
Chapter 74 The Arrow of God pierces the clouds!

With the warning of an intermediate martial artist responsible for observation in the surrounding area, Yue Yu looked up and saw dozens of iron feather sculptures flying this way in a human-shaped arrangement in the sky. /|\'() update is super fast/|\ Originally, there were many small low-level demon birds in the sky, but they were all avoided far away.

Yue Yu quickly held his breath and learned from the others around him. While comforting the restless dragon-squad horses beside him, he found a dense place to hide. About two minutes later, the group of iron feather eagles had flown over the area, and as soon as they found the large monsters that were howling in the open space. Then the whole eagle group began to circle over the woodland. One or two of the iron feather eagles came out of the group and tried to attack down, but they often skimmed up when they fell to 100 meters.

Due to the cover of the branches and leaves on his head, Yue Yu could not see the specific situation in the sky for a while. The total number can only be vaguely distinguished, which should be about 135 to 140, which can only be regarded as a small group of iron feather eagles. It's no wonder that Yue Yunjie dared to hunt these third-order demon birds with 20 Xuanjia in this area.

It's just that although the eagle group found the bait, it only circled at a height of 300 meters and never fell. Although it is not the farthest that human bows and arrows can reach, they are all in extremely difficult to aim. It seems that in this Dongsheng Continent, although human beings have learned to use bows and arrows to drive birds, these demon birds have gradually adapted to this human weapon and found a suitable way to deal with it.

And when the group of iron feather eagles were tested for the fourth time, the whole rose more than 30 meters. At this time, Yue Yunjie and Yue Yunwen next to them looked extremely ugly. Almost all of them spread their bows and arrows, shooting at the last iron feather sculpture that had finished diving and was climbing up the sky. Unfortunately, the giant bird is extremely fast and too far away. Although Yue Yunjie and Yue Yunwen's brothers had amazing arrow skills, they finally lost a little bit and passed by the iron feather sculpture.

"Damn it! When did this group of beasts become so smart?

When the arrow was only determined to be empty, Yue Yunwen had walked out of his previous hiding place and stared at the sky fiercely. Brother!! I think it's better to find another way, or find his nest, and don't have to wait until winter--"

Yue Yunjie sighed without saying anything, and also walked out of the dense forest, with more sadness in his eyes. It was late at night when these iron feather eagles returned to their nests. How easy is it to find a nest? I had hired dozens of experienced old hunters to explore and monitor the day before yesterday, but there was little chance to find it. I can only do my best to obey my destiny. As for waiting until winter--"

When he said this, Yue Yunjie smiled helplessly and did not continue. It's just that the embarrassed face revealed his true mood.

Yue Yu was also speechless for a while. The vast majority of monsters hibernate in winter, and other beasts on the ground will also reduce their activities. In the case of scarce food, this group of iron feather eagles will take the risk of being fooled, far more than usual. However, it also means that Yue Jiacheng will face huge losses this year. It may not be as exaggerated as the 500,000 mu he said before, but the final harvest of 300,000 mu is almost certain. And that means that the situation of Yuejiacheng next year will be more difficult.

"Hmm! If it hadn't been for someone's trouble, my Yuejiacheng and Danyuncheng would have joined hands. At this time, we would have taken down the cloud valley in the south!"

Yue Yunwen snorted softly and glanced at Yue Yu coldly. With the 550,000 mu of fertile land that has been in operation for a hundred years, why should my Yuejiacheng be worried about the iron feather eagle group in this district--"

Yue Yu knew that his cousin was just venting his fire. He didn't intend to pay attention to it. He just built a shed with his right hand and looked up at the air. The iron feather eagle group hasn't flown away yet. Still hovering high in the air, making a hiss, as if laughing at the clumsiness of the trap set by human beings below.

"Uncle, this iron feather eagle group must be shot before autumn?"

"If it can be cleaned up before autumn, that's the best! This is not just a food reason. Recently, there are elderly people in the clan who suspect that this group of iron feather eagles may have laid eggs on a large scale. In fact, a month ago, the number of eagles was even higher than today, about 200. It's okay if the missing part is shot and killed. If it stays in the nest to hatch eggs, it's really worrying!"

Yue Yunjie said as he turned his head with a worried face: "Since Yu'er, since you asked, is there another way?"

"Brother! Didn't you ask for nothing? It's just a child with stinky breasts. What can he do? Yue Yunwen frowned again. This time, it was not specifically aimed at Yue Yu, but he really didn't think that a child who had never seen the world and had no hunting experience could help the clan in this regard.

Yue Yu smiled and didn't answer. He just took out the blue tide bow from the bow bag next to Long Lin's saddle, and inserted half of the matching 50 red-browed eagle bone arrows evenly into the mud in front of him, and then looked up at the sky again. The eagle group still did not leave, and he was not in a hurry. He just silently calculated the wind speed and the troposphere in the sky in his heart. The auxiliary intelligent system is also running rapidly, helping him enlarge the graphics in the interface in his brain to provide prediction.

It was not until all the preparations were completed that Yue Yu took a breath and pulled out a red-browed eagle bone arrow again from the quiver behind him with a solemn face.

- The elevation limit of his blue tide bow is about 500 meters. Even the iron feather sculpture closest to the ground is more than 400 meters. At this distance, although the fourteen stone arrows shot by the Bichao bow can maintain a certain lethality, the threat to the iron feather sculpture is really small. So this first blow is really crucial.

"Kow! There are 1,200 steps away from the iron feather sculpture. In addition to the innate strong, even if it is an ancient god shot, you can only sigh! You don't think you can really shoot, do you?

Seeing Yue Yu's cautious appearance, Yue Yunwen first smiled sarcastically. Before his words fell, Yue Yu had loosened the bow string. Yue Yunwen's eyes subconsciously followed the long white arrow that shot into the sky like a meteor. The red-browed eagle bone arrow cut through the sky like a white line, and it turned into a small dot in everyone's vision in an instant. Then in the blink of an eye, there was a wail in the group of iron feather carvings. A black sculpture suddenly fell to the ground.

It must be an accident! This boy is lucky--

Yue Yunwen's inner breath cultivation is the eighth level of the martial arts master. Among the people present, only he and Yue Yunjie can barely see the situation in the sky. This arrow actually shot in from the eyes of the black feather eagle, and then directly penetrated the skull.

Yue Yunwen can't believe his eyes now, and just because of this obviously strange scene in his heart, while he had just made his own judgment, Yue Yu once again pulled out a long arrow from the ground, but bent his bow and shot up again.

When there was another wailing in the sky, the people in the woodland were suddenly silent.