
Chapter 1084 The Source of the omen

The head is ten thousand feet wide and ten thousand high. The face is golden and purple, the expression is fierce and ferocious, and the blood of a snake is shocking.

There are also countless golden thunderbolts, covering the giant. From time to time, some flesh and blood were blown out, but they quickly recovered as before.

With the image of the skull, a wave of fierce ideas also came at the same time.

Zhan Xue only felt his soul, as if he had collided with a steel wall, bursting with an explosion. The indestructible soul, which condensed countless evil forces, turned out to be a shock, and the body almost fell from the air.

My ears are almost deaf, and I feel dizzy for a full time.

With only this moment of delay, Ao Hui has caught up with him. But his eyes were astonled as he looked at the deepest part of the cave under the earth.

"This is the head of the ancient witch god! It turned out to be him? It's hidden here"

was followed by Li Zihan and Baishang, both of whom were slightly pale.

"Isn't it Xing Tian at that end? It's not in the south of the southern part of the continent, but in this northern place?

The snow of war seemed to be unheard of, but the breath slowed down a little, and then it soared into the air. He didn't have the slightest fear, but he had a little more enthusiasm.

The mind moved slightly, and when the sleeves were neutral, it was a red sword, rising up.

Zhan Xue took a deep breath and held it in his hand. Gradually, a bunch of fierce and domineering thoughts full of war shrouded the depths of the earth. It collides with the idea that comes through the air. Unexpectedly, it led to a series of crisp explosions, like thunder. Zhan Xue's figure is also gradually protruding forward. The White Emperor's sword in his hand, all the Xuansha war demon real qi, and the evil magic power, are gradually accumulating to the extreme.

Ao Hui knew his intention and no longer persuaded him. Just looking at the direction of the skull," he said with a wry smile, "Sister Xue'er, this is the hiding place of the head of Xingtian. Well, the danger in it must be on Sister Zihan's calculation.

Are you still going to go your own way and take risks? In fact, as long as your husband achieves the golden fairy soul seal, you and I can slow down a little time. With our qualifications, after these thousands of years, we will definitely have an opportunity to go further"

Zhan Xue shook his head slightly, still pouring all the power into the sword.

Except for the increasingly bursting blood-red sword. A trace of red thunder is also the body of the sword that covers the White Emperor's sword.

"Even if the senior brother has the fighting power of Jin Xian, he is in a dangerous situation. I was my brother's servant. I should have contributed to my brother and helped him. How can he stay under his wings all the time and be under his protection?

In the middle of the words, the figure of Zhan Xue suddenly broke out. Holding the red sword in his hand, it only took a while to rush out of the distance again. The voice condensed, "I only know that after a hundred years," if I can break through to the Taiyi True Immortal and condense the 18th-level deity. I'm sure I can help my brother! Fight against the way of heaven!"

The word of heaven fell squarely, and the vast red sword light was immediately wrapped in the supreme thunder method, sweeping away the countless innate prohibitions.

Then a dazzling red light in the mid-air of the ground, and it was also thrown into the deepest part of the cave without hesitation.

is also in the figure of Zhan Xue, putting it into it. This is the highest point of the world. A trace of purple thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, swimming in the sky. The fight with the water vapor caused a series of muffled thunder.

followed, but there was a trace of red thunder. It also followed, like a snake, hovering in the thick clouds.

100 billion miles away" The top of the longevity mountain on the eight-fold sky, Yue Yu suddenly woke up from the entrance.

"What a book! It is worthy of the innate Taoist scriptures that can be the same as Hetuluoshu in this world! Even if it's only one percent, it's so vast"

A trace of incredible color flashed through the eyes. It is said that this thing was transformed after the first opening of the flood and the fetal membrane of heaven and earth was cut, and it was divided into heavenly books and earth books. In fact, it seems that the spiritual treasure is better than the Taoist scriptures, but the Hongmeng Avenue recorded in it is really vast.

After marveling, there was a burst of doubt. At this time, he should still be enlightened. How could he suddenly wake up?

And the next moment, I only feel that the heart is surging, and the nerves in the brain are uneasy **, which is the most painful.

"Strange! Why is there a warning sign for no reason? Is it dangerous to stay in this Longevity Mountain? Could it be that those Taoist ancestors came? How could it be?" After thinking for a moment, Yue Yu pulled out most of his computing power and began to silently play the sky. In a moment, there was a clear color in my eyes, and there was a little more worry and anxiety.

"It turned out that it should not be me, but Zhan Xue Aohui? There is Xihuang's mirror. There is nothing wrong with the things in the north. Is there something unexpected when you walk?" Continue to deduce. The mana condensed in front of Yue Yu suddenly gathered the graphics of innate gossip.

And Yue Yu's expression gradually regained calm.

"Is this danger outside or not?"

If this is the case, it is not impossible to help.

After a little thought, Yue Yu has made a decision. A wave of vast soul thoughts suddenly went all the way up, into the sky, into the nine clouds, in the starry sky, began to attract the power of the Zhou Tianxingdou array, pouring down.

It's just the star power, but it condenses in the air and does not move. Blocked by a more powerful force, he almost completely blocked his call.

"Is it Haotian?"

Yue Yu didn't think much about it, so he already guessed the identity of this person. He looked at the sky coldly and snorted coldly, "I am the emperor of Antian Xuan in the north!" Within a year, you can use this week's star battle for half a month, which is the sky! Hongjun's edict, the rules of heaven and earth! Let me see, how can you stop me?

The power of luck in the Dragon Phoenix An Tianxi immediately stirred up. At the top of Yue Yu's head, a purple gold column also runs straight through the sky. There is a seal inside, which coincides with heaven and earth.

As soon as it appeared, there was the color of the dragon roaring and phoenix. Suddenly, there are tens of thousands of Ruixia, countless spiritual lights, blooming.

The figure of Yue Yu is reflected as if he were a god.

Then he walked to the sky and grabbed it suddenly. It is the place where it is today. It seemed to shake, followed by countless star forces, which were attracted down one by one and enveloped Yue Yu in it.

The whole Zhou Tianxing array is also crazy.


In the sky of Miaofa Daluo, in the golden and brilliant hall, there was a sharp sound of metal smashing, which shocked the hall.

" Arrogant!"

Haotian's expression is gloomy. Sit on that throne. It's just that the handrail on the side is missing a corner at this moment, and in his hand, he is holding countless metal scraps.

Before grabbing it, the royal chair, which can be included in the third grade, and smash it!

But the remaining anger has not subsided, and the chest is undulating.

Li Changgeng was thoughtful. Looking at the top of the Longevity Mountain shrouded in the power of the stars, he saluted slightly and said, "Your Majesty, calm down! Antian Xuansheng Emperor has the right to move the star array for half a month every year. Before, I was worried that he would not be able to stand in the north and keep up. Now that he wants to call, we can't wait, "

"Of course I know this! But at the moment, it is time to use the power of the stars this week to calculate the time of the crisis! But he gave up halfway, which is really annoying!"

Thinking about it just now, I felt shocked. Haotian couldn't help but have another burst of hatred. He reluctantly maintained a calm expression and said, "I heard that Dazai was in Venus in those years, no matter how the emperor urged him, he had no choice but to do it. But I don't know if there is a way to take back this array now?

"I was able to survive safely in those years, but in fact, it was because Di Jun didn't want to kill!"

Li Changgeng shook his head, but his eyes looked at the purple gold pillar in the cloud image under his feet.

"If it had been a few years ago, even if his throne had been solidified. This week, it's up to him how to use it. But now, his title of the Heavenly Holy Emperor in the north has been recognized by heaven and earth and estimated by heaven. To tell the truth, his identity is more orthodox than His Majesty! It is not even limited by Taoist ancestors"

I squinted at the first place and saw the middle-aged emperor. The face was slightly red, and then purple and blue. Li Changgeng then smiled bitterly: "I'm waiting for now, but how can I stop him? Unless it's easier"

Haotian was furious at first, and then his depressed body collapsed.

"I want to show my grand plan with the help of hundreds of trillion people in the north! Why doesn't this person think of all my feelings and wants to pass on the method of sword cultivation and be my enemy? This Yuanming is really hateful!"

Soon to stand up, Haotian's big sleeve brushed, and went straight into the apse. When he arrived at the door, his body also stopped. He sighed slightly and said, "That's all! The teacher once said that Shinto flourished, and when my heavenly court was at its peak, it was after this disaster. I hope nothing will happen! Three hundred years later, it will also be the birthday of my life. Please ask Dazai to do this for me! Don't fall into the power of my heavenly court"

After saying that, Haotian's figure disappeared. Li Changgeng was still standing where he was, with a slight doubt on his face.

It's not too early or too late. Why did you choose to attract the power of this week's star array?

Is it possible that there is nothing to do with it?

Almost at the same time, on the top of Kunlun Mountain, in the sky of Yuxu Palace. An old man with a long beard to his chest and a dignified look. It was sitting in a cloudy hall that sacrificed a long flag in mid-air.

The light dance shakes, bringing countless mysterious lights. Thousands of runes surround their bodies like a wall of light, and like a tornado, constantly spinning in the air.

It took about a dozen breaths to completely disperse these runes. But on the surface of the Kusha, it is now a little different.

In this hall, there are still five people sitting around. And the top person on the left is the lamp. Seeing this, I couldn't help but show a little joy in my eyes and said, "I don't know, teacher, but I can calculate the source of the evil omen."