
Chapter 506 Break an arm

"Take over the crowd under my control. It's worthy of being a Shun cat that has been famous for hundreds of years. It's really rich."

Yue Yu's eyes flashed slightly, and his hands and ten fingers protruded, leaving a fingerprint. Then the next moment, the magnetic force over there was used. It suddenly increased hundreds of times, and the rising man was locked in the air. After that, countless wooden vines that grew to dozens of feet long covered the whole world.

The plump white and cold turned this way, and the blue sword suddenly broke through the air. The huge wind blade like a giant propeller brought by the cyan wind shredded all the wooden vines in front of him and cut Yue Yu's neck.

Yue Yu was slightly shocked, but in the next moment, Zhan Xue had sacrificed the array of ten imperial swords, and countless sword shadows exploded forward. With a tinkling sound, although the blue sword shadow was incomprehensible, it was also blocked by countless sword lights and did not move forward.

Then in an instant, another knife shadow that transformed into the image of the mythical beast Fei Lian broke through the heavy wooden wall and swept over.

Yue Yu frowned slightly, but this time he hit the Jade Emperor Dragon Otter Town, which grew in the wind, and directly pressed the knife firmly to a few acres. Unfortunately, this knife is still strong. Even if it withstands the heavy pressure of more than a million stones, it has not been broken.

Yue Yu still felt a little relieved. These two mysterious soldiers were the things he was most afraid of. If you can control it, it has already restrained most of the rich and white combat power.

But just a moment later, Yue Yu knew how ridiculous his speculation was. At the moment when he pressed the knife, the location of the four people had already raised the plant fragments all over the sky. In front of the rich white body, it aroused a cone-shaped wind scroll like a tornado, wrapped in countless fine wind blades. Then it completely tore up everything in front of it like a meat grinder.

The other three Yuanying monks also sacrificed their magic weapons, assisting the rich white figure and rushing forward. In particular, the sloppy Taoist threw out something similar to a celestial instrument, and then guided the power of the stars above, condensed to the thin as fingers, and the infinite power of the stars swept everywhere. It is equivalent to the wooden vine of the top three-grade Xuanbing. We can only compete with the rush.

"Is it actually the second grade?"

Yue Yu's eyes are slightly condensed. It is the first time he has seen such a sloppy Taoist who can hold such a treasure.

But in the end, his eyes were still focused on Na Fengbai. He looked indifferent, and his eyes were full of unconcealed contempt. The eyes that look over are like looking at the eyes

Then in the next moment, countless small blades the size of nails spilled out of his sleeves. Driven by the blue wind. For a while, the momentum was more powerful. Countless cold light flashing light spots, mixed with them, rotating and stirring back and forth. Almost all the wooden vines are broken at the touch. The witch array controlled by Yue Yu could not be stopped for a moment, and they were all smashed and cut. Then it turned into a shadow of Qingluan, as if in ancient times, Qingluan had a momentum of more than 100,000 miles. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Yue Yu with three people.

"There is still this

Yue Yu's heart was surprised. He is sure that the material strength of these fine blades, even if they are not a case of super quality, can be included in the top of the first grade. After all, these wooden vines are strong, and ordinary Xuanbing, most of them can't be cut at one time.

What's more surprising is that there is no spiritual fluctuation in it, which is obviously an example of the so-called evil gold in the world of cultivation. Fengbai's use of the wind magic power is really ingenious, and it makes the green wind wind wind rise to the extreme. Seeing these four people breaking through the air and breaking through to about a thousand feet in front of him, the sarcasm in the rich white eyes became more and stronger. It seems to be condescending, no matter how you resist. In front of me, they are just like livestock to be slaughtered.

Yue Yu only thought that he had not seen it, and he was single-mindedly urging the array. Countless wooden walls rose up in front of him again. At the same time, the robbed golden dragon bracelet was thrown out; the water-colored cloud Yaopa was also clothed in front of him. Then he sighed and said, "Xue'er, withdraw your sword."

Zhan Xue drew the sword in response to the voice and pulled the white emperor's sword in his hand. And in the whole witch array, the moment it was completely broken. All the wooden vines were torn to pieces by the aftermath of the green Luan at one time, in the rich white eyes. There was also a burst of luster.

"Guangling upright, why don't you die?"

Before the voice fell, more than 20 cone-shaped magic weapons were drilled out of the plump white sleeves, like cannonballs, rushing forward at dozens of times the speed of sound.

also brought countless wind blades, spinning crazily. The golden dragon bracelet only resisted for a moment. It was completely torn to pieces into dust. After that, it hit the water-colored cloud Yaopa that turned into a ten-foot circle, and there were a circle of ripples. The power of the impact was actually a little bit, completely resolved by the magic array and thousands of drops of Xuanqing jellyfish inside.

There was a trace of accident in Feng Bai's eyes. It seemed that Yue Yu had never expected that there was such an excellent treasure to protect himself. What puzzled him more was that Yue Yu had no intention of retreat or panic at this moment. Just stay in place, with countless fingerprints on both hands, ten fingers or Qu Bin "in an instant! In the meantime, dozens of complicated and mysterious seals were made. It seems to be a little sweet and juicy.

Immediately after him, a layer of luster surged up around Zhan Xue's body, like a glazed blue-blue light cover, came head-on with the White Emperor's sword and cut into Qingluan's abdomen in the wind. At this time when Qingluan was moving forward and stagnated slightly, Zhan Xue suddenly retreated, and several blood lines appeared on his body, which were small by those fine blades. Dapeng's blood spewed out, and his body was almost dismembered.

After Feng Bai, Shi Nan was suddenly shocked. I felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in the depths of the primordial spirit. His eyes stared at the magic seal in Yue Yu's hand, and his mind was calculating the composition of this witch array at a higher speed.

After the film, his pupils condensed into a needle shape, and he almost did not hesitate to hit a magic weapon like a pendant that he used to protect his body. However, at this moment, he saw the phantom brought out by Yue Yu's hands, and all of them disappeared. He formed a tail print with his right hand slightly clenched and five fingers of his left hand, and a "broken" was spit out of his mouth. Words!

The sound of bursting suddenly came from the whole mountain. The mountain shook for a while, and the huge demonic power rose to the sky from the bottom of the mountain. The magnetic force from the ground has increased tenfold, and the heavy pressure of nearly 30,000 stones has made all four people, including Feng Bai, all of whom are iron-blue. The wooden paper also turned into red and black, and no longer turned into rattan to wrap around. Instead, he rose straight to the sky one by one and stabbed the four people.

With a cold snorting, Qingluan disintegrated, turned into countless winds again, swept around, and smashed the tip of the wooden gun into wood chips. However, the strong wind obviously did not have the unparalleled terrible momentum just now.

The strength of these wooden vines has now rushed into the realm equivalent to the second-grade Xuanbing! Even those fine blades often take two to three times to break them. What's more, I dare not use ten times the force, so as not to be embedded by it and lose momentum.

Shi Nan no longer dared to beat the Yinkui, but tried his best to protect himself. The other two Yuanying monks were also pale and knew that this was no longer the means of Yuanying monks. If it hadn't been for the existence below, it still seemed to be limited by this broken witch array, and the demon power gushed out of the ground was only the level of the demon king. At this moment, several of them are going to die here immediately!

Seeing this, Shi Nan sighed softly. He thought he had brought two helpers, but after this fight, it was completely cumbersome and useless.

He waved his hand helplessly. The universe Yi Aipan appeared in his hands again, and then played a few tricks in a row and shouted softly, "Senior Feng, this situation is a little wrong! You'd better quit first and then take care of it.

"No, this vertical is really good. It's just that today, I will definitely ask him to suffer thousands of knives to pay for the lives of hundreds of disciples of our Lingtai Sect!"

Feng Bai snorted coldly, and the wind speed around him suddenly increased again, and the cyan also turned to light yellow. The whole person is like a sharp sword" passing through the wooden wall all over the sky. The mahogany, which is comparable to the second-grade Xuanbing, is actually silent sand. Then, a little yellow wind gushed out of his body and condensed into a huge long knife, which cut Yue Yu with one sword.

And the latter changed again and spit out a "break" again. Words!

The mountain shook again, and the demonic power surged crazily. In front of Yue Yu, a big hand made of red and black wood suddenly rose from the ground, and unexpectedly grasped the huge long knife built by the wind on top of his head in his hand.

Feng Bai shouted angrily, and the wind knife disintegrated again, turned into countless wind blades, and rushed to Yue Yu in all directions. And the giant hand also took the opportunity to change, turned into a giant cover, and firmly protected Yue Yu in it.

Seeing this, Yue Yu shook his head slightly, summoned out the wind-tooth sword, and began to follow the sword road he used three years ago. The weather is very strict, and the practice begins to be done without any trace.

Outside the wooden cover, Feng Bai, who never retreated, seemed to feel something, and his face was unprecedentedly dignified.

And just after the film, Yue Yu's right arm suddenly spilled a ball of blood. The whole right forearm of Fengbai was suddenly broken to the pole, leaving only the part behind the elbow.

Feng Bai's eyes were puzzled at first, and then he was afraid of the unknown. He subconsciously waved a wind, ready to grab his broken hand. Then he only felt three equally powerful mana and held his hand firmly.

One is from the snow of war, and the other is Tengxuan, who has survived the thunderstorm over there, and the war spirit is extremely prosperous in his eyes. The other is from Yue Yu himself.

The wooden wall spread out around, revealing Yue Yu's figure. Feng Bai subconsciously looked over and then his chest seemed to be hit with a hammer, and his mouth was slightly sweet.

The clear eyes did not shy away and also fought back silently: "A month ago, you regarded me as an ant. But now, I can take your life." B