
Chapter 984 First Show of Divine power

When Yue Yu opened his eyes slightly, he only saw 30 million miles in front of the frame in this line. Suddenly, I saw a faint red light rising to the sky.

And just in the eyes, the dragon pattern golden pupil appeared, and a little spiritual water was introduced into it, when the illusion was to be pierced there. An old man in a cloud robe flew to the side of the dragon's car and said, "Yutianjian Zhengwei Mingzi, I have seen the emperor!" There is a fierce and murderous spirit in front of us, which is a sign of a little fierce! There will be someone near here. I don't know how to stop*..."

Yue Yu ignored him and still observed from afar under the cover of the dragon's eyes.

The line of sight pierced 30 million miles, and I saw the shape of more than a dozen monsters in the distance, hidden in the air.

As the leader, he is like a lion but not a lion, like a tiger but not a tiger, stepping on the flames of clouds. The figure is extremely huge, a pair of huge eyes, full of fierce light.

And all the monsters, almost without exception, have their cultivation above the jade immortals, let alone the Taiyi real immortals.

"It's a fire*..."

Yue Yu smiled and put away the dragon's eyes. He glanced at himself again, and took a look at Wei Mingzi.

Those stupid noses in front of you, although they are the bodies of monsters, this illusion is still well used.

My so-called Qintian supervisor, although he only has the cultivation of jade immortals. However, he was able to see through the illusion in time and stopped the frame decisively. The ability to watch the law is really extraordinary.

It took some effort for Li Changgeng to find these people for himself.

Wei Mingzi didn't know the situation in the dragon's car. He frowned and looked at the front and said, "Yourmperor, I look at the fire in front of me. It seems to have a great origin. I'm afraid he has a lot to do with a demon saint in the north. These more than a dozen mythical beasts are just of the same strength. If we collide with the emperor's frame, it will not be beautiful. How about a detour*..."

Yue Yu shook his head slightly. He continued to look ahead with an indifferent expression. If he really took a detour like your opinion, I'm afraid that before he could go to the north, the momentum was already short.

At that time, couldn't everyone come to the door?

Intentionally or unintentionally, he looked somewhere in Yunkong on the south side, and Yue Yu couldn't help laughing coldly.

I really don't know about this kind of trick--it's just a sudden gimmick.

However, it is a good calculation, intending to count in one fell swoop. It's just a thing in the world. How can it be as easy as a concubine?

If you don't take these benefits of being sent to your door for nothing, you will be blamed!

Without hesitation, he paused the jade chasm under his body with his feet, signaling the four spiritual dragons in front of him to continue to move forward. Yue Yu smiled softly: "What are you afraid of? Just go ahead.

Is it possible that there are so many soldiers and carts in my heavenly court, how can I have to have a fire?" The Wei Mingzi couldn't help raising his face, and his face was full of puzzlement and sadness. However, when I saw the dragon in front of me, I continued to move forward. I could only sigh and return to my frame, feeling that my mouth was full of bitterness.

And the rest of the wrestlers are already aware of the situation in the distance. They couldn't help looking at each other and shrinking.

Yue Yu ignored it and just sat on the chariot. Continue to play with the seal in his hand, which he called the Longhuang An Tianxi. The characteristic of this thing is that the stronger the accumulated luck is, the more powerful it will be.

Then Li Changgeng once talked about the seal of the Heavenly Emperor, which can suppress * Daluo Jinxian, which is by no means an exaggeration. With the blessing of the heavenly spirit, the idle Daluo Jinxian really doesn't pay attention to it.

It's just that the luck in his hand is as if there is nothing, and the power is slightly inferior to the four-grade acquired spiritual treasures. Not to mention Daluo Jinxian, even Taiyi Zhenxian may not be able to suppress it.

And I don't know whether Li Changgeng is intentional or unintentional. Whether this spiritual array collects luck or the ability to defeat the enemy, it is far from reaching the extreme.

With a soft smile, Yue Yu integrated the six spiritual flames in his body, which suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and then infiltrated into the jade seal. He modified the inner spiritual array little by little.

And just in his mind, he once again focused on what he was in his hand. He had seen it before in the inevitable clouds. A man in purple robe also said with gidity on his face, "Yi Ling Xianchang! I'm afraid he already knows that you and I'm here. Today's matter, do you and I think about one or two more*..."

"What if you find it? Is it possible that he can't help us?" Another young man in Xuanpao snorted slightly, and then looked down quietly: "Thanks to you, Xuanyuan is also a member of the heavenly court. His magic power is as direct as that of Taiyi Zhenxian. How can he be so timid as a mouse? A little jade fairy is also worthy of your fear?" "After all, the ear is the emperor! If there is a leak, it will be known. You and I have committed a lot of sins." Xuan Yuan's face was covered with cold sweat. But there was a secret slander in my heart, a little jade fairy? It's the Jade Immortal Emperor in front of him who nailed you with just one sword. Why can't he help the other party?

"Rible! What's the trouble? You have my master and my teaching. What are you worried about? Just don't want this person's life. Whether it's the Heavenly Emperor or my teacher, they are happy to see it!" Yi Lingzi snorted and looked at the dragon's car in the distance, which was vicious. However, when he looked at the group of monsters on the other side, he frowned again: "Didn't you say that you had a vast range of friends among the northern demons, and as a result, you could only call this manpower?"

When Xuan Yuan heard the words, he smiled proudly and said, "Yi Lingxian looked down on me. Although there are few people, these demons have an extraordinary background. The elders are all famous people. If these demons win, it is enough to make that person lose face. If not, no matter which one is hurt, the northern emperor will be in big trouble. Especially the father of the fireman, but a demon saint, roaring proudly in the north! It took me a lot of effort to instigate this fool to take action"


Yi Lingzi's eyes shrank slightly, looked at the fire, and then the corners of his lips slightly picked up, "You are smart! So good. But now the demon clan is indeed in decline. A golden fairy who first ascended to the realm of Daluo is still unstable, and he dares to be a saint, which is really ridiculous! Which of the ancient demon saints is not the first-class figure of the prospective Taoist ancestors?

In the dragon's car, Yue Yu was unaware of foreign affairs, but with the spiritual flame, in this innate Yuanshi stone, he outlined runes one by one.

He also has no intention to make the spiritual array too complicated. The treasure of luck, one is condensed, the other is storage, and finally to control the enemy. There is no need to borrow spiritual power, just give full play to the role of luck.

It only took dozens of breaths, and the treasure has been repaired by him. Then in the soul, you can feel a trace of purple gas, which is condensed in the seal. It is about 20% more than before the modification, and it is condensed but not scattered,

At the time when the seal was just achieved, the distance of tens of millions of miles was also in an instant.

Those wrestlers on the chariots are all secretly awe-inspiring and careful. I know that there is a big enemy here, but because of illusion and blindfolding, I can't see the enemy's figure, so I can only be on guard. Some of them, looking at the dragon's eyes, can't help complaining a little more.

In the end, he came out unexpectedly and passed through here safely.

And it was in a row of frames, thousands of miles away, and most people were secretly relieved.

In the mid-air, there was a huge roar without warning. Dozens of huge beasts, which were tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of feet long, suddenly appeared and rushed straight to the dragon, all the way. All chariots, whether they are the lowest-level copper or silver and gold, are all crashing.

When it hit Yue Yulong's car, the sixteen yellow scarf wrestlers also shouted angrily. The chariot was urged, and then more than a dozen purple gold soldiers flew up to temporarily suppress the dozen monsters.

And the rest of the gold and silver wrestlers also exerted their strength one after another, sacrificing all the soldiers and shields, and struggling to support them.

Then the next moment, a monster in the cloud sky that looked like a lion but not a lion, like a tiger but not a tiger, with antlers and burning red flames all over his body, also fell straight down.

The momentum is so great, and the endless flame power is rolling. Those bronze chariots, only rolled by them, showed signs of melting. Even the power of blessing can't be protected.

All people have a pale face. As long as the fire burns for a moment, it will be a dead end.

Fortunately, the fire just went for the dragon's car. All the wrestlers at this moment. It was also as if he had forgotten Yue Yu and tried his best to stay away from the dragon's car.

Even the four-headed Linglong, which pulled the jade chasicle, showed a trace of fear on his face. They broke free from the reins one after another and fled in all sides.

Only Yue Yu still sits safely in the chariot. As if he didn't know that the situation was critical, he looked up coldly.

In the fierce eyes of the fire, although there was no murderous intention, it looked coldly with a little pride and joking, with a sense of sarcasm.


Yue Yu gently--until the fire in the air rushed to the front. He threw the Zhenshizhong in his hand into the air with a faint expression.

It rose in the wind, and suddenly spread to tens of millions of miles in half an breath, and suddenly went straight down.

At this moment, all the demon warriors, together with the fire, were stunned and looked at the top of their heads. Some are puzzled, and some are just incredible.

There is no response yet. The clock of the town has been slammed down. Those heavenly wrestlers only felt that they were dark for a moment, and their bodies experienced countless time and space turbulence. Then after a moment, it was restored to the previous cloud in front of him, and more than a dozen huge monsters disappeared.

If the traces of the battle were still there, several bronze chariots were almost scrapped. Almost all people thought that the monsters just attacked were dreaming.

Looking at the dragon chariot, in everyone's eyes, the northern Antian Xuansheng Emperor, who was extremely despised, was still sitting in the chariot. It seems that nothing has happened.

At this moment, Yi Ling and Xuan Yuan in the distance were also stunned and looked straight at the scene in front of them.