
Chapter 115 All Lives of Ants

Wei Yu, who knows the lion and crocodile beast, doesn't want to fight anymore! Although he is fond of challenging the strong, he has not gone crazy. He will take the initiative to provoke this kind of existence. I don't know how many times stronger he is.

When the herd went away and the body of the armored beast disappeared from his sight, his first thought was to return and leave the area of Cangzui Mountain as soon as possible.

However, Lin Zhuo's words made him give up the idea of escaping. The direction of the lion and crocodile is indeed Cloud Valley. According to those caravans, that area is currently the only area in the south that is well preserved and has relatively little loss of manpower and material resources.

If Yunmeng City wants to protect its peripheral forces, it may be imperative to fight with lions and crocodile beasts. Even the people of other cities will participate in it. And the opportunity for the organ master to take action is also great.

After a little thought, Yue Yu did not hesitate to ride on the dragon scale horse that had already trembled with some Lin Mei. Followed from afar. As for those beasts that can no longer stand up under the pressure of high-level monsters, they simply give up.

And this time, he directly let the third day of junior high school rise to a height of 1,000 meters, observing the movement of lions and crocodiles from afar.

Previously, because the five-color golden finch had not yet fully grown, Yue Yu never let it fly at a high altitude and out of his range. However, to ensure safety at this moment, it is necessary to keep a considerable distance from the herd in front of you. Now the only thing that can help him observe the previous situation in a safe way is the third year of junior high school.

"It's a pity! Hearing Yue Yizhen say that this set of beasts in the secret biography of this clan, when it progresses to the extreme, it is not only that humans and beasts can communicate with each other. Even what they see and hear can communicate with each other, and even directly manipulate their bodies. When it kept coming through divine contact, Yue Yu sighed secretly in his heart. When it comes to mutual communication. He has already done it. But after all, this golden phoenix finch is still a minor. Even if the divine consciousness is several times better than other peers, its intelligence is still limited after all. If he waits for a few more months and waits for it to grow into a fixed order, the information he can receive at that time will inevitably be much clearer. As for the last two steps, he doesn't dare to think about it now.

It lasted for about half an hour. A lot of vague ideas suddenly came from the third year of the lunar new year, as if they wanted to sue him for something. In the end, in anxiety, he simply made bursts of long calls, but there was no panic in the sound.

Yue Yu frowned slightly, calmed him down a little after recalling the third day of junior high school, and then climbed up the high-lying mountains nearby. When they looked down from here, Lin Zhuo and Ran Li were stunned again.

The speed of the herd in the distance has suddenly slowed down. In front of them, there were more than 100,000 heavily armored warriors and 200,000 crossbowmen, lined up into an extremely dense phalanx, blocking the front and firmly jammed the way of the beasts.

In front of this array. It is thousands of wooden walls and large horses made of monster bones and iron wood, as well as countless obstacles. In addition, there are more than 6,000 crossbows, which are distributed high on both wings, and the momentum is indestructible.

With such a strong formation, Lin Zhuo and Ran Li have never seen or heard of before. He was also shocked by it at the first time.

Yue Yu didn't feel anything. When he was a soldier in his previous life, he had seen no matter how big the scene was. Although the large array below was a little powerful and sad. But it is not as big as the ten thousand cannons bombardment in his previous life.

It really attracted all his attention. It is to stand in front of those obstacles, about twelve feet high, and the three of them are not under those monsters. Wooden machine.

The shell is unexpected, and it doesn't feel too majestic and gorgeous, but looks extremely simple. It's just simple, covered with insect and animal shells on the surface. Then at the joint, it is covered with animal skin. I guess it's the only thing that deserves praise. I guess their materials are solid. The shell is inlaid with several layers by binding steel nails and ropes. Although it makes it extremely bloated, its defensive ability is also amazingly strong.

In addition, in terms of craftsmanship, it is really unbearable in the eyes of Yue Yu, a person from a different world. The length of the left and right arms. There is obviously some asymmetry. And the thickness of the legs is also a little uneven. Even two of them are densely patched.

But this terrible shape does not hide its power at all!

You can see those monsters in the tide of beasts, even the existence of the third and fourth levels, are extremely afraid of them. At the time of the impact, they all consciously avoided these three organs. At this time, three blank areas gradually appeared in the dense group.

Even the lion and crocodile beast is implicitly afraid when looking at these three organs.

Then, Yue Yu's sight fell to the left wing of the phalanx, a triangular formation composed of a group of knights of about 8,000 or 9,000 people. Especially in the front, that part is reprinted from ┄┄┄. The iron armor style of tattooing some people is not fierce without exception. They are all tall dragon-scale horses. Since the beginning, I have been standing there motionless. Although the number of people is only 400, its momentum seems to be stronger than the 10,000-person phalanx nearby.

"Is this the heavy armored iron horse of the southern cities? Sure enough, there is some strength. No wonder the Yue family and the Hong family have been helpless for so many years, but they are suppressed by them!"

Yue Yu's eyes flashed slightly. A trace of surprise flashed across his face. Judging from this vast military appearance, its strength is more than several times that of Yuejiacheng. Fortunately, this time we only gathered together because of the animal disaster. If we really work together, I'm afraid that there will be no potential in the north except the city of Nali and can compete with it alone.

Just as the three of them were surprised, this huge battle of humans and beasts finally began to break out. The attack is after the phalanx, which is also up to thousands of speculite planes, countless stones the size of grinding discs. Suddenly, it covered the sky. Then they fell one after another.

Then there were heavy crossbows on the mountains on both sides, countless crossbows as thick as arms, with a sharp roar, penetrated from both wings into the herd. After these two waves of blows, there were more than 100,000 archers and crossbowmen in the rear. More than 300,000 arrows were just raised. Then he dived down, and also covered the sky tightly at this moment.

And the momentum of the herd. It's also sudden.

In an instant, countless monsters fell one after another, and a large number of blanks also appeared in the originally dense sea of beasts.

"I haven't lived in vain in my life!"

Until a long time later. Ran Li sighed heavily, and his face was dissatisfied with the flush of excitement. Leaving behind the tragedy on the battlefield, the scene in front of the three of them is indeed enough to make any young man's blood boil.

Thinking of the excitement before he first entered the military camp in his previous life and participated in the military exercise for the first time, Yue Yu smiled. But after a moment, he saw Lin Zhuo beside him, whose eyes were full of shadows.

From this, it can be seen that the two have different personalities. Although Ran Li is smart, his temper is not divorced from the young man. His emotions are easily stimulated by the outside world. Lin Zhuo was relatively calm, and what he thought of at the first time was the threat to himself by this huge army.

And Yue Yu feels the same way now. Whether it is the beast tide or the more than 100,000 armored soldiers, how small is the personal power in front of it?

In addition, this scene also stimulated the sense of crisis in his heart. Legend has it that only the innate strong of human beings can fight head-on with the fifth-order monsters. Only innate can he face the current situation one day. Qualified not to be threatened by it!

At this moment, with this enlightenment, he actually had a sense of transparency in his mind. And the inner breath in the body also seems to have some progress. There has not been much growth, but it is becoming more and more pure!

The speed of the monster is extremely fast. Just a few breaths, it has rushed to those obstacles. Although he was killed and injured by the crossbow and boulders, it was almost as fast as destroying with its rough skin, thick flesh and huge power. Pushing forward crazily. It was not until a huge pit that the blazing flame suddenly came out from the inside that the progress was stopped.

Some Mao Jing have awakened their talents and tried to help them break through with the power of various attributes. However, these poor guys are usually killed by human beings


Yue Yu noticed early on that there were at least a thousand archers in that group of armored men, who specially took care of those third- to fourth-order and all kinds of foreign beasts that had mutated.

Just when the herd suffered heavy casualties in front of these fortifications and there was a large-scale rebound, the lion crocodile hidden in the herd and other things finally couldn't help taking action.

First of all, there was a huge spiritual turbulence. Then the area where the trench was located suddenly began to shake violently. Then, countless mountain bags and stone guns emerged from the ground without warning. In addition to cleaning up almost all the obstacles before the herd, it also directly destroyed a 10,000-person phalanx in front of him.

Nearly a thousand people were directly shocked to death or pierced by the stone gun. In addition, dozens of monsters were also affected in the herd. For a while, the area was full of corpses and fresh


Ran Li hissed immediately, took a breath, and all his blood faded away. After that, Lin Zhuo's face was more gloomy, and he only spit out two words: "Ant!"

Yue Yu feels the same way about this. Although their strength is far stronger than those warriors between level 7 and level 9. However, in front of the lion and crocodile, it can't escape the ant two


However, the huge death and injury only distracted him a little. Yue Yu's eyes were still staring down. Just now, the three organs were ashamed and finally moved

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