
Chapter 1046 Conquering the Black Cold

The two people outside the hall were shocked when they heard the words, and they looked at the hall in surprise. He received the demon messenger in Xuan Temple. Has His Majesty An Tianxuan, who has only appeared in front of people once since the war a few years ago, is he finally willing to come out of this bedroom?

Wei Mingzi's eyes are even more complicated. Looking at the shape of dragons and phoenixes on the roof, it is clear that it is ready to go!

sent the two of them away, but Yue Yu was not in a hurry to go to the Xuan Temple. Instead, his mind moved slightly and forcibly tore open the line of the space barrier.

After a moment, there was a blue light from the void in the distance, rushed into the crack and landed in front of Yue Yu. He looks like a fairy and has a graceful figure, but his face is like frost, with the coldness of resisting people thousands of miles away.

If it hadn't been for a faint light shining in the eyes, it would have almost made people think it was dead.

On the top of the woman's head, there was a black and blue round mirror hanging high. It was not until she entered the Xuan Temple that she put it away.

Then he silently put a few things in front of Yue Yu.

In addition to the Kunlun mirror, there are several lenses, which is a black and blue crystal that contains countless power of faith.

"The remnants of the Xihuang mirror, the sixteenth-order divine crystal of the water system?"

Yue Yu raised his eyebrows, put the lens in his hand, and watched carefully. Counting the piece he snatched in the Xuanjie that day, the Xihuang mirror in his hand was all gathered.

Then Yue Yu looked at Li Zihan, who was looking at the opposite side: "Where did you find these things?"

The expression on Li Zihan's face was almost unchanged. He said lightly, "Before my master was alive, he had already found out the whereabouts of most of the fragments of the Xihuang mirror, but he had not been taken. Sister Xueer said that she wanted to seduce those demon saints to continue to fight for the nine-turn golden elixir. This remnant mirror is no longer enough. I'll take it together--"

In the middle of the words, Li Zihan looked at it again. The black and blue god crystal glanced and said, "Sister Xue'er happened to get the inheritance of an ancient water god. This thing was taken from the body of the water god--"

Before Li Zihan finished speaking, Yue Yu was already dumb and laughed. Looking at the nucleus of this ancient water god, it is clear that there are still some power of faith to support. There are not many remaining believers, only about 300 billion believers, but it is a small help for the war snow that urgently needs the power of faith to unite higher gods.

What's more rare is the various laws and structures in the divine grid. Even if Daluo Jinxian gets it, it will be of great benefit.

But he would rather send this thing to him than absorb it. Obviously, it's Zhan Xue, and he is already worried about his situation.

But this water god crystal really has some effect on him--

Reach out and put the residual mirror in your hand. With a slight shock of mana, the fragments of Kunlun and Xihuang's second mirror were broken one after another.

While waiting in Yue Yu's sleeve, several broken lenses flew out one after another. Almost all the fragments resonated slightly, and then spontaneously condensed in one place.

On the left is the Kunlun Mirror, and on the right is the Xihuang Mirror. The brilliance is everywhere, the auspicious clouds are thousands of, and a *** spiritual shock sweeps like a tide.

was suppressed by Yue Yu's mana, which could only affect this inch of land.

The former is still incomplete, but the swallowing spiritual power and power are only under the latter. As for the Xihuang mirror, it is completely complete. There is a trace of crack on the mirror.

Yue Yu flicked his finger again and bounced a little five-color luminance into the Xihuang mirror. Then in an a moment, the cracks have all healed and are no longer flawless. Above the specfable mirror, countless runes are fleeting, occasionally showing the shape of innate gossip.

Look at this thing carefully. Yue Yu suddenly picked up the corners of his lips, waved his hand slightly, and then hit the Xihuang mirror at Li Zihan and said, "This mirror was made by the Xihuang himself in those years, and it was his most holy the day after tomorrow! It was only because of the heavy blow that the treasure fell into the acquired super product. Zihan, the Kunlun heart mirror technique you have learned can stimulate 90% of the power of this thing. This mirror will be controlled by you in the future. However, in the future, we still need to have daily sacrifices to warm up, so that they can restore the old view. Don't fall into the reputation of this treasure--"

Li Zihan took over the Xihuang Mirror, and in his almost dead eyes, there was a burst of light. Then he still didn't say a word and bowed deeply to Yue Yu. The next moment, the Xihuang mirror was sacrificed again, covering the image of the air machine all over his body. It turned into a deep blue light and emptied into the void.

Yue Yu watched the woman leave, and then looked at the Kunlun mirror on the other side. Up to now, this spiritual mirror has gathered 70% of the fragments.

The Xihuang mirror is the most holy, and this Kunlun mirror is the innate treasure of the Holy Spirit. It is tied with the map of the river, the map of the river, etc. It is only inferior to the few Hongmeng weapons, the spiritual objects of merit and virtues.

- His expectations for this thing are far better than the Xihuang Mirror.

When he bit his hand and then took the mirror into his hand, Yue Yu frowned. In a loom, it can be passed through this thing. Feel the whereabouts of several other fragments.

But except for one piece, he is fully sure of it. The rest of the fragments are all tricky.

After thinking for a moment, Yue Yu was too lazy to worry about this matter again. He put the sixteenth-order water god crystal in his sleeve, and then turned light through the air and landed in the mysterious temple.

Sitting on the throne, I saw that most of the generals and civil servants of the whole imperial court had gathered here.

In the center of the hall, there are three men with beautiful clothes but ugly appearance. They all looked indifferent, with a slightly raised chin, and a faint look of arrogance.

Yue Yu saw the situation, but he did not despise it at all. All three of them have the cultivation of Taiyi Zhenxian, and the more powerful the bloodline of the monster, the more difficult it is to transform. And this northern demon clan has never known the beauty and ugliness.

He signaled to Wei Mingzi, but he didn't wait for the right Cheng under his command to come out. The first short and fat man, who was about 30 years old, had already looked coldly at the top.

"Are you the emperor of Antian Xuansheng?"

Yue Yu silently sat on the throne, and the expression on his face was also hidden behind the crown bead curtain.

And in the hall, there was also a burst of silence. Only the giant spirit god and more than a dozen generals behind him clenched their fists. Looking at the eyes of the three demons, I can't wait to tear them up!

The short and fat man smiled and looked away at the sight next to him. He continued to look at Yue Yu and said, "My Jiushan Demon Emperor has something to tell me that you don't procrastinate and don't send messengers here again!" This time, you either go to apologize to several of our demon emperors in person, or you can step down the position of the northern emperor and go as far as you can! There is no other way to go!"

Wei Mingzi listened to a burst of frowning, suddenly stood forward and shouted coldly, "Rrespectful! This is the Northern Imperial Court! According to the edict of Hongjun Daozu, control the world--"

Before he finished speaking, the short and fat demon clan suddenly snorted coldly. The sound was like thunder, and Wei Mingzi immediately felt stuffy in his chest. The real qi witch power couldn't resist it. It was almost about to vomit blood, and his body also leaned back.

However, in an instant, a soft mana came. In an in anze, he calmed down his floating breath.

The rest of the people in the hall are no worse. And above the upper steps, Yue Yu's cold voice also came out, "The conditions are good, but what if I say no?"

The short and fat man was slightly surprised by the means of protecting the people in the hall because of Yue Yu's understatement.

At this time, when he heard the words, his eyes narrowed tightly, revealing a sharp and fierce light: "Then wait for my demon clan in northern Xinjiang to level your pavilion mountain!"

Another thin young man next to him also raised his head slightly and said with his eyes, "I don't know your majesty, but how did your predecessors die? I was born too late, and the others don't know the details. I only know that the Antian Xuansheng Emperor in front of His Majesty was swallowed his heart and lungs alive by the mountain demon emperor of my family, and burned for ten days and ten nights with a nine-you fire--"

The breath in the whole hall is getting more and more condensed, and only dozens of heavy breathing sounds were heard. Even Wei Mingzi, with a pale face, stood still and said nothing.

The thin young man then smiled again: "Once the war starts, there must be countless deaths and injuries on both sides. Your Majesty, even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your subordinates! Just give up a little face, but you can keep a thousand years of peace. Your Majesty, please think twice--"

Yue Yu glanced at the hall and saw that the hall was full of literature and martial arts, and most of them were silent. He lowered his head and dodged to avoid looking at him. Among those generals, there is also a small half, and their expression is as pale as paper.

Yue Yu was cold in his heart and thought of his previous life for no reason. The unrivaled hero who led his descendants to conquer most of the world, a famous saying spread all over the world. Then he smiled and said, "What a rude person! Go back and tell your master that I will do as they wish! If you want to fight, then fight! After six days, I will definitely hunt the Black Cold Kingdom with all the demon emperors!"

All three people in the hall were stunned and a little unbelievable. They looked at Yue Yu at the head. The rest of the people in the hall were shocked, except for Wei Mingzi. Either worry or fear.

Still the thin young man, he raised his eyebrows and said, "The emperor will no longer think about one or two? As far as I know, the Camel Mountain Demon Emperor hates your majesty to the bone marrow--"

Yue Yu was too lazy to pay attention to these people. He frowned slightly and snorted coldly, "Get out of here!"

When the last word comes out, it seems to be a spring thunder on the tongue. Within a million feet, almost all the spirits of heaven and earth have gathered. The power of countless laws has been fully driven.

The rolling sound wave, bundled into a line, rushing out. The three demons of Taiyi Real Wonderland all changed their faces and were extremely pale. At the beginning, he wanted to resist, and his body was shining, but he only supported it for a moment, and then he was shocked by the sound waves and shook his body. In the blink of an eye, he had been shaken out of the door. It flew thousands of feet away and disappeared.

faintly, I heard the roar in the distance. Most of the people in the hall have changed their feelings again. Yue Yu ignored it at all and looked at Wei Mingzi with a smile: "I want to fight in person, please ask Youcheng to prepare the frame for me and gather the generals for a limited time of two moments--"