Bad became like a beast, with a long gun straight in and powerful.

The most important thing is that Erica is very excited and cheerful. Of course, this is only when she is doing it. No, it is a little difficult to go to the ground this morning.

With a dry smile, he hugged Erica and said, "Of course, but I'm more violent to you."

"Why?" Erica pouted and asked, but her eyes were smiling and she looked very happy.

"Of course, it's because you make me more excited. Look at how elastic your skin is. I really don't want to hear it." Zhang said with a bad smile.

"Really?" Erica asked pretending to be serious.

"Of course it's true. I won't lie to you." Zhang Bad nodded hurriedly and said.

"Oh, but you should remember to do this to your sisters in the future. Don't be biased." Erica said with a smile.

Zhang Bad laughed in his heart. He can only say that he is too naive to Elika Zhang Bad, but this makes Zhang Bad like him more. Who doesn't like innocent women?

Bangli had come to the door early to wait. After saying goodbye to Deya and others, the three sent to the dragon and tiger.

As an eternal school, the mountains occupied by the Dragon and Tiger School are first-class mountains in the whole Rongzhou. The aura is very strong. Cultivation here is much better than in other places, which is the reason why people want to join a sect.

After all, most of the good spiritual veins have been occupied by these sects, and most of the remaining mountains are very thin places. If you want to practice, the speed will be much weakened.

The Dragon and Tiger School is in the easternmost part of Rongzhou, facing the sea, while Tianmomen is among the 100,000 mountains in the northwest of Rongzhou.

In fact, what puzzles Zhang Bad most is why the Dragon and Tiger School can continue to develop in Rongzhou. Even if the strength of the Dragon and Tiger School is very strong, it cannot be said to be a strong opponent for Tianmomen.

After all, the strong in the immortal realm of Tianmo Gate have been well preserved and have not received the curse of Tianmo, and the strong in the immortal realm of the Dragon and Tiger School have been closed for ten thousand years, and it is unknown that they are still alive.

However, there are many strong people in the realm of the Dragon and Tiger School, and there are more than a dozen, which makes Zhang Bad very impressed.

All the way, because Erica's strength did not reach the level of flight, most of the time was Zhang Bad moving forward with Erica in his arms, so the speed was delayed a lot.

It took about half a month to get to the Dragon Tiger School.

When he saw the Dragon and Tiger School, Zhang Bad knew why it was so powerful.

It is said that the mountains make people. The mountains of the Dragon and Tiger School are very majestic, with groups of dangerous peaks, and look magnificent and majestic.

The disciples of the Dragon and Tiger School live here every day, but they are also stained with the spirit of the mountains and become sharp.

That's why I can survive under the pressure of the Heavenly Demon Gate.

"Wow, it's so majestic here." Erica screamed loudly when she saw the mountain gate of the Dragon Tiger School, looking very excited.

Zhang smiled and said, "It's really a good place."

When Bangli heard Zhang Bad and Erica praise the location of their sect, he couldn't help laughing and said, "It was because of the danger here that it was not completely occupied by the Heavenly Demon Gate."

"10,000 years ago?" Zhang Bad asked.

"No, it happened a hundred years ago." Bangli shook his head and said.

"Did you still have or fought with Tianmomen a hundred years ago?" Zhang Bad asked doubtfully.

"Yes, basically there is a battle every hundred years." Bangli nodded and said, "Now it's time to count the time to fight again."

"So that's it." Zhang Bad nodded, but wondered why Tianmomen and the Dragon Tiger Sect had a battle every hundred years. If so, why wouldn't the Dragon and Tiger Sect be directly destroyed?

Tianmomen should have this strength. Just look at the things that happened in Buzhoushan and you will know how the strength of Tianmomen is.

Is it possible that the demon gate only wants to capture Bzhou shan, but ignores the dragon and tiger faction close at hand?

This is too unreasonable.

Of course, there is only one explanation that can make this situation natural, that is, Tianmomen does not want to eradicate the Dragon and Tiger faction at all, because they do not want to and will not do so.

Just by looking at the attack on the Dragon and Tiger Sect every hundred years, you will know the mystery. They are just training soldiers and exercising the killing ability of the disciples of Tianmomen.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bad felt normal about why the people sent out every time Tianmomen were strong.

A sect that has been fighting every hundred years will certainly have such strength.

Even if you are a coward, if you want to survive, you have to become strong and strong before you can practice desperately.

This is the reason why the Demon Gate has always been powerful.

"I didn't expect that Tianmomen still had this kind of awareness. It's really not to be underestimated." Zhang smiled badly and thought to his heart.

Although the battle between the Heavenly Demon Gate and the Dragon and Tiger School has made the Heavenly Demon Gate stronger, the Dragon and Tiger School is also slowly becoming stronger.

"Yes, we will lose a lot of strong people here every time we fight." Bangli said solemnly, "My parents died in the battle a hundred years ago. At that time, they had reached the top level of babyhood."

"Ye." Zhang Bad nodded and thought to him that it seemed that those disciples of Tianmomen still knew how to do it.

Although it strengthens itself, it will keep the strength of the Dragon Tiger faction at a balanced level every time, and will not make the Dragon Tiger faction really strong and become a stumbling block on their way.

"Brother Bangli, you're back." At this time, a long rainbow flew out of the Dragon and Tiger faction and came to the front. Only then did I see that a man in blue was saying to Bangli with a smile.

Bang Li smiled and said, "Are you unhappy when I'm back?"

"Of course, I'm happy. As soon as you come back, we will have the backbone. These days, the people of the Heavenly Demon Gate have come to make trouble again and again. We have lost a lot of brothers and are looking forward to your return." The man in blue said with a smile.

"I will destroy all those thieves sooner or later." When Bangli heard the words of the blue-shirted man, he clenched his fist and said, "Xu, this is Zhang Bad Senior. Go and tell the leader, and he will say that Zhou Shan and Zhang is bad."

When Xiaolu heard Bangli say this, his legs were soft and he almost fell on the flying sword. He looked at Zhang Bad with a shocked face and said, "Are you Zhang Bad? The bad Zhang of Zhoushan?"

"It's me." Zhang nodded with a bad smile.

"Son of Destiny?" The path swallowed a mouthful of saliva and then asked again.

Zhang Bad nodded again and couldn't help but have a dissatisfied expression.

Xiaolu hurriedly said, "I'm going to tell the leader about this now."

After saying that, the path turned around and flew back to the mountain.

"Let's go up, too." Bangli said with a smile.

"Look, who is there?" Erica suddenly shouted and pointed to a group of black dots in the distance.

Bangli trembled all over and looked up to see that it was a group of practitioners flying towards the Dragon and Tiger School.

And you can know at a glance that these people are all from the Heavenly Demon Gate.

"Can't this attack be advanced?" Bangli said nervously, "It seems that we are going to fight again, but I don't expect it to be a big scene this time."

"What's going on?" Zhang Bad asked.

"The battle a hundred years ago seems to have been advanced now." Bangli said.

Zhang Bad looked up and said anxiously to Bang Li, "Have there been any strong people in the immortal realm participating in the previous battles?"

Bangli shook his head quickly and said, "There is no strong man in the immortal realm."

Then Bangli suddenly sweated coldly and said to Zhang Bad, "Senior, you won't say that there is a strong man in the immortal realm."

Zhang Bad nodded and said, "There is indeed a strong man in an immortal state."

Zhang Bad has now become a strong man in the realm of heaven, so his perception is much stronger than before. When he perceives the strong man in the immortal realm, Zhang Bad can't help frowning.

I don't understand why they sent out strong men in the immortal realm. Do you really want to hang all the dragon and tiger faction now?

When Erica heard Zhang's bad words, she smiled in horror, patted Erica on the back and said, "Don't worry, I'm here."

Erica nodded and buried her little head in her broken arms.

Although Zhang Bad doesn't know how to kill the strong man in the opposite realm of immortality, Zhang Bad's words seem to have a kind of magic that can make Erica feel at ease.

I think that as long as Zhang is bad, he is safe.

You can live, all because there is a bad existence around you.

"What are you still standing here for? Why don't you report this news to the elders of your sect? Zhang Bad stared at Bangli, who was still standing stupidly and said.

Bangli nodded hurriedly and flew madly to the top of the Longhu Mountain.

"What do you want to do?" Erica looked up at Zhang Bad and said.

Of course, Erica doesn't have the courage to look at those visitors of the Heavenly Demon Gate now.

"Wait." Zhang said with a bad smile.

After thinking about it, Zhang Bad took out a glazed flying crane from the mountain and river fan, stretched out his hand and turned into a flying crane, which looked extremely beautiful.

"You sit on it." Zhang said with a bad smile.

"Ye." Erica nodded excitedly, jumped on the flying crane on Zhang's broken body, and shouted in surprise, "This is just like real."

With that, the flying crane still roared, which made Erica laugh.

Zhang smiled evilly and stood in place, quietly waiting for the arrival of those disciples of Tianmomen.

"Who are you?" Suddenly, a divine consciousness rushed into Zhang's sea of knowledge and asked with a questioning tone.

"I'm Zhang Bad, who are you?" Zhang Bad responded.

"I'm a Qingyang real person of the Dragon Tiger School." Qingyang Zhenren said.

"Are you the son of fate?" Qingyang Zhenren asked again.

"Yes, I don't know where the senior is now." Zhang Bad nodded hurriedly and said.

"I've been waiting for you for ten thousand years." Qingyang Zhenren said excitedly.

Zhang Bad can't help but get excited. It sounds that this Qingyang real person should be the strong man in the immortal realm mentioned in Bangli's mouth.

"Where are you now?" Zhang Bad couldn't help asking excitedly.

Now there is a strong man in the immortal realm opposite. Even if you use the sealed space, you may not be able to kill the strong man in the immortal realm. If the sealed space cannot kill the strong man in the immortal realm, you will die as long as you are caught.

That's why Zhang Bad is so excited now.

The strong man in the immortal realm still has to be faced by the strong man in the immortal realm, and you don't have to make fun here.

"I'm by your side." Qingyang Zhenren said with a wry smile.

"What?" Zhang Bad couldn't help fighting a cold war and got goose bumps. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

I took a look back and forth and saw that there was no real Qingyang. I couldn't help asking in a trembling voice, "Why didn't I see you?"

Qingyang Zhenren sighed and then said, "My body is invisible now. This is the curse I have received."

"So can you use your true qi now?" Zhang took a pause and thought for a moment to ask.

Qingyang Zhenren said with a wry smile, "No, I can only use my strength after I show myself. This is my greatest pain."

Zhang Bad smiled bitterly. This kind of curse is really helpless. A strong man in the immortal realm can't use his true spirit, and no one can see him. This is really a very hurtful thing.

What's more, he is a strong man in an immortal realm. This kind of loneliness is really not understandable.

Zhang Bad is now very interesting to the heavenly demons. I don't know what the heavenly demons think of these curses are simply curses to torture people to death.

I really don't know how evil this demon is to come up with so many curses with different personalities.

"Then how can I save you?" Zhang Bad asked with a dry smile.

Now the real person in Qingyang is just an invisible person. Even if he wants to save him, there is really no way to start.

"It's not the right time. Let's stop this disaster first." Qingyang Zhenren said with a wry smile, "I don't know why the Heavenly Demon Gate actually dispatched a strong man in the immortal realm. Although it has come to harass the Dragon Tiger School every hundred years, it has not sent out a strong man in the immortal realm like today. Do you really want to send the Dragon Tiger School to death?"

Zhang Bad also looked helpless. He didn't know why this kind of thing happened, and what made Zhang Bad feel most helpless was that he said a place, and many dangerous things would happen in this place.

In the end, you have to solve it by yourself, which is the most helpless thing for Zhang Bad.

Qingyang Zhenren sighed and said, "This time the Dragon and Tiger School is more evil and less auspicious."

"They are coming." Zhang said with a bad smile.

With a few long roars, the mountain gate of the Dragon Tiger School flew out of twelve various long rainbows, and in an instant, it had come to Zhang Bad's side. Of course, there was followed by a group of various practitioners.

"Are you bad?" An old man with a white beard asked Zhang Bad.

"I am." Zhang Bad nodded and said.

"I'm the elder of the Dragon and Tiger School." The elder nodded solemnly and said, "I knew you would come, but I didn't expect it to come at a bad time."

"I'm also helpless." Zhang said with a wry smile.

I think it's good as long as the elders don't regard themselves as disaster stars.

"The leader is closed, and now we can only stop it." The elder said.

"But they are strong in an immortal realm." Zhang Bad said.

"It doesn't matter. As long as we are not strong in more than two immortal realms, we can keep the Dragon and Tiger School." The elder nodded and said.

When Zhang Bad saw that the elder said so, he didn't say more.

People are so sure that if they talk more, they will have nothing to do.

"The Great Array of Heaven and Earth." The elder shouted.

Twelve elders stood in 12 directions under the big drink of the elders and stopped in front of Zhang Bad.

Suddenly, a stream of aura was madly immersed in the array, and in the end it faintly turned pale yellow.

It shocked Zhang Bad.

"At this time, I originally invented it, but I didn't expect them to use it so purely now." Qingyang Zhenren smiled and said, "It seems that my apprentices and grandchildren are not so stupid."

"They are all very smart." Zhang Bad said with a dry smile.

Erica watched the twelve elders form a large array, covered her little mouth, and drove the flying crane to Zhang Bad and said to Zhang Bad, "It's amazing. The aura is going to become solid."

"It's really awesome." Zhang Bad touched his nose and said with a smile.

But in my heart, I was thinking about what the outcome would be compared with the eternal array of Zhoushan.

This array of heaven and earth is to mobilize the spirit of heaven and earth, and then form a huge aura pool to attack with it.

No one can stand so many aura invasions, which is simply suicidal behavior.

That is to say, if anyone wants to attack, they will attack with the Reiki pool. So much Reiki is like a pool of bombs, who is caught and blows up.

I don't know how obscene people can think of such a obscene world.

Zhang smiled evilly and said to Qingyang Zhenren, "I think this big array can only stop it for a while, but later it can't."

"Isn't there you?" Qingyang Zhenren smiled and said, "Maybe we can still catch a strong man in an immortal realm."

"How to catch it?" Zhang was stunned and asked.

"You should know about the sealing space." Qingyang Zhenren asked with a smile.

"Yes, I know." Zhang Bad nodded and didn't understand what Qingyang was thinking.

"There is a sealed space in Rongzhou. As long as you get him, you may imprison the strong man in this immortal realm." Qingyang said with a smile.

"You are so obscene." Zhang said helplessly.

"How can this be said to be obscene? This is called a scheme. Qingyang said with a smile.

"So where is the sealed space of this Rongzhou?" Zhang asked with a bad smile.

"It's in the small lake under the gate of the Dragon and Tiger School." Qingyang said with a smile.

"Well, now we're ready to fight." Zhang said with a bad smile.

"Don't you take this sealed space first?" Qingyang Zhenren asked in a stunned way.

"I already have it." Zhang said with a bad smile.

Battle will always be accompanied by killing, which will always bring negative emotions, and the heart demon will take advantage of this opportunity to occupy the body.

However, Zhang Bad is not worried now. He looked at Erica beside him and said with a smile, "God is incomplete. Protect Erica."