
Chapter 1356 Undercurrent turbulent

When he was thinking about it, Jiuhua suddenly frowned and looked up. Through this nine-world. I only saw the south of Xishan Mountain, in the direction of Lishan Mountain. A figure shrouded in hundreds of millions of lights suddenly soared into the sky, and it was also watching the sky for two days, and the stars were changing.

It's just vague. It can be seen that there is no surprise or joy, and there is no joy or anger at all.

"It's Nuwa!"

Jiuhua sighed in his heart that such a strange movement of heaven and earth, no wonder these saints were also shocked.

No matter how Hongjun is calculated. It's too terrible to reach the saint in half a step.

If you become the emperor of heaven, it will be in this world. Under Hongjun, the eighth saint saw the situation, but he sneered and turned his head and said, "I know you just now, and I also took advantage of Brother Yu to break through. Achieve the highest level!"

When Jiuhua Sanren heard the words, they couldn't help laughing awkwardly. Although this move is a little clever, it is also helpless. He had accumulated enough, but he was unwilling to kill three more corpses. It took tens of thousands of years to be stopped at this level.

With the help of Yue Yu, his foundation has not been damaged, and he is naturally happy to take a ride.

"In other words, after today, there is no need to practice in isolation, right?"

Seeing that Jiuhua had no objection, Hou Tu looked cold and fierce, and looked at Yunkong: "You have borrowed the power of your brother, and you owe him a lot of cause and effect. If you are free, you will practice 40 million underworld soldiers for me. Above this. The more the number, the better. You can do it at any time.

Jiuhua was slightly stunned, and then he faintly realized and bowed a salute, which was a response.

For the Ziwei Emperor, it is not difficult to take the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. Even if a few saints take action, it can only be blocked for a while.

The difficult thing is how to suppress this flood and famine after ascending to the throne.

At this time, the underworld and the eighteen layers of hell are still not perfect. However, after that year, he was a god under the command of the earth. At this moment, he has gradually returned from reincarnation.

Forty million underworld soldiers, it is not impossible to do it.

I can't help but have some associations in my heart. I'm afraid that the army controlled by Your Majesty has exceeded 100 million.

The back soil is still so cautious. I'm afraid of the war a hundred years later. It will also be far beyond his imagination.

At that time, will the pillar of heaven be broken again, or will the flood be destroyed?

It has been hundreds of thousands of years since the opening of the flood and famine. I don't know how much flood and famine power has been accumulated, and I don't know how many ancient fierce beasts still exist.

But I don't know if this majesty can be suppressed?


"Half-step saint?"

It's almost the same tone as Jiuhua Sanren. In the Yuxu Palace, Cihang suddenly stood up and looked through the light. Look up. The expression was indifferent. It is the expressionless Yuanshi Tianzun.

The next moment, the burning eyes turned into extremely bitterness.

"Is it really so powerful to open the divine pass?"

Several disciples of the appendicula in the room were also silent. Each of them was stunned and didn't know what they were thinking.

The Yuanshi Tianzun above his eyes were unpredictable. Looking at the outside of the hall, it seemed to change that day.

"Heavenly Emperor Dingcao. That man should have stood for dozens of years. Before I was a teacher. I really didn't expect it. This son can break through the Hongjun soul lock in just 24 years! I pretend to be smart, but I have repeatedly miscalculated on your majesty"

In the last sentence, in addition to the accident of self-reproach, there is a little admiration.

And all the people in the hall changed slightly. They looked at each other, and their eyes were full of waves.

There are only cloud neutrons. He looked calm and leisurely, as if the things in the hall had nothing to do with him.

But before a few people could persuade him, Yuanshi Tianzun had already brushed his sleeves and said, "If you wait for the master, how can you easily lose your fighting spirit?" Although the chance of winning is slim, I will definitely do my best! I don't want to stop him, I just try my best to delay some time. It's just a few people in Cihang, but they can't delay one more"

It seems that there are more than a dozen golden immortal disciples in the hall. They all looked condensed and slightly pale.

and the sight of the beginning. It has already been scanning down.

"One Cihang, Wenshu, Puxian, afraid of leaving grandchildren. Wait for four people, and you can go under Yue Yu's command tomorrow! After today, it will not be explained again"

When Cihang and other four people heard the words, their bodies suddenly shook slightly, and all of them were sad.

Before a few breaths, it was vaguely expected. Hearing the words at this moment. But he is still almost in a trance.

"This is my last teacher's order, and I must not disobey! You and others committed killing and robbery, even if they were under the command of that man, there was only a glimmer of life. In this disaster, you should still be careful!"

The tone is harsh. There is no room for Cihang to refuse. Then at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, his eyes were complicated and he looked at Yunzhongzi.

"There are also cloud neutrons. After tomorrow, you can also go with four people! For tens of thousands of years. I wronged you"

The cloud neutron was originally a wandering thing, but when he heard the words at this moment, he couldn't help but be stunned.

When he came to his senses again, Yuanshi had already left and disappeared again.


and Yuxu Palace. The hidden and sad atmosphere is different. Above Mount Heng in the north, it is extremely happy, but the atmosphere is full of joy.

Almost all immortal cultivation, whether they understand the sky or not, are looking carefully at the sky.

The sky for two days, the shadow of Jiulong. Even ordinary people can see it.

Such a omen can be clearly clear without any deduction.

"There are no two days, no two masters in the world! This is the Tiandi Dingcao, "

"Your Majesty Ziwei has been ordered to enter the heavenly court on behalf of the Haotian!"

"Sure enough, your majesty is Allah in this world! The Northern Emperor's Great Prosperity"

"That Haotian has long lost his virtue, is jealous of the virtuous and capable, and has plotted his majesty several times. A few years ago, we had more relatives. Such people. How can you be the lord of heaven and earth?

"I don't know your majesty? When are you ready to cut the sky? Stand on behalf of the sky?"

In this court, there is a lot of discussion. But there was only one person standing on the top of a pavilion in a fiery red robe. Look at the hollow from afar. It was like a sunset, a gloomy sun. The eyes are sad and nostalgic.

Behind him, there was another man in a green robe, but he didn't disturb him. Only beech sighed faintly, with endless emotion.

is also almost at the same time, in the dark world. In the snow of war. The sadness gradually faded, and she sat back on her jade chascart.

The eyes are like a fire, sweeping around, millions of soldiers. Only when a purple gold beast passed by did his eyes condensed.

The golden light shines all over the body, and the breath is magnificent. The power of the demon is ten times greater than before.

"Taishang's realm, it's really a creation"

At the corners of the lips, slightly cold. In Zhan Xue's hand, there was a bloody halberd, which turned into more than a million feet and pointed to the north. In this world. The black fog is the strongest, the evil spirit is also the strongest, and the will to fight. The killing is fierce and unstoppable.