
Chapter 325 Extinction Needle

and the situation just now. Yue Yu's head couldn't help sweating coldly, if he didn't shoot Gan'er's side. It has occupied an absolute advantage, and there is a curtain light in the body. I'm afraid that most of this time, it will be calculated by this beast!

"Sure enough, if the monks want to resist the witchcraft, they still need to practice the true fire of samadhi to the extent that they can refine everything, which is not the same level with Taoism.

Samadhi true fire can do all the external evils, and this witch god is one of them. However, even those Mahayana monks can't really be invulnerable to all evils.

In fact, it is still a strong and weak relationship. Those powerful extraterritorial demons can certainly threaten the monks. However, if the latter's soul power and samadhi are strong, it can also make the former retreat far away. Only in the legend that the Taoist ancestor who is true with Taoism and above the immortals, that is, the realm of the so-called mixed Yuan Wuji Taishang Master, can really not be afraid of any external evil!

Of course, this only exists in the realm of biography in the book, and Yue Yu can't even think about it now.

Most of the lights have fallen, and he doesn't need to care much.

However, the effect of this samadhi real fire is still huge. Just now, thanks to the emergency, Yue Yu ignited into the real fire of samadhi with his mana and blood, so he was not completely confused by the strange force. It is also because of this buffer that he has time to call the five-color divine light.

He shook his head slightly, and Yue Yu withdrew his thoughts. Then his eyes were attracted by the two things in front of him.

That's a small piece of blue-red crystal nucleus. And a golden villain is slowly sinking in the water and falling on the unmelted ice below. The shape of the latter is very similar to the illusory figure on the top of the head of the fragrant eight-claw seal, which seems to be formed by its condensation.

"What is this?"

Yue Yu was slightly surprised and grabbed these two things in his hand. Then use spiritual knowledge to find out that it is extraordinary.

First of all, the crystal nucleus. As soon as he grasped it in his hand, the Tianzhu behind his head turned crazily. Then the runes in it that can't be located yet. A small part of it began the process of rapid return. And there are also some small changes in the runes that have been fixed. It makes the inner world more real.

Then the crystal nucleus, even the most basic analysis cannot be carried out at the beginning. However, while the performance of Tianzhu changed, its structure diagram gradually appeared in Yue Yu's mind. Then, Yue Yu was shocked.

In this crystal nucleus, it is also composed of runes, just like Yan Tianzhu. And most of the spiritual charms, Yue Yu is extremely familiar, but the arrangement of these spiritual charms in the crystal nucleus is a little strange.

As for the other one, the direct benefit of the golden villain is more. Yue Yu tried and found that he could directly absorb the power in it, and then strengthen his body.

If you don't want to absorb the unpredictable consequences, and Duan Muhan's side, there may also be half of it. Yue Yu couldn't wait for this, so he absorbed the pure power of this golden villain.

At the thought of Duan Muhan, Yue Yu couldn't help waking up again. He was just attracted by these two swords. For a moment, he forgot to see how his master was.

hurriedly turned his head, Yue Yu looked, and he was stunned again. The forehead is full of dense sweat. I only saw the place where Duan Muhan was behind him. The corpses of monsters there have been in less than a mysterious time. More than 50 more have been added. The rest. It has already been after the death of the incense octopus. They fled one after another.

The important thing is Duan Muhan, the bright big eyes. By this time, I had already looked over. Her delicate face was full of intoxicating blush, and her eyes seemed to have no reason, full of strong desire.

"No way?"

Yue Yu opened his mouth, suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart, and hurriedly opened Luo Tian's twenty-eight Taoist robe again. I was about to bring those three wonderful thunder needles back to the guard. The figure of Duan Muhan. It has come like an arrow from the string.

It was more than a thousand feet away just now, but in a blink of an eye, Duan Muhan came to him. Yue Yu tried his best to urge several constant golden spirit shields in Luo Tiandao's robe, and summoned the star power to protect him around him.

However, this move only blocks the mystery! Duan Muhan used that blue flying sword, which seemed to be a few casual stabs. With the crisscross of swords, he cracked all the Taoist methods temporarily prepared by Yue Yu.

Yue Yu had no choice but to block in front of him with Feng Luan's sword, but Duan Muhan still ignored it and cut it out with a sword. Then he swept out hundreds of feet away with this six-grade Xuanbing.

Yue Yu was dumb for a while. He never thought that he would think of Duan Muhan's real strength under such circumstances. Although he did not dare to use many means, including the Guangling Sword and the Great Five ance Extermination Needle, he barely went all out, but he could not stop his little master for a moment.

And the next moment, Duan Muhan was in front of him, almost to the level of face-to-face. There is not even a trace of distance between the two bodies.

The first thing Yue Yu felt was the exquisite and graceful figure, followed by an orchid-like hot breath. Then, it was the delicate cherry lips sent up. Yue Yu instinctively wanted to avoid it, although the dead arm of Mu Han's neck was the great skill of receiving Zhe Baishi. According to this, in front of Duan Muhan, it was like a toy that was arbitrarily played with.

When the lips and lips were connected, the small tongue leaned in. In an instant, Yue Yu only felt that his head had stopped turning, and his consciousness was blank. I only felt Duan Muhan's naughty fragrant tongue. He kept rolling around in his mouth, and then sucked deeply.

A sweet and paralysing pleasure spreads around the body with its own brain as the center.

And those small hands, moving in front of his chest. Down from the neck. Scratched teasingly from the little red bean on the chest, and then went straight down.

There was a soft sound, but this time Duan Muhan forcibly tore open the Luo Tiandao robe he was wearing. Then he finally gasped and moved his cherry lips away. It's just that the eyes are still blurred. And a transparent ** saliva is pulled out at the corners of the lips.

Yue Yu sighed passionately and finally slowly regained some consciousness. And just after a moment, there was another explosion in his mind. After that, the only reason left, this time it also dissipated completely.

Duan Muhan suddenly grabbed his hand and leaned into his clothes. Put it directly on the place where it is plump and soft.

Then his eyes were full of resentment, and he looked at him with incomparable expectation.

"Yu, I want"

is almost at the same time as the last syllable is spit out. Yue Yu kissed Duan Muhan's cherry lips again. However, when he grabbed the girl's skirt with his other hand, he stopped again. Then he struggled with his expression.

"If the little master knows it afterwards, I'm afraid he will have to break me with a sword!"

"What are you afraid of? This is the master's own seduction, but no wonder I am. If you don't do it at this time, what kind of man is that? This ** taste is worth dying. Don't you want to like the little master in your heart?

"But this master and apprentice can't do without it."

"Pretious! Of course, the law of human etiquette should be followed. But I don't know how many teachers and students fell in love in the previous life. Obviously, it is not certain that the master and apprentice cannot be overcome. Besides, Yue Yu, when do you care about other people's eyes? If others talk about it, then all the killing is

"No way! I, Yue Yu, am dignified, and how can I be disdainful of doing such dirty deeds in the danger of others? Even if you really want to take me down as a little master in the future. She is also open and aboveboard, and she is willing to be willing.

"Yes! Now there is still a big enemy on the side, so you can't be careless!"

Thinking of the enemy peeping in the dark, the desire in Yue Yu's brain faded in an instant. And the mind has also returned to the Qingming Festival.

"Fuck! I was almost seen in the Spring Palace!"

After a curse in his heart, Yue Yu carefully approached the back of Duan Muhan's head with a few Sanmiao Ruyi thunder needles. Then a little electric light came out. Duan Muhan's delicate body softened and temporarily fell into a coma.

Yue Yu knew this method, which only temporarily made her lose consciousness. The strange force is still working, and with Duan Muhan's cultivation, it may only take a moment to regain consciousness.

Yue Yu quickly put his hand on Duan Muhan's back and penetrated into her body with a five-color divine light, just as he was about to resolve the strange force. Then he only felt a murderous spirit, attacking directly from the direction behind the right side.

"This man actually sneaked thousands of feet behind me before he was perceived by my soul!"

Yue Yu's heart is shocking and inexplicable! Just now, he was fascinated by Duan Muhan's charming state, but after that, he was in a sober state.

Suddenly looking back, Yue Yu only saw one all over his body. They were all shrouded in black robes, and the bloody figure around him quickly filled his vision. And the ensuing huge pressure made him shout


"Blood source**, this person has been cultivated to the extreme, and he is an enemy but not a friend."

In an instant, Yue Yu made a decision. Three hundred and sixty-five three wonderful thunder needles were quickly combined. It constitutes the most powerful shape, with the electric light all over the sky, straight out.

The bloody eyes of the figure in the black robe were slightly surprised, and he did not use the magic weapon. He spilled out a piece of blood light and solved the electric light. But it's just a moment of blocking. Yue Yu was ready in Dantian, with a full 30 large five-line yin and yang magnetic extinction needles. It suddenly shot in front of him like a rainstorm.

This time, the eyes of the figure in black are creepy and frightening. At the moment, a plate-shaped magic weapon stopped in front of him, and then his body suddenly flashed to the left.

And the magic weapon just stopped it for a moment and collapsed. The remaining dozens of the big five-eline magic needles continue to move forward with a fierce and unparalleled momentum. The black figure can't dodge all of them in a hurry. A bloody hole was pierced in the shoulder!

Then, his figure suddenly stopped. His eyes were full of disbelief and looked at his wound.

And when Yue Yu was worried about the amazing means behind the other party, the black-robed figure suddenly laughed wildly!

P: First of all, thank you for your support for opening up the wasteland yesterday! In addition, I asked for some more monthly tickets. I was surpassed again yesterday, and I burst into tears!

And this afternoon, there is another three updates. ( To be continued)