
Chapter 32 Life and Death

There is a long whistling sound left in the void! Anyuan's red eyes couldn't help but trem slightly with the squinting and shooting gloomy eyes, sensing the direction of Xuanyuan's idea.

Two peak spirits, the battle level is also the highest level of the universe! Except for the two deceased ancestors who are strong at the peak of the universe, they remain to become the most famous strongest in the universe! And the fight for domination is also unfolding on both sides!

Xingyuan Mingyuan quickly retreated and guarded each other to prevent the sinister and cunning dark yuan from waiting for an opportunity to escape. Xuanyuan's roar had not subsided, and at this time, the two practiced light and shadows flashed like a glimpse, almost like lightning across the crazy field of dark yuan. The big opening and closing are attacking fiercely!

Sneer! Sneer! Bo~! The scarlet blood-like field aura was pierced by the silver and purple sword! God's general attack shocked the dark yuan and retreated, and his figure was thousands of miles away. The purple sword full of destruction stabbed on the position of the dark yuan just now!

Xuanyuan's figure did not appear in the void. With a sneer, the silver purple swordmang disappeared in its original position again. The dark Yuan's figure had just retreated thousands of miles away. The sharp silver light had been cut down behind him and Xuanyuan attacked after the enemy, which had already gained the upper hand strategically.

The battle between ideas is already as fast as lightning, as if it is unfounded! I don't know what's going on if I want to kill people! Anyuan was a little depressed about how Xuanyuan could sense his retreat trajectory.

Such a coherent offensive is simply a siege and block! Although dark yuan was hit by Xuanyuan's silver and purple sword light, he was a little unprepared and his chest was also punctured by the silver light, and his hands were wrapped in dark light and bombarded his chest!

A cruel man, Anyuan's self-abuse move bombarded the silver light ready to tear his body out of his body, and his whole body splashed with red light and quickly spread out, covering the purple light in the void like a scattered flower of the sky. Destroying Xuanyuan's attack power, he wanted to force him to appear.

"Hum! You still can't do it, so how can you be my opponent?" Xuanyuan sneered and said ironically.

Hmm, the dark one can't react with an angry eyes! His fingers appeared behind him with silver and purple light, which had been completely bombarded.

At the moment when the dark yuan had just completed his counterattack and had not recovered, Xuanyuan's time difference was extremely accurate, and he carried out a fierce attack when he was too late! This is the fighting consciousness of a strong man. The rising and brilliant claws burst open the body of the dark yuan, and the strong light tore his original shield.

It's too late for the dark element to turn around, 'Ah!' With a howling sound, he had to destroy his body again and smash the power of Xuanyuan's law to hurt his spiritual body. He reluctantly twisted his body and opened his mouth angrily and shot a dark red, cold and bone-loving light at Xuanyuan to bombard Xuanyuan, who was constantly tearing his body!

'He' Xuanyuan star star stared, and the silver light that stayed on the void suddenly crossed the space, sprinted through the space and the dark red light.

The speed of the idea is to complete everything unintentionally, which is simply unpreventable. Such a magical pen makes the dark element feel very bitter! He scolded secretly, "Damn, it's only a little short to get out of trouble. This Xuanyuan expected that the enemy's opportunity was too fast. It would be difficult to escape in this way!

Boom! Boom...

The bursting strong light burst out, and the shocking sound resounded through the void! It was deafening, and the violent light struggled to consume each other, and then died together into the sea of fire. The explosion was about to subvert the dark element of the magic space!

Boom! Bang bang...

Xuanyuan's subordinates, who dominated the upper hand, were fierce and ruthless, with a cold smile on his face. Still bombarded the mutilated body of the dark element, and the destructive purple light directly wrapped his body and eliminated the power on his body!

Xuanyuan's silver light is much stronger than the dark red light in the power of the law, like a sword of the Qingtian god, directly piercing the yellow dragon from the middle of the dark red light.

Dark Yuan's body seemed to be about to burst, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. He secretly hated that his law was less powerful and suffered a great loss.


A very dark and thick gray light shot from his mouth with an angry roar.

Some reluctantly trapped the withered offensive of the silver light! Pull back some advantages so as not to be submerged by purple light!

The dark element is worse than Xuanyuan in the power of the law! Although crazy magic has barely raised the dark element to the peak of the universe, it is still difficult to compete with Xuanyuan's power!

Dark Yuan is suppressed by Xuanyuan in the power of the law and it is difficult to exert power! Dark Yuan's ten-thousand-foot body entered the purple fire extinguishing power in Xuanyuan's hands!

Let his body turn red and purple as if it were a neon light, and it is very beautiful from a distance!

Beauty is beautiful. Everyone knows that the more beautiful it is, the more horrible it is. When you look at it carefully, it is easy to scare people away.

It's like the devil's figure and the devil-like face. Looking at the back, he wanted to jump on it. He looked at the front. The soles of his feet were oiled and the tail broke the world record in 100 meters and three seconds, and then disappeared. Sometimes it's better for a man to see it clearly, but don't be too impulsive. Impulsive that his mother is the devil, which will scare people to death!

Looking at a very beautiful neon light, the pain in it is only understood by the dark element himself, and the real desire to die is just like this! Xuanyuan's 'two heavens of life and death' kept changing, and his palm waved out to ingest countless purple destructive power, tormenting the dark element and consuming his power!

Anyuan cried in pain, tears all over his face, and the outside of his body was scorched and exuded a fragrance inside. He was forcibly driven by Xuanyuan, and then kept barbecued with purple destructive power.

Absolute original power ravages his body and destroys his vitality. In order to prevent the body from being smashed by the power of the Yuanji, the dark element can only keep running the power to support the body that is about to crack!

The extremely aggrieved dark yuan hates; this Xuanyuan must have deliberately tortured him, otherwise why didn't he use the decisive method?

'Oh, ah, ah, ah...

It can be seen that his madness has reached the point of incurableness, and he roared at Xuanyuan angrily.

Hate, that's more hatred than killing his father, resentment, more resentment than being robbed of his wife by Xuanyuan. Isn't this playing with people!

The dark body and spirit are so abused by the ruthless power of destruction that they are about to collapse. Xuanyuan was indeed deliberately torturing Anyuan. Seeing that he almost destroyed his mind into a transparent body, he was furious.

If you don't calm down, it will indeed have a great impact on your body! Hey, people should live peacefully to live a long life. In order to live a long life, Xuanyuan waved his palm faster and bombarded the rag dark element like an abandoned doll.