I don't love the handsome president

Chapter 193 A Secret

Chen Kelian is just unhappy.

Wang Jingjing is such a domineering person, and he can't let Chen Kelian get rid of it.

Wang Jingjing made Chen Kelian laugh, and she seemed to cry.

And Lin Sisi laughed at Chen Kelian, and as a result, she was about to cry.

Jessicaso doesn't pay attention to it as a wise man. It's better to play with Nana.

But my mind is not here. It's also very unpleasant to see Chen Kelian feel worse day by day.

What happened to Chen Kelian?

"She didn't say anything herself, but knew how to eat, cook, and then be in a daze. It was okay in our villa, but we can still go out to play. Occasionally, I talk. It's good now. I'm not interested at all." Lin Sisi complained.

Jessica also agreed with what Lin Sisi said. Chen Kelian wants to come back, so she will come back. After coming back, Chen Kelian's performance puzzled everyone. Don't you want to come back? That's a good thing. I thought I would be happy when I came back.

This is the place where Chen Kelian has lived for more than 20 years. When she returns here, Chen Kelian may say goodbye to the suffering of the Li family. This is the original idea of Jessica and Lin Sisi. Chen Kelian came back without the expected happiness. She looked much more worried and stunned.

Everyone doesn't know what causes this state.

"Alian, talk to us quickly. Otherwise, we really thought you were mentally ill. Jessica is going to send you to the mental hospital.

Lin Sisi was kicked, and Jessica was mean to her from behind: "Don't listen to her nonsense. It's always fabricated.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Chen Kelian smiled with kindness.

This group of friends have always cared about themselves.

She was not moved.

However, she just hopes to be in a daze like this, which will make her feel better and precipitate some things in the past, so that she can see herself in the past.

Chen Kelian was silent in a strange state. She recalled the past and found that her days were nothing more than this. The past life brought a lot of pain. When she could leave the pain, she found that she was not used to leaving. I prefer to stay in this familiar place.

Memories cover up memories, so entangled that she can't get around them.

This is a dividing point after that day. Thinking that everything has come to an end, no man comes to shout at himself, and he can live a peaceful life with Nana. When it comes to that kind of life, the feeling is different.

Flowers and plants are everywhere. In autumn, it will be cool outside, and you can play on the beach in summer. In the seaside area of other places, Jessica bought a villa as a small house for three people.

This room is not small, but small in Jessica's eyes. Lin Sisi is suitable in her eyes. Chen Kelian doesn't care, it's good for everyone to be together.

She value people.

"Hey, if you do this again, we will be crazy. You don't want us to go crazy, do you?" Wang Jingjing pressed Chen Kelian's shoulder.

"That's right. I'm going crazy. You have to get well soon. Then I followed suit."

"Do you hear that? You must come here."

"Hehe, I know, you don't have to worry about it. I'm really fine. I'm just thinking about something and trying to clear my mind. Chen Kelian smiled.

The more natural she smiled, the more unnatural everyone felt.

Jessica analyzed that Chen Kelian may have gone crazy and is at a high level. You can't notice that this is a sick person.

"You suffer by yourself, and we suffer too. In order to alleviate the pain of all sentient beings, I decided to let you say what you want to do now to lighten our mental burden.

Give Chen Kelian a responsibility and make her active now, which is Jessica's strategy.

"Yes, yes. Just like this, if you let us all die by your side in a hurry, who will warm your quilt, who will make clothes for you and try on clothes in the future..."

Lin Sisi hurriedly grabbed the words.

"Actually, I'm homesick!"

Chen Kelian said something particularly meaningful.

This sentence is very meaningful, like seeing the sun, giving everyone hope. That's a little thing.

Wang Jingjing, especially Wang Jingjing, was very touched by Chen Kelian's words. She understood Chen Kelian's mentality at this time. When everything was stable, Chen Kelian felt that she could live in peace, but she could not live in peace. She has money, friends and children. Being together is a good group and a good group. Chen Kelian still felt unhappy.

This is from the heart. She is still nostalgic and homesick. Even though the price looked bad to Wang Jingjing, it tortured Chen Kelian so much that Wang Jingjing wanted to beat up those snobbish parents.

Seeing Chen Kelian's inner yearning, Wang Jingjing simply said, "Well, let's go home. Go back to your house."

She plans to accompany Chen Kelian home, which is also a witness and a protection.

"No, I just want to go home alone. Take good care of Nana."

That's it. Jessica and Lin Sisi were still a little crooked, but they have completely dissipated.

Now we have to rely on Chen Kelian.

Nana can't be taken back, which is still very abominable for her parents.

Wang Jingjing spoke very thoroughly to Lin Sisi and others. Lin Sisi and Jessica were very angry after hearing this!

It's so exciting to have such parents. She also has a feeling that she wants to beat people.

"Don't be so angry, we just need to ensure that Chen Kelian is healthy and intact when she comes back. If you find something wrong with Chen Kelian, go to the two old guys to argue. I doubt it. Are Chen Kelian's parents Alian's biological parents... Why are they so cruel!" Lin Siyi is full of indignation!

Chen Kelian picked up her bag and embarked on her way home alone.

She walked back. Along the way, it took care of passers-by to look back at her and look at her...

Isn't this the reappearance of the past...

The same was true four years ago. When she walked on the road, the first time she put on new clothes, she was constantly watched by passers-by. Now it's the same, but I used to wear professional clothes, but now it's casual clothes.

It's still prepared for her by Lin Sisi. It fits well and is very fashionable.

Chen Kelian feels as if she is not her former self. This made her very sad.

In the past, she was so pitiful, so weak and bullied, but now Chen Kelian has become tougher.

But I lost myself in the past, but I feel sad.

On the way, when you get to the suburbs, there will be more dust. There are many catalogues here. When the dust jumps up, Chen Kelian never avoids. It is also a good feeling to feel the dust, flowers and plants here.

Go home and go to the village. People come and go as if they saw an outsider.

"This is the price of growth."

She has changed and has become another person. Not familiar to others.

"This man is a little familiar."

"Shenma, such a young lady just came here to play. How can you know her?"

"Why can't I know each other? I just think she looks like someone from our village.

Two young men bickered for this.

"What a strange feeling."

I haven't been back for more than a year, and Chen Kelian's place doesn't seem to belong to her. I have never lived here for more than ten years.

It feels like a stranger coming back.

"I just made a sound here and spent my childhood here. Unbelievable."

There are many stones, grass, trees and flowers on which road. There is no playground.

When she was a child, she was free to play. And now, she can play freely outside. But I can't come back to play.

Even if you set foot on this land, you can't come back to play.

"That room is my home."

Chen Kelian looked at a house that seemed to collapse in front of her.

There are already many holes in the house, and it will leak on rainy days.

Water leakage at home is not only for you, but also your parents will suffer.

Think about it, in fact, father and mother also suffer a lot.

From looking at the hut to entering the hut, Chen Kelian felt a little incredible.

Because this is the last place I want to come. Now it's coming in. She feels much braver now.

"I'm back!"

She said softly.

The room is quiet.

Open the door.

There are some firewood in the yard outside the door. There used to be some chickens, but now they are gone.

It should be eaten or sold.

There are only three small rooms. The living room outside is a little bigger. To the east is their room.

There are some coughing sounds in that room. Is someone cold?

She accelerated her pace and opened the door.

There is a strange smell in the room, and the smell is relatively heavy.

After opening the door, a woman turned around and asked, "Who! Why don't you knock on the door?"

She is still as tough as before and speaks so loudly.

Is it different now?

After seeing that face, Chen Kelian asked herself again.

Her face has many more wrinkles than before. Is it because of worry or because there is no makeup these days?

"You're here. Why are you here?"

** The lying man, Chen Youcai, still had some leftovers on his face, and Li Meiling fed him herself.

Li Meiling has always been served by Chen Youcai. Chen Youcai is now served. Li Meiling is still willing, which shows that Chen Youcai is very ill.

"Do it!" Li Meiling seems to be a little embarrassed.


Chen Kelian sat down on the horse beside her.


Li Meiling opened her head and didn't know what to say.

She looked at Chen Kelian with guilt and wanted to say a lot, including her desires and some hardships.

I can't say it now. I can't say.

Now Li Meiling looks like a mother.

"What do you want to say?" Chen Kelian asked.

Her direct question made Li Meiling believe that Chen Kelian was not the former Chen Kelian.

This expensive dress made her feel obstible. Chen Kelian's natural beauty completely overwhelmed her.

"I'm sorry, we've been like that to you. You still come to see us. Sorry. In fact, it doesn't matter now. He was beaten outside. The fracture is very serious. I'm afraid it will be half a year. Well, we are not the right people. Therefore, we have other means to eat and make money. We are sorry for the damage we caused you. There is a reason why we are so bad to you. We used to want to hide it, but now we don't want to."

What's the secret? Chen Kelian listened.

Li Meiling pondered for a moment, and Chen Youcai of ** also sighed, as if it were a great regret.

"We have never had a child. We are not your parents..."