Decisive Battle

Chapter 76 Memories of the Past

Everyone was stunned and knew what the current situation meant. This must be what the devil did, but they didn't know what the devil wanted to do, but it was also easy to know what the demon did, because as long as Ling Tian said his original idea, he could Let people know what the devil wants to do. After all, Tianmo's ideas are sometimes surprisingly similar to Ling Tian, and most of Tianmo's ideas are actually what Ling Tian originally thought.

So as long as you ask what Ling Tian was thinking about when he put Bai Yue here, and whether he wanted to bring Bai Yue back to life, he will know what happened.

"When you put the white moon here, have you ever thought about bringing the white moon back to life?" Zhang Bad asked.

Ling Tian came to his senses, sat weakly on the ground, and said with a wry smile, "What would you do if your lover died? Don't you want to resurrect your lover?

Zhang Bad was stunned for a moment, and then nodded and said, "Of course I will think so, and if possible, I will do the same."

"Then you should know what I think and how I did it." Ling Tian said with a smile.

"Can you really bring the dead back to life?" Zhang Bad asked in surprise.

If Ling Tianzhen can bring the dead back to life, it will be a very exciting thing. This expression is that people can actually escape from the shackles of heaven and earth. The resurrected of the dead will challenge the laws of heaven and earth.

"Of course, but I didn't do that." Ling Tian said with a wry smile: "The resurrection of the dead needs the integrity of the soul. At that time, I dispersed the soul of the white moon, which may be the most wrong thing I have ever done. However, since it exists between heaven and earth, there will be reservations. Even if the soul is scattered, it can find those separated souls, so be resurrected. It's not impossible to accomplish anything."

"Since you have survived, you have some reservations." Zhang Bad recalled Ling Tian's words as if he had opened a door to other places, which made Zhang Bad feel very novel and surprised Zhang Bad. There was such a great power between heaven and earth, which really shocked Zhang Bad.

"Most practitioners have done death and rebirth, but most of them are intact and then forcibly occupy other people's bodies. Now it seems that what you want to do is much more difficult and dangerous than what we usually see?" Xiaoyao said righteously, "Do you know that if you do this, it will break the balance between heaven and earth. This is not something you can bear."

"Of course I know, but you can't understand the mood at that time. As long as I can resurrect the white moon, I can do anything. Even if I destroy the whole human world, I will do it." Ling Tian said with a smile, very seriously.

Zhang was shocked and thought about what Ling Tian said, thinking about what he would do if his wife died. If he knew how to resurrect his wife, would he do it? Even if he destroyed the whole human world, would he have such an idea? He must take his wife. Resurrection.

But soon Zhang Bad will have the answer, that is, he will do everything to save his wife. No matter what difficulties he encounters, Zhang Bad will not give up and will definitely save his wife.

Even if he destroys the whole human world, he will not hesitate to destroy it, but now Zhang Bad agrees with Ling Tian's idea, but he will never support it, because he can, but Ling Tian can't. Now he can't guarantee whether he can protect himself if Ling Tian destroys the whole human world. Wife.

"Why did you give up again?" Zhang Bad still has some doubts. With Ling Tian's intelligence and strength, if Ling Tianzhen knows how to resurrect Bai Yue, he will never give up, and there will be a great chance to resurrect Bai Yue, but why didn't he resurrect it in the end?

"Because of the white moon." Ling Tian smiled mockingly and said, "Because Baiyue won't let me resurrect it, if I resurrect Baiyue, it will make the whole world suffer and blood will flow into a river."

"Why?" Zhang Bad asked doubtfully.

"What? If you encounter this kind of thing, will you save your wife even if you destroy the whole world? Ling Tian looked up and looked at Zhang's bad question with a smile.

Zhang Bad said with a dry smile, "How can it be? I'm just asking."

Xiaoyao and others looked at Zhang Bad and said, "Let's listen to what will happen first."

"Since people have survived, they will leave their own figure. In the past, you can go back to the past beyond time. Of course, you don't have to do this. Do you know that there is a reincarnation in purgatory?" Ling Tian said.

"I've heard that reincarnation is a fairy weapon that can make people resurrect in a different way after death, but forget their previous memories." Zhang Bad nodded and said.

"Since you know the reincarnation disk, you should know that if someone wants to enter the reincarnation disk, whether the soul is scattered at the time of death or not, those scattered souls still need to be together at the time of reincarnation." Ling Tian said with a smile.

"Do you want to intercept the white moon when it enters reincarnation?" Zhang Bad took a deep breath and said. Hearing what Ling Tian said, Zhang Bad felt that what he had done was simply a piece of cake in front of Ling Tian. His insights and what he had experienced were simply too happy in front of Ling Tian.

"Isn't it okay?" Ling Tian said with a wild smile.

"How dare you want to destroy the reincarnation disk?" Xiaoyao said in shock.

"Yes." Ling Tian sighed and said, "At that time, I entered purgatory, found the reincarnation disk, and found the soul of Bai Yue there. However, when we met, Bai Yue's face was just a plain smile, even without sadness or excitement, but looked at herself with a plain smile."


"Here you are." Bai Yue smiled faintly and looked at Ling Tian with an excited face and said.

Ling Tian nodded excitedly, and tears involuntarily flowed down his cheeks and flew to Bai Yue's side. He wanted to reach out and hug Bai Yue, but his hands did cross the void and did not hug Bai Yue.

"Ah." After being stunned for a moment, Ling Tian looked at the faint smile on Bai Yue's face and roared crazily. Tears flowed out fiercely, venting his grief.

"Ling Tian, you have lost weight." Bai Yue said with a faint smile, "I don't feel any pain now, but I know you will come to me, so I haven't entered reincarnation and have been waiting for you."

Ling Tian nodded, gritted his teeth and stood up, wiped away the tears on his face, showed a difficult smile, and said to Bai Yue, "Your body is still intact. Follow me back."

"No, if I follow you back, it will cause an unstoppable disaster to the whole human world. The reincarnation disk will lose its function and the human world will be destroyed." Bai Yue smiled and said, "Seeing your current appearance, I'm glad that your heart has been suppressed by you."

Ling Tian nodded and said, "My demon has been suppressed by me, and I will find a way to eradicate my demon in the future. At that time, I will not be controlled by the demon, but will you really not follow me back? I still keep your body, and you can be reborn when you go back.

"Since the lamp is dead, I have died. It is fate here. No wonder you and no one. This is God's plan. We can't resist the fate of God. If I come back, I will break the balance of heaven and earth. I can't do this." Bai Yue said with a smile.

"Even heaven and earth can't stop me. You must follow me back." Ling Tian shouted loudly.

Reaching out to grasp Bai Yue's body. This time, Ling Tian no longer used Zhenqi. This time Ling Tian used Zhenqi and grabbed Bai Yue's soul, and then put it into the white jade bottle despite Bai Yue's obstruction, and then flew towards the human world.

What surprised Ling Tian happened. The originally plain purgatory turned out to become like rolling, and those originally peaceful souls became like evil spirits, thinking that Ling Tian rushed to prevent Ling Tian from leaving.

However, Ling Tian's strength is there. No matter how many ghosts came, Ling Tian did not care about it, but when he was shocked, he scattered the souls of those soul needles.

At this time, the gate of reincarnation suddenly emitted a bright light, shining brightly and dazzlingly, shining on Ling Tian, who was leaving. Ling Tian felt the terrible breath behind him and hurriedly flashed to one side, but the light emitted by the reincarnation door did not stop, but on the road Ling Tian was originally on the road. A sea of blood is reflected.

The sea of blood is like an insurmountable sky blocking Ling Tian. If you want to break through the sea of blood, you must enter the sea of blood and then cross out.

However, the sea of blood seems so impassable. After the souls that had been beaten by Ling Tian came out, they were reborn in the sea of blood and roared towards Ling Tian.

Although Ling Tian was surprised, his own strength was indeed there. As the familiar saying goes, Ling Tian was not panicked when he saw such a strange scene, but flew to the sea of blood step by step.

Want to find the loophole in the sea of blood and then cross it out.

The above is the human world. As long as it reaches the human world, Ling Tian can resurrect the white moon. This belief has always been deeply rooted in Ling Tian's heart, so even this seemingly insurmountable sea of blood will not stop Ling Tian's footsteps.

The crazy roar and the rushing sea of blood emitted a disgusting and vomiting smell, but it did not stop Ling Tian.


Zhang Bad listened to Ling Tian's story, frowned and said, "Didn't you bring Bai Yue out in the end?"

"No." Ling Tian said with a wry smile.

"Why? At that time, you were about to leave purgatory and come to the human world. Zhang Bad said angrily. Listening to Ling Tian's words, Zhang Bad was like he was doing these things, and he saved his lover.

"I crossed the sea of blood, but I also saw what would happen to the whole world after I took the white moon out of purgatory." Ling Tian smiled and said, "If you save your lover but let the whole human world die, the whole human world will become lonely. What will you do?"

"Me?" Zhang was stunned for a moment and sweated coldly. If it were himself, what would he do?

Will you bring out the white moon? Or regardless of those people in the human world?

Zhang Bad felt as if he was standing on the edge of the cliff, with Bai Yue on one side, this beloved person, and innocent people on the other.

If you choose one side, you will abandon the other side.

This is a difficult choice, and Zhang Bad doesn't know what to do now.

"You don't know what to do, do you?" Ling Tian smiled and said.

Zhang Bad gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I haven't experienced this. I really don't know what I would do at that time."

"I don't know what to do either." Ling Tian smiled and said, "But I still want to thank Bai Yue. It was she who made me choose to give up herself for the whole world."

"I think so." Zhang said with a bad smile.

"Go away. Even if you can imprison me, you can't kill me, and I won't be captured. At that time, your strength will be greatly damaged. If you want to recover, it will take a long time, but you don't have so much time to restore your strength." Ling Tian took a deep breath, waved his arm and said.

"Who will you help then?" Zhang Bad also smiled and said.

"I don't know. Maybe someone will tell me then." Ling Tian stood up and looked at the empty crystal coffin and said.

"I hope so. Since you made the right choice at that time, you will also make the right choice this time. I believe you." Zhang Bad reached out and patted Ling Tian on the shoulder and said, "I envy you very much."

"What do you envy me?" Ling Tian asked.

"I envy you that you still have so many good memories." Zhang Bad said.