
Chapter 447 Chaos

"The dragon finch fan is in him, how can he have such power! Hmm. It seems to be out of stock"

Nongyi Mountain quietly sensed the change of the mountain protection array in the mountain, and then in the heart, the last trace of uncertainty was finally eliminated. With this dragon finch fan, it is indeed not to worry about the mountain protection array of Luofu Mountain.

Then, Nong Yishan's face changed again. He smiled bitterly. It's not that I'm worried about the loss of the material of the spirit stone array. I can test the specific power of the dragonfinch fan and pay these prices. It's also worth it. Only with this re-position, it is difficult for him to draw a man who can command the formation now. Although Yue Yu is an excellent candidate, he is obviously not suitable at this moment.

"This boy will not be hungry! Try it somewhere far away? That's it! Cao Wen's current Jindan realm has been stable. Let him come and have a try. I have a headache. "

When Nong Yishan was looking sad and thinking about how to repair the hungry mountain array. Yue Yu, who is at the top of the mountain, has calmed down.

Looking at the dragonfinch fan in his hand, he had a different feeling in his heart.

"This treasure should be the opportunity given to me by the people of Guangling. Shame on you! Although we have never met. This ancestor's kindness to me, Yue Yu, is like a re-engineering! I really don't know how to repay it in the future!"

After thinking for a moment, Yue Yu shook his head secretly. Guangling Sanren has been the one who has achieved immortality. In these ten thousand years, in the world of Honghuang, it must be an achievement and there is no need for him to repay anything. The only thing that can be done now is to do your best to stabilize the Taoism left by the ancestors in this world after the proof of long life

It's just this matter. Now for him, it's still out of reach, and he doesn't have the strength.

shou shou shou thoughts, Yue Yu turned to his strength to analyze the structure in this fan, especially the five, five-color tail feathers. This attack on the floating mountain. There are only three or five days to prepare at most, leaving him time. It's really not much.

With his mana, he entered it again, and the structure diagram in the small fan also appeared in his mind one by one,

The substance in this tail. Some of them are similar to those in the third year of junior high school, but the structure is more stable. It seems to be an optimized arrangement. In addition, some other substances are mixed in, so that their properties are very different from before, which is more unsistible.

However, more of them are the elements that Yue Yu is unable to complete the analysis at present. This part was directly skipped by Yue Yu, separated most of his mind, and observed the small veins in the tail.

The composition of the substance is certainly the foundation. However, the spiritual veins that are naturally generated in these peacock tails, similar to the meridians, are the essence of this peacock tail.

In addition, Yue Yu is a little concerned. And the metal fan handle part, I don't know what it is made of, which is completely beyond his understanding. However, there is also a similar "spirit vein" inside. Existence. Not only the tails of these five different attributes. Cleverly integrated. There is also the ability to transform mana.

That is to say, no matter what the user's skill is and what the structural composition is, as long as the five elements are complete, the handle will turn the input mana into an absolute balance, so that it can stimulate the peacock tail.

"So that's it, the person who made this dragonfinch fan. He must also be a person who is very familiar with the five-color divine light. For the collection of five elements. It is also a deep understanding. Otherwise, it would not be enough to make such a delicate fan handle. But for me. The only useful thing is this five-color tailling. Even if there is no fan handle to transform the mana, it can also stimulate the ten success effects of this tailling. For me. On the contrary, it is an obstacle "

Yue Yu carefully checked the combination of the two, and then there was a burst of disappointment in his heart. This refiner should also be a monk who has entered the immortal path. The whole treasure is integrated, and I don't know what method is used. Yue Yu can't think of a way at all. Separate it.

Think about the dragonfinch fan in his hand this time. It only takes three or five days, and he still needs to return it after using it. Yue Yu gave up with regret, and then focused on recording those veins.

"1 Although these spiritual veins can't condense in my body, they can be used to adjust the body in the third year of junior high school in the future. Maybe it can evolve into a mythical beast faster "

He now cherishes the third year of junior high school very much, and he no longer only treats it as a spiritual pet. The gods and souls can communicate with each other. In terms of the degree of closeness alone, it is also above Yue Bingqian and others. Although it is not used on it now. Get the next step of practice. For this opportunity to re-evolve in the third year of junior high school, it is also a great way to try again.

After waiting for the auxiliary intelligent system to record all of these complex spiritual vein circuits, Yue Yu began to strengthen the input of mana and stimulated the five-color aura full of spiritual charms in a ball on the fan.

Carefully, about to the fifth level, Yue Yu stopped and then focused on recording these runes, as well as the specific distribution and operation. Then for a moment. In Yue Yu's eyes, he was slightly surprised.

"This fifth five-color divine light is as high as 500 groups! There are also... drooping, it's not wrong to have twenty groups of spirits each other. Crying five broken maids will complete and perfect the previous five-element rune structure to enhance the power!"

Then, Yue Yu looked again. Moved to the core of this spiritual light. Then his expression suddenly shook, and his eyes were unbelievable.

Within the first spherical five-line rune array. Unexpectedly, it is a huge rune with a collection of colors! A few days ago, from the five-color energy cluster, the purple charm obtained was almost the same, with a long-lasting breath, as if from the origin of the world. There are differences, but the appearance of the spiritual charm is different, and the structure is different.

"Is this purple charm the core part of this five-color divine light? How is that possible? It's not the legendary five-color divine light, but Kong Yi's real person. When watching the innate chaotic atmosphere and dividing the five elements, you can understand it. But this purple charm is the essence of the five-color divine light. Why did I easily get as many twelve purple charms from the five-color energy?

"Is it this five-color energy, that is, the innate chaotic atmosphere? But if that's the case. What is the origin of this purple gas? It seems that it is still above these five-color energy, which is its core?

The more Yue Yu thinks about it, the more incredible it is. He hurried to the sixth weight, the purple charm at the core. It was actually added to the two channels. By the seventh time, Yue Yu had tried his best to control those five-colored lights and did not lose control. But at this moment. He didn't care about these, but looked at the core. Only see inside. Suddenly, there are three huge purple charms!

"How could this be? How could it be like this?"

After a daze, Yue Yu dissipated the five-color divine light, but for a moment he forgot to record and analyze the composition of those five elements.

When he was awake, Yue Yu began to look inside Dantian for the first time.

I only saw those two things, and it was Shi An who stayed firmly in his Dantian. It is mild and harmless. Without those strange experiences before, Yue Yu would not be able to see the extraordinary history at all.

"I have read that innate chaos in the book. It is rumored that most of the powerful innate magic weapons in ancient times are derived from this chaotic atmosphere, which can be said to be extremely precious! Maybe the innate five-color stone is produced from this thing. But what is this purple gas? In all the Taoist books I have seen, but I have never mentioned them, in those miscellaneous news. There is no record"

After being stunned for a long time, it was not until the sky outside the window gradually dimmed that Yue Yu suddenly became smart. Wake up. Instead of being surprised, I felt a bitter chill in my heart.

"If others know, I have such treasures in my body. I'm afraid there is no monk who can't move his mind. I will definitely try my best to take it from me. In this world, it is no longer difficult for me to have a place to be. Even if it is not the rumored thing that can give birth to innate spiritual treasures"

"One, and this purple gas, no matter where it comes from, it must not tell others! Otherwise, it will be a disaster of killing yourself! I don't know what it is, and it may not be that others don't know!"

Think of the consequences of the exposure of this good medicine. Yue Yu's forehead was dripping with cold sweat for a while. After a long time, I regained my mind and scattered the five-color light gathered on the fan to the fifth level. Start to concentrate on recording spiritual charms.

No matter what the future is, it is always wrong to improve your strength as soon as possible. Thanks to him a few days ago. From the five-color energy group, Yue Yu, who forcibly obtained the blessings of the twelve purple charms and greatly evolved, made Yue Yu, who felt that the fourth five-color divine light was extremely difficult to analyze a while ago, but at this time, he easily completed the fifth. Then the sixth weight also took about two hours. The seventh is a little more difficult, but it has been fully analyzed within two days. And every time a heavy analysis is completed, there will be an explosion in the sky beads. In the inner core, a huge purple charm is formed, which has been added to fifteen.

As for the eighth weight, although Yue Yu wants to continue. Unfortunately, this weight now needs to be done with all our strength, and it is even more difficult to control it. If you accidentally brush it down, I'm afraid that it will be the mountain protection array of the hungry mountain, and I'm afraid that the whole will collapse immediately. Even if Nong Yishan didn't come to find him to settle accounts, he felt embarrassed. For now, we can only wait until we get out of the hungry mountain.

"When I reached the end of the third level, I had already made elixir. I don't know if I want to break through to the realm of Yuanying, this five-color divine light. How many times do you want to practice again? The teacher's ancestor once said that he wanted me to practice to the point"

At the thought of the baby, Yue Yu was a little worried. His golden elixir is a spherical five-eacter array that naturally condenses. The process of Jiedan is much easier than others, omitting the process of countless condensation and forging. But this is the process of breaking the elixir of making a baby. What should he do? If you want to know what will happen, please log in. More chapters, support the author, support the genuine version to read again! The concave said that the book of Shanxun was exposed to the umbrella D