
Chapter 684 A trip to the East China Sea

In just over ten days, Yue Yu woke up from the entrance. Looking into the distance, I saw dozens of sword lights in the air, flying to the south.

One of the teenagers is very similar to the image recorded in the soul jade.

Yue Yu was not in a hurry to do it, but first calculated silently for a moment to make sure that it could not be a trap, and then stood up.

"This monk Linzong seems to be aware of me. It seems that this peeping man has something to do with Dao Linzong--"

Feeling the direction of the island in the middle of the lake, more than a dozen people, were also in the midst of vague vigilance. Yue Yu's lips picked the corners coldly and left here.

He is confident that his blindfold is absolutely unbreakable, and it is difficult for Dao Linzong to detect his whereabouts in a state of readiness.

At this moment, most of the time, someone told me. However, the relationship between the two is not extremely harmonious. Otherwise, it will not only be vigilant, but also besieged.

shuttled through the void for about 100,000 miles, and then Yue Yu went again. Sacrifice the nine flowers according to the heart mirror. In the moment when he blocked the art of spying back, his figure was already flashing, and the original road began to return.

In a moment, he had caught up with the group of disciples of Daolin Sect. Before these spiritual virtual monks could react, they waved a mana to restrain these people. Even those golden pills did not escape.

Then, Yue Yu directly sucked the teenager who was the body of the wind spirit into his hand and began to analyze. But for a moment, Lou looked thoughtful.

"Sure enough! This body of wind spirit is a variant of the body of wood spirit, which is a little different. However, based on my current Taoism, those shortcomings can be barely calculated--"

A trace of essence flashed in Yue Yu's eyes. It was not until the person's body was completely analyzed that he let it go.

What he asked Zongmen to look for was actually the body of the wooden spirit. This body of the wind spirit is to retreat and seek the second place, and it is a choice as a last resort.

Gaiyin, the eastern victory of the mainland, has been hundreds of years, and no wooden spirit body has ever been born. In the past few years, Guanglingzong has indeed not found any news about the body of the wooden spirit. There are not even many monks who are famous for their wooden skills.

Fortunately, today's situation also confirms his conjecture that there is no way out. With this wind spirit body, you can really get a glimpse of the mystery of the real wooden spirit body. It's just that if he doesn't have the foundation of Taoism at this moment, it is unlikely to calculate the complete wooden spirit constitution.

"The rest is to find the five elements of the spirit to confirm--"

Yue Yu murmured softly, and then brushed his sleeves slightly to erase all the man's memory. Then he flashed and went over the city to take out all the toxins from the yellow-faced old man. By the way, a drop of the real dragon's blood was diluted with drugs, which improved the old man's physique.

He had no intention of taking the lives of these people. And that teenager also has a good impression on him.

This drop of real dragon blood can also be regarded as the reward for analyzing its wind and spiritual body.

After finishing this, Yue Yu went all the way south. The function of Jiuhua's heart mirror has long been removed, and this time, he also left a lot of clues.

Whether it is the more than a dozen scattered immortals of Linzong or the person who uses occult skills, they will more or less detect some clues and notice that he is near Yangzhou. What on earth have you done?

But I know, but it's hard to guess what his purpose is--

Dao Linzong has no intention of being hostile to him, and he has not harmed Dao Linzong at all. Both sides still do not violate the river water.

Go all the way east, about a million miles. It is a huge blue and black ocean. Yue Yu stood over the sea and couldn't see the edge at a glance. It is only faintly visible, and countless islands are scattered in the distance.

"This is the territory of the East China Sea. According to the news of the hall, the news of the five elements of the spirit is said to come from a jade island three million miles away--"

The East China Sea is several times larger than the North Sea region. The scope is almost equivalent to 20 Youzhou, and in addition to one Jinghai Sect, there are dozens of second- and third-rate sects here.

In addition, here is also a scattered place. The number of scattered repairs will exceed that of the North Sea.

In addition to the huge area, the depth of the seabed this time is not comparable to that of the North Sea. There are hundreds of thousands of feet in the deepest part, and there are countless sea monsters alive inside.

is the only place in this world where the demon power can overwhelm human monks. It is said that Na Jinghaizong will deal with a sea monster catastrophe almost every hundred years. Otherwise, with the resources he has mastered, he would have occupied the throne of the first largest number of days.

Yue Yu identified the direction a little, and then continued to escape all the way. I felt that it had arrived before I returned to the inner space again.

Then I saw a large island full of green trees in the distance, appearing in front of me. It is about 1,200 miles, and the whole is half-arc. It looks like a Pei Cui-colored hook jade.

"No wonder, this place will be called Feiyu Island--"

Yue Yu smiled. Then the expression turned to awe.

There is obviously a large spiritual array on this island. Although the grade is not high, it protects two thousand miles here and is not disturbed by demons. Looking at the spiritual vein here, there is only a second-grade miniature spiritual vein in the depths of the island, which is occupied by a group of monks.

For this situation, Yue Yu was not surprised. He has seen a similar situation in the North Sea.

These spiritual arrays are not normal, using spiritual stones as a source of energy. Instead, a large number of demon elixirs are used to form a spiritual array.

Of course, the demon elixir is mixed with spiritual power and mixed with demonic power. However, if a large number of elixirs of the same kind of monsters are formed, it can solve the problem of spiritual confusion.

It's just a spiritual array composed of this method, which is destined to be too high. The monks rarely use it, and only in the East China Sea and the North Sea can many similar monsters be found in groups.

Therefore, this overseas person's dependence on monks is deeper than that in Dongsheng mainland, almost like a god.

Yue Yu unfolded his mana again to cover his figure. When you go outside the spiritual array, you don't need five-color divine light. Just flicked his fingers and let out a few breaths. Then this array began a small-scale collapse, and then entered it silently.

This is the limitation of this demon elixir array, which can only prevent some low-level sea monsters. In the eyes of monks, it is almost equivalent to non-existence. The monk, who is a little bit of a way, can be easily broken with only dozens of breaths.

For Yue Yu, it's just a flick of kung fu.

The arable land on this island is also extremely wide and can be used for fishing. There are several big cities on the island. Nearly 40 million people.

Yue Yu couldn't help frowning slightly this time, and the information collected by Tongwen Hall this time was also extremely simple. It's just that the five elements of the spirit, called Liu Yueru, is a woman. Born on this jade island. Originally, he had worshipped under the Shuiming Sect, one of the major schools in the East China Sea, but it was only less than half a year. After finding that he could not practice, he was simply expelled from the door wall. For the rest, not to mention the address, there is no image.

It's not that Tongwen didn't try his best. In fact, even the Shuiming Sect didn't know where this woman was. Two years ago, I happened to meet a Jindan disciple under my family, and then the status of a foreign disciple was temporarily accepted. I did not carefully investigate the woman's origin. After that, it was simply repatriated and sent back to Feiyu Island, so I no longer care about it.

It is extremely good to hear that the people in the hall can find out that this is only a small-scale spread in the East China Sea. Or in two years, the woman's address can be found, but Yue Yu felt a little impatient and rushed here directly.

- But the population of Feiyu Island is far beyond his expectations. Where can he find it? If it's a monk, it's okay. There is a sense of consciousness. But how can this ordinary person with no spiritual power ask Yue Yu to find him?

Even if he has the art of arithmetic, it is impossible to find it accurately without any clue.

Although this is the case, Yue Yu still took out the Qiankun Yipan and calculated it with the number of purple myrtles. Then in a short time, he let out a soft sound in his mouth.

"My chance is in the south! Huh? This person is actually a little involved in me. It's really puzzling--"

Yue Yu frowned and hesitated for a moment, but still fled to the south. There are only dozens of villages in that direction. A big city. He used illusions, turned into a middle-aged man in a blue shirt, and searched all the way. First, the dozens of villages searched for a long time, but got nothing. The only thing left is the coastal city with a population of millions.

Yue Yu sighed in his heart that although the scope has been narrowed, looking for one of the millions of people is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack. Then watch carefully with the method of hope. I can only see that all the colors are mixed here, but I really can't find the person with all the qualities of the five spirits.

For the next ten days, in addition to his daily homework, he spent eight hours almost every day searching one by one.

Most of the fishermen live here, and thousands of sails are gathered in the port. And almost everyone has martial arts cultivation. There are dozens of innate Wuzong that Yue Yu saw. Almost every time you sail, you can kill many sea monsters below the sixth level to maintain the spiritual array on the island. There are also all kinds of spiritual arrays, all of whom have the original monks, who buy grain and property.

Yue Yu is extremely surprised. In terms of the physique of this overseas person, it is far better than the number of people inland! It is even better than the northern wilderness.

"It's no wonder! The East China Sea is only equivalent to the population of a state in the Central Plains, and the monks produced every year can occupy nearly 30% of the monks in the world!"

Yue Yu chose to find the area, which is the southernmost part of this big city. It was not until it was confirmed that the man was not there that it spread out little by little. On this day, when I walked on a small street paved with bluestone, my heart suddenly moved slightly and I looked behind me.