
Chapter 480 Murder Distant

Ziyu's eyes narrowed. Memi Shoujing locked the last young man who came out, who was about 20 years old and about the same age as Yue Yu looked at. It's just now, but it's the space barrier that this person has opened. If he hadn't always been careful, the mountain protection array here had almost been repaired by him, this person should have appeared directly beside Yuanhong.

The rest is an old Taoist with a deep eagle's nose. Strong soul power. But it makes people feel a little strange, and the mana is not very pure. Yue Yu looked around. It is known that this is Yuanhong's first-class, but it looks worse than the man under his feet.

Both of them looked gloomy. Looking at the hundreds of Lingtai monks who were subdued in the mountains, as well as the corpses of several Jindanjing. In the eyes of the young man, first of all, a trace of murderous intention flashed. Then he calmly said, "This Lingtai Sect is in charge of Teng Xuan. Taoist friends subdued many disciples of our sect. Is it necessary to have something to ask for? Taoist friends probably don't know that my nature is never threatened. Let them go, and I'll spare your life!"

Yue Yuxin said that this Lingtai sect is in charge of the religion. It's not stupid.

The demeanor is extraordinary, and it is also a little real, but before it underestimated the Central Plains sects.

And at the next moment, his eyes were slightly condensed. His hands connected the three yin and yang wheel seals of the water and fire, controlling the direction of Jiuce Xuanhao's signature. Then the outer wall of the whole magic circle flashed a few strong lights, and countless vast spiritual streams exploded.

But the old Taoist behind the young man suddenly threw out thousands of flags, causing the mountain protection array here to shake, and there were several signs of collapse. The two of them have changed arrays several times in an instant, causing the spiritual power to fluctuate outside the ancient Yishan magic array, which became more and more violent.

Almost at the same time, the Lingtai Sect, who stood with his hands on his back, also took action. Several yellow hurricanes blew in front of him, which instantly grew to thousands of feet and went straight down to Guyi Peak. Countless wind blades are mixed in the middle, constantly rolling and cutting, making countless rune spiritual stones burst one after another in the underground of Guyi Mountain.

And Teng Xuan himself. It also dived down. Two pairs of blue flying swords came out of his sleeves. Gathering the wind spirit of heaven and earth, it suddenly brought a sharp wind blade about 400 feet in size, like a giant windmill, hovering and cutting to Guyi Mountain. The spiritual wall of this mountain protection array is like being hammered. The whole 30,000-meter-long mountain, mud, stone, vegetation, all poured down.

However, Teng Xuan himself held a cone-shaped magic weapon that was almost the same as that used by Fang Caiyuanhong, which was close to him. From the invisible barrier of Guyi Mountain. A long white sword suddenly stabbed out.

The sword cone fought, and Teng Xuan suddenly retreated thousands of feet. The cone magic weapon in his hand also turned into countless pieces of silver and scattered around.

When he stood still again, Teng Xuan couldn't help but look at the mountains of Guyi with a calm face, holding the snow of the White Emperor's sword. The sword just came, but it was far more powerful than his. It turned out that it was too late for him to launch the Taoism contained in this cone to break through this spiritual barrier.

At the same time, Yue Yu also won and lost. With a roar, the middle-aged Taoist also retreated hundreds of feet away. A set of flags. There is a small explosion. Only about a thousand were successfully recovered by him.

In Guyi Mountain, although the magic array is still under the control of Yue Yu, there are also some corners, which have been damaged. Then, Yue Yu, who had regained control of the magic array, once again hit a string of yin and yang wheel seals of the water and fire, urging the stone clothed by Zhou Shan. Then hundreds of star forces with different attributes rushed straight down in the air.

Teng Xuan opposite, and the old man with the eagle nose. He dodged quickly and withdrew again. The power of this magic array is limited, which leads to the killing of stars. It's just ordinary. However, it is time to face the strong enemy. But it is enough to give them a headache. Although the two of them were not shocked, their hearts were so shocked that they almost stopped thinking.

Teng Xuan looked at Yue Yu's side intentionally or unintentionally. The suspended Jade Emperor Dragon Otter Town, and around Zhan Xue, there are ten rotating arrays at a glance. Although he didn't learn his power, he only learned from that treasure. It is known to be extraordinary. The old man with an eagle nose stared at Yue Yu with his eyes. It seemed that he still didn't believe it. He was just on an equal footing with him. In the end, he was even smaller than him. He was the monk who seemed to be in Jindanjing in front of him.

It was not until then that he confirmed it. The two people in front of them can break the ancient Yishan. It is not a fluke to restrain his brother.

When the two of them looked at each other and were a little worried, Yue Yu casually threw the wind and tooth wound up and down, suppressing the increasingly fierce wind. Then he looked into the eyes of the two people in the distance. It's also a little more dignified. After a tentative fight, both sides were a little more afraid.

"The Taoism used by the head of this Lingtai Sect. It's a little weird. It seems to be some kind of wind magic ability! And this one. The old man, except for the ancestor of Chang's uncle. This person may be the most good person I have ever met. If I hadn't taken the lead this time, it would have been difficult to say "

Yue Yu frowned slightly, and as his mind moved slightly, his tongue rose, cutting off the head of Ling Dan Xiushi, which was cut off by another body-shaped temple beside him. It was inserted into this person Dantian again. He forcibly chopped up the monk's golden elixir.

Teng Xuan's eyebrows suddenly raised and looked at Yue Yu's eyes, full of deep surprise. After a long time, he exhaled a sigh of relief and said, "The two Taoist friends are as powerful as our Yuanying monks. If we do it with all our strength, the two of us may not be able to win. I am indeed qualified to have an equal dialogue with our Lingtai Sect. I don't know why you two are here?"

As soon as he said this, Yue Yu didn't have any special feelings. The middle-aged Taoist named Wang Yun next to him was shocked again.

He was still surprised by Yue Yu's ruthlessness before. At this time, he heard Teng Xuan's words, but he was even more shocked and speechless. He knew that the strength of the teenager beside him was far beyond his imagination. No wonder the sect will be so cautious. Yue Yu dared to break into this ancient Yi Mountain alone, but I'm afraid he really didn't have this Lingtai sect. Keep it in perspective.

"Beimayuan, Xijia! If there is one less person, I will kill one person."

Yue Yu raised his eyes slightly and looked directly at Banxuan, who was standing more than a thousand feet away. Although he felt that the other party's sight was as sharp as a knife, it made people feel tingling. But there is no intention to avoid it.

Teng Xuan raised his eyebrows, but said nothing more. With a gold charm, he emptied into the void, and then stood in place and waited quietly.

Yue Yu also stopped talking and seemed to have never worried at all. Lingtaizong's support came. It was still slow, hitting the spiritual stones one by one, and continued to repair the spiritual array. The snow next to it also poked out thousands of white silk threads and painted charms everywhere.

Wang Yun was still a little nervous, but it took a long time to slowly realize that Yue Yu was in the array this time. The situation is a little different. Among the spiritual stones thrown out. Unexpectedly, there are a lot of valuable spiritual stones with spatial attributes. Then the whole array, vaguely, was connected with the broken transmission array. And the latter is also recovering.

"Is it true that this is preparing for a retreat?"

Wang Yun's heart suddenly calmed down, and his heart gradually felt a little incredible. Whether it was when he attacked Guyi Mountain before, or later, he used the transmission array to separate the three Yuanying monks of Lingtai Sect. The whole process seems to be in Yue Yu's calculation.

Is this old-fashioned method really written by a man who is only 20 years old?

The eagle-nosed Taoist outside Guyi Mountain also has a shrinking pupil. With his achievements, he knows what the effect of Yue Yu's mysterious array is. However, although he knew the other party and had gradually arranged a way out, he couldn't imagine it. The combat strength of this man and woman is eye-catching. It is by no means able to solve the achievements of the Su array for a while, and it does not have an advantage. Yue Yu did not hesitate. It is even more frightening to kill the hot hands of their Lingtai Zong Jindan monks.

After about two or three hours, the sky is far away. Finally, a group of dense figures appeared. Thousands of people formed a large array of six structures. Fly away to this side. Yue Yu looked over there lightly. He looked there. Suddenly, he shook his head secretly, and the four thousand spirit virtual disciples were almost as strong as those before the war of Guangling Sect. These sword arrays are indeed a little extraordinary, but they do have some great momentum.

Compared with the current ten-yuan baby of Guangling Sect, this sect in the Central Plains is too useless.

His mind turned, but those disciples of Lingtai Sect were already murderous and stopped beside the two people on the opposite side.

Teng Xuan still didn't dare to act rashly and signaled with his eyes. A Jindan monk who came took out a magic weapon that looked like a palace model. After urging the magic formula, he shook his hand and released more than 2,000 men and women who looked panicked.

At the same time, Teng Xuan looked at Guyi Mountain again and said coldly, "I have taken all the people of the Xi family. You can let them go!"

Yue Yu didn't bother to pay attention to it. Just take a closer look at the appearance and clothing of more than two thousand people, as well as the limbs. With this figure passing through his vision, Yue Yu's eyebrows unconsciously condensed slightly. Inside the eyes. There was a little bit of violence.

And in the next moment, the sound tooth knife in his hand. It is inserted into Yuanhong's body without warning. The sound of the knife shook the earthquake, and the monks in the Yuanying Realm were shocked into pieces.

Zhan Xue also took action immediately, and those silver threads spread again, cutting hundreds of immovable Lingtai disciples in Guyi Mountain, including the remaining three Jindan monks, into two sections.

Wang Yun was stunned for a while. He didn't figure out what was going on, so he was swept by Yue Yu and brought into the teleportation array. Then there were two mythical beasts guiding the woman in white, and Yue Yu also flew into the battle.

And in the next moment, Gu Yishan shook again. There is a spiritual flow of riots everywhere. Wang Yun at this time. But I only felt that it was dark in front of me and entered a darkness. If you want to know what will happen, please log in to your heart. There are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading! D