Decisive Battle

Chapter 99 Magic Demon

Zhang smashed the six dead bones in anger. Looking at the fact that there was still nothing on his body, he found his clothes and put them on. Then he took out the mountain and river fan and put all the mountain flames into the mountain and river fan. He sneered and tried again, and explored his consciousness into his wooden sealing space. This time it was Without any obstacles, I went in and saw Zilan and others talking and laughing with Gu Mu. Pan Cenxing was relieved and did not dare to release the six people. It would be bad if they also took these bones.

After thinking about it, Zhang Bad shouted loudly, his hands flashed with flames, and said coldly, "You haven't accepted the illusion, or I will burn all your dead bones to ashes."

After saying a few words, I saw that those figures did not come out. I knew that these were all phantom demons, but the phantom demons were not afraid of water and fire, and I was also panicked. If water and fire could not kill these phantom demons, I really didn't have much way.

His heart sank, shouted, the flames of his hands disappeared, and his face was decadent. He sat on the ground and sat down, as if he had given up in advance and wanted to die like this.

It took a long time to hear a proud laugh in the dark in the distance. The voice was very soft. If it hadn't been for the clear ears, I really couldn't hear it.

I only heard the man laugh proudly and said, "The strength of our fantasy demon is very strong. Even if this guy is the strength of Tongtian Realm, doesn't it make us confused and lose our minds?"

"Yes, yes, if we demons take action, we will be invincible in the world. Humph, when we become strong, let's go to the second floor and talk about the old monster burning to eat." Another voice giggled.

"The strength of the old monster is too strong. Our illusion has no effect on him, which makes the illusion demon helpless." Another voice said, which was full of sadness.

"What's the matter? We confused the strong man in the realm of heaven and asked him to go to the second floor to talk about the old monster killed, which is equivalent to our victory." The first to speak, the phantom said proudly.

"The boss's mind is still excellent. We know how to do these things as soon as they think about it. We are not good." Other magic demons hurriedly said.

"Haha, wait for us to kill the old monster on the second floor. Oh, no, we're going to subdue him, and then we'll go to the third floor and kill the guy on the third floor." The first phantom said proudly.

"Then aren't we going to dominate the whole world?" The rest of the magic demons said excitedly.

As if he had really subdued the monsters of the Montatar, he was happy and said to himself.

Zhang Bad sat and heard it clearly and sneered in his heart. These phantom demons seemed to have been living here all the time, thinking that this was the whole world. It's really funny, just a frog in the well.

It's just that how to kill these phantom demons is a confusing thing. Zhang Bad hasn't figured out what to do after thinking about it for a long time.

I thought that there could not be only these magic demons in thiswan pagoda, otherwise it may not be able to almost trap the demons.

I heard the first magic demon say, "It's a pity that the guy ten thousand years ago. If we had confused him, we would have been able to occupy the whole world long ago. I don't know if that guy has gone out." The first demon said again.

Zhang Bad was shocked and knew that what these fantasy demons were talking about must be heavenly demons. At that moment, he listened quietly and wanted to know how the heavenly demons came out of this first level.

"Wow, don't talk about it. That man is terrible." An phantom cried.

"Oh, it's really terrible, but it also shows that the strength is strong, but although the man's strength is strong, it is not difficult to trap him." The first phantom demon who spoke sighed and said, "But that man's heart is too cruel."

"Yes, it's simply too cruel, too cruel." The rest of the demons said in horror.

Zhang Bad was stunned for a moment. Are these fantasy demons killed by the demons?

Since the devil can kill a group of phantom demons, it is not difficult to kill the phantom demons with their current strength. He smiled and thought to himself, "Although the phantom demons claim to be not afraid of water and fire, but they have not tried it yet. How can you know that they will not be drowned?"

After thinking about it, Zhang Bad laughed and stood up, which shocked those fantasy demons who had been whispering in the distance. Seeing Zhang Bad walking towards him, they all shouted and disappeared. They thought they were hiding again.

"Since you don't show up, then I'm not surprised." Zhang Bad stood in the middle of the space, looked around, and then shouted, "I'm going to release the sealed space. When you die, I don't care."

"You brag, how can we die?" A demon shouted.

But after saying that, they hid again. It seems that although the illusion of the demon is very powerful, they are all timid people. Otherwise, how can they escape the killing of the demon?

"Can't I kill you? Since I can't kill you, I can always keep you up." Zhang Bad said with a sneer.

"You can't see us, how can you put our muscles and bones?" Another phantom smiled proudly.

"You will know when you try it." Zhang said with a bad smile.

"Why should we try if you can really imprison us? Then we are too stupid." Another fantasy demon said.

Zhang Bad laughed and said, "Even if you don't want to try, I will forcibly imprison you."

"You can't see us." An phantom said.

"He is talking big. He can't see us. How can he imprison us?" Those demons laughed, as if they had heard a big joke.

Zhang Bad laughed and said, "How do you know I can't imprison you?"

"We guessed, we guessed, didn't that guy who was so powerful ten thousand years ago imprison us?" Those demons laughed and said.

"I'm different from him." Zhang Bad curled his lips and said.

Although the strength of Tianmo was strong in those years, he did not have a sealed space. Now he has a sealed space. As long as the sealed space is released, whether they are invisible or not, he will directly imprison them.

At present, I don't say much, sneer, and release the sealed space.

"It's this kind of thing, and we're going to be imprisoned." When the Phantom Demon Gate saw that Zhang Bad had released the sealing space, he knew the power of the sealed space and immediately shouted crazily.

"We're going to die, we're going to die."

"We can't die. Why do you say we're dead?"

"We are all imprisoned. This is not the same as death. Life is really worse than death."

"Yes, but how can we live worse than death? Aren't we still living well now?

Zhang Bad heard these phantom demons talking nonsense here, thinking that although these phantom demons are powerful, they are as wise as three-year-old children, and they seem to have no idea that they have been imprisoned at all, thinking that this mavator is the whole world.

smiled and said, "Don't you know that you have been imprisoned now?"

Ah? How can we be imprisoned? How come? Aren't we fine now?" The phantom demons screamed loudly, and their figures were not hidden but appeared.

I saw three guys with big heads, pale but human figures, and smiled in their hearts.

Then he said to them, "Don't you really know? I still don't know."

The three fantasy demons were stunned and said, "Is there anything else in this world that we don't know? We know everything. We not only know what the world is, but also know that there are five worlds on it.

Zhang Bad gave a dry laugh and blamed himself for being really talkative. How did they talk to these fantasy demons? They believed that this was their world, and it was also the Quanzhen Taoist Gate who caught them when they were young.

"Do you want to die?" Zhang Bad said to the three demons with a sneer.

"Of course I want to live." A magic demon said, "Our three brothers never want to die."

"What's your name?" Zhang said with a bad smile.

"My name is Hahaer, he is Xiaohaha, he is called Haha, and our three brothers are people who live and die together." Haha said with a big smile.

"It doesn't have to be. Will I die with a smile if I die?" He laughed and said loudly.

"I'm just saying that we have a deep friendship with our three brothers." Haha said in a hurry.

"But we are not dead yet, how can we know that we will live and die together?" Laughing and saying.

Didn't I say that? This is just a description, not that we will die together when we die. Haha said angrily.

"Since we haven't died together, we can't say that." He said with a smile.

"So what should I say?" Haha asked.

"It should be said to be born together." He said with a smile.

"That's right. We were all born together." He laughed and said.

"The third brother is really looking for trouble. Of course, we were born together." Haha, he said angrily.

"Since we were born together, why are you the eldest brother and we are the third brother and the second brother?" He said with a smile angrily.

"I came out a few minutes earlier than you." Haha, he laughed and said, "So I'm the eldest brother."

"But our mother really doesn't know who came out first and Xiaohaha." He laughed and said, "Why am I the third brother?"

"You are timid, of course, the third brother. Is it possible that you are more timid than you are?" He said with a smile.

"Yes, of course, the timid one is the third brother." Haha said.

Zhang Bad listened to the words of the three phantom demons and couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. He had already released the sealed space, but he couldn't do it. These three phantom demons are just mentally unopened, and it's really a little hard to kill them.

"Don't argue. Why don't you remove the illusion? Otherwise, I will imprison you all so that you can't even speak. Zhang Bad said.

"That won't work. If you can't talk, what's the point of living?" Haha said in a hurry.

"That is, if you can't speak, what's the point of talking? Isn't that a waste of mouth?" Laughing and laughing.

"The mouth is to speak. If we can't speak, we might as well cut our mouth off." He laughed and said.

What's the use of cutting your mouth? You have to cut off your tongue so that you can not speak. Laughing and retorting.

"I'm just saying, just cutting off my tongue." He laughed and said.

"It's useless to cut off your tongue. We still have a stomach. Don't you know that you can speak with your stomach?" Haha said.

"That's right, then let him cut our mouth, and we can still talk with our stomachs." He smiled and said with a smile.

However, although the three demons say so, they really don't want to let Zhang Bad cut off their mouths and hurriedly remove the illusion.

Zhang Bad took a closer look at the first floor of the wholewan pagoda. This is an empty space, but the ground is actually stacked with dead bones. He is standing on the dead bones. I think it should be those who are trapped here and recognize the bodies.

"You killed so many people." Zhang Bad asked in surprise.

The space here is already wide. If you take into the thickness of these dead bones, there are no 10,000 or 8,000.

"Yes, these people come to break into our world. How can we let them succeed?" Haha nodded and said.

"Then you also want me to be trapped here?" Zhang Bad frowned and said, if he didn't have the sealing space, he really didn't know if he could break through the fantasy of these fantasy demons with his strength. Thinking of this, he couldn't help shivering in his heart.

"If you come to our world, of course we will kill you." Haha said.

"But if we can't beat you, we won't kill you." He continued with a smile.

"Now you are going to kill us." He laughed and cried and said, tears dripping down, but he looked very sad.

Zhang Bad was speechless and stopped talking about the three demons. He walked around the whole space to find a passage to the second floor and leave here.

Haha saw Zhang Bad wandering around and knew that Zhang Bad wanted to go to the second floor. He hurriedly said, "You still don't want to go to the second floor. There is an old monster there. You are not his opponent."

"We can't beat him." He laughed and said.

"We can't beat it. How do we know that we can't beat the old monster? Even if he can't beat it, we can't beat it, but can't we beat that monster together? He said with a smile.

"The third brother is right. Even if the three of us can't beat it, that boy can't beat it, but we may not be able to beat the old monster together." Haha nodded and said.

"That's right. Why don't we go up with that boy?" He said with a smile.

When Zhang Bad heard the three phantom demons talking there, he was speechless in his heart, thinking that it would be a good thing if these three phantom demons led him up to the second floor, and maybe he could also break the second layer with the help of the strength of these three phantom demons.

I just turned my head and thought that if these three phantom demons fight back at that time, their nicknames may be explained to the second floor. Now they said, "You told me how to go to the second level."

"We also want to go." Haha said.

"You can't go." Zhang Bad said.

"Why can't we go? Isn't it good for us to go? We can also help you. Although your strength is not weak, it is unlikely to defeat the old monster on the second level. Xiaohaha heard that Zhang Bad didn't let himself go up and said hurriedly.

"Yes, that old monster is so awesome that we can't beat it." Haha said in a hurry.

"But we can't beat it. Maybe this boy can kill the old monster." He laughed and said.

"Who said no, but it's also possible. Wouldn't it be a pity if this boy died on the second floor?" He said with a smile.

"Why is it a pity that he died?" Haha said.

"We have only met two people as powerful as him in ten thousand years. Ten thousand years ago, our strength was not strong, but now our strength is strong, and this boy's strength is also very strong. The strength of both of us is very strong. If we are together, we may be able to kill the old monster." He said with a smile.

"Yes, we have to go up with him." Haha and Xiaoha both stroked their palms and laughed.

Zhang Bad thought for a moment that the strength of these three phantom demons was indeed good, and it would be good if he could subdue them.