
Chapter 367 Silver Light cocoon

The space armor full of spiritual array runes, Zhan Xueju dry in the middle of the whole sodium old into a ball, countless silver light wrapped, forming an egg-shaped light cocoon, which is less than ten feet empty. It's as bright as the day.

In addition to this light, there are nearly 14 million silk threads that ordinary people can't see, which are coming through space from the same direction and then converging together. Most of the time, it is dim. But sometimes it also flashes with colorful luster.

is accompanied by countless different consciousnesses and prayers.

"Please bless Chen Niangniang, who is the most brave and the most holy. Our family can be smooth in the coming year, and the people and animals will be safe"

"Rei Beidou Xingjun's blessing, my Shitan Town has been disaster-free for three years. Specially offer three animals of blood food to the mother! Please continue to protect me, the real family, and don't be affected by monsters!"

Zhan Xue's consciousness is vague, and it can only be done by car. Keep these prayers in mind. Then try to maintain your consciousness and not dissipate under the impact of many strong thoughts.

And with the continuous infusion of the power of this 14 million beliefs, the light cocoon is like a human heart. It began to beat slowly and powerfully. Every time I jump, the silver glow in the bead. It is even stronger, and the inner layer is condensed into a thin layer of chip. On the periphery of the cocoon, there are also countless mysterious and difficult runes floating around, and gradually there is an indescribable sense of brilliance and sacredness.

Zhan Xue's whole body is more and more difficult to maintain his sobriety. The total number of faith lines of 14 million, although it is providing her with great power. However, the combination of many ideas is also affecting and interfering with her soul and thinking.

I don't know how long it took, the silver light is more solid, almost substantial. The frequency of beating also began to slowly increase. The objects gathered inside, similar to slurry, also began to wash the body of Zhan Xue.

makes its flesh and blood collapse, and then it is quickly regenerated, making it vigorous. Pour it into it. The new ** is not only more perfect, but also more touching.

However, it is accompanied by a burst of pain that is nearly a hundred times more painful than when quenching with drugs.

The consciousness of Zhanxue is almost dead. Only the exuberant will to fight, which seems to be eternal and indelible, is still extremely strong and full of its thoughts. Then, it was all the memories of these four after Zhan Xue awakened his mind. Replay it in front of her eyes, and then slowly forget it.

Most of the time is blank, and you can only stay in this inch of place and spend boring time. But there are also some colors in it. The memory that she never wants to lose. And the last picture. But he is fixed in a beautiful face. She looked like a smile, which made her almost instinctive and wanted to be close to the young man.

"One master!"

It seemed that he was trapped in the desperate situation of the abyss under the ground, and suddenly saw a light. Zhan Xue was subconscious and began to recall more about his master. Then she found that the pain was still the same, and the impact of the idea was still fierce, but she only had these memories. But it can no longer be worn out. And he is extremely tenacious, recovering those lost parts. Although the speed is extremely slow, every moment, every point, there is progress.


"The situation on the other side of Zhanxue seems to be getting better?"

The Cangyuan Mountains feel that they pass through the beads. The thought connection input across the turbulent flow of space seems to have been re-induced. Yue Yu's hanging heart finally let go again.

Since he returned from the removal of the Sea Saint Zhenjun on the north coast. Although he usually dares not be too obvious, he is also in the open and dark, trying his best to collect the letters about these ancient witch gods.

It is also known that in the era of famine, many monks and monsters, after successfully becoming gods, their own memories and minds will be affected or even collapsed under the impact of the power of faith. There are very few people. Be able to fully maintain your own sense of self.

With the power of all people, it is inevitable to have the collection of witch gods, but it is also inevitable to be threatened by the will of all people!

And what he is most worried about is whether Zhan Xue's network is not sharp, and he is still a little brittle and weak. Can he survive under the impact of the power of faith?

If there is the result he doesn't want to see, Yue Yu can only choose to launch the rune array in the Mingzhu to completely wipe out the consciousness generated by Zhanxue under the action of the power of faith. Then she will try her best to pull her down from the divine position of Gou Chen Xingjun and eliminate her influence in that world.

After all, if we continue to develop according to this trend, sooner or later, Zhan Xue will try to get rid of him.

Fortunately, Yue Yu recovered from his worries, and then looked in front of him. I saw more than 20 Yuanying monks beside me, each of whom was sacrificing a magic weapon, forming a three-dimensional aperture, protecting nearly 300 of them.

Bin. The corpse is correct

In order to choose people to go in and out of the cave, the Yuanying monks of each sect argued for about half a day

After the heart, the result was the original number of 100 workers, and finally the disciples who increased to one hundred and five small sects were excluded.

Yue Yu clearly remembers that those who are similar to his age but have no chance to enter the fairy mansion were resentful and sinister at that time.

He himself didn't realize how to care. Anyway, the Guanglian Sect has been bullying the Northern Wilderness sects for tens of thousands of years, and I don't know how much hatred has accumulated. Today, it doesn't matter if there is one more grudge or one less grudge. On the contrary, it is the eloquence of Gong Zhi in the debate. I admire it. He always firmly entanged more than a dozen sects from the Central Plains in the south, excluding the local small sects in the Northern Wilderness.

The same is true of Shen Ruxin beside him. He smiled calmly and never cared about what happened just now. Only Li Nailuo may have experienced too little relationship and can't let it go.

"After today, we are Guanglingzong. It will definitely be cruel to the bone by Fushan, Jade Emperor and other clans!"

When Yue Yu saw him all the way, he always frowned and couldn't help laughing. However, he didn't want to spend more time to comfort him. With Li Nailuo's intelligence, he doesn't need to mention it, and he can think about it in the future


Guanglingzong opened the Ziyun Fairy Mansion. It has been delayed until now, and the news has been deliberately disseminated. The purpose is to prevent and limit the forces of all parties in the Northern Wasteland.

After all, these big factions in the south, even if they can get benefits from this fairy mansion, it is only the icing on the cake at most, and it will be contained by his faction. But in the northern wilderness, every one more person goes in, and one more person will live. If Guanglingzong wants to suppress this area in the future, it is likely to be more difficult.

It is normal to do so and attract resentment from all sects. But even if there is nothing to do today. Like the Fushan Sect, it is impossible to give up the ambition to replace the Guangling Sect.

I just experienced this matter of Ziyun Xianfu. Taixuanzong is bound to be able to win more Austrian aid in this northern wilderness. The purpose of weakening Guangling Sect in this way is also achieved. Such a conspiracy is not under Nongyi Mountain.

When Yue Yu was in meditation, Shen Ruxin next to him suddenly said awe-inspiringly, "This has come to 2,000 miles"

Yue Yu knew what Shen Ruxin said, which meant the deep distance they started from the beginning and entered the fog.

Ry., positive

Looking around again, they joined hands to protect them with ** power. The Yuanying monks who were not affected by the external spiritual array were all withered and seemed to have a bad omen. Even the speed slowed down.

One or two thousand miles away, I haven't seen the real fairy mansion. Is this Ziyun Taoist really just a real fairy of Taiyi?

Yue Yu's heart is dark and awe-inspiring, although it is not too dangerous in the peripheral maze. But if it fails this time, it will definitely startle more doors.

Generally speaking, the more powerful the ancient monks are, the more powerful they are, the more powerful they are, and the relics of the fairy mansion are left. The bigger it is.

If many forces in the Central Plains come to the north, the situation at that time will definitely take off the control of Guangling Sect. Even the foundation is shaken!

The first one who couldn't calm down was an elder of Yuanying, who looked like a sister of Emperor Taixuanzong. He suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and urged the mana to restore the dim aperture on the outside again. Then he shouted, "Taoist friends, please fight again. I feel that the fairy mansion is just a hundred and fifty miles away!"

There was a silence among the crowd, but all the Yuanying monks who were born in the northern wilderness once again urged their magic power.

The elder sister said it was only 150 miles, but the next distance flew for about three quarters of an hour. After correcting the direction nearly four times, Yue Yu felt that there was a sense of cheerfulness ahead.

The fog in front of him dissipated, but what appeared in front of everyone was a green mountain

"This is really Ziyun Fairy Mansion!"

Gong Zhi didn't care to heal his injury for a while. The net just fell out of the fog. Just the first time. Look ahead..

It's only about 30,000 feet away from there. A huge mountain that penetrates straight into the sky like a long knife stands there. This mountain is as majestic as Guangling Mountain, which is steep but even more, just like a pillar of heaven.

But it attracts their attention at this moment. But it is the inscription engraved on the wall of the mountain peak, Ziyunju.

One or three ancient seal characters, each of which has thousands of acres and occupies almost half of the peak wall. Even hundreds of miles away, it is clearly visible. And when it's close, there is even more terrible popularity.

And under these three words, there is also a line of words "Those who enter!" The area of the word is much smaller, but it is even more shocking.

"The whole mountain is so abrupt. Although it is perfectly connected to the vein, it feels out of place. It's like being moved from another place out of thin air. And among these seven words, it seems that every word hides a sword secret!"

Yue Yu's calculation was a little visual, and he only felt drowsy, and his brain and soul knowledge were not enough.

[Ti: Dear book friend, the current chapter has reached the last page of this book]