
Extra Chapter 1 Perseverance

In the summer of 2010, Chen Minghua finally came together with Li Lin. It's not easy to say. Chen Minghua is originally a rural boy from a remote country. Because of my hard work, I was admitted to a good university. Four years of college has been a safe study. In his heart, he understands that if you want to succeed, you must arm yourself, and cultural knowledge is indispensable in this era. He is not as sane at school as other rich children. Maybe he doesn't have the ability to study and live carefully, because he doesn't like to reach out to his family for money. In my spare time, I either do a part-time job or learn knowledge. His life in college is dull!

He is unknown, moneyless and powerless, and he has a very low tone. But I have to admire him that he has been working part-time for four years in college!

He has no money and no power, but he does not feel inferior. Four years of self-reliance gives him a lack of strong self-confidence, restrained and steady.

Li Lin, an authentic rich girl, is smart, lively and naughty. By chance, I met Chen Minghua, a very real-looking man. According to Li Lin, he was a benzene man. Strangely, Li Lin fell in love with Chen Minghua at first sight.

But this benzene man doesn't seem to know much about men and women. It should be said that he is not popular. In his mind, he only has to study and work. It's not that he doesn't want to fall in love, but he thinks it's not the right time. But Li Lin didn't think so. She dared to act and let him put down the girl's reservedness to grasp this nerdy-like man and approach Chen Minghua for various reasons. The tireless care finally made the benzene man disarm and surrender.

But when the relationship was strong, he was also deeply involved in it. Chen Minghua was a little uneasy in his heart. He knew that Li Lin's family was not optimistic about Chen Minghua, who could be said to have nothing. After graduation, he found a good job. After working hard, he knew very well that he must give Li Lin a home, his own home.

And Li Lin's family did not agree to the relationship between the two, and was also suppressed by Li Lin, a smart figure. He also threatened to force them to break up again and run away from home. Li Lin's parents also loved a baby daughter and closed their eyes to let them continue their relationship.

Li Lin also understands the care and love of her parents. They were afraid that they would be wronged, but Li Lin's words also made Li Lin's parents' impression of Chen Minghua slightly change. From four years of college to work, so I have talked about everything when I knew that Chen Minghua went to college by himself for four years. I also think this child is a trustworthy person. With courage and momentum, he gradually acquiesced. It is precisely because he really loves Li Lin that he let them develop. As long as his baby daughter is happy, it is a good thing. Li Lin's father Li Zongjie, a very enlightened businessman, will not exchange his daughter's lifelong happiness for commercial interests. There are many commercial marriages. Common means for families.

In three years, with his outstanding ability and diligent work performance, Chen Minghua's career has also been rewarded. Originally, he was just an employee of the planning department of a large department store, and it was also running at the right time. The document planned by Chen Minghua was deeply appreciated by his superiors, got the opportunity to be promoted, and became the head of the department. People are happy and happy.

Chen Minghua used his savings for several years to buy a house with two bedrooms and one living room. I was almost penniless, but my hands trembled slightly when I got the key to the house. That mood was satisfaction, pride and a little bitterness. After struggling for many years, I finally had a home of my own. Although the house is a little small, I don't need to rent a house in the future. I can also give Li Lin a home, so I'm so excited that I can't find the north.

Chen Minghua called Li Lin with a little trembling and excitement and asked her to come out. She sat in this monumental western restaurant. She sat quietly for a moment and kept looking at the door for a while. She couldn't suppress her excitement. Even she had to laugh at herself: '' The child is still so burly.''

Looking at the platinum ring in his hand, he showed a satisfied smile. After a few minutes, Li Lin's figure finally appeared at the door, and Chen Minghua greeted her with a trace of excitement. Li Lin took the lead before Chen Minghua approached, "What's the important day today?" Why don't I remember! Chen Minghua was stunned by his pouted expression. No wonder he was so stunned. From the time he knew Li Lin to now, he has been eaten to death. It's not that there is no human dignity, but this smart and lively Li Lin always has a way to make Chen Minghua's irresistible charm. Coquettish, chattering, cheating, but sometimes the bird is quiet. No wonder Chen Minghua cares so much.

This restaurant was the place where they first met. At that time, Chen Minghua worked part-time here, and Li Lin and several classmates came to have dinner. One of Li Lin's friends happened to know Chen Minghua and chatted a few words.

And Chen Minghua's appearance brightened Li Lin's eyes. Chen Minghua just nodded politely when he said something at the beginning of the year. Who knows Li Lin said, 'Why do you put on a cool face and a polite smile at the guests? Come and give us a smile.' After saying that, I couldn't help laughing. But his eyes have been staring at Chen Minghua's face. Looking at Chen Minghua's embarrassed face, he couldn't laugh bitterly and unconsciously smiled harder.

Li Lin is a lively and clever person and likes to play tricks on people she is interested in, and Chen Minghua happens to be one of whom he is interested in. Fortunately, my friend relieved the siege and saved Chen Minghua from continuing to be embolded. I have known each other since then.

When the relationship was officially confirmed, this restaurant became a witness of their love, so Chen Minghua wanted to propose to Li Lin here. Returning to the text, Chen Minghua came to his senses and said, "Of course, it is a very important day, and what about one of the most important days in this life?" Looking at Chen Minghua with a smiling face, Li Lin blinked and thought for a moment, but couldn't remember what an important day was today? Fearing that Chen Minghua would be unhappy, he walked over and picked up Chen Minghua's hand, acted coquettishly, raised his little face and said, "Then tell me what day it is?"

Chen Minghua didn't say anything and let Li Lin walk to her seat. It was not until now that her excitement calmed down a little. Let Li Lin sit opposite her. The elegant piano sound floated around, and a slightly dim light shone on the dining table. He picked up a bunch of red roses in his hand and handed them to Li Lin and said, "Xiao Lin gave it to you."

Li Linjiao took over the roses with a smile and said, 'You seem to only give me roses on Valentine's Day, if today is not Valentine's Day.' After saying that, he picked up the rose and sniffed a few times, waiting for Chen Minghua's answer.

Looking at Li Lin with a colorful face, Chen Minghua took out the platinum ring he had been holding in his left hand and said solemnly: 'Xiaolin, would you please marry me?' After saying that, he stared straight at Li Lin and was obviously a little nervous and nervous. Li Lin was also stunned when she heard the three words of marrying me.

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