
Chapter 318 Aphrodisiac

The place where Yue Yu bullied the sword turned around was about 7,000 feet high outside, almost directly inserted into the peak of Su Xun


He has a wide field of vision here, with his current vision. You can look at the coast ahead for more than 200 miles. Spiritual induction can also be expanded to the greatest extent. In the opposite coastal area, it is the Haisheng Zhenjun, the area that has been most frequently haunted recently.

When he returned to the top of the peak, he saw Duanmu Hanzheng holding her tear sword with a motionless look, wandering around in the ice aimlessly. At the bottom of the lead, there were waves of avalanches.

Yue Yu frowned and didn't pay attention to her after all. Instead, he patted the spirit beast bag hanging on his waist and released the third year of junior high school from it.

This bag is also from Zhou Xu, with a space of about 40 feet inside. The only difference from ordinary space magic weapons is that both humans and beasts can survive in it.

When you enter the third year of junior high school, you usually fall asleep most of the time.

Therefore, I didn't feel stuffy, but this time it was released. He still shouted happily around Yue Yu's chirping.

Yue Yu played with it for a while. As usual, he is fed all kinds of elixirs he refined. Then use the method of acupuncture to stimulate the medicine in the third year of junior high school.

In the whole process, Duan Muhan didn't even look at it.

And just as Yue Yu finished serving the third day of the lunar new year and was about to close his eyes to practice and temper the true spirit of the soul. Duan Muhan suddenly turned his head and looked over with bright eyes.

Xiaoyu, how much of your current array cultivation should you have got Uncle Chang's real biography?

Yue Yu was stunned at first, and then thought slightly in his mind. Then I knew what Duan Muhan had. Suddenly, there was a sense of helplessness in my heart: "Master. I have only studied with my uncle for three years. He has a vast knowledge, and how can I know it all in a few years? Not to mention three years, even thirty years is not enough"

"But Cao Wen once told me about it. Now your formation is only under him! Among other things, can that big ** array always be clothed?

Duan Muhan gently bit his lower lip, and his eyes were full of expectation: "I just calculated that if I could arrange 160 large ** arrays around here. It's up to me to do it again. This can be solved easily!"

"Is it raining in the clouds?"

Yue Yu muttered, and the helplessness on his face was even stronger. Duan Muhan's words had already expected that she had asked about the meeting just now,

Then, Yue Yu's face turned into extremely condensed: "I don't have so many spiritual stones

Duan Muhan originally wanted to say "stingy", but he looked at the Fengluan sword beside Yue Yu. Finally, I swallowed it back. She knew that Yue Yu made money from the space spirit stone a few years ago. But before going down the mountain, I also went to Guangling Town outside a few times, bought several things and came back. Over the past few years, I have collected a large number of medicinal materials. Or maybe there is really no spiritual stone.

There was a pain in his heart, and Duan Muhan still waved his hand generously: "I'll just come out of the spiritual stone. Apprentice, you are only responsible for the deployment!"

Yue Yu shook his head secretly in his heart, and his tone also became faint: "Master, it's useless for you to have a spiritual stone. I'm not free now, and I'm not going to go to this big ** array."

Duan Muhan was stunned at first, and a trace of anger first appeared on Bai Zhe's jade-like face. However, in the end, he suppressed it and looked deeply at Yue Yu.

"That is to say, Xiaoyu, do you disagree?"

"That's right!"

Yue Yu turned his head sideways, avoided Duan Muhan's sight, and then faced the North Sea in front of him.

"What should I do if the octopus comes ashore to attack you? Master, can you guarantee that you can get him at the time of doing it? Even if he doesn't attack, how should he deal with it when he appears again at this time? There is also Fushanzong of Taixuanzong. If there is really their shadow after this Haisheng Zhenjun, how can no one be watching them? The master's move was really stupid. He not only put you and me in danger, but also made a wedding dress for that guy. With all due respect, not to mention me, if I were in charge of the teacher, or a few uncles, most of them would not agree. In fact, as the master said, that guy will never last long. Next, we just need to wait"

Duanmu Han Liu frowned and wanted to refute. But he also knew that what Yue Yu said was right. He said a few words, and then sat on the snow dejectedly.

"Xiaoyu, I estimate that it can last for at least a month or two. For three months in a row, it's really early! At that time, the monster had no food to find and would definitely rush out of the mountain. Tens of millions of people in the North Sea are going to die of hunger and thirst. Are we just looking at it like this?

"It's not as exaggerated as the master said! Just now, I have forced several small sects nearby to try their best to mobile some food from the surrounding areas, which should make it easy for them to get through the difficulties."

Yue Yu frowned, and his expression had completely turned cold: "We are not here for the life-saving spirit to water and fire, but to remove the true king of the sea saint. Even if someone really dies because of the drought, it's the evil master made by the octopus. If you really can't bear it, you can actually ask the real person in charge of the religion for help and then draw people from the sect.

When he said this, he looked at Duan Muhan again. I just felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the little master's expression. The look on his face is stunned

"Little, I know you don't care about the life or death of those people, and it's been more than ten days ago. We have begun to prepare. But once you get up early, someone will eventually die. As for the transfer of manpower from the sect, it is even more impossible. How can we send any people here now? Not to mention, just for my little selfishness"

After a pause, a beautiful and sad smile appeared on Duan Muhan's face: "I know you're right, but how can I sit idly by? My parents died early in my previous life. Today's parents also died of hunger and thirst"

Yue Yu's heart suddenly sank when he heard this, and then he saw that Duan Muhan was already a sword light rainbow, disappearing in the distance of the sky.

Stand up, Yue Yu looked in that direction in a stunned way, and then recalled Duan Muhan's words. He really forgot. Shang Yan seemed to have told him before that Duan Muhan's parents also died of a severe drought

With a sigh, Yue Yu slapped himself violently. After putting the third year of junior high school into the spirit beast bag, he changed to the cloud shuttle and chased Duan Muhan away.

This seven-level magic weapon, after Yue Yu's cultivation was promoted to the realm of spiritual deficiency, the flight speed is actually not inferior to Duan Muhan. Today, Yue Yu came by the red sword light in front of him. Throwing farther and farther away. It was not until he chased into the water that the ban of the cloud shuttle was opened that he barely maintained a draw.

"Look at this situation, my little master is probably going to find the bad luck of the fragrant octopus seal now. But in this water, the power of her tearful sword. It must have weakened by more than half, and the victory or defeat is really hard to say. I can't say, even if she exposes her strength this time, she still needs to protect the little master!"

In front of Yue Yu's eyes, there was a group of more than 10,000 sea beast demon fish of about four or five levels, coming quickly from the left and right. Although he let go of Duan Muhan, who was passing in front of him, he stopped his figure. And Yue Yu's pupils suddenly followed for a while. The so-called Haisheng Zhenjun actually knew the art of war and knew the truth of division and annihilation.

With a cold snort, Yue Yu did not retreat, and the three hundred and six hundred and five wonderful thunder needles were released between his hands. He wrapped it in a shuttle, protected him in it, and then drilled into the sea beast fish fiercely.

At the same time, in Yue Yu's eyes, it was also murderous!

Located at the forefront of the sea beasts, it is a huge tiger-headed shark that is dozens of feet long. At this time, when he saw Yue Yu's thunder flashing all over his body and the terrible power that hit him, he felt that the situation was not good. I want to dodge, but I can't avoid it. The body was drilled out of a terrible hole by the thunder shuttle, and then the body burst.

After that, Yue Yu rampaged in the crowd of sea beasts, but as anyone who was the cherry blossom, he would not be pierced by his body, and then burst as a whole. And even if it is wiped next to it. He was also turned over by electricity, but he couldn't stop him for a moment!

It was not until he was about to completely break through from this dense sea beast group that there were some real obstacles in front of Yue Yu's eyes.

With some monsters of about the sixth level, they died in front of him one after another. Finally, a giant sea beast, about a dragon-like body, but a shark-like head, about a hundred feet long, bit him.

"The seventh-order dragon shark is only one step away from the mythical beast. Hey! That fragrant eight-claw seal, I didn't expect that even such a spirit beast could be subdued! But if you want to use it to stop me, it's delusional. Tear the clouds! Destroy it!"

The three wonderful thunder needles around Yue Yu's body suddenly changed, and the shuttle shape was more compact, forming a solid force field, which firmly protected his body. And Yue Yu himself has already released the Fengluan sword!

The blue sword shadow is just like he usually plays the sword. More than a dozen mysterious twists and turns were easily completed in an instant, and then wrapped in a vast spiritual power, and the sword was domineeringly cut forward.

The dragon shark subconsciously felt bad. Layers of ice were formed in front of him one after another, and a few drops of cold water were released and turned into a shield to protect him.

This is one of the natural magic of dragon sharks. After the sixth level, you can condense the cold water. Born to be extremely cold, and nothing is frozen. And it is firm, and it is the best thing to protect yourself.

Only this time, the thick ice layer was constantly penetrated by the wind sword like a broken bamboo, and finally came to the dragon shark, and was blocked by the heavy water turned into a shield by the cold yuan. The cold yuan heavy water first set off layers of ripples from the inside to the outside, as if removing the strength of the sword carried on the Fengluan sword. However, it only took a moment. The ripples on the water shield gradually intensified the bulge, and then suddenly burst!

The amazing spiritual power contained in the heavy water of Hanyuan. In an instant, the surrounding sea water of more than 100 miles was completely frozen. However, the Fengluan sword was not affected at all. The sword light twisted and smashed the dragon shark into pieces.

Seeing this scene, several other seventh-order monsters who were about to rush over suddenly hesitated and slowed down. At this time, Yue Yu looked into the distance.

"Strange! This is not Zhu Lei Jian, but another three-grade water system Xuanbing. With this sword to protect himself, even if the master can't win, he can keep himself safe.

He was a little relieved. When he was about to continue to break through, he suddenly smelled a fresh fragrance. In the distance ahead, there is a faint pink, spreading everywhere in the sea.

"What's going on? Does this seem to be a fragrance? The eight-claw seal has not fallen behind. How can you want to escape? Jianshu's plus concave is said to be dumped) different body clams, it's easy to read novels