
Chapter 7 Psychic World

Drink! ... The blonde young man looked up to the sky and shouted loudly, his eyes burst out with golden light, and his majestic face showed a serious expression. Thousands of feet of arms were raised and waved in the air, with a bright and blind golden light on his fists, shooting out in a blink of an eye,

Boom! ......

The extremely fast speed of entering the blue planet in an instant simply raised the speed of light to mind. The dark space flashed three strong lights of silver, purple and gold, and the bursting light made the stars in the void vibrate at the same time.

Two tall young people's long hair danced like a colorful waterfall, with a layer of light floating around, and their long hair with a roaring sound! The planet itself is also magnificent and thenhuis into the tens of thousands of young people.

Xuanyuan's face was cold and majestic, but he suddenly laughed and said, "Third brother, come out, brothers, waiting for you to participate in the grand event and create a new road."

Xingyuan was slightly stunned and then laughed: "Big brother's idea is really like thunder. Xingyuan is not as good as big brother."

Xuanyuan smiled and raised his hand and shot out tens of thousands of silver rays, attracting countless star power to sink into the blue planet. The fluctuations in the space became more and more intense, slightly swinging a circle of space ripples, and the blue planet vibrated and rotated to absorb the surrounding energy like a tide.

Ah! ......

Suddenly, the blue planet made a fierce roar in all directions, and even the space was slightly unbearable, and many small space cracks began to appear.

Obviously, the energy absorbed by the blue planet has reached a critical point, so it burst out, and the energy fluctuation he emitted is slightly stronger than the star.

Xingyuan shook his head speechlessly: "This third brother seems to be much luckier than me. This momentum has surpassed me before the real body appears."

"Haha, don't be angry. The third brother has absorbed the strength of you and me, but it's not that he has such a strong momentum since he was born. If you work harder in the future, you can catch up soon." The silver-haired young man named Xuanyuan said with a smile.

Xingyuan was slightly stunned and raised his hand to touch his nose and nodded awkwardly and laughed: "Xingyuan, thank you for your teaching, but the eldest brother's strength is much stronger than that of me and my third brother combined. This is really the blessing of Xingyuan and his third brother. I hope you can give more advice in the future."


Xuan Yuan smiled and nodded and suddenly spread the silver and purple colors from his body. The silver purple planet seemed to have the mind to shoot its own energy into the silver-haired youth and flow around him.

"Third brother, when do you have to wait at this time?"

Seeing that his eldest brother did his best, Xingyuan suddenly improved his power without any slackness, shot out countless golden power of the law of fate of all things, and the extremely penetrating golden light directly penetrated into the blue planet.

At this time, the speed of the blue planet's rotation can be described as appalling, and the space around the planet almost collapsed and shattered.

The shattered sound of 'sneer, sneer' floated endlessly in the space, and the blue light burst through the air and shot at the void star.

A clear and elegant voice came from it: "Third brother, thank you for your help. Mingyuan is very polite."

"Hahahaha..... Why is the third brother polite? That is to say, brothers are mutual respect and love. Hey hey, this is what the boss said, so I also talked to you now. Anyway, I am also your brother, haha..." Xingyuan laughed happily.

The silver-haired young man nodded and smiled and said nothing. The appearance of the same spirit as himself made him very happy. It seemed that he remembered the dark and colorless memory in the memories of the ancient ancestor. He was the only one who practiced alone in the empty void. What kind of loneliness it was in endless time and space!

The only spiritual body that exists is an enemy-like existence. Except for fighting with each other, you can't find any common language. Life is really lonely as snow. Your efforts will not be in vain. Xuanyuan will lead Xingyuan and Mingyuan to the peak of this universe beyond the realm of the universe and enter the epoch Avenue. Push this universe into prosperity, and it will have countless creatures in the future, and there will be us on the road of the era.

Xuanyuan smiled and shook his head to dispel the tragic thoughts in his heart. The blue planet's light bloomed so that all the stars were bathed in the light blue light at the same time, which also aroused the resonance of the stars. Countless stars emitted a faint light and shot at the three colored planets in the middle of the void.

'Hi drink'......

A roar suddenly broke out in the blue planet, and the light in the void gradually filled with white light. The space suddenly became much brighter like the day. Although this light is not more dazzling than the golden light of the stars, it is much gentle and seems to have a faint coolness. This is a A wonderful feeling, just looking at it, has such a comfortable feeling.

The light blue light bloomed in the whole void, and then gradually converged. When all the light converged into the blue planet, a roar appeared on the blue planet. The long black hair was extremely beautiful, and a pair of narrow eyes shot out a light blue bright light.

The magnificent body standing on the blue planet like a god gradually makes people feel small.

God, it can be said that they are the primordial spirits born in the primitive universe, and the primordial spirits of the ancient ancestors of Pan are the original primordial spirits, so they are not far from the ancient ancestors of Pan.

The black-haired young man bowed slightly to the two dazzling planets in front of him: "Mingyuan has met the eldest brother and the second brother. Thank you for your help. Mingyuan was born so quickly and has made some progress in understanding the law."

Xingyuan laughed: "Third brother, you're welcome. Haha, in fact, it's mainly due to the eldest brother. My strength is far worse than that of the eldest brother. Now I'm not as good as you, who have just been born."

Mingyuan was slightly stunned and then smiled and said, "Second brother, don't mind. Since we are brothers, don't compare so much."

Xuanyuan waved his hand slightly to let Mingyuan stop talking. His eyes bloomed with silver and purple divine power over the sky. The energy in the void shot into his hand like a tide. He opened his white jade giant hand to absorb infinite power, and the space fluctuated more and more, forming a whirlpool directly on the silver purple planet.

Boom! Rumble! Rumble...

Trading the free energy of the whole universe, such as the surging roar of the ears, all kinds of color energy sink into the open giant hands of Xuanyuan in the center of the whirlpool.

Xingyuan, Mingyuan, the two quietly looked at each other and then silently said in their hearts, "The power of the eldest brother is really unparalleled. Such a huge force is about to come, and the eldest brother has really inherited the countless magical powers of the ancient ancestors." The two looked respectful and nostalgic.