
Chapter 54 Destiny cannot be violated

Chen Minghua came to the bathroom and saw that the big and small were playing happily. Seeing them so harmonious, he felt that this was happiness. The happiness from the heart was really simple, but it was so difficult to have!

Chen Minghua said to the child with a smile, "Baby, will you call Jun Luoyu in the future?"

The child turned his head and slightly wrinkled his beautiful eyebrows. His silver hair slipped down the beads of water. He seemed to think about it for a moment. At a young age, he understood what was wrong with pretending to be. Finally, he nodded with a smile as if he agreed with the name, and shouted childishly and childishly shouted, "Jun Luoyu, Jun Luoyu."

For him, the name 'Jun Luoyu' carries many memories of his previous life, which can be seen that he is very impressed. No wonder he has become a little strange, as if he is recalling something... but he can't remember anything...

As soon as she heard Chen Minghua name the child like this, Li Lin looked at Chen Minghua and said doubtfully, "Why don't you give your surname Chen, but your surname is Jun?"

Chen Minghua seemed to have expected how Li Lin would ask. He mysteriously shook the stone in his hand and said, "The three words Jun Luoyu are engraved on this stone, which may have a deep meaning. We can't go against God's will. Since this stone is on the baby, it must be the baby's thing, and the baby is given by God, so we naturally have to obey it. God's fate cannot be violated.

Chen Minghua smiled and said, "Don't play too long. It's too late to go to dinner." After saying that, he walked out of the bathroom.

"Well, it's almost ready," Li Lin answered, came over and picked up Jun Luoyu and wiped the water droplets on his body with a bath towel: "Then mom will call you Yuer in the future. What a good name. Yuer, get dressed, and we'll go to dinner. Xiaojun Luoyu seemed to understand what it means to eat, but he urged Li Lin.

"Yuer, why are you so anxious when you hear about eating? Mom must cook a lot of delicious dishes for the baby in the future and kiss her mother." Li Lin shook her head with a smile:

Jun Luoyu, who is like a Kyocera doll, will have a lot of delicious dishes when he hears it. His eyes can't help laughing and wants to hug Li Lin. I have to say that this child knows how to be coquettish and spoiled at a young age.

Since Jun Luoyu came to the Chen family in the third year, it seems that Chen Minghua's luck has also improved. He is like a fish in water in the workplace. The scenery is infinite, and his life is even more amazing. Li Lin gave birth to a pair of twins. It seems that the probability of having twins is not high! What's more, dragon and phoenix twins.

According to reason, Jun Luoyu will fall out of favor because of this, but the matter is so strange. On the contrary, he is above the dragon and phoenix twins, Xiaoyu, and he seems to have become a little prince. There is no other reason. Jun Luoyu's good coquettish skills make these elders very happy. Compared with Xiaolong and Feng, today's Jun Luoyu looks 5, 6 At the beginning of the year, I really don't know how long it is... It is still rare in the world for a child who can walk and talk within three months of coming to the Chen family, and it strengthens Chen Minghua's idea that this child is not something in the pool and will be extraordinary in the future.

And Jun Luoyu's background has become a secret in Chen Minghua and Li Lin's heart. Externally, they all claimed that they saw the abandoned child on the road, and then took it back and couldn't find their biological father to adopt it. It seems that this reason is a little far-fetched. Who would abandon such a delicate and lovely child? His mother must be insane.

Chen Minghua comforted himself: "I can't say everywhere that this little Luoyu suddenly fell from the sky during the thunder and lightning! Whoever believes it, I can't bear to say that someone believes that he is going to be arrested and studied.

In this way, Jun Luoyu's life was confusedly concealed. Originally, the old man of the Li family thought that Jun Luoyu should follow Chen Minghua's surname Chen. But Chen Minghua firmly opposed his father-in-law's inexplicable words: "God's will cannot be violated."

Fortunately, Li Lin helped each other, and Li Zongjie had no choice but to see that the couple were so determined. Li Zongjie thinks that no matter what his surname is, he is my grandson. This is also enough to explain why Jun Luoyu is so favored and valued. Days are also passing by in Jun Luoyu's continuous playing treasure, and children don't seem to have much concept of time.

Li Lin brought Jun Luoyu to Li's house, which also became Li Lin's task every weekend. Li Zongjie firmly stipulated that he must bring Jun Luoyu once a week. He became the joy of his later years.

In the new city garden villa area, Jun Luoyu is naturally familiar with driving and running in the front. He has only been here once and has known the way. His amazing memory has brought them too much shock, which makes people doubt whether he is really a child. Jun Luoyu ran alone in the front, humming snow-like music, but his tender voice gave people a unique and unusual feeling.

followed by a little girl who could barely walk. She was Xiaoyu in the dragon and phoenix fetus. She followed Jun Luoyu and kept muttering milkily: "Brother Yu, wait for Xiaoyu." He talked here, but his feet were not so harmoniously mixed together, crackling, and fell to the ground.

Jun Luoyu stopped when he heard the sound behind him. He looked back and couldn't help patting his forehead: OMG.

I saw Xiao Yuer lying on the ground, tearful and sobbing in a low voice. Obviously, it hurt.

That's okay. Xiaojun Luoyu quickly turned around and ran to Xiaoyu and picked up Xiaoyu, who lay on the ground with a pitiful appearance. As soon as Xiaoyu was hugged by Jun Luoyu, she hugged him tightly with two lotus root-like hands, for fear that he would leave her to run away alone again, as if she had become a small octopus.

He cut his clear eyes with water and cut Jun Luoyu, as if he was blaming him coquettishly: "Brother is going to take Yuer to my grandfather's house now. Yuer is injured and can't walk. My brother will definitely hug Yuer, right?" After saying that, I waited for a reply with infinite grievance.

This is a little difficult for Jun Luoyu. It is not easy for a 5- or 6-year-old boy to pick up a 3-year-old girl. It is not a step or two. It is estimated that the remaining distance is about two or three hundred meters. Jun Luoyu meditated a little, and his bright eyes flashed. He couldn't hold him. It's okay to carry it on his back!

Jun Luoyu said, "Then I'll carry you on your back." After saying that, he put Xiaoyu on the ground, turned around and squatted on the shoulder and urged, "Xiaoyu, come up quickly." I thought it would be better to get off quickly. It would be troublesome to be seen by my mother, and it is inevitable that I will be scaffected for a long time.

Xiaoyu has long been able to climb on her shoulder. After an instruction, he took a deep breath and stood up with some difficulty. At first, he was still a little shaky, but Jun Luoyu's body was still too small. His hands and feet were not very coordinated, and he could only stagger forward. It was really a touching scene, but it didn't seem to happen in the rich area. So sensational. If it's on the roadside, maybe a compassionate person will give some help. Let's see how sensible this child is.

Xiaoyu saw her brother walking behind his back. She blushed with excitement and kept shouting in Jun Luoyu's ear, "Come on, come on, brother Yu, come on, brother is the most powerful." This slogan made Jun Luoyu depressed, but his neck was clasped by two tender hands and couldn't mutter a few words. He could only bury his head depressedly and helplessly, trying to walk forward, correcting his posture while walking to make himself a little easier.