Decisive Battle

Chapter 68 Friends

Chapter 68 Friends

Pan Cenxing is not without friends, just like Xiaoqing. They don't have many friends. For these species that appear in heaven and earth, they actually don't need too many friends, because the most important thing is to make their strength stronger, so that they can make themselves the safest. Therefore, strength is the most important thing for them. As long as they are strong, they can be fearless, but sometimes it will make them selfish.

And ordinary selfish people can't have real friends. This is their most painful place. In fact, it is not all the species that appeared in the world. In their hearts, it is most important to survive.

But if a person has lived for too long and is strong enough to survive, he will think more and want more.

Suddenly, you will find that you have nothing but yourself. There is no warmth in your heart. No one will worry about you, and no one will care about you. At this time, people's hearts will change and become eager to care about them.

Zhang Bad has now signed an equal contract with Pan Cenxing, which is equivalent to saying that he has become a friend of Pan Cen Xing, an equal friend, and there is a spiritual connection between each other. Zhang Bad's love and happiness were introduced into Pan Cen Xing's sea of knowledge at the first time, which made Pan Cen Xing feel what is called love for the first time. It's called happiness.

So, Pan Cenxing is so excited. For the first time in his life, he feels love and happiness. How can he not feel excited? He roared briskly and circled under the ancient wood, and you could see how happy he was.

Xiaoqing looked at the excited Pan Cenxing and couldn't help meditating. Zhang Bad was originally very excited and couldn't help but feel at a loss. He didn't know what Xiaoqing was thinking now and didn't know how to talk to Xiaoqing.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Bad thought a lot of words, but only felt that he could say this sentence. He asked with a dry smile, "Look at your expression and it seems that there are many things in your heart. Do you feel unhappy?"

Xiaoqing smiled and said, "No, I'm just very happy to see Xiaoxing so happy now."

"Well, Pan Cenxing is really happy now. I can feel it. This may be the first time in his life that he has such a feeling." Zhang Bad nodded and said.

"Don't bully Xiao Xingxing in the future, and don't bully him simply." Xiaoqing said to Zhang Badly, What he said was very solemn, which made Zhang Bad a little embarrassed. When did he want to bully Pan Cenxing?

"How can I bully Pan Cenxing? As long as he doesn't bully him. Besides, Pan Cenxing has survived for so long now, as he doesn't bully me." Zhang said with a bad smile.

"Although he is actually very old, his mind is just a child, so I'm worried that you will bully him." Xiaoqing sighed and said, "He has always been alone, so even if he has lived for so long, his mind will not increase."

Zhang Bad nodded. Pan Cenxing, who has lived alone most of the time since he was born, really won't know much. Now think about it, Pan Cenxing's current intelligence is almost the same as that of Xiaohuo. After all, Xiaohuo and Xiao Bad will be with Many people communicate together. They know more things and know than Pan Cenxing. What's more, Xiaohuo and Xiaobad now know how to socialize with others, and Pan Cenxing is very poor in this regard. He doesn't know how to socialize with others. This is the most worrying thing for Zhang Bad. If Pan Cenxing doesn't understand It is very difficult for Zhang Bad to socialize with others. I don't know what will happen if he brings Pan Cenxing back to Zhoushan.

When Xiaoqing saw Zhang's sad face, she couldn't help giggling and said, "Now you also have a painful expression."

Zhang Bad laughed and said, "I'm thinking about whether Pan Cenxing will be hungry with me in the future. Look at such a huge body, I don't know what he eats to grow so big. If Xiaoxing eats people to grow so big, I can't help it."

Xiaoqing gave a bad look and said, "What are you talking about? How can he be because he has grown so big? He won't do that. He just needs to absorb the aura of heaven and earth to survive. He doesn't need a lot of food."

When Zhang Bad heard Xiaoqing's words, he felt at ease. If Pan Cenxing's appetite really needs food to be filled, Zhang Bad will really be one or two big. I don't know how to make Pan Cenxing fill his stomach every day.

"Zhang Bad, let's go out." Pan Cenxing's words came from Zhang Bad's mind, and Zhang Bad hurriedly looked at Pan Cenxing with a smile.

"Well, but what should I call you in the future?" Zhang said with a bad smile.

"Just call me Xiaoxing. Sister Xiaoqing has always called me that, and I like this name very much." Xiao Xingxing said happily and kept rolling on the ground. He looked happy, but it made Zhang Bad a little helpless.

If you take Xiaoxing out like this now, you can't stop what Xiaoxing will do. This doesn't work. You still need to communicate with Xiaoxing.

Zhang Bad nodded and said with a smile, "Well, I'll call you Xiaoxing in the future, but we can't go out yet, because I'm not sure if you will hurt other people now, you know?"

Xingxing nodded and said, "Actually, I didn't want to be angry before, but those human beings are too hateful. I just want to make friends with them, but they hate me and use things to kill me, that's why I'm angry."

Zhang Bad knew that Xiaoxing was right, but it was simply unrealistic for a giant like Pan Cenxing to make friends with those civilians.

He asked with a dry smile, "Why do you want to make friends with them?"

Only by asking what happened can the right thing. Zhang Bad now asks Xiaoxing how he did it at that time, so that he can find out what Xiaoxing did wrong at that time.

Pan Cenxing thought for a moment and said, "I was very happy to see so many human beings here, so I ran towards them, but they seemed to be very scared. I chased them all the way, very carefully and didn't want to suppress them, but they cried bitterly. Come on."

"Why are you crying?" Zhang asked with a bad smile.

"There was a group of earth and rocks in the way, so I pressed it directly." Pan Cenxing thought for a moment and said, "It seems that after this happened, several hateful human beings came. They will use some shiny things to kill me. How can I let them succeed and fight back?"

Zhang Bad can only laugh speechlessly now. From what Pan Cenxing said, Zhang Bad can understand that Pan Cenxing must have overwhelmed those civilians' houses at that time, so it made those civilians very painful. Civilians have extraordinary care about houses. That's their souls, and that's where they settle down. The place of life, and most of the common people's lives, or generations, will live in a residence. Their feelings for the house even exceed their concern for their own lives. It is not difficult to explain why Pan Cenxing caused so much indignation.

Zhang Bad nodded and said to Pan Cenxing with a calm face, "Do you know what you did wrong?"

"I don't know." Pan Cenxing still felt a trace of fear of Zhang Bad, because on Zhang Bad, Pan Cenxing saw the love of heaven and earth for Zhang Bad, and there was a beam of light that Pan Cen Xing did not want to break, which was the majesty of the mother of heaven and earth.

Zhang Bad doesn't want to say what he thinks to Pan Cenxing now, because if he says something with a smile, perhaps for Pan Cenxing, it is not so able to be remembered by Pan Cenxing, so he becomes serious.

"Because that's what those civilians care about, that's called a house, a place where civilians live, more important than their lives, you know?" Zhang Bad said.

Pan Cenxing nodded and said, "If I had known, I wouldn't have done that."

Zhang Bad continued with a smile and said, "As long as you can treat others well and think of others, they will also think of you. You must remember this sentence. At that time, many people will like you and become your friends."

"Really?" Pan Cenxing asked excitedly.

"Of course it's true." Zhang said with a bad smile.