
Chapter 1217 The aftermath is not over

1217 The aftermath is not over

Nuwa's face remained unchanged, but her eyes condensed slightly, showing some distress.

Seeing this, Fuxi finally looked slightly warm and sighed, "I know little sister, you feel that you owe too much to this flood and chaotic elves, that's why. Because of the death of Emperor Jundong at the beginning, he felt remorse. But it doesn't have to be like this! The rise of the human race is unstoppable, and several brothers all rely on the prosperity of humanity. Although you are the mother of the human race, you can't interfere too much. Why is it necessary to do it knowing that you can't do it?


Nuwa's eyebrows condensed, and the annoyance in her eyes was even greater: "After the death of the emperor, you still ran desperately for the heavenly court. At that time, wasn't it like me, knowing that you couldn't do it?

Fuxi looked stunned, and then put down the glass in his hand and said coldly, "I have no choice. I know that I must be in a meteorite situation, so I can fight for it. How can you be the same as me now? That northern Luzhou, even if you can drag it down again, it will still be empty in the end. On the contrary, it hurts the humane merit of your gathering. Why bother? Na Yuanming is the only person who can be more likely to the future in these 30,000 years. Little sister, don't go to the end, you and my brother and sister turn against each other!"

Nuwa's body suddenly shook, and her figure seemed to be a little unable to stand up, and her face was extremely pale. The expression in the eyes is also mixed with anger and sadness. He suddenly exhaled deeply and suppressed the waves in his heart and said, "Brother, are you still complaining that I hate me? Do you really want to be so ruthless to your little sister?

Fuxi was silent for a long time, and then stood up: "It's a lie to say that there is no resentment. When you are in the body, I hate you to the bone even more!"

Nuwa's expression is even paler. Fu Xi's tone turned around again: "It's just that for tens of thousands of years, since I have any resentment, it has faded now. Think about it carefully, even without you at the beginning, that person would look for others and do the work of creating people. The result is still average. Little sister, you just happened to be chosen as a pawn. However, if you are still so stubborn, you are willing to be at the mercy of that person. Even if I don't blame you anymore, I won't be your enemy in the future. It is a matter of time to turn against each other. It has nothing to do with the original accident. This is a battle of life and death! Anyway, little sister, you can take care of yourself in the future. Say goodbye to my brother!"

When the words fell, Fuxi had already brushed his sleeves and left. With just a few steps, he has stepped out of the hall.

Nuwa looked stunned and sat in the same place. The next moment, he dodged again and left the hall. Standing in the void, looking at the sky from afar.

"- All the bodies are fallen, and they should be subdued. Is that man really unstoppable? Can't it be made again?"

After whispering to herself for a moment, Nuwa's eyes gradually showed a resocisive look: "There should be a chance! Brother, I know what you mean. It's just that my Nuwa, how can she give up easily? I know that if I drag on like this, it will be hopeless when the end of the law comes. But if you allow the abyss to invade Luzhou in the north, will it really make the future easier? Can't we resist that person?

After a while, Nuwa's voice turned into a sigh: "Turing the enemy with great happiness, counting in one fell swoop, and cutting off my wings. This scheming method is really good. It's also incompassing. No wonder my brother would do this to him! Such a person, not to mention 100,000 years. Even after the flood, how many people can there be? If you don't get rid of him, how can I feel at ease?

※ ※ ※ ※

At this moment, the person who is watching the celestial phenomena is not just Cihang Nuwa. In the day of the wonderful method, there are also countless monks, heavenly soldiers and generals, observing the changes of the stars.

The huge suction power scattered from the Xuansheng Star Palace in the north. In a loom, the whole Zhou Tianxing array was shaken and changed, and there was almost a tendency to disintegrate.

In the sky, several strong mana in a row rushed up one after another and penetrated into the endless starry sky before trying to maintain this array.

And the whole wonderful world of Luotian is also shaking in bursts, lasting for several moments without stopping. It seems that it is constantly impacted by a huge force.

"——Pre-saint! After Hou Tu opened up the reincarnation of hell, it turned out to be another quasi-sacred meteorite. Sure enough, it's a big robbery!"

"Today's scene was only about ten years ago, and the time when the stars fell was comparable. I don't know who is so fierce?"

"What does this have to do with us? On the contrary, the prestige of the northern imperial court has been so strong!"

"Next to the main star, add another auxiliary star. The Star Palace expanded to nearly double overnight. He must also be a quasi-saint, and I don't know which chaotic golden fairy it is? I'm afraid that the quasi-saint meteorite just now is also related to the Antian Emperor, the Northern Emperor's Court.

"The Xuansheng Emperor Star, the emperor's brilliance is so strong that it is no less than the Zhongtian Emperor Star. What should I do? Legend has it that at the beginning, Emperor Jun Taiyi was like this before he died. His Majesty Haotian's imperial star is also extremely fierce! But I remember that even at that time, His Majesty Haotian was far less than the Xuansheng Emperor Star in the north--"

"Shs! Could it be that this heavenly court is the time to change the emperor of heaven again? You and I and others are also in this robbery? If not, why is it the situation of double stars competing for glory?

The noisy discussion was immediately silent. Almost everyone has a strange face. He was so deep that he didn't dare to say anything more.

In the main hall of the Tianting Tongming Palace, there is also silence at this moment.

Whether it is the fairy official on duty or the fairy, they are silent, dare not speak, and dare not have a sound. Only under the oppression of the tyrannical breath in the hall, their bodies trembled and sweated coldly. Most of the immortals with low cultivation are oppressed to crawl on the ground!

After a long silence, a burst of explosion came out. Suddenly, the ground cracked one after another. Countless cracks, centered on the Xuanqiong Hall, spread around like a spider's web. Countless smoke and dust were raised, and countless houses collapsed. It made the earthquake shake that day. It lasted until it reached 100,000 miles before it gradually stopped.

At this moment, Li Changgeng is standing outside the Xuanqiong Hall, with a stunned expression. Bi Bei was suddenly surprised by the explosion. Looking at the countless cracks in the ground, he first frowned slightly, and then sighed again. He turned around and walked to the Xuan Temple. In the expression, it is full of bitterness.

※ ※ ※ ※

Nanzhanbuzhou, near the Central Plains Chaoge, on the roof of a fairy ruins.

A beautiful girl of twenty-eight years old is also here, like many jade fairy monks rising in the sky, looking up at the starry sky.

"This meteor is so powerful! I don't know which big man in the north?"

took a look at the shining meteor that was slowly falling. The girl no longer cared, and her eyes were only focused on the north. The purple star said: "It seems to be a little brighter, and the color has also turned to purple gold. Is this imperial star really my brother?

He looked calm and looked a little obsessive. After a while, the girl felt bored again. Instead, his ears moved slightly, operated the power of magic power, and began to listen to the words of many immortals around him.

"--Over the years, the northern demons have really been doomed! First, a group of stars fell, and then there was the quasi-saint meteorite. Vitality can be said to be a great loss!"

"I don't want to have such a world-class figure as the Xuansheng Emperor before the start of the disaster! Over the years, looking at the northern starry sky, the stars are too thin. Speaking of the emperor, so far, there is only Taiqing Xuan fairyland, which can make the demon clan so embarrassed. It's really incredible! This is also the blessing of my human race--"

"If it hadn't been for such a hero, how could he wait for me to be the ancestor of the sword fairy?"

"Now the Northern Imperial Court is already so powerful. I don't know if this Antian Xuansheng Emperor will one day compete for the throne of that day?

The sound was nearby, and there was silence within a hundred feet around. After a while, someone smiled.

"It's hard to say that if the Xuansheng Emperor really opens up Luzhou in the north, he is afraid that he will be better than the three emperors. At that time, the reputation was even higher than the Emperor of Heaven. It doesn't matter whether you can become the emperor of heaven or not--"

"Hey! In my opinion, it is inevitable. The Emperor of Heaven can take charge of all the affairs of the three worlds in the future, with great power. Although the three emperors are noble, they are not as powerful as the emperor of heaven. Now this star map is the trend of double stars competing for glory. I heard that the Haotian Emperor and the Xuansheng Emperor have already turned against each other. I'm afraid that after thousands of years, there will be no war--"

The girl was very happy to hear it, but when she heard the words at this moment, her face couldn't help changing. In the blue light, he suddenly went through an attic next to the person. Inside, I saw a 20th-year-old woman sitting inside. The two sides of the jade plate in front of the body are painted with innate gossips on the bottom, and the stars of the heavens on the top. At this moment, there are countless aura lines, flashing inside, as if deducing something.

The girl ignored it and ran straight to her side and sat down and said, "Mother, is what those people said true? Brother, it is really possible to fight with the heavenly court in the future.

The seal in the hand of the older woman was immediately stopped. After a while, he smiled again.

"So what? With your brother's ability, how can you be afraid of the heavenly court?

In words, there is an endless sense of conceit. It also made the mind of the girl beside her settle down immediately, and her eyes were shining with stars.

- With her brother's unparalleled hero, what is there to be afraid of in this world?

If it is true one day, he will rise up to fight for the heavenly court. You can risk your life and help each other! Why do you need to be uneasy about this?

※ ※ ※ ※

The escape speed of Yue Yu and Meng Zhang Shenjun is fast. Although both of them were injured, it only took two hours to reach the sky above Geling Mountain.

Before pressing the escape light down, Yue Yu suddenly looked at the sky.

It's already dawn, but the sun hasn't come out yet. The stars in the sky are still shining.

And the star map at this moment is completely different from the time when Yue Yu returned from that extreme happiness. In just two hours, there has been a great change. RO