Decisive Battle

Chapter 51 Annual Round

Zhang Badi rushed to the Hundred Flowers Fairy with a smile. The Hundred Flowers Fairy did not expect Zhang Bad to be so bold. You should know that although he is just a soul now, he is also an immortal emperor anyway. Unexpectedly, this boy dares to do this to himself.

She was thrown to the ground by Zhang Bad. The hundred-flower fairy was ashamed and annoyed. She shouted, but was blocked by her big mouth with a broken mouth. In panic, she wanted to push open the broken man with her hand, but the two broken big hands had held her two peaks deadly. This was not what made the Hundred Flowers Fairy angry the most. Her Peach Blossom Land actually felt The Bo-qi of Zhang's bad second brother made the Hundred Flower Fairy can't wait to kill Zhang Bad in front of her.

Zhang Bad is also desperate. After being tortured by the Hundred Flowers Fairy for so long, he has to pay some interest on the Hundred Flowers Fairy.

So the sealed space is supposed to be given to yourself, that's the capital. What is the interest? Just dry the Hundred Flowers Fairy, which is the interest.

Who asked the Hundred Flowers Fairy to give themselves these? This should be regarded as the Hundred Flowers Fairy deserves it.

Even the soul of the immortal emperor is now just a weak little girl's son who is powerless to resist. Zhang Bad is also a man anyway. At this time, his strength will suddenly become extremely strong. No matter how much the women under him resist, men can suppress them to death.

Zhang Bad separated the hundred flower fairy's legs with his legs, took off his clothes with both hands, and directly**.

"Ah, you hateful person." The hundred-flower fairy shouted and felt that her body suddenly entered a thing, which made the hundred-flower fairy scream loudly.

Although she is a fairy emperor, the Hundred Flowers Fairy has never experienced anything between men and women. She is only dedicated to becoming an immortal, and now she has been broken by Zhang. Although it is a soul, it is also something that the Hundred Flowers Fairy can't stand.

Because in the soul state, this feeling is directly elevated to the most sensitive state, that is to say, it goes deeper into the bone marrow than the physical state.

Zhang Bad also felt this. The first time alone, Zhang Bad had a feeling of wanting to ejaculate, which made Zhang Bad tremble all over and quickly stabilized his heart. He said with an evil smile, "I didn't expect to feel like this in the soul state."

The Hundred Flower Fairy is also panting now. She feels that her limbs and bones are as if they have been electrocuted by electric shock, and her whole body is refreshing. However, after hearing Zhang's bad voice, her face immediately became angry and shouted loudly, "Do you know what you are doing? If I can return to my true self, I will definitely kill you."

He curled his lips and said, "I don't care about the future, just do what's done now."

Regardless of the intimidation of the Hundred Flowers Fairy, Zhang Bad quickly twitched and shrank until he sweated heavily, and the Hundred Flowers Fairy under him was already charming, and his hands tightly hugged Zhang Bad's waist, as if he had forgotten that he was the supreme identity of the Immortal Emperor. I only remember that he was just It's just a woman, and she's also a forced woman.

The Hundred Flowers Fairy looked at Zhang Bad with blurred eyes and said sly, "You will regret it sooner or later."

"Really?" Zhang Bad pushed hard and said, "Will I regret it?"

The hundred-flower fairy moaned and stared at Zhang Bad. She wanted to speak, but Zhang Wei pushed it again.

The hundred-flower fairy can only rely on and don't know what to say.

"Baby, I'm going back now. How can I find you in the future?" Zhang asked with a bad smile.

"What do you want to do with me?" The hundred-flower fairy Jiao asked with a gasp.

"Of course I want to love you well." Zhang Bad hurriedly said seriously, "I will be responsible for you in the future."

The hundred-flower fairy burst out laughing, but then felt that it was not the time to laugh. Then she immediately turned her face up and said to Zhang Bad, "You don't have to look for me. I'm just a remnant soul now, and I'm going to disappear after today."

"It will disappear in the future?" Zhang Bad was stunned for a moment, and then thought of Xing Tian's situation. If the Hundred Flowers Fairy is the same as Xing Tian, that is to say, the current Hundred Flowers Fairy is just a wisp of soul, and finally she still wants to return to her original soul.

But after thinking about it, Zhang Bad felt something was wrong and said to the Hundred Flowers Fairy, "This is not your remnant soul. This should be your original soul."

The Hundred Flowers Fairy asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

"It doesn't need to say, how can the remnant soul feel this way?" Zhang said helplessly.

"So what do you want?" The hundred-flower fairy stared with bad eyes and said.

"Where is your body? I'll help you find it." Zhang Bad thought for a moment and said.

"Since you gave me the gift of sealing space, I will find out your bodies and give them to you." Zhang Bad said.

The flower fairy smiled and said, "We have been thinking about how to find our original body, but there is nothing we can do. Now our original body is being suppressed by the heavenly gate. Only when the demon leaves the heavenly world and enters the human world can we get our own body at that moment."

Zhang Bad was stunned and said, "So that's it. So can you make you stronger in the ruins? I'll help you get it."

The Hundred Flower Fairy smiled and said to Zhang Bad, "Why are you so kind to me?"

Zhang Bad laughed and said, "Of course, I want you to be my mother-in-law."

Zhang Bad said and began the final sprint until he couldn't hold back and shouted, "Wait, I will do what I say."

The hundred-flower fairy is also panting now. How can there be no intention to think that what Zhang Bad is telling the truth or false? Yi nodded. Finally, Zhang Bad trembled all over and suddenly opened his eyes, but found that Qingyang Zhenren was standing beside him anxiously. Seeing Zhang Bad wake up, Qingyang Zhencai was relieved. He said angrily, "You woke up."

Zhang Bad felt dizzy and looked around. This was the interior of the wooden sealed space. It was full of flowers and trees, and there were no animals. Only then did he recall his romantic affairs just now.

said with a smile, "Yes, I finally woke up, but I still want to be in a coma for a while."

Qingyang Zhenren didn't know what Zhang Bad was talking about, thinking that Zhang Bad was talking nonsense again.

Just at the bottom of the pool, Zhang Bad's blood was absorbed by Gumu, and then Gumu emitted a strong light. In an instant, a force pulled the two into the space. Zhang Bad became distracted since he came in, and finally fell directly to the ground and did not wake up.

It made Qingyang Zhenren worry for a while. Now he saw Zhang Bad wake up with a look of aftertaste, but when he saw Zhang Bad's obscene smile, he knew that Zhang Bad must have experienced something free.

Qingyang Zhenren smiled and said, "It's good to wake up, but what should we do now?"

Zhang Bad nodded and then flew up. This is the same scene as what his soul saw. He recalled the journey the Hundred Flowers Fairy took with him and said, "Let's continue to walk north."

Qingyang Zhenren nodded and now enters the sealed space. This is the place where Zhang Bad will definitely get it. Now it is better to listen to Zhang Bad. After all, this is the place created by the Fairy Emperor. I don't know what kind of danger will be waiting for them.

Qingyang Zhenren flew rapidly to the north with Zhang Bad, and the sky emitted a white light, which made both of them a little happy.

"The front should be what we are looking for." Zhang Bad said excitedly.

"What?" Qingyang asked.

"Ancient wood, real ancient wood." Zhang said with a bad smile.

Qingyang Zhenren nodded. Although he didn't know what the real ancient wood looked like, it would never be like what he saw in the pool. It couldn't be so small.

Anyway, it is also a tree that has existed since the beginning of Hongmeng, and there must be different places.

Flying along the light of the sky, I saw a crown covering the sky and the earth, as if covering the whole sky.

Qingyang Zhenren and Zhang Bad marveled at the huge size of the ancient wood, flying faster and faster, and wanted to reach the place where the ancient wood was located as soon as possible.

And Zhang Bad has his own thoughts in his heart, wondering whether the soul of the hundred-flower fairy is still here in Gumu. If so, he has to go to something.

It is said that Wangshan ran away from the dead horse. Now the two are watching the tree and running dead. After flying for a long time, they can only see the canopy of the tree as before, and even the tree body has not been seen.

"It seems that this place is a little bigger than Rongzhou." Zhang Bad said.

"It's twice as big." Qingyang Zhenren nodded and said.

From the easternmost to the westernmost part of Rongzhou, Qingyang Zhenren can fly in two days, and from the northernmost to the southernmost part can also fly in more than two days.

And now Qingyang real people can feel that the sealed space here is twice as large as the real area of Rongzhou.

"Let's continue to fly." Zhang Bad gritted his teeth and said.

Qingyang Zhenren nodded, and now the two of them don't need to rest at all.

Flying directly to Gumu is what the two should do.

After flying for two days, the two finally came to the bottom of the ancient wood, the square tree body, which stunned Qingyang. In addition, the height of the tree towered into the clouds, which was simply the first tree in the world.

"It's really an ancient wood, which is so huge." Qingyang Zhenren said excitedly.

"Yes, it's fucking big." Zhang Bad spit and said.

When he was in the state of soul, Zhang Bad had already seen this ancient tomb, so it is not strange now. He didn't look at the ancient wood at all, but looked around and again, hoping to see the soul of the Hundred Flowers Fairy.

But after looking for a long time, I didn't see the figure of the hundred flower fairy.

However, Zhang Bad didn't know that on the high crown, there was a beautiful shadow looking at himself, and his eyes were full of complexions. When Zhang Bad felt something, it disappeared.

Zhang Bad felt a pair of eyes staring at him, but when he wanted to feel where the direction was, this feeling immediately disappeared.

Zhang Bad sighed with some loss and said in his heart, "Can't I say goodbye to you?"

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you?" Qingyang Zhenren was looking at this huge ancient wood with an excited face. Suddenly, he heard Zhang Bad sigh and asked doubtfully.

Zhang smiled and said, "It's nothing."

Qingyang Zhenren didn't say anything when he saw Zhang Bad, and he didn't ask anymore.

He walked around the ancient wood and said to Zhang Bad, "This ancient wood is so huge. Do you still need to subdue this ancient wood if you want to subdue this sealed space?"

Zhang Bad looked up at Gu Mu and said, "This Gu Mu is really too big, but now I don't know what to do."

Zhang Bad is telling the truth now. Now Zhang Bad doesn't know how to take this sealed space for himself, because now Zhang Bad is simply clueless in front of this ancient wood.

There is no way to subdue this ancient wood. Is it necessary to take this ancient wood as your own by refining?

Thinking of this, Zhang Bad looked at the towering ancient wood helplessly and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Do you need to use your blood?" Qingyang Zhenren said in a hurry.

Zhang Bad looked at Qingyang Zhenren helplessly and said, "My blood is not omnipotent."

Qingyang Zhenren said with a dry smile, "But how can we take this ancient wood for ourselves now?"

Zhang Bad reached out and patted the body of the ancient tree and said, "The ancient wood that grew when Hongmeng first bloomed must have its own soul."

Qingyang Zhenren nodded hurriedly and said, "If you don't tell me, you will forget me. You're right. This ancient muon grew up when Hongmeng first opened. He must have his own soul. Maybe he has been cultivated and refined a long time ago."

Zhang Bad thought for a moment and said, "Then I'll try and see if I can communicate with the soul of this ancient wood."

Qingyang Zhenren asked, "Do you want to use your blood?"

Zhang Bad almost fell to the ground. No matter how good his blood is, he can't use it all the time. Isn't he going to commit suicide?

When Qingyang saw Zhang's bad appearance, he hurriedly smiled and said, "I'm just talking and talking."

"Eight and blood are not omnipotent." Zhang said with a wry smile.

After saying that, he sat under Gu Mude, and then condensed his mind and tried to communicate with this Gu Mu with his own consciousness.

If you want to get this seal space, then only by getting this ancient wood can you get this seal space. Zhang Bad is still very clear about this.

The divine consciousness emanated and wrapped around the tree of the ancient wood, but after a long time, I didn't feel any soul inside that could communicate with me.

He frowned and did not give up. It is impossible for such an ancient wood that existed at the beginning of Hongmeng could not have its own soul.

Continue to spy on the whole tree with divine knowledge and go straight to the canopy.

"What do you want to do?" Suddenly, a frightened voice sounded, crisp, delicate and pitiful, but a female voice.

Zhang Bad was also excited and hurriedly said, "Are you a hundred-flower fairy?"

"No." The woman replied.

"Then you are the soul of Gumu?" Zhang Bad asked with some loss.

"How is it? I am the master here." Gumu's soul shouted, but his voice was still full of fear.

Zhang Bad is a little strange. How can this ancient wood feel afraid of his own consciousness?

It doesn't make sense. In terms of the strength of the soul, this ancient wood is much more powerful than himself in any way.

"I'm actually a good person." Zhang Bad said helplessly to the ancient wood soul, "What's your name?"

The ancient wood soul has not spoken for a long time. When Zhang Bad thought that the ancient wood soul was hidden, the ancient wood soul said pitifully, "My name is Xiaoqing, but you must not hurt me."

Zhang Bad was stunned and said, "I'm not a demon. I won't hurt you."

"It's difficult for the devil to destroy me." Xiaoqing said coldly.

Zhang Bad is very confused now. How can Xiaoqing, who is not even afraid of the devil, be afraid of himself?

"I'm actually a good person. You don't have to be afraid of me." Zhang Bad said again.

"You won't do that to me." Xiaoqing asked pitifully.

Zhang Bad was stunned and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Zhang Bad is a little helpless. I don't know what Xiaoqing said.

"I have seen what you did to the Hundred Flower Fairy. You can do such a thing with such a powerful person as the Hundred Flower Fairy. I'm afraid you will do that to me." Xiaoqing said more pitifully, and her voice was like tears.

When Zhang Bad heard Xiaoqing's words, he directly petrified it and said awkwardly, "I will never do that. Don't worry."

I'm thinking in my heart: "I'm not a crazy guy. I won't do such a thing to a tree spirit."

"Oh, it's just that the Flower Fairy asked me to be careful when she left, that's why I'm so scared." Xiaoqing's figure gradually appeared.

What a lovely person. His beauty is not lower than that of roses, but his face has a tender taste, which is more pitiful.

Zhang Badi didn't know what to say for a moment. Such a beautiful person is indeed loved, but Zhang Bad still doesn't want to attack a tree spirit. It's simply crazy.

smiled and said, "Don't worry, I treat you like my sister."

"Ye." Xiaoqing said with a smile.

"However, how can I get this sealed space?" Zhang Bad asked doubtfully.

"This is actually very simple. As long as you get my approval, of course, we have to sign a contract." Xiaoqing said.

"What kind of contract?" Zhang Bad looked at Xiaoqing doubtfully, afraid that Xiaoqing would let himself sign a contract with the five ghosts, and it would be bad for him to become Xiaoqing's slave.

"Equality contract. Then you can get this space, and of course I will help you when you are in danger. Xiaoqing said with a smile.

Now Xiaoqing is not afraid of Zhang Bad at all, and she is still worried about how dangerous it is for the Hundred Flower Fairy to say that Zhang Bad is, but now she feels that Zhang Bad is just an ordinary person.

"Oh, let's sign an equal contract." Zhang Bad said.

The two soon signed an equal contract.

Qingyang Zhenren shouted loudly, Zhang Bad took back his consciousness and said doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

"Look, a woman appeared." Qingyang Zhenren said.

Zhang Bad hurriedly looked at Qingyang Zhenren's eyes and saw that the original towering ancient wood had disappeared, but a beautiful woman appeared, which was Xiaoqing.

"This is Xiaoqing, don't worry." Zhang said with a bad smile.

Seeing that Zhang Bad was so calm, Qingyang Zhenren let go of the true anger he had already mentioned.

"In the future, this Aoki seal space will be yours." As he spoke, Xiaoqing turned to the broken forehead, and a green light poured into the broken forehead.

Originally, there was only a red and white five-line light print, but now there is an emerald green light print.