
Chapter 829 Kill Shura!

829 Kill Shura! ( The third update! Ask for a monthly ticket)

When the hot wind came, Yue Yu's eyes were already a trace of joy and relaxation.

The prohibition change here is indeed as he expected. No Tailai, cathode yangsheng. When the cold power here is at its peak, under the traction of the air machine, it is also an opportunity to attract the flame flow.

If it is somewhere else, it may take some time. But here, it is this killing spiritual vein that intersects

Including the handsome young man, the hearts of the three Shura are all cold.

Before entering this killing array, we have studied the innate prohibition in this innate killing array. Generally speaking, this cycle time has not yet arrived, and there should not be enough fire spiritual power here.

Then when the hot wind with the smell of sulfur had just blown by, in an flash, there was a blazing white flame, rushing straight out of several corridors.

"White flame in the center of the earth? You two really deserve to die"

The handsome young man's face changed slightly and he shouted and scolded. The whole person actually shrank into a small dot less than the size of dust and attached to the stone wall.

Although the other two are either changing blood knives, or incarnated into a sea of blood, they can't see their expressions. But they all condensed, absorbed the cold power that they had avoided before, absorbed the body, and also learned from the handsome young man to go to the stone wall charm.

Yue Yu sneered, and the five-color luminance condensed before finally waved out. The five elements sword array in Dantian is strengthened to the extreme of the five elements of yin and yang yuan magnetic extinction light needle, which penetrates the blood point transformed by the Kui Shi.

The luster flashed slightly, and the hundreds of light needles first extinguished the blood spear that flew in front of him one by one. The rest, at a speed beyond the reach of sight, only one in three hundred, has reached thousands of feet away.

- It was originally the fastest magic method in the world, and at this time, it was 14 times the time difference that Yue Yu deliberately tried his best to support. The leader almost didn't have time to react, so he was hit into the body by the light needle one by one. It exploded, and the power of the countless five elements of magnetism burst wildly. For their blood bodies, this injury is not heavy or light. But he bombarded his whole body into hundreds of millions of fragments, spreading tens of thousands of feet of space.

The Kui Shi finally regained his senses, but he only felt that it was the fear in his chest, and he just wanted to gather his body again. The blazing white flame flow has washed away mercilessly. The thousands of blood points transformed by his body immediately turned into smoke under this burning.

Most of the whole body melted at this moment.

Yue Yu did not dare to face the flame flow. With a move, take back the double-polar cold flame mirror that was hit in your hand. Then he also shrank and avoided the bloody lotus of Zhanxue. The pieces were closed, like buds, shrinking into sesame dots, protecting the two of them.

The periphery is the upside-down glass wall, but in an flash, another layer of blue and red light wall rises, and the outermost aspect is the ice flame mysterious light barrier stimulated by the bipolar cold flame mirror.

At this moment, Yue Yu's whole body is full of severe pain, and his bones are cracked. Although these confrontations did not fall behind at all. But under the continuous bombardment of the strong man at the level of Taiyi Zhenxian, he has almost reached his limit.

The more seriously injured is Zhan Xue. He suffered dozens of heavy blows of the bloody knife alone, and resisted the blood array. The meridians in his body were almost completely broken. Fortunately, there is the divine power to protect it. The speed of recovery is not bad.

At this moment, Yue Yu came back to anger, which was definitely not the reason to make Zhan Xue bear it alone. At the beginning of the flame, there was a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, as if it were in a high-temperature stove. It turned out to be a straight through several heavy barriers, straight through the bodies of the two people, as if there was a mass of flames burning in the chest.

Yue Yu was expected for a long time, and it was not simple. He only used the two-pole cold flame mirror to transform the flame power.

He still relies on the spiritual array under his feet to crazily lead out the cold power accumulated in the basalt rock under the ground, fighting against the white flame in the heart of the earth.

Then Yue Yu was slightly surprised, which may be due to the help of the dragon and sword. The cold force caused by this spiritual array is far more than he imagined.

Even in such a dangerous situation, you can still draw some mana. Recover the injury.

The white flame came very fast, and it was also extremely fast when it went. It's just a dozen hours. The cold power of this place was completely extinguished, and then it passed quickly.

I only saw a blood shadow on the ground, and I immediately ran away to the distance first.

Yue Yu's pupil couldn't help shrinking slightly. This breath is the Shura Blood Saint who was hit hard by him just now

- This person, to this point, is still not dead, leaving this chance of re-rection

Yue Yu was secretly stunned, but he almost did not hesitate. The two poles of the cold flame mirror turned the ice flame ghost light into the ice flame light, and shone on the blood shadow from afar.

The blood shadow was not enough to be the size of a fist, and it was shot by a beam of light. Suddenly, half of it gradually froze, but the other half emitted a trace of light smoke under the irradiation of the fire. It began to melt quickly, making a heartbreaking howling.

When the other two Shura blood saints next to him flew up from the stone wall, they fled to the distance without any intention of saving their companions. It seems to have been created by the flame flow of the white flame in the heart of the earth, and they are all seriously injured.

Yue Yu laughed dumbly. In fact, at this moment, their injuries are also heavy, and they have not recovered much.

If these two people are willing to fight for their lives to save the Shura Blood Saint who is covered by him at this moment. Even if he can win in the end and all the cards come out, it must be a one-person death. It's a pity that Shura's body is like this. He is born from evil thoughts in the world and selfish. Without the strong control of the superior, you will never fight with people to the death

Strengage the force to pour more of the big congenital Xuanbing and the real qi into the mirror. On the other side of Zhanxue, a big swallowing arrow shot out, completely killing the last remnant of the blood shadow.

Yue Yu immediately took out another mouthful of fairy soldiers. As soon as the long sword was drawn, the pulse of the wrist was cut, and a wisp of blood was left behind. Then he sprinkled some powder and mixed it into his own blood, making the blood fragrance thicker and thicker.

The two Shura blood saints, one of them immediately let out an animal roar. It turned out to turn around and rushed to this side.

However, at this moment, Yue Yu is looking at another person who is flying away in the distance, and his eyes are shining.

"The person who tracks the soul of the snow god should be this person"

It is rumored that Ying Shura's talent is extremely high. In addition to the special soul power, his intelligence is also close to that of human beings. Except for the sea of blood, those Shura blood kings, and only these gifted shadow Shura, can not lose their minds under him,

A trace of murder flashed on his face, and Yue Yu suddenly sent out a wave of shock in the world of Tianzhu. Yue Yu's incarnation suddenly rushed out from the inside. In an flash, he took over the two-polar cold flame mirrors. The eighteen-fold ice flame suddenly penetrated, and the rushing blood light was firmly covered again.

However, Yue Yu's body pulled up the dragon sword again, and then turned into a light. The yin and yang elements of the big five elements are bulging to the extreme. Fourteen times the speed, in the blink of an eye, it has been rushed to tens of thousands of feet. Just before chasing another ball of blood.

Then he waved abruptly, threw the sword in his hand and threw it into the bloody light. The next moment, it can be seen that the dragon sword is no longer ordinary. It emitted a thick layer of red spiritual light, followed by a wave of flames gushing out of the sword crazily. Burning the blood gas is not a burning, but after thoroughly purifying the resentment soul and the inner soul seal. Then the surrounding blood was quickly absorbed into it, and in an instant, the momentum soared again.

The blood shadow howled and separated dozens of blood lights, trying to escape. Zhan Xue has already arrived, offering the eight-leaf evil lotus, and dozens of evil forces gushed out, trapping those blood.

Seeing this, Yue Yu's mind was suddenly relaxed, and he only felt that his tense heart had completely calmed down. What he is most afraid of is the dragon sword, which still refuses to contribute when he has an absolute chance of winning.

At that time, he had no other way but to gourd, and even had to bear a heavier price.

Although there are two Shura blood saints at this moment, they are still not dead, but the overall situation has been decided. Even if he doesn't do it, the dragon sword will never let him get rid of it.

Looking at this scene, Yue Yu couldn't help but feel confused.

When the lower world monks fly up, most of them are always hesitant and try their best to delay the time. Or find the way to stay.

- In the world of flood and famine, they are the dragons among people, the heroes of the world, and they are all the top figures of the world. But in this flood and famine world, it is the people who can't go up or down and be slaughtered by others

Yue Yu disdained this, and did not borrow the two caves at all to delay the time of soaring.

But after this soaring, even if he was already prepared, he still felt depressed everywhere. The countless powerful beings in the world almost overwhelmed him out of breath. When you act, you are often afraid and careless.

He is a mercenary. He knows that he is not as good as others, so he should take it as forbearance.

It was the matter of Xuan Yuanzi before, and he was forced to kill Nali Shiqi angrily. However, this move seemed to relieve the anger in my chest, but every step after that was even more dangerous and frightening.

The pressure from the Five Taiwan Sects, like a huge mountain, lingering in his heart, lingering. After several calculations, although the real person Yang Yi suffered countless losses, which time, didn't he put himself on the verge of death?

The depression in his chest has long been lingering, which makes him confused.

Even today, work together with Zhan Xue to kill the three bloody Shura. But it also makes him feel comfortable and clear-minded.

It's just this move, but isn't it forced to be helpless?

At present, it is easy for these three people to kill, but the forces behind them are powerful and huge. What should they do in the future?

After a moment of distraction, Yue Yu smiled.

"That's it. With this purple gas in my body, I am the origin of this flood and chaos. I also endured a bird and killed a bloody road to the sky with my sword to prove the way of heaven"

P: On the last day, the third update of the monthly ticket finally completed the task today. In addition to the normal update, five chapters have been updated. Now there are only a few votes away from the last one. Please support us and help us continue to open the wasteland. E